Universitätsklinikum Erlangen AöR
Medizinische Klinik 1
Gastroenterologie, Pneumologie und Endokrinologie
Ulmenweg 18
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterization and function of OPA1 in intestinal epithelial homeostasis and the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease
Becker, Christoph
Characterization of intestinal Amyloid Precursor Protein in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer
Gamez Belmonte, Maria de los Reyes
Deciphering the role of stromal IL36R signalling for the resolution of intestinal inflammation and fibrosis
Koop, Kristina
Neufert, Ph.D., Clemens
Elucidating the Siglec-sialome axis of immune cell regulation with super-resolution microscopy and single-molecule/-particle tracking
Möckl, Leonhard
Exploring the impact of bacterial membrane vesicles on cholestatic liver diseases
Günther, Claudia
Molecular analysis of IL-9 producing Th9 cells in the context of Colitis-associated cancer (CAC)
Gerlach, Katharina
Regulation and function of the cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitors INSIG1 and INSIG2 in hepatocellular carcinoma
Dietrich, Ph.D., Peter
RhoA function in Intestinal Epithelial Cells as a key element in Colorectal Cancer
López Posadas, Ph.D., Rocío
Role of Epithelial Cell Death for Re-Establishment of the Gut Barrier During Resolution of Intestinal Inflammation
Becker, Christoph
T cell- and eosinophil-driven gut-lung interaction in the resolution of asthma
Finotto, Ph.D., Susetta
Zundler, Sebastian
Tec kinase ITK-dependent signaling pathways in the resolution of inflammation in ulcerative colitis
Neurath, Markus F.
Weigmann, Benno
The ATP Citrate Lyase (ACLY) as regulator of gut T cell immunometabolism in inflammatory bowel diseases.
Atreya, Ph.D., Imke
Thermographic endoscopic system for gastro intestinal tract imaging
Sharma, Ph.D., Gargi
Completed projects
(1-3)-beta-D-glucan guided early termination of antifungal therapy in ICU patients
Held, Jürgen
Cytokine gene transcription of IL-12 in IBD
Neurath, Markus F.
Development of antifibrotic therapies for chronic liver diseases
Dieterich, Walburga
Die Bedeutung der Vernetzung intrazellulärer Signalwege für die Regulation pankreatischer Beta-Zellen beim Diabetes mellitus Typ 2
Schöfl, Christof
Functional role of PGAM5 in epithelial homeostasis and colorectal cancer
Becker, Christoph
Gut Liver axis: The interrelated role of regulated ‐ necrosis as key driver of gastrointestinal and hepatic inflammation
Günther, Claudia
Kremer, Ph.D., Andreas Emanuel
Identification of molecular mechanisms of cholestatic pruritus
Kremer, Ph.D., Andreas Emanuel
IL-20-mediated suppression of pro-inflammatory epithelial STAT2 signaling in mucosal healing and inflammatory bowel disease
Chiriac, Mircea Teodor
Neurath, Markus F.
Impact of therapeutic α4β7 integrin inhibition on in vivo monocyte homing and intestinal wound healing in inflammatory bowel diseases
Zundler, Sebastian
Interaction between Batf3 dependent dendritic cells and the microbiota during experimental colitis
Hildner, Kai
Investigation of caspase-8 regulation and function in the development of colorectal cancer
Becker, Christoph
Isolierung und Charakterisierung des Gliadinrezeptors auf humanen Zelllinien - Untersuchung der Signalübertragung
Dieterich, Walburga
Molecular analysis of intestinal stem cells in the context of premature aging, chronic inflammation and colorectal carcinogenesis
Försch, Sebastian
Molecular investigations into the role of IL-36 receptor signaling for colorectal tumorigenesis
Neufert, Ph.D., Clemens
Molecular mechanisms of Rac1-mediated regulation of epithelial integrity in the inflamed gut
López Posadas, Ph.D., Rocío
Molekulare Analyse der funktionellen Bedeutung von Transkriptionsfaktoren der IRF-Familie bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und Entzündungs-assoziierten Dickdarmtumoren
Mudter, Jonas
Molekulare Analyse der funktionellen Bedeutung von Transkriptionsfaktoren der NFAT-Familie bei Colitis-assoziiertem und sporadischem colorektalen Karzinom
Weigmann, Benno
Neuropeptides as effectors of immune cell activation in inflammatory bowel diseases
Engel, Matthias
Pathogenesis and Therapy of Ulcerative Colitis - From Sequence to Mechanisms
Becker, Christoph
Siegmund, Britta
Rolle der Transglutaminase (tTG) und tTG-spezifischer Antikörper in Pathogenese und Diagnostik der Zöliakie/Sprue und anderer Autoimmunerkrankungen
Dieterich, Walburga
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Zytokinsignaltransduktion bei rheumatoider Arthritis
Hildner, Kai
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2886: PANDORA - Pathways triggering AutoimmuNity and Defining Onset of early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Krönke, Gerhard
Completed projects
Analysis and functional modulation of the cross-talk between pSTAT3high cancer-associated fibroblasts and tumor cells in colorectal cancer
Neufert, Ph.D., Clemens
Neurath, Markus F.
Central project
Farin, Henner
Wirtz, Stefan
FOR 2438: Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis
Greten, Florian R.
Functional role of Smad7 on intestinal epithelial homeostasis and colorectal cancer development
Becker, Christoph
Liebing, Eva
Intestinal epithelial cell death as modulator of intestinal dysbiosis, systemic autoimmunity and the onset of Arthritis
Bozec, Aline
Günther, Claudia
TH2 Zytokine in der Pathogenese des Colitis-assoziierten Colonkarzinoms: Molekulare und immuntoxikologische Untersuchungen
Wirtz, Stefan
The CXCL13-CXCR5 pathway as a regulator of adaptive immunity in colorectal cancer
Waldner, Ph.D., Maximilian
The functional role of VEGFR2-signaling in CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer
Waldner, Ph.D., Maximilian
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Deciphering immune interactions between human iPSC-derived enteric neural lineages and 3D intestinal epithelial organoids in mucosal inflammation
Neurath, Markus F.
Winner, Beate
Impact of intestinal myeloid cells on the immune-neuronal crosstalk in the pathogenesis of synucleinopathies and colitis
Hildner, Kai
Rothhammer, Veit
Impact of microbiota-brain communication on MS-related autoimmunity
Günther, Claudia
Rothhammer, Veit
Interplay between intestinal microbiome and multimodal MRI brain biosignatures for prediction of response to anti-TNF therapy in ulcerative colitis
Atreya, Raja
Dörfler, Arnd
KFO 5024: Immune checkpoints of gut to brain communication in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases (GB.Com)
Winner, Beate
Management and Administration of the collaborative research center
Gupta, Pooja
Günther, Claudia
Molecular mechanisms contributing to intestinal α-synuclein aggregation and pathology in Parkinson´s Disease
López Posadas, Ph.D., Rocío
Zunke, Friederike
Role of dysbiotic microbiota for immune cell neuronal communication in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease
Winkler, Jürgen
Wirtz, Stefan
Role of enteric nervous system homeostasis in gut-nervous system immune signaling
Becker, Christoph
Lie, Dieter Chichung
Role of immune cell trafficking to the central nervous system for gut-brain communication in neurodegeneration
Prots, Iryna
Zundler, Sebastian
Completed projects
Analysis of the molecular mode of action of Cyclosporin A in inflammatory bowel disease
Weigmann, Benno
Characterization and expansion of regulatory T cells for cell-based therapy of Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Bosch-Voskens, Ph.D., Caroline
Neurath, Markus F.
Cytokine mediated mechanisms In the immunopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases
Becker, Christoph
Wirtz, Stefan
Functional characterization of prenylated Rho proteins in the pathogenesis of Inflammatory bowel diseases
Atreya, Ph.D., Imke
Immune regulation of angiogenesis in inflammatory bowel diseases
Stürzl, Michael
Waldner, Ph.D., Maximilian
In vivo endoscopic molecular imaging to predict therapeutic response to anti-adhesion molecule therapy in Crohn's disease patients
Atreya, Raja
KFO 257: Molecular Pathogenesis and Optimised Therapy of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Neurath, Markus F.
Koordination der Klinischen Forschungsgruppe 257
Becker, Christoph
Neuropeptides and TRP receptors as effectors of Immune cell activation In IBD
Engel, Matthias
Neutrophil extracellular traps orchestrate the immune response in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Herrmann, Martin
Leppkes, Moritz
Supportive project for the coordination of the Clinical Research Unit
Becker, Christoph
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Impact of the intestinal microbiota and microbiota mediated immune responses on the host cell death machinery in the intestinal epithelium
Günther, Claudia
Mechanisms of microbiota induced IL-23/Th17 immune responses in chronic colitis
Neurath, Markus F.
Wirtz, Stefan
Modulation of the intestinal barrier by the intestinal microbiota - Role of dietetic factors and the mucosal immune system
Bischoff, Stephan
Molecular analysis of the immune-modulatory properties of colitogenic intestinal microbiota
Hildner, Kai
Piezo mechanosensitive receptor interplay with tight junction proteins for maintenance of epithelial cell number and integrity
López Posadas, Ph.D., Rocío
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Translational immunology in inflammatory bowel diseases
Atreya, Raja
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Translationale Immunforschung bei chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen
Atreya, Raja
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Analyse der pathogenetischen Bedeutung von Epstein-Barr viruinduced gene 3 (EBI3) und IL-27 bei der Persistenz bakteriell induzierter Entzündungsreaktionen
(Project Head
Neurath, Markus F.
Analyse der pathogenetischen Bedeutung von Epstein-Barr virus induced gene 3 (EBI-3) bei der Persistenz bakteriell induzierter intestinaler Entzündungsreaktionen
(Project Head
Neurath, Markus F.
Deciphering Batf-dependent and independent inflammatory and regulatory T cell programs at mucosal surfaces
(Project Head
Hildner, Kai
Einfluss von CTGF und Endostation auf die renale Angiogenese und Fibroplasie
(Project Heads
Bork, Jens Peter
Rascher, Wolfgang
Schuppan, Detlef
Functional analysis of bacterial Type VI effectors in EBI3-dependent regulation of enteric infection and inflammation
(Project Heads
Neurath, Markus F.
Wirtz, Stefan
Induktion einer Toleranz durch Identifizierung tolerogener T-Zellepitope bei der Sprue
(Project Head
Dieterich, Walburga
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Koop, Kristina
Zaiss, Mario M.
Molecular analysis of TGF-beta signal transduction in the immunopathogenesis of sporadic and colitis associated colorectal cancer
(Project Head
Neurath, Markus F.
Molekulare Analyse der pathogenetischen Bedeutung von GATA-3 und NFAT-Tanskriptionsfaktoren bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen
(Project Head
Neurath, Markus F.
Regulation and Pathogenetic Relevance of the IL-28/IL-28R Signaling Pathway in Experimental Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
(Project Heads
Neurath, Markus F.
Siebler, Juergen
Regulatory Networks that Control ILC2 Function in Acute and Chronic Inflammation
(Project Heads
Atreya, Ph.D., Imke
Wirtz, Stefan
Resolution of inflammation in anti-TNF treatment refractory intestinal inflammation
(Project Head
Atreya, Raja
Role of epithelial cell death for re-establishment of the gut barrier during resolution of intestinal inflammation
(Project Head
Becker, Christoph
T cell-driven gut-lung interaction in the resolution of asthma
(Project Heads
Finotto, Ph.D., Susetta
Zundler, Sebastian
Tec kinase ITK-dependent signaling pathways in the resolution of inflammation in ulcerative colitis
(Project Heads
Neurath, Markus F.
Weigmann, Benno
Untersuchung der TGF-beta vermittelten Induktion peripherer regulatorischer T-Zellen
(Project Head
Becker, Christoph
Viral regulators of cellular ripoptosome protein complex
(Project Heads
Becker, Christoph
Stürzl, Michael
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Intestinal tissue-resident memory T cells as mediators of inflammatory bowel disease and possible targets of etrolizumab therapy
Zundler, Sebastian
Mechanisms of FcRn mediated intestinal inflammation
Rath, Timo
Molecular mechanisms in the interaction of lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells - Influence of hepatic stellate cells and myeolid suppressor cells on recruitment, transmigration and retention of lymphocytes in the chronically inflamed liver
Resheq, Yazid
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laserscanning-Mikroskop
Multimodales Kleintier-Bildgebungsgerät
Multispektraler optoakustischer Tomograph
Current projects
Angiocrine signaling in metastatic colonisation of colon cancer
(Project Heads
Günther, Claudia
Naschberger, Elisabeth
A phase II multi-center clinical trial to study the efficacy and in vivo trafficking of autologous adoptively transferred ex vivo expanded regulatory T cells in patients with ulcerative colitis
(Project Heads
Bosch-Voskens, Ph.D., Caroline
Neurath, Markus F.
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Head
Becker, Christoph
Characterization of neuropeptide-receptor cross-talk driving metastatic liver colonization by disseminated cancer cells
(Project Heads
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin
Dietrich, Ph.D., Peter
Consequences of gut-imprinted immune cell trafficking for bone homeostasis
(Project Heads
Salbach-Hirsch, Juliane
Zundler, Sebastian
Direct and indirect crosstalk of epithelial GPR15L with immune cells via the intestinal microbiome in the pathogenesis of IBD
(Project Head
Zundler, Sebastian
Emergency barriers in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases- Neutrophil-epithelial interplay shapes epithelial restitution in the ulcer microenvironment
(Project Heads
Herrmann, Martin
Koop, Kristina
Leppkes, Moritz
Generation, molecular characteristics and effector mechanisms of CSF2+ T cells in graft-versus-host disease
(Project Head
Hildner, Kai
(Project Heads
Atreya, Raja
Kühl, Anja A.
Trajanoski, Zlatko
Impact of epithelial dysfunction on neuro-immune crosstalk in IBD
(Project Heads
Becker, Christoph
Engel, Matthias
Klose, Christoph Siegfried Niki
Patankar, Ph.D., Jay
Inflammation-induced intestinal epithelial regulated necrosis as a novel modulator of bone resorption
(Project Heads
Bozec, Aline
Günther, Claudia
Integrated Research Training Group (iRTG)
(Project Heads
Atreya, Ph.D., Imke
Romagnani, Ph.D., Chiara
Label-free endoscopic analysis of immune-epithelial communication with advanced optical technologies
(Project Heads
Schürmann, Sebastian
Waldner, Ph.D., Maximilian
Mechanisms linking IFN-mediated mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein activation with intestinal inflammation
(Project Head
Günther, Claudia
Molecular and functional studies on the crosstalk between induced IELs and IECs in intestinal homeostasis and inflammation
(Project Heads
Hildner, Kai
Neufert, Ph.D., Clemens
Mucosal immunity as regulator of epithelial cell functions in inflammatory bowel diseases
(Project Heads
Becker, Christoph
Wirtz, Stefan
The Mevalonate pathway as a checkpoint for regulation of prenylation in intestinal epithelial cells in the context of inflammation
(Project Heads
Atreya, Ph.D., Imke
López Posadas, Ph.D., Rocío
Transcranial direct current stimulation for chronic, IBD-associated abdominal pain and the relation of pain perception and the intestinal epithelial barrier
(Project Heads
Atreya, Raja
Prüß, Magdalena S.
Schumann, Michael
TRR 241: Immune-Epithelial Communication in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Becker, Christoph
Completed projects
Molecular endoscopy to predict response to vedolizumab therapy in ulcerative colitis
(Project Heads
Atreya, Raja
Bojarski, Christian
Transcriptional Regulation and Pathogenetic Relevance of IL-28/IL-29 Cytokine System in Colitis and Colitis Associated Colon Carcinoma
(Project Heads
Neurath, Markus F.
Siebler, Juergen
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Impact of immune cell trafficking for mucosal wound healing and intestinal inflammation in inflammatory bowel diseases
Zundler, Sebastian
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2599: FAIR - Fine-Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Zaiss, Mario M.
GRK 2740: Immunomicrotope: Microenvironmental, Metabolic and Microbial Signals Regulating Immune Cell-Pathogen Interactions
Bogdan, Christian
Completed projects
GRK 750: Vascular Injury in Heart and Kidney: Pathogenesis and Diagnostics
Goppelt-Strübe, Margarete
GRK 1043: Antigen-specific Immuntherapy
Wölfel, Thomas Johann
GRK 1660: Key Signals of Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
GRK 1962: Dynamic Interactions at Biological Membranes - From Single Molecules to Tissue
Böckmann, Rainer
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 80: Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT)
Schmidt, Michael