Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
J 5
68159 Mannheim
This institution in GERiT
68159 Mannheim
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Dimensional reconstruction of psychotic disorders through multimodal genetic-neural profiles
Schwarz, Ph.D., Emanuel
Neural mechanisms of planning and problem solving in prefrontal cortex
Durstewitz, Daniel
Wiring new neurons within adult brain circuits
Kelsch, Wolfgang
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterizing psychomotor dysfunction and related neural networks in schizophrenia and depression: a transdiagnostic systems neuroscience approach
Hirjak, Dusan
Schwarz, Ph.D., Emanuel
Wolf, Robert Christian
Delineating white matter phenotypes of psychomotor functioning in large-scale cohorts of healthy individuals and patients with psychiatric disorders across the life span
Hirjak, Dusan
Maier-Hein, Klaus
Distributed cortico-striatal computations underlying prediction learning in Pavlovian Markov processes
Kelsch, Wolfgang
Reinwald, Jonathan
Do antipsychotics induce dopaminergic supersensitivity in humans? A PET/MR study in patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects
Gründer, Gerhard
Hirjak, Dusan
Semi-automatic tract dissection for tissue analysis and identification of microstructural white matter biomarkers of therapy outcome in catatonia
Hirjak, Dusan
Neher, Peter
Theoretical framework and bifurcation analysis for deep recurrent neural networks inferred from neural measurements
Durstewitz, Daniel
The role of pandemic and individual vulnerability in longitudinal cohorts across the life span: refined models of neurosociobehavioral pathways into substance (ab)use?
Banaschewski, Tobias
Flor, Herta
Nees, Frauke
Reis, Olaf
Schwarz, Ph.D., Emanuel
Completed projects
13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Investigate the Effects of Chronic Alcohol Exposure on Neurometabolism in the In Vivo Mouse Brain
Sack, Markus
Anpassung neuronaler Dynamiken an kognitive Erfordernisse - Dopaminerge Kontrolle kortikaler Aktivitätsregime
Durstewitz, Daniel
Characterization of Neurodevelopmental Disease Trajectories using Richly Annotated Sequences of Graphs (RICHGRAPH)
Maier-Hein, Klaus
Tost, Heike
Delineating neural circuitry of STress REsilience and Stress Susceptibility using DREADD combined with fMRI technique (STRESS-DREADD)
Sartorius, Alexander
Designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) used for endophenoptyping neuronal networks of depression by functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fc-fMRI)
Sartorius, Alexander
Development, validation and application of an seizure quality index for the predicting of remission after electroconvulsive therapy.
Kranaster, Laura
Einfluss antidepressiver Therapie auf die Aktivität Stress-responsiver Systeme (Hypothalamus - Hypophysen - Nebennierenrinden (HHN) System und sympathoadrenerges System) - Verlaufsuntersuchung über 6 Monate
Deuschle, Michael
Inferring computational dynamics from neural measurements using deep recurrent neural networks
Durstewitz, Daniel
Interaktion von Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden (HHN)-System und sympathoadrenergem System (Probandenstudie)
Deuschle, Michael
Metacognitive deficits in patients with at risk mental states for schizophrenia and their interaction with psychopathology, cognitive dysfunction and functional imaging
Kirsch, Peter
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Zink, Mathias
Neural correlates of stress-related gene-environment interactions
Laucht, Manfred
Neural stress processing and risk of coronary heart disease
Lederbogen, Florian
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Neurological soft signs as an external marker of neuronal dysfunction in schizophrenia: Investigation with multimodal magnetic resonance imaging
Hirjak, Dusan
Maier-Hein, Klaus
Wolf, Robert Christian
Neuropsychologische und familiengenetische Korrelate des Verlaufs der Schizophrenie und des schizotypen Verhaltens
Wagner, Ph.D., Michael
Ventral striatal processing of prefrontal inputs and phasic dopamine during rule switching
Bähner, Florian
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Anpassung neuronaler Dynamiken an kognitive Erfordernisse - Dopaminerge Kontrolle kortikaler Aktivitätsregime
Durstewitz, Daniel
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Anpassung neuronaler Dynamiken an kognitive Erfordernisse - Dopaminerge Kontrolle kortikaler Aktivitätsregime
Durstewitz, Daniel
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2591: Severity assessment in animal-based research
Bleich, André
FOR 5159: Resolving the prefrontal circuits of cognitive flexibility
Hanganu-Opatz, Ileana L.
Reconstructing neuro-dynamical principles of prefrontal cortical computations across cognitive tasks and species
Durstewitz, Daniel
Rodent models in psychiatry: severity assessment and potential measures for refinement and reduction
Gass, Peter
Mallien, Anne Stephanie
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
3-Tesla MRT-System (Upgrade)
Ganzkörper Hochfeld 3 Tesla MR-Tomograph
Upgrade eines 3-Tesla-MRT-Scanners
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Neural Mechanisms of Trust and Dyadic Interaction in BPD
Kirsch, Peter
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Neurobiological and Psychological Reaction Patterns in Response to Social Rejection in BPD
Bohus, Martin
Lis, Stefanie
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Network Dynamics and Computational Mechanisms of Rule Learning II
Bähner, Florian
Durstewitz, Daniel
Hahn, Thomas Theodor Gerd
Kelsch, Wolfgang
The influence of thyroid hormones, receptors, and transporters on brain structure and function
Brabant, Georg
Münte, Thomas F.
Sartorius, Alexander
Current projects
AI-based multi-modal data integration for prediction, mechanistic insight and subgroup stratification
(Project Heads
Durstewitz, Daniel
Koppe, Georgia
Schwarz, Ph.D., Emanuel
Decoding dynamic reciprocal neural mechanism underlying reactive aggression: Insights from fMRI and fNIRS hyperscanning
(Project Heads
Konrad, Kerstin
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Reindl, Vanessa
Distributed network control and interventions to frustrative non-reward and threat triggered aggressions
(Project Heads
Kelsch, Wolfgang
Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang
Early life stress and AUD: identifying neural and real-world targets for mechanism-based interventions
(Project Heads
Ebner-Priemer, Ulrich
Heim, Ph.D., Christine
Tost, Heike
Investigating psychological and neural correlates of intimate partner violence
(Project Heads
Bertsch, Ph.D., Katja
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Wagels, Lisa
Mobile infrastructure for daily life research
(Project Heads
Ebner-Priemer, Ulrich
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Stallkamp, Jan
Peripersonal space violations and social threat: daily life psychological and neural mechanisms of environmental risk for reactive aggression
(Project Heads
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Tost, Heike
Towards an integrative understanding of the impact of different types of discounting on decision making and its neural underpinnings in AUD
(Project Heads
Kirsch, Peter
Koppe, Georgia
Sommer, Wolfgang Heinrich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Neural mechanisms of working memory in the prefrontal cortex and their regulation by dopamine
Durstewitz, Daniel
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central data, project and analytics infrastructure
(Project Heads
Rupp, Rüdiger
Schwarz, Ph.D., Emanuel
Solinski, Hans Jürgen
Weidner, Norbert
Modulation of brain circuits underlying bidirectional interactions between pain and depression
(Project Heads
Magerl, Walter
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Treede, Rolf-Detlef
Social modulation of chronic pelvic pain: Neural inter-individual co-variation and partner interaction
(Project Heads
Bilek, Edda
Ditzen, Beate
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Towards a mechanism-specific intervention of thalamo-limbic pain processing
(Project Heads
Bilbao, Ainhoa
Spanagel, Rainer
Tesarz, Jonas
Tost, Heike
Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang
Wieland, Sebastian
Completed projects
Modulation of odour-entrained ensembles by phasic dopamine in the olfactory striatum
(Project Head
Kelsch, Wolfgang
Phasic dopamine-modulation of spike-timing-dependent plasticity and its implications for associative learning
(Project Heads
Durstewitz, Daniel
Kelsch, Wolfgang
Plasticity in prefrontal circuits in the human: Genetic variation, cellular mechanisms, and neurofeedback modulation
(Project Heads
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
Rietschel, Marcella
Utikal, Jochen
Statistical characterization of cell ensembles in neuronal recordings
(Project Heads
Durstewitz, Daniel
Hamprecht, Fred A.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2350: Impact of adverse childhood experience on psychiatric and somatic disorders across the lifespan
Schmahl, Christian
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 880: Vascular Medicine
Hammes, Hans-Peter
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2181: STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Salmhofer, Manfred
Wienhard, Anna