Project Details
Professor Dr.-Ing. Berend Denkena
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Produktionstechnisches Zentrum
Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugmaschinen (IFW)
An der Universität 2
30823 Garbsen
As Applicant
Current projects
Continuous Generating Grinding of Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools (Research Grants)
Modelling of friction conditions along rounded cutting edges (Research Grants)
Material removal mechanisms for rough grinding with large CBN-grains (Research Grants)
Development of PVD-coated cutting tools made of natural rocks (Research Grants)
Laser based cutting edge preparation of binderless PcBN tools (Research Grants)
Active vibration damping of a machining robot with hybrid drive (Research Grants)
Design of a Roughing-Finishing-Tool (Research Grants)
Completed projects
Modellgestützte Steuerung und Kraftregelung von Parallelkinematiken (Priority Programmes)
Fertigung der Schaufeloberflächen durch Schleifen (Research Grants)
Examination of separation mechanisms for ferro-concrete (Research Grants)
Einfluss der Spanungsquerschnittsformen auf die Spanbildung (Priority Programmes)
Größeneinflüsse auf die Spanbildung und die Randzone bei der Hartzerspanung (Priority Programmes)
Adaptronic spindle system for milling machines (Priority Programmes)
Methode zur Verringerung der Bauteilbeeinflussung bei der Hartzerspanung (Research Grants)
Schleifen von laserstrahldispergierten Stahl-Keramik-Verbundwerkstoffen (Research Grants)
Schleifen von Eisen-Aluminium-Legierungen (Research Grants)
Numerische Berechnungsverfahren für prozessnahe Strukturen in Zerspanprozessen (Priority Programmes)
Spanende Verfahren zur Mikrostrukturierung (Research Units)
Piezohydraulisches Servo-Mikrostellsystem für große Lasten (Research Grants)
Lineardirekt angetriebener Flächenmotor für Werkzeugmaschinen (Research Grants)
Verschleißmechanismen beim Schleifen von PCBN-Wendeschneitplatten (Research Grants)
Integrierte Bewertung von Maschinenkonzepten und Fertigungsprozessen (Research Grants)
Kombinierte Ultraschall-Levitations-Magnetführung (Research Grants)
Compact machine modules for micro machining (Priority Programmes)
Operational and online planning of maintenance and production (Research Grants)
Thermomechanical Deformation of Complex Workpiece in Drilling and Milling Processes (Priority Programmes)
Manipulation of wheel wear in cylindrical grinding with active systems (Research Grants)
Tribologically Tailored Cylinder Liner with Machined Microstructures (Research Grants)
Self-parameterizing monitoring systems in industrial application (Research Grants)
Basics of a substrate-specific design of the cutting edge. (Research Grants)
Model based toolpath correction for ultra-precision machining (Research Units)
Ultra-precise electromagnetic linear guide (Research Units)
Hydrostatic Guided Cylindrical Direct Drive for Lathes (Research Grants)
Intelligent Machine Tool for Autonomic Process Optimization (Research Grants)
Surface generation during milling considering the tool micro geometry (Research Grants)
Compensation of tool deflection based on drive currents (Research Grants)
Machine learning methods for adaptive process planning of 5-axis milling (Research Grants)
Self-optimizing decentralized production control (Research Grants)
Continuous Generating Cutting Tool Grinding 2 (Research Grants)
Learning process adaptation for tool grinding (Research Grants)
Active Jerk-Decoupling for Machine Tools (Research Grants)
Fundamentals of preload adaption in single nut ball screws (Research Grants)
Current projects
As Leader
Completed projects
Wendeplattenschleifmaschine (Major Research Instrumentation)
Titan-Fräszentrum (Major Research Instrumentation)
Werkzeug-Schleifmaschine (Major Research Instrumentation)
5-Axis precision milling center (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
- As Spokesperson
As Participating Researcher
Current projects
EXC 2122: PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
Completed projects
GRK 1378: Manufacture, Machining and Qualification of Hybrid Material Systems (Research Training Groups)
Current projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Hybrid Process Planning for Turbine Blade Repair (Collaborative Research Centres)
Compensation of Path Errors During Dynamic Movements in Machine Tools Using Electromagnetic Linear Guide (Collaborative Research Centres)
Material-Based Process Design for 5-Axis Milling of Complex Capital Goods (Collaborative Research Centres)
Function-oriented planning of the machining process of hybrid components (Collaborative Research Centres)
Machine tool technologies for productive machining of hybrid components (Collaborative Research Centres)
Machining concepts for grinding in oxygen-free atmosphere (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
Analyse und Korrektur von langwelliger Gestaltabweichungen an Formteilen (Collaborative Research Centres)
Zentrale Aufgaben des SFB (Collaborative Research Centres)
Eigenschaftsprüfung im umformtechnischen Prozeßablauf mit zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren (Collaborative Research Centres)
3D-Inspektionssystem für großflächige Freiformteile aus Feinblech (Collaborative Research Centres)
Ganzheitlich technologische und wirtschaftliche Auslegung mehrstufiger Kurbelwellen-Schleifprozesse (Collaborative Research Centres)
Production, processing and mechanical testing of biomimetic ceramics (Collaborative Research Centres)
Functionally adjusted working of medical implants (Collaborative Research Centres)
Adaptronic precision positioning system in chucks for machine tools (Collaborative Research Centres)
Spanende Mikrobearbeitung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Aktive Linearführungen für Mikrosysteme (Collaborative Research Centres)
3D-Inspektionssystem für großflächige Freiformteile aus Feinblech (Collaborative Research Centres)
Feinbearbeitung von Keramik-Stahl-Verbunden (Collaborative Research Centres)
Aufmaßorientierte Feinpositionierung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Hartfeinbearbeitung präzisionsgeschmiedeter Bauteile (Collaborative Research Centres)
Positionierung technologischer Schnittstellen (Collaborative Research Centres)
Development of combined machining technologies for high strength structural components (Collaborative Research Centres)
Three-Dimensional Optical Measurement with Locally Adapted Projection (Collaborative Research Centres)
Ceramic Implants (Collaborative Research Centres)
Design, safe machining and performance of load bearing resorbable large fragment screws made of magnesium (Collaborative Research Centres)
Active chuck for precision-machining (Collaborative Research Centres)
Sensory clamping system for monitoring of system and process state (Collaborative Research Centres)
Innovative Grinding Tools for Concave Profile Grinding of Complex Shaped Bioceramics (Collaborative Research Centres)
Magnetisch gelagerte Rundachse zum Einsatz in der Produktregeneration (Collaborative Research Centres)
Planning and Monitoring of Shape cutting Manufacturing Processes based on Part- and Manufacturing-information (Collaborative Research Centres)
Teachless Process Monitoring for a Single-piece Production (Collaborative Research Centres)
Gentelligent Components for Machine Tools (Collaborative Research Centres)
Target-group-specific Network Approach in Public Relations (Collaborative Research Centres)
Coordination of the CRC (Collaborative Research Centres)
Components with Gentelligent Surfaces and Subsurface Zones (Collaborative Research Centres)
Operational and adaptive process planning and control (Collaborative Research Centres)
Knowledge-based process planning based on past data (Collaborative Research Centres)
Dexterous Regeneration Cell (Collaborative Research Centres)
Simulation Based Planning of Recontouring Metal Cutting Processes (Collaborative Research Centres)
System Demonstrator for the Virtual and Real Regeneration Process (Collaborative Research Centres)
Administration (Collaborative Research Centres)
Automated re-contouring of fan blades (Collaborative Research Centres)
Simulation-based deviation monitoring (Collaborative Research Centres)
On-site processing of complex and cost-intensive capital investments (CRC/Transregios)
Current projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Temperaturen und Spanbildung beim Höchstgeschwindigkeitsspanen (Priority Programmes)
Form crushing process for ceramic bonded diamond grinding wheels (Research Grants)
Kalibrierverfahren für Hybride Parallelkinematiken (Priority Programmes)
Simulation-Based Prediction of Sub-Surface Properties in Skive-Hobbing (Research Grants)
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Completed projects
Strategies for Grinding of PCBN-Inserts (Research Grants)
Current projects