Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Johanna-Mestorf-Straße 2-6
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
Excavation of a unique LBK mass burial in Vráble, SW-Slowakia and exploration of its social context
Fuchs, Katharina
Furholt, Martin
History of the Western Ruhr Region between late antiquity and the eve of industrialization
Müller, Ulrich
Platz, Maxi Maria
Platz, Kai Thomas
Pastoralists Lost: Pioneer equine and ruminant herders of the Central Asian Steppes and their role in early horse husbandry
Makarewicz, Cheryl
Completed projects
Archaeological and botanical investigations of the Neolithic settlement dynamics in the Hegau and Western Lake Constance area (South-West Germany)
Bofinger, Jörg
Rösch, Manfred
Atlantic meridonal overturning circulation during interglacials (AMOCINT)
Weinelt, Mara
Burg und Siedlung Niendorf bei Haldensleben, Bördekreis
Alper, Götz
Müller, Ulrich
Die Bedeutung des frühslawischen Seehandelsplatzes von Groß Strömkendorf, Kreis Nordwestmecklenburg
Lüth, Friedrich
Die neolithische Landnahme in Carrowkeel: Hochauflösende räumliche und zeitliche Rekonstruktion der Siedlungs- und Vegetationsentwicklung einer Modellandschaft im Westen Irlands
Nelle, Oliver Alexander
Die Rekonstruktion spätneolithischer Siedlungsprozesse in Zentralbosnien
Müller, Johannes
Rassmann, Knut
Endneolithikum-Frühbronzezeit: Beiträge zu Chronologie, sozialer Differenzierung und überregionale Beziehungen Mitteleuropas
Müller, Johannes
Food production, community, and mortuary practice in the earliest Near Eastern Neolithic
Makarewicz, Cheryl
Funktionen von Inseln in den Binnengewässern der holzänen Siedlungslandschaft Schleswig-Holsteins
Müller, Ulrich
Hausbau, Siedlungsstruktur und Wirtschaftsformen der frühgeschichtlichen Wurt Elisenhof
Müller-Wille, Michael
Innovation and periphery: Interaction in the central and western Balkan region during the Neolithic and early Eneolithic.
Hofmann, Robert
Innovation und Professionalisierung des Handwerks im südlichen Ostseeraum
Lübke, Christian
Kultureller Wandel am Übergang von der Frühbronzezeit zur Mittelbronzezeit im nordöstlichen MItteleuropa
Kneisel, Jutta
Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age developments in the south-west Baltic area (2500-1500 BC): Why did the Bruszczewo-Leki Male type of power structures appear?
Müller, Johannes
Marwedel. A Roman Period 'Fürstensitz'
Meyer, Michael
Willroth, Karl-Heinz
Megalithlandschaft in der westlichen Altmark: Mittelneolithische Siedlungsmuster einer Kleinregion mit Großsteinanlagen
Müller, Johannes
Modeling and reconstruction of interaction and distribution systems from the Early Iron Age in Southwest- and West Germany and Alsace
Nakoinz, Oliver
Rekonstruktion einer frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlung mit Feuchtbodenerhaltung in einer großpolnischen Kleinregion
Müller, Johannes
Siedlungsbestattungen der Hallstatt- und Frühlatènezeit in Süddeutschland: zum ältereisenzeitlichen Umgang mit den Toten
Müller-Scheeßel, Nils
The cemetery of the early medieval trading place at Groß Strömkendorf, district Nordwestmecklenburg
Lüth, Friedrich
The Development of Pig Husbandry and Taboo in the Southern Levantine Classical Period: An Integrated Zooarchaeological, Isotopic, and Genetics Approach
Price, Ph.D., Max
The Northern Transpolar Gateways
Weinelt, Mara
The St. Catharina Church in the District of Rendsburg-Eckernförde: On Sacred Architecture, Church Life and Death Rites in a Rural Parish on the Shores of the Baltic Sea
Müller, Ulrich
Wehner, Donat
Untersuchungen zur Umweltgeschichte und Agrarökonomie im Einzugsbereich hethitischer Städte
Dörfler, Walter
Vegetation History of the German Landscapes
Dörfler, Walter
Wealth from wool: light stable isotopic provenancing of sheep wool textiles from urban medieval sites in northern Europe
von Holstein, Isabella
Zur Genese und Struktur des frühkeltischen Fürstensitzes auf dem Mont Lassois bei Vix in Burgund
Müller, Ulrich
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Archäozoologische Untersuchungen an Tierknochen vom frühgeschichtlichen Seehandelsplatz von Groß Strömkendorf, Kr. Nordwestmecklenburg
Lüth, Friedrich
Band V der Serie "Starigard/Oldenburg. Hauptburg der Slawen"
Müller-Wille, Michael
Publikation der Dissertation: "Anthropomorphe Gefäße in Nord- und MItteleuropa während der Bronze- und Eisenzeit - Studien zu den Gesichtsurnen"
Kneisel, Jutta
Publikation der Dissertation "Die nördlichen Badener Keramikstile im Kontext des mitteleuropäischen Spätneolithikums (3650-2900 v. Chr.)"
Furholt, Martin
Soziochronologische Studien zum Jung- und Spätneolithikum im Mittelelbe-Saalegebiet
Müller, Johannes
Zwischen Gebrauch und Bedeutung. Studien zur Funktion von Sachkultur am Beispiel mittelalterlichen Handwaschgeschirrs (5./6. bis 15./16. Jh.)
Müller, Ulrich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
CrossHighlands: Mobility and Resource Procurement Strategies in the Mountains of Kohgiluyeh (southwestern Iran)
Ricci, Andrea
Completed projects
Differentiation of Agriculture und Environment as Basis of Early Monumentality in the Northern German Neolithic
Dörfler, Walter
Kirleis, Wiebke
Equality and Inequality: Social Differentiation in North Central Europe from 4300-2400 cal BC
Müller, Johannes
Formation, Function and landscape of megalithic tombs, enclosures and settlements in the Funnel Beaker period in the region Haldensleben-Hundisburg
Rinne, Christoph
HighStepLands. Holocene socio-cultural-environmental interactions along a highland altitudinal transect of the Zagros Mountains (Kohgiluyeh-e Boyer Ahmad Province, Southwestern Iran)
Ricci, Andrea
Koordination des SPP 1400
Müller, Johannes
Megaliths and Settlement Structures in Eastern Holstein during 3500-3700 BC: Trave Valley and Oldenburger Graben
Müller, Johannes
Mid-Holocene Climate variability in northern Germany and adjacent oceans
Schneider, Ralph
Weinelt, Mara
Monumental enclosures, non-megalithic and megalithic tombs of the Early and Middle Neolithic in Schleswig-Holstein: Studies on the construction history, age determination, function and landscape relations within the micro-regions of Büdelsdorf and Albersdorf
Müller, Johannes
Population density, communication structures and areas of tradition of Funnel Beakter societies
Müller, Johannes
Rassmann, Knut
Zimmermann, Andreas
Siedlungshierarchien, kulturelle Räume, soziale Evolution und Territorialität im 8. bis 4. Jh.v.Chr. in Südwestdeutschland und den angrenzenden Regionen
Krausse, Dirk Lutz
Müller, Ulrich
Müller, Johannes
Spatial and temporal differentiation of funnel beaker chronologies
Furholt, Martin
SPP 1400: Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation. The Origin and Development of Neolithic Large-Scale Buildings and the Earliest Complex Societies in Northern Central Europe
Müller, Johannes
Zur Genese und Struktur des frühkeltischen Fürstensitzes auf dem Mont Lassois bei Vix in Burgund. Deutsch-fränzösisches Projekt im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens "Vix et son environnement" der Universität Dijon
Müller, Ulrich
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Pre- and Protohistory
Nakoinz, Oliver
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
‘Places of thirst’ – Kgalagadi Human Origins (KHO)
Ecker, Michaela
WBP Position
Current projects
Copper Age Landscape History between Dnister and Southern Bug, Ukraine.
Rud, Ph.D., Vitalii
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Anatomies of Prehistoric and Archaic Transformations
(Project Heads
Arponen, Vesa
Kirleis, Wiebke
Müller, Johannes
Central Administration and Coordination
(Project Head
Müller, Johannes
Data Management, Analysis and Presentation
(Project Heads
Blaschek, Michael
Duttmann, Rainer
Hamer, Wolfgang
Kröger, Peer
Nakoinz, Oliver
Renz, Matthias
Thalheim, Bernhard
Demography, Disease, Mobility
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Katharina
Krause-Kyora, Ben
Laabs, Julian
Müller, Johannes
Nebel, Almut
Environment, Human Landscapes, Vegetation
(Project Heads
Eckmeier, Eileen
Feeser, Ingo
Kirleis, Wiebke
Ideology, Political Institutions, Belief Systems
(Project Heads
Kneisel, Jutta
Piezonka, Henny
Schwab, Andreas
Wunderlich, Maria
Interaction, Communication, Networks
(Project Heads
Laabs, Julian
Nakoinz, Oliver
Stoddart, Simon
Scientific Communication and Public Outreach
(Project Heads
Kirleis, Wiebke
Müller, Johannes
Parchmann, Ilka
SFB 1266: Human-environmental Interaction in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies
Müller, Johannes
Social Practices, Differentiation, Diversity
(Project Heads
Arponen, Vesa
Fuchs, Katharina
Furholt, Martin
Müller, Johannes
Spatial Organisation, Settlement Patterns, Habitation Practices
(Project Heads
Furholt, Martin
Kreuz, Patric-Alexander
Müller, Johannes
Rinne, Christoph
Subsistence, Food, Economies
(Project Heads
Kirleis, Wiebke
Kneisel, Jutta
Schmölcke, Ulrich
Transformational Role of Climate Change
(Project Heads
Kneisel, Jutta
Schneider, Birgit
Weinelt, Mara
Completed projects
Climate Constraints of Western Mediterranean socio-environmental transformation and potential implications for central Europe
(Project Heads
Kneisel, Jutta
Rinne, Christoph
Schneider, Ralph
Weinelt, Mara
Connecting Scales: Towards an Archaeological Demography of Transformations
(Project Heads
Kerig, Tim
Müller, Johannes
Dynamics of plant economies in ancient societies
(Project Head
Kirleis, Wiebke
Integrative Modelling of Socio-environmental Systems Dynamics
(Project Heads
Duttmann, Rainer
Nakoinz, Oliver
Interregional comparison of Iron Age transformations: from Mediterranean Etruria to Baltic Den-mark
(Project Heads
Nakoinz, Oliver
Stoddart, Simon
Materiality, Technology, Innovation
(Project Heads
Eriksen, Berit Valentin
Furholt, Martin
Müller-Scheeßel, Nils
Weber, Mara-Julia
Neolithic Transformations on the Northern Central European Plain
(Project Heads
Hartz, Sönke
Makarewicz, Cheryl
Müller, Johannes
Population agglomerations at Tripolye-Cucuteni mega-sites
(Project Heads
Bork, Hans-Rudolf
Kirleis, Wiebke
Müller, Johannes
Regional and Local Patterns of 3rd Millennium Transformations of Social and Economic Practic-es in the Central German Mountain Range
(Project Heads
Furholt, Martin
Rinne, Christoph
Social dimensions of technological change
(Project Heads
Eriksen, Berit Valentin
Kirleis, Wiebke
Müller, Johannes
Socio-environmental transformations and interdependencies
(Project Heads
Bork, Hans-Rudolf
Dörfler, Walter
Kirleis, Wiebke
The Bronze Age in North Central Europe: Scales of transformation
(Project Head
Kneisel, Jutta
The Dynamics of Settlement Concentration Processes and Land-use in Early Farming Communi-ties in the North-western Carpathian Basin
(Project Heads
Furholt, Martin
Müller, Johannes
Wunderlich, Maria
Theories of Transformation in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies
(Project Heads
Haug, Annette
Müller, Johannes
Ott, Konrad
Piezonka, Henny
Wunderlich, Maria
Tracing infectious diseases by analysis of ancient human genomes and skeletal pathology
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Katharina
Krause-Kyora, Ben
Nebel, Almut
Research Units
Completed projects
Climate and geodynamic control of past changes in thermohaline circulation and faunal exchange through the Denmark Strait
Sarnthein, Michael
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 208: Graduate School for Integrated Studies of Human Development in Landscapes
Müller, Johannes
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2150: ROOTS – Social, Environmental, and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies
Käppel, Lutz
Müller, Johannes
Parchmann, Ilka
Rabbel, Wolfgang