Universität Bremen
MARUM - Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften
Leobener Straße 8
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
An open access platform to document and retrieve composite records from ocean drilling sites - the Ocean Drilling Composite Tracker (ODCT)
Pälike, Ph.D., Heiko
Westerhold, Thomas
Characterizing unexplored microbial habitats in oceanic crust along the South Atlantic Transect, IODP Exp. 390/393
Schubotz, Florence
ELICA - Elucidating lipid-carbon flux dynamics in the Southern Ocean
Pauli, Nora-Charlotte
Exp392EventStratigraphy – high resolution bulk stable carbon isotope stratigraphy of major Paleogene events drilled during IODP Expedition 392 on Agulhas Plateau
Westerhold, Thomas
Impact of temperature on microbial activity and carbon flow in deep hot sediments of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (IODP Expedition 385)
Heuer, Verena
In2Cretaceous – evaluating the potential of equatorial Pacific Shatsky Rise sedimentary deposits for extending high resolution paleoceanographic reconstructions from the Maastrichtian into the Campanian (72 to 84 million years before present)
Westerhold, Thomas
Late Paleocene to early Eocene (~57 – 52 Ma) calcareous nannoplankton paleoecology and biostratigraphy: new insights from the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere
Jones, Ph.D., Heather
Late Paleogene ocean and climate dynamics of the Southwest Indian Ocean: onset and variability of the Agulhas Current as a harbinger or response to climate change?
Bohaty, Steve
Kulhanek, Ph.D., Denise
Oceanographic impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Southwest Indian Ocean
Bohaty, Steve
Kulhanek, Ph.D., Denise
The role of Messinian salt in mud volcanoes’ genesis: interactions and effects of evaporites on eastern Mediterranean cold seep features
Xu, Shuhui
Completed projects
Active biomass in the marine subsurface tracked by intact polar membrane lipids
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Analyse und Interpretation der Kreide/Paläogen-Sedimentation in der Karibik: Beitrag aus den sedimentphysikalischen Eigenschaften (Auswertung ODP-Bohrfahrt 165)
Wefer, Gerold
Analysis of the distribution and diversity of methanotrophic microbial consortia at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia Margin, Offshore Oregon; ODP Leg 204 in 2002)
Boetius, Antje
"Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography (ArcOP)": Pilot research and lead of IODP Expedition 377 (ArcOP-Pilot)
Stein, Rüdiger
Carbon isotopic composition of volatile fatty acids as proxies for biogeochemical processes in the deep marine biosphere
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Cell wall components, membrane lipids, and microbial communities in the deep subsurface at Canterbury Basin and Peru Margin (ODP Leg 201 and IODP Expedition 317)
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Cenozoic Antarctic glaciation: An integrated atmosphere - Ocean - Ice Sheet Model Approach
Butzin, Martin
Lohmann, Gerrit
Cenozoic development of the depositional environment in the northern Cape Basin in relation to the Initiation of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele
Changing sediment provenance in the Indian Ocean-Atlantic Ocean gateway during the Pliocene in relation to current dynamics and variations in continental climate
Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele
Climate Cycles and Events in the Plio-Pleistocene of the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean: Causes and Consequences
Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Matthiessen, Jens
Climate development and vegetation feedbacks in tropical Africa during Heinrich events (data - model comparison)
Dupont, Lydie Madeleine
Climatic development of the Paleogene: A synthesis of high-resolution time series from downhole logging and continuous core scanning measurements
Wefer, Gerold
Closing the mid-Eocene palaeoceanography and time scale gap and testing Eocene climate hypotheses with material and data from IODP Expedition 342 (Newfoundland)
Pälike, Ph.D., Heiko
Clumped isotope thermometry and oxygen isotope composition of seawater of key climate events during the Oligocene
Pälike, Ph.D., Heiko
Combined OBS and ODP Log Investigation of BSR signatures at Hydrate Ridge
Klaeschen, Dirk
Comparing changes in regional response to orbital forcing in the Equatorial Pacific and Atlantic during the Miocene
Westerhold, Thomas
Completing the Eocene cyclostratigraphy - new perspectives from a greenhouse world
Röhl, Ursula
Westerhold, Thomas
Computergestützte Auswertungen von DSDP/ODP-Daten unter Verwendung eines relationalen Datenbanksystems: Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven anhand von Fallbeispielen
Thiede, Jörn
Constraining ocean circulation modes and balancing the 14C-cycle of the last 40 ka based on dating of ultra-small carbonate samples from ODP Site 1063.
Fohlmeister, Jens
Continental drilling through the shallow Alpine fault, New Zealand
Kopf, Achim
Oberhänsli, Roland
Das südwest-afrikanische Auftriebsgebiet im jüngeren Miozän: Geschichte der Veränderung der Produktivität, der Lage des Benguela-Stromes und des kontinentalen Klimas
Wefer, Gerold
Deciphering Oligocene Climate Dynamics
Herrle, Jens O.
Deep-seated fluid flow processes, seismic faulting and mud volcanisms in a mature collision zone; The backstop to the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary prism
Kopf, Achim
Der Eintritt ins Eiszeitalter. Hochauflösende Paläoklimarekonstruktion im äquatorialen Westpazifik (Ontong Java Plateau)
Wefer, Gerold
Der Eozän/Oligozän Übergang aus zyklostratigraphischer Perspektive
Röhl, Ursula
Dynamic Nankai Trough (Japan) & Middle America Trench (Costa Rica) Sediment Triaxial Experiments
Kopf, Achim
Dynamics of biogenic silica sedimentation in the NE Atlantic during the late Pliocene - Pleistocene
Romero, Ph.D., Oscar
Effects of the slowdown of the thermohaline circulation during Heinrich Event 1 and the Younder Dryas Period on the climate of tropical south-western Africa and tropical eastern South America
Wefer, Gerold
Eirik Drift: Archive of palaeoenvironmental information of climate development and oceanic circulation in the Greenland and Labrador Seas
Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele
Endospores in the deep marine biosphere: Distribution, abundance and function
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Evolution of the Indian summer monsoon and terrestrial vegetation in the Northeastern Indian region during the mid-Pleistocene transition (INTERMILAN)
Bouimetarhan, Ph.D., Ilham
Exploring the coupling between plate tectonic and climate evolution: Eocene–Oligocene chronology of the southwest Pacific
Dallanave, Ph.D., Edoardo
Exploring the impact of temperature on dissolved organic matter and life in the deep biosphere off Muroto, Nankai Trough (IODP Expedition 370)
Heuer, Verena
Fabric genesis, strength and physical properties of young Sediments, Ursa and Brazos-Trinity basins, Gulf of Mexico. A follow-up laboratory study of IODP Expedition 308
Behrmann, Jan-Hinrich
Geomechanical Investigation of Frictional Stability in DFDP Drilling Samples from the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Ikari, Ph.D., Matt
Glacial terrestrial climate in the southern high latitudes: The potential of the PASADO core from southern Patagonia
Mollenhauer, Gesine
Schefuß, Enno
GOUGE - Hydrothermal deformation experiments on ICDP fault zone materials
Kopf, Achim
High-resolution Pliocene/Pleistocene palynostratigraphy and paleoceanography on the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean
Stein, Rüdiger
Hochauflösende organisch-geochemische Untersuchungen im Europäischen Nordmeer und globale Klimaumschwünge im mittleren Miozän und späten Pliozän
Stein, Rüdiger
Inorganic- and organic-geochemical proxies for ice rafting, river input, and early diagenesis in Quaternary Arctic Ocean sediments
Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen
Stein, Rüdiger
Integrierte Stratigraphie känozoischer Sedimentablagerungen an DSDP/ODP-Bohrungen im Südatlantik - Eine Pilotstudie im Rahmen des Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network
Spieß, Volkhard
Klimavariabilität im Neogen, dokumentiert in Sedimenten vor SW-Afrika (Leg 175)
Wefer, Gerold
Kurz- und langfristige Variabilität von Meereisbedeckung und Oberflächenproduktivität im Antarktischen Zirkumpolarstrom während des Plio-Pleistozäns: Detaillierte Biomarkeruntersuchungen an Sedimentkernen von ODP-Leg 177
Stein, Rüdiger
Last glacial maximum/last deglacial South Pacific interannual to decadal climate variability - Sub-seasonal reconstructions from Tahiti reef corals
Wefer, Gerold
Late Pleistocene variations of the diatom productivity in the high-latitude Atlantic: convergence shifts, nutrient availability, and rapid climate variability
Romero, Ph.D., Oscar
Late Pliocene climate changes of the Benguela Current System and in Southern Africa during the initiation of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
Wefer, Gerold
Late PLiocene dIAtom productivity in the western Bay of Bengal: Response to Indian MOnsoon evolution and teleconnections
Romero, Ph.D., Oscar
Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes along the Chilean continental slope
Hebbeln, Dierk
Late Quaternary variability of surface-water characteristics and terrigenous input in the (sub-) polar North and South Pacific: A biomarker approach
Stein, Rüdiger
Lithification processes in subduction zones and their influence on the structural style of accretionary prisms
Hüpers, Andre
Major and minor element signatures of OC-rich Paleogene sediments from Lomonosov-Ridge (IODP Leg 302)
Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen
Marine Isotope Stage 11 in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Nearest analog to the present day?
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Marine Isotope Stage 11 in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Nearest analog to the present day?
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Marine isotope stage M2 (~3.3 Ma) in the southern hemisphere: constraining the climatic drivers of a short-term glaciation event during the mid-Pliocene warm Period.
De Vleeschouwer, Ph.D., David
MeBoCORK: Development of borehole observatories for MeBo (MARUM Meeresboden- Bohrgerät): Application to the seismogenic Nankai Trough subduction zone, Japan
Kopf, Achim
Mechanical properties of shallow fault rock in erosive margins: Influence on earthquake rupture propagation and slow slip events
Ikari, Ph.D., Matt
Middle to late Miocene surface water history in the northern South China Sea (SCS): Relationship to the East Asian Monsoon (EAM) evolution and variability
Steinke, Stephan
Millennial-scale changes in position and intensity of the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) during the last glacial period
Wefer, Gerold
Millennial scale deep circulation changes in the North Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene inferred from high resolution records of chemical- and physical sediment properties
Wefer, Gerold
Miocene carbonate deposition: Relationship to the establishment of the modern thermohaline circulation
Bickert, Torsten
Molecular-isotopic studies of carbon turnover and microbial processes in an active subduction zone (Nan TroSEIZE)
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Molecular-isotopic studies of microbial processes and organic matter in the subseafloor coalbed biosphere of Shimokita (IODP Exp. 337)
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Molecular-isotopic studies of subsurface carbon turnover in hydrate-bearing sediments at the Cascadia Margin (IODP Expedition 311)
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Molecular-life signatures and organic-matter transformations at the temperature limit of life, IODP Exp. 370
Schubotz, Florence
NanTroCORK: Development of hydrologic long-term CORK observatories in the seismogenic Nankai Trough subduction zone, Japan
Kopf, Achim
NanTroPLUG: Processing of data from a SmartPlug mini-CORK observatory installed in the seismogenic Nankai Trough subduction zone, Japan
Kopf, Achim
Neogene development and dynamic of the circum-antarctic ocean frontal system
Bickert, Torsten
New high-resolution compilation of benthic stable isotope data spanning 34 to 75 Ma - for both Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
Röhl, Ursula
Westerhold, Thomas
Northwest African biomes and climate variability during the Pliocene
Dupont, Lydie Madeleine
Schefuß, Enno
Onset and modifications in intensity and pathways of water mass exchange between the Southeast Pacific and the South Atlantic with focus on the Falkland Plateau
Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele
Organischer Kohlenstoff und Biomarker in hohen nördlichen Breiten: Rekonstruktion von Klima und ozeanographischen Verhältnissen im Känozoikum
Stein, Rüdiger
Paläoklima im Ostpazifik (vor Peru): Auswertung von ODP-Bohrungen
Wefer, Gerold
Paläoklima und Paläoproduktivität in neogenen Sedimenten aus dem subpolaren und subtropischen Nordatlantik
Stein, Rüdiger
Paläoklima und terrigener Sedimenteintrag in der Japan-See
Stein, Rüdiger
Pilotstudien für ein Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network - Computergestützte Datenauswertung und Integrierte Stratigraphie Südatlantik
Hay, William Winn
Polysaccharide utilization mechanisms under permanent low-temperature conditions in the Southern Ocean
Schweder, Thomas
Quantifying the bulk mineralogy of Arctic Ocean sediments of the last 80 Ma: Terrigenous sediment transport, climate and sediment deposition characteristics
Fischer, Reinhard X.
Quantitative Reconstruction of the Neogene East and West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from Drift Sediments (ODP Leg 178 and Leg 188): A Synthesis
Mörz, Tobias
Quartäres Paläoklima im äquatorialen Westatlantik (Ceara-Rücken und Amazonas-Fächer)
Wefer, Gerold
Quartäres Paläoklima im zentralen Pazifik (Ontong Java Plateau)
Wefer, Gerold
Resolving contradictory hypotheses concerning prolonged late Miocene El Niño-like conditions using the first high-resolution equatorial Pacific climate records
Westerhold, Thomas
Seasonal to interannual climate variability in the tropical southwest Pacific during the last deglaciation - Monthly resolved reconstructions from Great Barrier Reef corals
Felis, Thomas
Sedimentationsgeschichte pazifischer Guyots (ODP-LEG 143 und 144): Profilkorrelationen und Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion von Meeresspiegelschwankungen durch hochauflösende Analyse der Diagenese-Entwicklung
Röhl, Ursula
Short-term variability of sea ice and surface-water characteristic in the Late Neogene North Atlantic Ocean: A biomarker approach (IODP Leg 303 and 306)
Stein, Rüdiger
Southern Patagonian climate during the last 55,000 years: insights from lipid biomarkers and their isotopes (PASADO Lipids)
Mollenhauer, Gesine
Schefuß, Enno
Spätkänozoische Entwicklung des Benguela-Stromsystems in Beziehung zum Klima Zentral- und Südafrikas
Wefer, Gerold
Subseafloor life and carbon cycling in the Bengal Fan (IODP Exp. 354)
Adhikari, Rishi Ram
Subtropical South African hydroclimate during the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period recorded by fynbos vegetation as a test case for climate model performance
Dupont, Lydie Madeleine
Synthesis of Paleogene depth transects in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans: High-resolution stratigraphy for deciphering new aspects of early Paleogene paleoceanography
Röhl, Ursula
Synthesis of Paleogene stratigraphy: Towards the first orbitally tuned stratigraphic framework for the early Paleogene
Röhl, Ursula
The Campanian and Paleogene ("Greenhouse") Arctic Ocean paleoenvironment: Implications from organic-carbon and biomarker records (ACEX-IODP Leg 302)
Stein, Rüdiger
The deep-rooted serpentinite mud volcanism of the Mariana Forearc
Menapace, Walter
The missing link to understand Plio-Pleistocene changes in southeast Pacific oceanography, productivity, and El Nino behavior - SE trade wind strength and its dust transport
Tiedemann, Ralf
The role of cohesion in fault slip style
Ikari, Ph.D., Matt
The tropical rain belt of South America during Plio-Pleistocene cooling
Dupont, Lydie Madeleine
The ventilation and circulation of the southern Indian Ocean on glacial / interglacial timescales
Ronge, Thomas
Time Scale Controversy: accurate orbital calibration of the late Miocene
Westerhold, Thomas
Towards a record of millennial-scale climate variability in the North Atlantic covering the past 1 million years, a biomarker approach (IODP Expedition 303/306)
Naafs, Bernhard David Adriaan
Tracing Tasman Leakage since the middle Miocene
De Vleeschouwer, Ph.D., David
Tropical Pacific temperature seasonality around Meltwater Pulse-1A from IODP Expedition 310 corals
Felis, Thomas
Vorerkundung des namibisch-südafrikanischen Kontinentalrandes für eine Bohrkampagne des Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) im Kap-Becken
Bleil, Ulrich
Wilkes Land Paleogene - a cyclostratigraphic approach
Röhl, Ursula
Zyklische Sedimentation in antarktischen Sedimentdriftkörpern als Archiv zur Dokumentation von Vereisungen und zirkumantarktischen Strömungen (ODP Leg 188)
Wefer, Gerold
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Climate and environmental change in the Andaman Sea since the late Little Ice Age: Sea surface temperature, hydroclimate, and coral response to thermal stress in the northeastern Indian Ocean (IndOC-E)
Felis, Thomas
Coordination Funds
Felis, Thomas
SPP 2299: Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs. A Past to Future Perspective on Current Rates of Change at Ultra-High Resolution
Felis, Thomas
Completed projects
A new hydrogen-isotope approach to understand North African monsoon changes in the Holocene (HYDRACENE)
Schefuß, Enno
Werner, Martin
Biogeochemische Stoffkreisläufe und holozänes Paläoklima im westlichen Schwarzen Meer - M51/4 -
Wefer, Gerold
Climate Sensitivity during and between Interglacials (ClimSens)
Mudelsee, Manfred
Comparison of climate and carbon cycle dynamics during late Quaternary interglacials using a spectrum of climate system models, ice-core and terrestrial archives (COIN)
Brovkin, Victor
Prange, Matthias
Tarasov, Pavel
Coordination of DFG Priorty Research Program "Integrated analysis of interglacial climate dynamics" (INTERDYNAMIK)
Schulz, Michael
Detecting Holocene changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Integration of Proxy Data and Climate Simulations (DAMOCLES)
Mulitza, Stefan
Entstehung und Entwicklung der "carbonate mounds" am Keltischen Kontinentalhang (Forschungsantrag M 61/3)
Hebbeln, Dierk
Evaluation of Eemian and Holocene Climate Variability: Synthesis of marine archives with climate modelling (HolEem)
Jungclaus, Johann
Lohmann, Gerrit
Schneider, Ralph
Flachwasserbeprobung des Meeresboden-Bohrgerätes MeBo in der Ostsee nördlich und östlich von Rügen
Freudenthal, Tim
Geobiologie, Geophysik und Geologie im Nordost-Atlantik (Koordinatorantrag M 61)
Hebbeln, Dierk
Geologie des östlichen Atlantiks, "Meteor"-Fahrt M 20 - Ostatlantik 91/92
Wefer, Gerold
Geologie und Ozeanographie der Kanarenregion - "Meteor"-Expedition 37, Koordinatorantrag
Wefer, Gerold
Geologischer Aufbau, quartäre Entwicklung, geophysikalische Sedimenteigenschaften und Mikrobengemeinschaften an Gasaustritten im südlichen Nordseebecken
Reinhardt, Lutz
Geowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen im Südatlantik zur Vorbereitung von ODP Bohrexpeditionen - Walfischrücken, Argentinien und Brasil Becken, Demerara Schwelle - Koordinatorantrag M49 -
Wefer, Gerold
Geschichte des Wärmetransportes und der Produktivität im südäquatorialen Atlantik-Meteor-Expedition Nr. 9
Wefer, Gerold
Geschichte von Stromsystemen und Stoffhaushalt im Südatlantik - "Meteor"-Expedition Nr. 34, Koordinatorantrag
Wefer, Gerold
Global sea level change since the Mid Holocene: Background trends and climate-ice sheet feedbacks
Kleiner, Thomas
Krebs-Kanzow, Ph.D., Uta
Sidorenko, Dmitry
Global synthesis of surface conditions and climate trends during the MIS11 interglacial (GLOSINT11)
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
HOlocene Variability in the Arctic gateway (HOVAG)
Prange, Matthias
Spielhagen, Robert
Stein, Rüdiger
Hydroclimatologic variability in the Panama Bight region during Termination 1 and the Holocene (HydroPaTH)
Prange, Matthias
Schulz, Michael
Hydrothermalism and Deep-Water Ecosystems in the Atlantic Ocean (MSM 6 - Koordinatorantrag)
Hebbeln, Dierk
Kaltwasserkorallen-Ökosysteme im Golf von Cadiz (MSM 6/1)
Hebbeln, Dierk
Marine Geologie und Geophysik im nördlichen Roten Meer (M44/3)
Pätzold, Jürgen
Meteor-Fahrt Nr. 12 "Ostatlantik 90", Koordinatorfonds
Wefer, Gerold
"Meteor"-Fahrt Nr. 16, März-Juli 1991, Koordinatorfonds
Wefer, Gerold
"Meteor"-Fahrt Nr. 6, "Atlantik 87/88" - Koordinatorfonds -
Wefer, Gerold
ODP Pre-Site Survey Argentinien/Brasil Becken - M49/2 und M49/3 -
Wefer, Gerold
Ozeanographie, Geophysik, Geochemie, Biologie und Geologie im tropisch-subtropischen Nordatlantik (Koordinatorantrag MSM4)
Freudenthal, Tim
Ozeanographie und Geodynamik im NW Atlantik und Baffinbai - Koordinatorantrag MSM 9
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Ozeanography, marine micropaleontology and genetics of benthic and planktonic foraminifera in the Artic environment of the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay (MSM 9/2)
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Paläoklima im Golf von Aqaba und dem nördlichen Roten Meer
Pätzold, Jürgen
Rekonstruktion der spätquartären terrigenen Sedimentationsgeschichte der Kanarenregion mit Hilfe von Kernlogging-Systemen
Wefer, Gerold
Rekonstruktion der Variabilität der biogenen und terrigenen Sedimentation in der Kanarenregion im letzten Glazial anhand von Zeitscheibenanalysen
Wefer, Gerold
Rutschungsprozesse am Ligurischen Kontinentalrand (u.a. geophysikalische Charakterisierung, in situ-Messungen, Beprobung) - Koordinatorantrag M73
Kopf, Achim
Saisonalität der Sedimentbildung im Angola-Becken: Partikeltransport, Diagenese, Geschichte (Meteorfahrt Nr. 6)
Wefer, Gerold
Sampling Patagonia dust onboard FS Meteor on her transit from Walvis Bay (Namibia) to Talcahuano (Chile), Fall 2008
Hebbeln, Dierk
Seasonality and interannual to centennial climate variability in the Caribbean during the last interlglacial - Combining coral records, stalagmite records and climate models (CaribClim II)
Felis, Thomas
Lohmann, Gerrit
Mangini, Augusto
Scholz, Denis
Sedimentation und Paläozeanographie im westlichen tropischen Atlantik - M49/4 -
Wefer, Gerold
Site Surveys für IODP-Bohrungen im subtropischen Nordatlantik (Koordination der MARIA S. MERIAN Reise 11)
Bickert, Torsten
Spätglaziales und holozänes Paläoklima im Schwarzen Meer und im östlichen Marmara Meer (M51/4)
Wefer, Gerold
Spätquartäre Entwicklung der Ozeanographie der Karibik und des karibisch-atlantischen Wassermassenaustausches
Zahn, Rainer
Spätquartäre Entwicklung der Ozenographie der Karibik und des karibisch-atlantischen Wassermassenaustausches
Wefer, Gerold
Spätquartäre paläozeanographische Entwicklung des Golfs von Aden und des westlichen Arabischen Meeres unter dem Einfluß des SW-Monsuns - Auswertung "Meteor"-Expedition 31/3
Müller, Peter J.
SPP 1266: Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC)
Schulz, Michael
Stabilität und Variabilität einer "Greenhouse"-Epoche: Zusammenhänge von Isotopenentwicklung, Paläontologie und Faziesbildung im Silur von NW-Europa
Samtleben, Christian
Stabilität und Variabilität einer "Greenhouse"-Epoche: Zusammenhänge von Isotopenentwicklung, Paläontologie und Faziesbildung im Silur von NW-Europa
Bickert, Torsten
What ends an Interglacial? Feedbacks between tropical rainfall, Atlantic climate and ice sheets during the Last Interglacial (EndLIG)
Govin, Aline
Prange, Matthias
Research Grants
Current projects
CTcoral – CyberTaxonomic Classification and Morphological Characterisation of Cold-Water Corals
Baum, Daniel
Titschack, Jürgen
Decadal Cycles in Glacial Wind Dynamics - Reconstruction from annually laminated Eifel maar sediments and comparison to transient model simulations (13,000 – 43,000 yr b2k)
Lohmann, Gerrit
Seelos, Klemens
Sirocko, Frank
ETHOX – Reveal the missing steps in archaeal ethane oxidation – the ETHyl-CoM OXidation to acetyl-CoA
Wagner, Tristan
Wegener, Gunter
Flow Dynamics over Estuarine Bedforms
Lefebvre, Ph.D., Alice
Indian Ocean response to rising sea-level (INDOCRISIS)
Mohtadi Hamadani, Mahyar
Integrating Laboratory-Generated Fault Slip Events with Acoustic Wave Measurements
Ikari, Ph.D., Matt
Interglacial Variability of Rainfall over Iran (INVARI)
Mohtadi Hamadani, Mahyar
Long-term evolution of Rift-Rift-Rift triple junctions: Numerical modeling meets field observations
Muluneh, Ameha
MArine radioCArbon Reservoir Age
Lohmann, Gerrit
PETROX - Petroleum Alkane oxidation by Anaerobic Archaea
Wagner, Tristan
Wegener, Gunter
Presence, Characteristics and Dynamics of Estuarine, Tidal and Marine Dunes in the German Bight - EsTiMaDunes
Lefebvre, Ph.D., Alice
Rainfall variability in eastern Australia over the last 130 kyr
Hollstein, Martina
Submarine gravity flows entrained by ocean circulation: Processes and related sedimentary products – SWEPT
Miramontes García, Elda
The density of H2O-NaCl-CO2/SiO2 fluids in the crust and upper mantle
Sanchez-Valle, Ph.D., Carmen
Unravelling a hidden dimension: chemical communication in living benthic foraminifera
Charrieau, Ph.D., Laurie
Completed projects
10² to 10³ year scale variability of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the eastern Indian Ocean over the last 30,000 years
Hebbeln, Dierk
African climate changes during C4 plant evolution and expansion
Schefuß, Enno
A hidden treasure: Ecological implications from benthic foraminiferal propagule banks in coastal environments of Corfu (Ionian Sea)
Weinmann, Ph.D., Anna
Atmospheric carbon dioxide and ocean circulation changes during the middle Miocene climate transition
Raitzsch, Markus
Auswirkungen globaler Klimaänderung und Meeresspiegelschwankungen der höheren Unterkreide auf die Karbonatplattformen Nordafrikas
Kuss, Hans-Joachim
Auswirkungen von holozänen Änderungen der Wassermassenstruktur auf Kaltwasserkorallen-Ökosysteme am irischen Kontinentalhang
Hebbeln, Dierk
Banda Sea and the Indonesian Throughflow variability during the past 700,000 years
Mohtadi Hamadani, Mahyar
BOSEMENA: Borehole- and Sediment physical properties Measurements in the Nankai Accretionary complex, Japan
Kopf, Achim
Can patchiness explain habitat variability in planktonic foraminifera?
Meilland, Julie
Carbonate budget of cold-water coral mounds along a latitudinal transect
Titschack, Jürgen
CARBONATE: Mid latitude carbonate systems: complete sequences from cold-water coral carbonate mounds in the northeast Atlantic
Freiwald, André
Hebbeln, Dierk
Climate-driven long-term development of North Atlantic cold-water coral ecosystems - growth and migration patterns on a trans-Atlantic perspective
Hebbeln, Dierk
Cold-water coral mound development underneath an eastern boundary upwelling system - the great wall of(f) Mauritania
Titschack, Jürgen
Decadal to centennial-scale climate variability during the Holocene and Late Glacial based on long CALYPSO cores off southern and subtropical Chile
Lamy, Frank
Decadal to centennial-scale climate variability during the Holocene and Late Glacial based on long CALYPSO cores off southern and subtropical Chile
Hebbeln, Dierk
Development of novel molecular-isotopic tracers for the hydrologic cycle
Schefuß, Enno
Die Strontium-Isotopie arktischer Sedimente
Eisenhauer, Anton
Dreidimensionale Analyse der Porenraumgeometrie strukturierter Böden in Bezug auf die Verteilung von Wasser und Luft mit Hilfe der hochauflösenden µCT
Tippkötter, Rolf
Eintrag und Zusammensetzung von Aerosol im Arktischen Ozean
Stein, Rüdiger
Environmental and Climate History Off NorthEast Greenland (ECHONEG)
Spielhagen, Robert
Evolutionary and ecological significance of cryptic diversity in foraminifera: the extent and structure of genetic diversity in planktonic foraminifera
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Forcing of carbonate mounds and deep water coral reefs along the NW European continental margin
Dullo, Wolf-Christian
Forcing of carbonate mounds and deep water coral reefs along the NW European continental margin
Freiwald, André
Forcing of carbonate mounds and deep water coral reefs along the NW European continental margin
Hebbeln, Dierk
Funktionelle Rolle zweier bestandsbildender Bakteriengruppen in einem dystrophen Experimentalgewässer
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Geowissenschaften im Internet: Aufbereitung der Ergebnisse DFG - geförderter Projekte der Hochschul-Forschung für die Öffentlichkeit
Wefer, Gerold
Habitat partitioning among cryptic species of planktonic foraminifera in the Caribbean Sea and its consequences for the calibration and interpretation of paleoceanographic proxies (FOCS)
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Holocene Hydroclimate and Carbon Cycle Dynamics in the Central Congo Basin
Schefuß, Enno
Influence of sea-level rise on carbonate ramp sediment dynamics: Micro-XRF- and XRM-supported investigation of high-energy deposits (Upper Muschelkalk, North Germany)
Petrovic, Alexander
In-situ Messungen und Beprobung mariner Aggregate zur quantitativen Bilanzierungvon Partikeltransporten in der Tiefsee
Wefer, Gerold
Intermediate water circulation changes in the western equatorial Atlantic over the past 20,000 years
Voigt, Ines
Investigating southern African Holocene climate - bridging from the early Holocene to today
Arnault, Ph.D., Joel
Jung, Gerlinde
Investigation of seafloor displacement, submarine landslide and sediment dynamics related to the 2011 Magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake along the Japan Trench, and ROV operations to ocean bottom instruments and observatories
Wefer, Gerold
Klimagesteuerte Variabilität der Kohlenstoffisotope in für diatomeenspezifischen organischen Verbindungen (Biomarker) des Südpolarmeeres
Stein, Rüdiger
Kohlenstoffaufnahme benthischer Tiefseeforaminiferen: In-situ-Experimente
Heinz, Petra
Links between subpolar Northwest Atlantic surface to deep ocean variability and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation since the Last Glacial Maximum
Max, Lars
Mechanically mysterious microfossils: Diatoms and their role for submarine landslides
Wiemer, Gauvain
Microbial dynamics in paddy soils related to soil structure dynamics using 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes (FISH)
Tippkötter, Rolf
Microbial polar membrane lipids in marine sediments and their significance for subsurface life
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Lipp, Julius Sebastian
Mineralvergesellschaftungen in känozoischen Sedimenten des Arktischen Ozeans: Indikatoren für Sedimentationsprozesse und paläozeanographische und paläoklimatische Verhältnisse
Fischer, Reinhard X.
MoccAMeBo - Climate-driven initiation and development of cold-water coral mounds along the Moroccan Atlantic margin revealed by MeBo-cores
Hebbeln, Dierk
Modellierung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Variabilität mariner Radiokohlenstoff-Reservoiralter im Spätquartär
Schulz, Michael
Modelling flow over bedform fields in tidal environments
Lefebvre, Ph.D., Alice
Monitoring seafloor Deformation and Assessing Landslide hazards associated with fluid pressures (Nice slope)
Kopf, Achim
Organischer Kohlenstoffeintrag im mesozoischen nördlichen Atlantik/Barents-See und dessen Steuerungsprozesse (Paläoklima, Paläoozeanographie und Paläogeographie)
Stein, Rüdiger
Paleoceanographic reconstruction of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the South East Pacific throughout the last 1 Ma
Martinez-Méndez, Gema
Plattformkrisen im Cenoman der Levant-Plattform - hochauflösende Studien an sauerstoffarmen Sedimenten Zentraljordaniens
Kuss, Hans-Joachim
Pleistocene to Holocene and middle Miocene pCO2 reconstructions using new potential carbonate system proxies
Raitzsch, Markus
Quantification and characterisation of the aerobic degradation of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts
Zonneveld, Karin
Quantification of surface reactivity using rate spectra
Fischer, Cornelius
Reaktion der benthischen Artengemeinschaften und der Oberflächenwasser-Temperaturen am westiberischen Kontinentalrand auf schnelle Klimawechsel
Wefer, Gerold
Research on Ocean Margin Earthquakes: A study to assess physico-chemical behaviour during geotechnical experiments simulating upper seismogenic zone conditions: The Gibraltar, Nankai, and Costa Rican subduction zones
Kopf, Achim
Response in the tropical Atlantic thermocline waters due to changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation - RETRO
Mulitza, Stefan
Seasonality and interannual climate variability in the Caribbean during the last interglacial from coral records
Felis, Thomas
Sedimentation dynamics and microbial degradation of marine aggregates: hydrodynamic fundamentals of particulate carbon transport in the ocean
Grossart, Hans-Peter
Khalili, Arzhang
Sedimentation Processes on the Portuguese Margin: The Role of Continental Climate, Ocean Circulation, Sea Level and Neotectonics
Wefer, Gerold
Sediment dynamics - Fluid and sediment bed interactions. What roles do fluid infiltration and grain shape play? - 3D numerical flume tank experiments
Bartzke, Gerhard
Serpentinisation, fluid flow, hydrogen and methane production at magma-poor margins: an example from the West Iberia margin
Perez-Gussinye, Marta
Slope Stability of Europe`s Passive Continental Margins; Subproject of the ESF-Euromargins project
Stein, Rüdiger
The last deglacial sea-level and climatic changes. Coral Reef records in the south Pacific : Tahiti (French Polynesia) - IODP Expedition #310 -, Australian Great Barrier Reef - IODP Proposal #519: Potential of diagenetically altered corals for sub-seasonal climate reconstructions
Dullo, Wolf-Christian
Eisenhauer, Anton
Felis, Thomas
Kölling, Martin
Peckmann, Jörn
Westphal, Hildegard
Transfer-function approach to temperature and salinity reconstructions in the Red Sea: Constraining sea-level estimates and monitoring ITCZ variability during the last four glacial cycles
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Variability of the oceanic warm water route during marine isotope stage 3 - Investigations with a comprehensive coupled climate model
Schulz, Michael
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Fine-grained shallow-marine depocenters in the environmental context.Role of rapid sea-level changes for sedimentary budget and climate system.
Hanebuth, Ph.D., Till
Kopf, Achim
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Multi-isotopic molecular records of rapid African terrestrial vegetation changes
Schefuß, Enno
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2406: Proteogenomics of Marine Polysaccharide Utilization (POMPU)
Schweder, Thomas
FOR 5094: The Dynamic Deep Subsurface of High-Energy Beaches (DynaDeep)
Massmann, Gudrun
Metabolic rates: From oxic to anoxic processes
Holtappels, Moritz
Kuypers, Marcel
Marchant, Hannah
Completed projects
Bacteroides enzymes digest diatom alpha-mannan
Hehemann, Jan-Hendrik
Cenozoic climate: Earth system modeling and analysis
Jungclaus, Johann
Lohmann, Gerrit
Cenozoic climate, thermohaline circulation, and the marine carbon cycle
Bickert, Torsten
Central Coordination
Lohmann, Gerrit
FOR 1070: Understanding Cenozoic Climate Cooling: The Role of the Hydrological Cycle, the Carbon Cycle and Vegetation Changes
Lohmann, Gerrit
Global atmospheric chemistry climate modeling
Schultz, Martin Georg
Holocene isotope modelling: Integrating model simulations with stalagmite proxy data
Lohmann, Gerrit
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Exploiting Enzymatic Machineries of Bacteria to Resolve Marine Polysaccharide Turnover
Hehemann, Jan-Hendrik
Microbial carbon cycling in marine shallow-water hydrothermal systems
Bühring, Solveig I.
Research data and software
Completed projects
Aufbau des Dateninformationssystems für das GESEP Kern- und Probenlager zur Erfassung und Verwaltung von Bohrkernen und Nachweis der Bestände in einem Internetportal
Erbacher, Jochen
Harms, Ulrich
Wefer, Gerold
German Federation for the Curation of Biological Data (GFBio)
Buscot, Francois
Eder, Johanna
Frickenhaus, Stephan
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Grobe, Peter
Güntsch, Anton
Hickler, Thomas
Hoffmann, Jana
Horstmann, Wolfram
Huber, Robert
Kattge, Jens
König-Ries, Birgitta
Nieschulze, Jens
Overmann, Jörg
Paschke, Adrian
Seeger, Bernhard
Triebel, Dagmar
Wirth, Christian
Yahyapour, Ramin
GFBio e.V., German Federation for Biological Data e.V.: Concept for a sustainable research data management of environmental data for Germany.
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Kompetenzzentrum für Forschungsdaten aus Erde und Umwelt
Bittner, Michael
Diepenbroek, Michael
Grobe, Hannes
Ludwig, Thomas
Wächter, Joachim
'QualiService': Implementation of a nationwide archive and data service center for qualitative social science interview data
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Hollstein, Betina
Katsanidou, Alexia
Müller, Maria Elisabeth
SILVAngs: The next Generation analysis system for ribosomal RNA genes
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Glyco-Carbon Cycling in the Ocean
Hehemann, Jan-Hendrik
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
FZT 15: Ocean Margins - Research Topics in Marine Geosciences for the 21st Century
Schulz, Michael
Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
(Project Heads
Boetius, Antje
Bohrmann, Gerhard
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Zabel, Matthias
Infrastructure, Support and Central Management
(Project Heads
Schulz, Michael
Wefer, Gerold
Infrastructure, Support and Central Management
(Project Head
Schulz, Michael
Marine Technologies, Support and Management
(Project Head
Wefer, Gerold
Ocean and Climate
(Project Heads
Bickert, Torsten
Gersonde, Rainer
Röhl, Ursula
Schulz, Michael
(Project Heads
Bickert, Torsten
Schulz, Michael
Sedimentation Processes
(Project Heads
von Dobeneck, Tilo
Hebbeln, Dierk
Sediment Dynamics
(Project Heads
von Dobeneck, Tilo
Hebbeln, Dierk
Huhn-Frehers, Katrin
Kopf, Achim
Seepage of fluid and gas
(Project Heads
Bohrmann, Gerhard
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Ferngesteuertes Tauchrobotersystem (Remotely Operated Vehicle, ROV)
Gas-Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometer (GIRMS) mit automatisierter Karbonataufbereitung und Doppeleinlasssystem
Gas-Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometer (GIRMS) mit automatisierter Karbonataufbereitung und Doppeleinlasssystem, GIRMS Kollektoren Massen 44-49 für Clumped Messung
Gekoppeltes Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie-Quadrupol-Flugzeitmassenspektrometer (QToF-HPLC-MS)
Petabyte Storage Cluster
Rasterkraftmikroskop (FastScan AFM)
Vertikal Scannendes Interferometer
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Digitisation / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Towards an integrative and comprehensive standard for meta-omics data of collection objects (MOD-CO)
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Rambold, Gerhard
Triebel, Dagmar
Current projects
Future Climate Applications of Mixing Parameterisations in Earth-System Models
(Project Heads
Griesel, Alexa
Paul, André
Pollmann, Friederike
Schulz, Michael
Internal Wave Energy Dissipation and Wavenumber Spectra: Adaptive Sampling in the Ocean Interior
(Project Heads
Bachmayer, Ph.D., Ralf
Walter, Maren
Core Facilities
Completed projects
MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 119: Global Change in the Marine Realm - Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR)
Hebbeln, Dierk
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 717: Proxies in Earth History
Willems, Helmut
GRK 1598: INTERCOAST - Integrated Coastal Zone and Shelf-Sea Research
Huhn-Frehers, Katrin
GRK 1904: ArcTrain - Processes and Impacts of Climate Change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 309: The Ocean in the Earth System
Schulz, Michael
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2077: The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface
Dubilier, Nicole
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Pälike, Ph.D., Heiko
Schulz, Michael
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Biodiversity – Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental Data
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
NFDI4DS - NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Schimmler, Sonja