Project Details
TRR 410: WETSCAPES2.0: sinks, links and legacies of novel ecosystems in rewetted fen landscapes
Subject Area
Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
since 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 531801029
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Current projects
- A01 - Roots of fen peat formation (Project Heads Kreyling, Jürgen ; Tanneberger, Franziska )
- A02 - Sources and sinks of N2O in rewetted fens (Project Head Wrage-Mönnig, Nicole )
- A03 - Plant-microbiome interactions in the fen rhizosphere (Project Head Hinzke, Tjorven )
- A04 - Structure and function of below-ground (micro-)biome in rewetted fens– a trophic latch? (Project Heads Kuss, Andreas ; Urich, Tim )
- A05 - Development and resilience of microbial CH4 oxidizers in rewetted fens (Project Head Liebner, Susanne )
- A06 - Drivers of methanogen abundance and activity in rewetted fens (Project Heads Becher, Dörte ; Urich, Tim )
- A07 - Process-based modeling of greenhouse gases and peat accumulation in rewetted fens (Project Head Ahrens, Bernhard )
- B01 - Carbon cycling and greenhouse gas exchange in rewetted fens (Project Head Jurasinski, Gerald )
- B02 - Spatial patterns of ecosystem-atmosphere flux in wetscapes 2.0 (Project Head Sachs, Torsten )
- B03 - Spatial variability and lateral connectivity of fen microbiomes (Project Head Bengtsson, Ph.D., Mia )
- B04 - Causes and effects of vegetation patterns and their role in ecosystem functioning of rewetted fens (Project Head Günther, Anke )
- B05 - Dynamics of hydro-physical properties and solute release from rewetted fen peat soils (Project Head Janssen, Manon )
- B06 - Spatio-temporal monitoring of fen peatland subsidence and inundated area across different scales (Project Head Marzahn, Philip )
- C01 - Novel tracer-aided, ecohydrological modeling to quantify water storage, pathways and cycling of fens at the landscape scale (Project Head Tetzlaff, Doerthe )
- C02 - Spatio-temporal assessment of rewetting effects on tree growth on and beyond peatlands (Project Head Wilmking, Ph.D., Martin )
- C03 - Peatlands in the landscape - impact of rewetting on the surrounding (Project Head Jansen, Florian )
- C04 - Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of vegetation in wetscapes 2.0 through multi-sensor Earth observation time series data (Project Head van der Linden, Sebastian )
- C05 - Assessment of the climate mitigation potential of peatland rewetting (Project Heads Obermeier, Wolfgang Alexander ; Pongratz, Julia )
- S01 - Integrating biotic and abiotic drivers of greenhouse gas production and consumption in wetscapes 2.0 (Project Heads Urich, Tim ; Wrage-Mönnig, Nicole )
- S02 - Carbon sequestration and buffer function of displacement peat in wetscapes 2.0 (Project Heads Couwenberg, John ; Jurasinski, Gerald ; Lennartz, Bernd )
- S03 - From idiosyncrasy to understanding: how the flow of energy, matter, and information shapes wetscapes 2.0 and their development pathways (Project Heads Bengtsson, Ph.D., Mia ; Jansen, Florian ; van der Linden, Sebastian ; Marzahn, Philip )
- S04 - Feedbacks in wetscapes 2.0: novel, integrated modeling approaches to assess climate change mitigation and adaptation potential (Project Heads Jurasinski, Gerald ; Pongratz, Julia ; Tetzlaff, Doerthe )
- Z01 - Central administration and coordination (Project Head Kreyling, Jürgen )
- Z02 - WETSCAPES2.0 research infrastructure: Maintenance of field sites and experiments (Project Heads Günther, Anke ; Kreyling, Jürgen )
- Z03 - Research Data Management (RDM) (Project Heads Jansen, Florian ; Yordanova, Kristina )
- Z04 - Integrated Research Training Group WETSKILLS (Project Heads Lennartz, Bernd ; Wilmking, Ph.D., Martin )
- Z05 - Public Relations (PR) (Project Heads Jurasinski, Gerald ; Tanneberger, Franziska )
Applicant Institution
Universität Greifswald
Co-Applicant Institution
Universität Rostock
Participating Institution
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ); Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB)
im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.; Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie (MPI-BGC)
im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.; Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie (MPI-BGC)
Participating University
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Professor Dr. Jürgen Kreyling