Universitätsklinikum Münster
Von-Esmarch-Straße 58
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Role of alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating-Hormone (MSH) in senescence/ageing of skin and cartilage
Böhm, Markus
Grässel, Susanne
Role of melatonin in senescence/aging of human skin
Kleszczynski, Ph.D., Konrad
Completed projects
Analysen zur Induktion und Funktion regulatorischer T-Zellen der Niedrig-Zonen-Toleranz und Kontaktallergen-spezifischer Entzüdungsreaktionen
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Analyses of interactions between innate and adaptive immunity during contact allergen-specific immune responses
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Analysis of allergen-specific tolerance induction in patients suffering from type I allergies
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Biology of congenital ichthyoses: Studies into expression and function of proteins of the cornified envelope
Traupe, Heiko
Characterization of alpha-MSH as a potential antifibrotic agent in vitro and in experimentally induced fibrosis
Böhm, Markus
Characterization of biological effects of KdPT on epithelial barrier function and wound healing
Böhm, Markus
Development, persistence, and therapeutic manipulation of venous resident memory T-cells
Becker, Christian
Die Bedeutung der Neuropeptide PACAP und VIP und ihrer Rezeptoren für die Immunpathogenese chronisch entzündlicher Dermatosen
Steinhoff, Martin
Die Bedeutung von proteolytischen Enzymen für die Entstehung von antientzündlichen Neuropeptiden in der Haut
Scholzen, Thomas
Die Funktionen von I-TAC in der Frühphase der TH2-Immunantwort
Ehrchen, Jan
Dynamics of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation
Erpenbeck, Luise
Kruss, Sebastian
Einfluß des endothelialen von-Willebrand-Faktors auf die Metastasierung von Melanomzellen: Identifikation von Mechansimen der Extravasation
Schnäker, Eva-Maria
Elucidating melatonin-regulated mechanisms of melanogenesis in human full-thickness skin and human melanocytes exposed to ultraviolet radiation
Kleszczynski, Ph.D., Konrad
Identification of molecular mechanisms of cholestatic pruritus
Kremer, Ph.D., Andreas Emanuel
Immunologische Mechanismen der Niedrig Zonen Toleranz gegenüber Kontaktallergenen im Human-Maussystem
Steinbrink, Kerstin
In vitro investigation of corneodesmosin deficiency and development of a pathogenesis-based therapy for Peeling skin disease
Oji, Vinzenz
KORATIN kappa-Opioid-Receptor Agonists for the Treatment of Inflammatory and Itching Skin Diseases
Ständer, Sonja
Wünsch, Bernhard
Mechanismus des proliferationsmodulierenden Effekts von Interleukin-6 in humanen Melanozyten und Melanomzellen
Böhm, Markus
Positionsklonierung von Dispositionsgenen für die Psoriasis vulgaris
Traupe, Heiko
Rolle von PARP-1 und Ku70/80 in der Regulation der S100A9-Genexpression in Epithelzellen
Zänker, Kurt S.
The function of factor X and PAR-2 in the early immune response against Leishmania major
Ehrchen, Jan
Sunderkötter, Cord
The role of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in fibrosis
Stegemann, Agatha
Understanding Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) formation in COVID-19
Erpenbeck, Luise
Untersuchungen zur CD4-vermittelten funktionellen Aktivierung humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen
Becker, Christian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Funktionelle Untersuchungen zur Regulation von PARs in endothelialen Zellen der Haut: Bedeutung für die Pathophysiologie der Entzündung
Görge, Tobias
Interleukin-31 Receptor and neurogenic inflammation
Cevikbas, Ferda
Role of keratinocyte-derived TRPV4 ion channel in inflammation, pain and pruritus - epidermal-neuronal communication
Sulk, Mathias
Untersuchungen zur Rolle von Alpha-Melanozyten stimulierendem Hormon in der Kollagen-Promotoraktivität und Transforming Growth Factor-Beta vermittelten Signal-Transduktion von Smad in normalen Fibroblasten und Fibroblasten von Patienten mit fibrotischen Erkrankungen der Haut
Schiller, Meinhard
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Thrombozyten als Regulatoren der Gefäßwandintegrität - Adhäsionsrezeptor-unabhängige Hämostase in der entzündeten Mikrozirkulation
Görge, Tobias
Research Units
Current projects
Biological and Psychosocial Factors Affecting the Persistence of Pruritus Symptoms (RU SOMACROSS Project 4)
Schneider, Stefan Werner
Schneider, Gudrun
Ständer, Sonja
FOR 2690: Translational Pruritus Research
Schmelz, Martin
FOR 5211: Persistent Somatic Symptoms Across Diseases: From Risk Factors to Modification
Löwe, Bernd
Completed projects
Influence of scratching on skin profiles in chronic pruritus patients
Agelopoulos, Konstantin
Ständer, Sonja
Translational Pruritus Research (PRUSEARCH): Central Information Infrastructure, Centralized Biomaterial and Machine Learning Analyses
Magerl, Walter
Storck, Michael
Ständer, Sonja
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Development and testing of nanoparticles to eliminate the cAMP-mediated immune-suppression in the malignant melanoma
(Project Heads
Barz, Matthias
Becker, Christian
Bopp, Tobias
Modulation of IL-10- and/or STAT3-mediated tumor-associated tolerance-mechanisms with the help of functionalized nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Landfester, Katharina
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Nanocarrier-based functional analysis of myeloid cells in inflammatory and autoimmune skin diseases
(Project Heads
Landfester, Katharina
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Completed projects
Bedeutung der immunmodulierenden Wirkungen des Neuropeptides Melanokortin für die Funktion von Antigen präsentierenden Zellen
(Project Heads
Brzoska, Thomas
Luger, Thomas A.
Bedeutung Proteinase-aktivierter Rezeptoren (PARs) für die Leukozyten/ Endothel-Interaktion
(Project Heads
Luger, Thomas A.
Steinhoff, Martin
Impact on innate immune signals on hapten-specific immune responses
(Project Head
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Mechanismen der Induktion regulatorischer T-Zellen durch tolerogene dendritische Zellen - Grundlagen zur Entwicklung neuer Therapieansätze
(Project Head
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Current projects
Iron regulation and oxidative stress in systemic sclerosis
(Project Heads
Raker, Verena
Schuppan, Detlef
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Completed projects
Innate immune signals and their effect on adaptive hapten-specific immune responses
(Project Head
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Transcriptional Regulation of IL-2 Expression in Human Regulatory T Cells
(Project Head
Steinbrink, Kerstin
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia