Project Details
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
- Infrastructure Priority Programmes
- Current projects
Completed projects
Structural geology and tectonic significance of basin-fill sedimentary rocks, of ice-transported boulders therein and of volcanics recovered by ANDRILL cores in the McMurdo Sound region: Implications for the Cenozoic tectonic and clacial/climatic evolution of the Ross Sea region(Applicant Läufer, Andreas )
Structural geology and tectonic significance of basin-fill sedimentary rocks, of ice-transported boulders therein and of volcanics recovered by ANDRILL cores in the McMurdo Sound region: Implications for the Cenozoic tectonic and glacial/climatic evolution of the Ross Sea region(Applicant Läufer, Andreas )
- Research Grants
- Priority Programmes
- Research Fellowships
- Collaborative Research Centres
- Research data and software
- NFDI technical and methodological consortia