Project Details
TRR 404: Next Generation Electronics with Active Devices in Three Dimensions (Active-3D)
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
since 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 528378584
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Current projects
- A01 - Co-design of Area-Dependent VCM Cell Arrays and CMOS Circuits for In-Memory Com-puting (Project Heads Dittmann, Regina ; Slesazeck, Stefan )
- A02 - Under Voltage Control: Nb2O5 Based Locally Active Threshold Switches (Project Heads Slesazeck, Stefan ; Tetzlaff, Ronald )
- A03 - 3D Integration of Tailored Phase-Change Memories (PCMs) (Project Heads Ingebrandt, Sven ; Wuttig, Matthias )
- A04 - 3D Racetrack Memory Devices (Project Heads Parkin, Stuart ; Rellinghaus, Bernd )
- A05 - BEOL-Compatible 3D Reconfigurable Logic (Project Heads Knoch, Joachim ; Trommer, Jens )
- A06 - 2D Field-Effect Transistors (Project Heads Feng, Xinliang ; Lemme, Max Christian )
- A07 - Vertical Perovskite Field-Effect Transistors (Project Heads Mohammadi, Ph.D., Maryam ; Vaynzof, Yana )
- B01 - ECM-Type Devices as 3D Programmable Interconnects (Project Heads Knoch, Joachim ; Valov, Ilia )
- B02 - 1T1R – 2D-FET and VCM-Device BEOL Integration (Project Heads Hoffmann-Eifert, Susanne ; Wang, Zhenxing )
- B03 - Reliability Assessment (Project Head Max, Benjamin )
- B04 - Analog Computing Circuits Exploiting Devices Integrated into the BEOL (Project Head Negra, Renato )
- B05 - Joint Logic, Memory, and Routing Synthesis (Project Heads Gemmeke, Tobias ; Kumar, Akash )
- B06 - System Models, Architectures, and Application Mapping Tools (Project Heads Castrillon-Mazo, Jeronimo ; Leupers, Ph.D., Rainer )
- B07 - Reconfigurable Architecture (Project Heads Gemmeke, Tobias ; Goehringer, Diana )
- C01 - 3D Architecture Schemes and Processes (Project Heads Lemme, Max Christian ; Mikolajick, Thomas )
- C02 - Hierarchical Device Simulation and Modeling (Project Heads Jungemann, Christoph ; Menzel, Stephan )
- C03 - Materials at Work – Characterization of Devices Under Operating Conditions (Project Heads Dittmann, Regina ; Rellinghaus, Bernd )
- MGK - Integrated Research Training Group (Project Heads Dittmann, Regina ; Goehringer, Diana ; Ingebrandt, Sven )
- Z - Central Tasks of the TRR (Project Head Mikolajick, Thomas )
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Dresden
Co-Applicant Institution
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Participating Institution
Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro- und Optoelektronik mbH; Forschungszentrum Jülich; Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik; NaMLab gGmbH
Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro- und Optoelektronik mbH; Forschungszentrum Jülich; Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik; NaMLab gGmbH
Participating University
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Professor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick