SFB 1459:
Intelligent Matter – From responsive to adaptive nanosystems
Subject Area
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 433682494
Intelligence is defined as the ability to perceive information and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviour in a changing environment. Although intelligence is often considered a capability that is unique to humans and animals, this CRC is inspired by the vision that synthetic matter could provide artificial building blocks to enable intelligent abilities. Such intelligent matter would open entirely new scientific opportunities with a wealth of potential technological applications such as the development of artificial skin, soft robotics, and brain-inspired computing. Since it is unlikely that the level of complexity required for intelligent behaviour can be realized in a single material, intelligent matter can probably only be achieved in an integrated system of materials and nanoscale components. Hence, the central scientific question of this CRC is: How does intelligent behaviour emerge in a system of nanoscale building blocks that operate collectively? In the first funding period, we have focused on the progress from responsive matter to adaptive matter. Responsive matter contains embedded responsive building blocks that induce a change in properties upon exposure to an external stimulus, whereas adaptive matter has the additional capability to process feedback to regulate its properties. Ultimately, the CRC aims to develop intelligent matter which interacts with its environment, self-regulates its properties, and learns from the input it receives. Intelligent matter relies on the key functional elements of sensors, actuators, networks, and memory. In the first funding period, we have successfully implemented these key functional elements in three classes of adaptive matter (molecular systems, soft materials, and solid-state systems) demarcating the three research areas of the CRC. In the second funding period, we aim to advance from adaptive matter to learning matter. By integrating memory into adaptive matter, we will introduce learning capability. Memory functionality is provided by feedback mechanisms based on molecular switches and reconfigurable nanostructures. We will implement a variety of learning concepts, ranging from conditioning to artificial neural networks and with applications ranging from reservoir computing to material learning. We will increasingly integrate multiple key elements of intelligent matter into a single nanosystem. Our ambitious and interdisciplinary research programme is based on the concerted effort of a highly skilled team of project leaders from chemistry, physics, and related sciences. As a result of the synergy of experimental work with theoretical investigations and numerical simulations, the research programme converges toward the joint development of prototypes of artificial intelligent matter. Our pioneering research on intelligent matter enjoys worldwide recognition and further enhances the visibility of the nanosciences at the University of Münster.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Current projects
A01 - Photoswitches for integration in adaptive nanosystems
(Project Heads
Glorius, Frank
Ravoo, Bart Jan
A02 - Preparation of functionalized alternating polymers and their application as switchable and adaptive soft materials
(Project Head
Studer, Armido
A03 - Interfacing self-assembly and multiple stimuli to create adaptive behaviour
(Project Heads
Fernandez-Huertas, Gustavo
Hansen, Michael Ryan
Neugebauer, Johannes
A04 - Developing tunable triplet emitters towards adaptive electroluminescent devices
(Project Heads
Doltsinis, Nikos L.
Strassert, Cristian Alejandro
A05 - Light-controlled anion-binding adaptive supramolecular systems
(Project Heads
Garcia Mancheno, Olga
Schönhoff, Monika
B01 - Towards intelligent light-propelled nano- and microsystems
(Project Heads
Denz, Cornelia
Rey, Marcel
Wittkowski, Raphael
B03 - Molecular control of adaptive interfaces and hierarchical soft matter
(Project Heads
Braunschweig, Björn
Heuer, Andreas
B04 - Multistimuli sensing with memory and feedback function using photoswitchable proteins
(Project Head
Wegner, Seraphine
B06 - Development of intelligent soft actuators based on hybrid materials
(Project Heads
Nijhuis, Christian
Ravoo, Bart Jan
B07 - Self-regulating soft materials: Feedback mechanisms for coupling photochemical reactivity and thermoresponsive properties
(Project Heads
Braunschweig, Björn
Muradi geboren Næsborg, Line Dahl
C02 - Opto-electronic neuromorphic architectures
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
van der Wiel, Wilfred
C03 - Self-assembly of hybrid nanostructures for brain-inspired electronics
(Project Heads
Heuer, Andreas
Ravoo, Bart Jan
van der Wiel, Wilfred
C04 - Adaptive magnonic networks for advanced nanoscale computing
(Project Heads
Bratschitsch, Rudolf
Demokritov, Ph.D., Sergej O.
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
C05 - Coherent nanophotonic neural networks with adaptive molecular systems
(Project Heads
Risse, Benjamin
Schuck, Carsten
C06 - Mixed-mode in-memory computing using adaptive phase-change materials
(Project Heads
Pernice, Wolfram Hans Peter
Salinga, Martin
C07 - Dynamic redox switching in molecular junctions: Intelligent interfaces for neuromorphic computing
(Project Heads
Glorius, Frank
Hein, Robert
Nijhuis, Christian
C08 - Intelligent colour centre networks
(Project Heads
Niehues, Iris
Nijhuis, Christian
MGK - Adaptive Nanosystems: Principles and applications
(Project Heads
Rentmeister, Andrea
Salinga, Martin
Wegner, Seraphine
Z01 - Central Administration and Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre 1459
(Project Head
Ravoo, Bart Jan
Completed projects