Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Comprehensive simulations of stimuli-responsive soft porous materials
Amirjalayer, Saeed
Establishing a knowledge graph community in biomedical science
Lobentanzer, Sebastian
Ulusoy, Inga
Fostering a community-driven and sustainable HELIOS++ scientific software
Höfle, Bernhard
Kempf, Dominic
Khunjerab: Bridging Applications and Future Emerging Memory for Different Performance-Power-Reliability Trade-Offs
Fröning, Holger
Heuveline, Vincent
Optimization Techniques for Multi-Graph Matching (acronym OPTEMA)
Savchynskyy, Bogdan
Surrogate-based prediction of cycle fatigue strength of rotating shafts and process optimization using flexible Kriging models
Herzog, Roland
Understanding and Creating Dynamic 3D Worlds towards Safer AI
Rother, Carsten
Unsupervised Model Discovery for Stereotypical Organisms (acronym UMDISTO)
Kainmüller, Dagmar
Savchynskyy, Bogdan
Completed projects
Analysis of the chemical kinetic mechanisms of ozone depletion and halogen release in the polar troposphere based on numerical modeling and field observation
Gutheil, Eva
Platt, Ulrich
Computer simulation of the power stroke in muscle contraction
Smith, Jeremy Christopher
Computer simulation or the molecular switch in GTPases
Smith, Jeremy Christopher
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flames with detailed reaction schemes
Warnatz, Jürgen
Dreidimensionale Analyse der Chromosomenanordnung in Zellkernen zyklierender und terminal differenzierter Zellen von Mensch und Maus
Cremer, Thomas
Exact Relaxation-Based Inference in Graphical Models (ERBI)
Savchynskyy, Bogdan
From assembly to mechanics: predictive scale bridging simulations of spider silk
Gräter, Frauke
Functional optimization by control of the electronic and structural properties of organic molecules on surfaces studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy
Amirjalayer, Saeed
Fuchs, Harald
Improving Limited Angle x-ray computed Tomography by Optical data integration - ILATO
Bock, Hans Georg
Impulse Control Problems and Adaptive Numerical Solution of Quasi-Variational Inequalities in Markovian Factor Models
Herzog, Roland
Schmidt, Thorsten
Katalytische partielle Oxidation niederer Alkane bei kurzen Aufenthaltszeiten
Warnatz, Jürgen
Mechanismus der Elektrooxidation von Reformatgasen an SOFC-Modellanoden
Bessler, Wolfgang
Gerthsen, Dagmar
Volpp, Hans-Robert
Weber, André
Mechanochemistry: pre-stress for tuning biochemical reactions in proteins
Gräter, Frauke
Messung der hydraulischen Heterogenität von Böden anhand von Strukturinformationen und inverser Parameterschätzung
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Numerical algorithms for hierarchical optimization for estimating parameters in state and control constrained optimal control problems.
Bock, Hans Georg
Schlöder, Johannes
Numerical-simulation-based modeling of wave-current interactions and their influence on transfer processes across the air-sea interface
Hung, Li-Ping
Optimierungsbasierte Regelung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse Teilantrag 2: Numerische Methoden für die optimierungsbasierte Regelung: Kopplung von Online-Schätzung und robuster Prozessoptimierung
Bock, Hans Georg
Optimization-based control of chemical processes. Numerical methods for optimization-based control: Coupling of online estimation and robust process optimization
Bock, Hans Georg
Preconditioned SQP solvers for nonlinear optimization problems with partial differential equations
Herzog, Roland
Structure exploitation for Scenario-Tree NMPC and MHE
Bock, Hans Georg
Theory and Methods of Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems for Engineering Applications
Bock, Hans Georg
Kostina, Ekaterina
Transport of energy by electromagnetic and acoustic waves
Walter-Koch, Irmgard
Zweiphasenströmung in komplex berandeten Gebieten
Bastian, Peter
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Development of an additively manufactured research burner for increased energy efficiency
Brenn, Günter
Gutheil, Eva
Sehrt, Jan T.
Machine Learning and Optimal Experimental Design for Thermodynamic Property Modeling
Herzog, Roland
Richter, Markus
Multilevel Architectures and Algorithms in Deep Learning
Herzog, Roland
Schiela, Anton
Operator Learning for Optimal Control: Approximation and Statistical Theory
Herberg, Evelyn
Wang, Sven
Zech, Jakob
Completed projects
A Calculus for Non-Smooth Shape Optimization with Applications to Geometric Inverse Problems
Herzog, Roland
Schmidt, Stephan
Adaptive FE-Verfahren für Erhaltungsgleichungen
Rannacher, Rolf
Analysis and Numerical Techniques for Optimal Control Problems Involving Variational Inequalities Arising in Elastoplasticity
Herzog, Roland
Meyer, Christian
Computational aspects of modular forms and p-adic Galois representations
Böckle, Gebhard
Echtzeitoptimierung bei großen nichtlinearen DAE-Modellen der Verfahrenstechnik am Beispiel gekoppelter Destillationskolonnen
Bock, Hans Georg
Echtzeit-Optimierung bei großen nichtlinearen DAE-Modellen der Verfahrenstechnik am Beispiel gekoppelter Destillationskolonnen
Gilles, Ernst Dieter
ExaDG - High-order discontinuous Galerkin for the exa-scale
Kanschat, Guido
Kormann, Katharina
Kronbichler, Martin
Wall, Wolfgang A.
EXA-DUNE - Flexible PDE Solvers, Numerical Methods, and Applications
Bastian, Peter
Engwer, Christian
Göddeke, Dominik
Iliev, Oleg
Ippisch, Olaf
Ohlberger, Mario
Turek, Stefan
FCKW als Tracer und Indikator für Redoxprozesse
Isenbeck-Schröter, Margot
Fundamental Processes of Nanoparticle Synthesis in Spray Flames: Evaporation, Mixing, and Chemical Reactions
Gutheil, Eva
Mehrfache Skalen und approximierende Systeme bei Erhaltungsgleichungen
Jäger, Willi
Modeling of particle distribution and dispersion in spray and spray drying processes
Gutheil, Eva
Molecular mechanism of E-Cadherin mediated mechano-sensing
Gräter, Frauke
Molecular mechanism of force-sensing in desmoplakin
Gräter, Frauke
Nonlinear analysis of multi-dimensional signals: local adaptive estimation of complex motion and orientation patterns
Barth, Erhardt
Garbe, Christoph
Mester, Rudolf
Scharr, Hanno
Numerical Methods for Diagnosis and Therapy Design of Cerebral Palsy by Bilevel Optimal Control of Constrained Biomechanical Multi-Body Systems
Bock, Hans Georg
Kostina, Ekaterina
Optimal Control of Dissipative Solids: Viscosity Limits and Non-Smooth Algorithms
Herzog, Roland
Knees, Dorothee
Meyer, Christian
Optimal Control of Periodic Adsorption Processes
Bock, Hans Georg
Engell, Sebastian
Redoxprozesse von Fe-Mineralphasen in BTX-belasteten Grundwasservorkommen am Testfeld Süd - Experimentelle Untersuchungen und numerische Modellierung
Dahmke, Andreas
Restoration and Post Processing of Optical Flows
Garbe, Christoph
Preusser, Tobias
Rumpf, Martin
Skalenlimiten und Modellierung von Strömung und Transport in verzweigten Netzen
Jäger, Willi
Research Units
Current projects
Drivers, patterns and health consequences of mobility responses - building a simulation tool for anticipatory climate action
Rocklöv, Joacim
FOR 5387: Printed & Stable Organic Photovoltaics from Non-Fullerene Acceptors
Deibel, Carsten
Phase field methods, parameter identification and process optimisation
Herzog, Roland
Pietschmann, Jan-Frederik
Stoll, Martin
Completed projects
Computer simulation of anion pumping by retinal proteins
Fischer, Ph.D., Stefan
Computer Simulation of Conformation-Coupled Proton Transfer in Bacteriorhodopsin
Suhai, Sandor
FOR 1543: Shear Flow Regulation of Hemostasis - Bridging the Gap between Nanomechanics and Clinical Presentation
Schneppenheim, Reinhard
FOR 1920: Symmetry, Geometry and Arithmetic
Schmidt, Alexander
FOR 2936: Climate Change and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Danquah, Ina
Galoisdarstellungen:Deformationensringe, kompatible Systeme und Modularität
Böckle, Gebhard
Numerical methods for the accurate and efficient simulation of multiphase multicomponent reactive flow in the capillary fringe
Bastian, Peter
Proton transfer and conformational dynamics in the M2-to-O steps of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle
Smith, Jeremy Christopher
The molecular basis of VWF mechano-sensoring: Structure and interactions of VWF domains as the basis for regulation and aggregation
Gräter, Frauke
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Multi-scale methods for responsive molecules in hierarchical nano-materials
Amirjalayer, Saeed
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Atomistic investigations of the molecular assembly of N-heteropolycycles
(Project Head
Amirjalayer, Saeed
Mechanical and chemical crosstalk between membranes and anchored mechano-kinases
(Project Heads
Gräter, Frauke
Nickel, Walter
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane Systems
(Project Heads
Gräter, Frauke
Lolicato, Fabio
Completed projects
Chemische Reaktionssysteme
(Project Heads
Bock, Hans Georg
Rannacher, Rolf
Warnatz, Jürgen
Wolfrum, Jürgen
(Project Head
Quien, Norbert
Entwicklung eines vereinfachten Modells für die Rußbildung in Gasturbinenbrennkammern
(Project Heads
Bock, Hans Georg
Riedel, Uwe
Volpp, Hans-Robert
Warnatz, Jürgen
Entwicklung von detaillierten Reaktionsmechanismen fuer thermische Nichtgleichgewichtseffekte und die Modellierung von Oberflaechenreaktionen
(Project Head
Warnatz, Jürgen
Mehrskalensysteme und Strömungen durch poröse Medien
(Project Head
Jäger, Willi
Modellierung der Tröpfchenwechselwirkung
(Project Head
Gutheil, Eva
Modellierung und Diagnostik der Gasphasen-Deposition
(Project Heads
Grunze, Michael
Warnatz, Jürgen
Modulation of catalytic efficiency: comparing enzymatic catalysts of phospho-ester hydrolysis
(Project Head
Fischer, Ph.D., Stefan
Optimierungsmethoden bei reaktiven Strömungen
(Project Heads
Bock, Hans Georg
Schlöder, Johannes
Reaktionsprozesse an Katalysator-Oberflächen
(Project Heads
Jäger, Willi
Volpp, Hans-Robert
Warnatz, Jürgen
Stochastische Prozesse und Homogenisierung
(Project Heads
Jäger, Willi
Rost, Hermann
Stofftransport durch Böden
(Project Heads
Bastian, Peter
Roth, Kurt
(Project Heads
Jäger, Willi
Schweizer, Ben
Turbolente Verbrennung
(Project Heads
Gutheil, Eva
Warnatz, Jürgen
Wolfrum, Jürgen
Vereinfachte Reaktionsmodelle für die Verbrennung in Gasturbinenbrennkammern
(Project Heads
Bock, Hans Georg
Lebiedz, Dirk
Riedel, Uwe
Volpp, Hans-Robert
Warnatz, Jürgen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Stochastische Analyse der low-level Bildverarbeitung
Spies, Hagen
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Current projects
Cusp forms on Drinfeld period domains
(Project Head
Böckle, Gebhard
Duality with Frobenius and Fp-étale ccohomology
(Project Heads
Blickle, Ph.D., Manuel
Böckle, Gebhard
Images of Galois representations and deformations
(Project Head
Böckle, Gebhard
L-packets of p-adic automorphic forms
(Project Head
Ludwig, Judith
Visualization in billiards and geometry
(Project Heads
Albers, Peter
Geiges, Hansjörg
Sadlo, Filip
Completed projects
Correction by Characteristic Diagrams
(Project Heads
Herzog, Roland
Priber, Ulrich
Functional optimization by control of the electronic and structural properties of organic molecules on surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
(Project Heads
Amirjalayer, Saeed
Du, Shixuan
Fuchs, Harald
Lin, Xiao
Interactive Visualisation of Droplet Dynamics
(Project Heads
Boblest, Sebastian
Ertl, Thomas
Sadlo, Filip
Machine learning of representative features in meteorological fields
(Project Heads
Sadlo, Filip
Westermann, Rüdiger
Model predictive parameter and state estimation and optimal sensor placement
(Project Heads
Herzog, Roland
Stoll, Martin
Modular Galois representations and Galois theoretic lifts
(Project Head
Böckle, Gebhard
The cohomology of A-crystals, moduli spaces in positive characteristic and p-adic étale cohomology on schemes over Z_p
(Project Head
Böckle, Gebhard
Universal deformations, the regidity method and Galois representations
(Project Head
Böckle, Gebhard
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Recrystallization regimes in an ice sheet - Towards a microstructure-based law of ice
Garbe, Christoph
Research data and software
Completed projects
Establishing a Decentralized and Vibrant Developer Community for ilastik
Kreshuk, Ph.D., Anna
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 710: Complex Processes: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
Bock, Hans Georg
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2450: Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience
Elstner, Marcus
Completed projects
GRK 1114: Optical Techniques for Measurement of Interfacial Transport Phenomena
Tropea, Cameron
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 220: Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences
Bastian, Peter
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2082: 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)
Bunz, Uwe F. H.
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Wegener, Martin
Wittbrodt, Joachim
EXC 2181: STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Salmhofer, Manfred
Wienhard, Anna
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1075: Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures - MERGE
Kroll, Lothar
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
MaRDI - Mathematical Research Data Initiative
Hintermüller, Michael