Project Details
TRR 167: Development, function and potential of myeloid cells in the central nervous system (NeuroMac)
Subject Area
since 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 259373024
Myeloid cells in the central nervous system (CNS) represent a heterogeneous class of innate immune cells that differentially contribute to the maintenance of tissue homeostasis during development, adulthood and disease. Recent studies using cell-specific targeting, in vivo imaging, single-cell expression analysis and other sophisticated tools fundamentally changed our views on the origin, fate and function of distinct myeloid subsets in the CNS. In the first funding period, we have made substantial research efforts to elucidate the role of microglia and other myeloid cells during health and brain diseases with a special focus on myeloid cell heterogeneity. Members of the CRC/TRR167 NeuroMac consortium introduced novel single-cell technologies into the field of neuroimmunology, such as single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-Seq), single-cell sequencing assay for transposase-accessible chromatin-sequencing (scATAC-seq), single-cell mass cytometry (CyTOF), which allowed us to characterize for the first time different states of human microglia and discover targetable disease-associated microglia states. In the second funding period, which was complicated by the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, we expanded the focus from microglia to CNS-associated macrophages (CAMs) in the meninges, choroid plexus and perivascular sites. We developed novel transgenic mouse models for differential gene targeting of both microglia and CAMs. We also profiled microglia and CAMs across a variety of CNS diseases. Most notably, we made important discoveries on the interactions of CNS myeloid cells with neighboring cells, such as arterial smooth muscle cells, oligodendrocytes and neurons. For the third funding period, we aim to increase our understanding of the cell-cell interactions and niche signals that instruct the development and function of microglia and CAMs in health and disease. We will introduce novel spatial genomic and proteomic tools, and consider sex and environmental influences. As the prospect of modulating myeloid cells for therapeutic purposes in CNS disorders has gained momentum in the consortium, we will use in vivo CRISPR-Cas9 perturbations to identify potential targets. We will focus on translating previous results of the consortium into the human context by employing humanized animal models, organoids, multi-dimensional single-cell technologies and bio-samples from clinical cohorts. The inclusion of the Munich site with expertise on cutting-edge human stem cell-based technologies and high-resolution in vivo imaging will be instrumental in driving the research on human microglia and CAMs. The long-term goal of the NeuroMac consortium is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge obtained from basic research on CNS myeloid cells to the improvement of patient care by providing sufficient preclinical evidence for translation, and by deciphering the fundamental mechanisms of myeloid cell biology in the CNS during health and disease.
DFG Programme
International Connection
Israel, USA
Current projects
- A01 - Deciphering cellular interactions in CNS macrophage niches in mice and humans by spatial proteogenomics (Project Heads Amann, Lukas ; Prinz, Marco )
- A02 - Monocyte-derived microglia and the impact of clonal hematopoiesis on the brain (Project Heads Jung, Ph.D., Steffen ; Shlush, Ph.D., Liran )
- A03 - Massively parallel single-cell CRISPR screen for development of novel microglia targeting immunotherapies in Alzheimer's Disease (Project Heads Amit, Ph.D., Ido ; Keren-Shaul, Hadas )
- A07 - How gut metabolites dictate CNS macrophages function in steady state, aging and neurodegeneration (Project Heads Blank, Thomas ; Erny, Daniel )
- A09 - Mechanisms and consequences of microglia elimination during postnatal development (Project Heads Groß, Olaf ; Kierdorf, Katrin )
- A11 - Decoding human microglia phenotypes in the context of neuropsychiatric disorders (Project Heads Priller, Josef ; Schäfer, Simon )
- A12 - Metabolic regulation of macrophage function in the inflamed central nervous system (Project Heads Kerschensteiner, Martin ; Misgeld, Thomas )
- B03 - The role of human endogenous retrovirus K as a modulator of microglial function in glioblastoma (Project Heads Lehnardt, Seija ; Vincendeau, Michelle )
- B04 - Role of CNS-associated macrophages in mycobacterial meningoencephalitis (Project Heads Henneke, Philipp ; Lößlein, Anne Kathrin )
- B05 - Association of myeloid cell and gut-derived B cell diversity with disease activity and severity in multiple sclerosis (Project Heads Böttcher, Chotima ; Otto, Carolin ; Priller, Josef )
- B06 - Deciphering the role of intestinal microbiome-derived metabolites on microglia activation during GVHD and ICANS (Project Heads Köhler, Natalie ; Zeiser, Robert )
- B07 - Development and context-dependent plasticity of brain macrophages (Project Heads Priller, Josef ; Prinz, Marco )
- B12 - Role of microglia in chronic inflammation and long-term consequences after stroke (Project Heads Meisel, Andreas ; Meisel, Christian Alexander ; Safaiyan, Shima )
- B14 - Impact of amyloid beta on microglia-mediated synaptic plasticity in the rodent and human cortex (Project Heads Meyer-Luehmann, Melanie ; Vlachos, Andreas )
- B16 - USP18 as an immune check-point regulator for microglial activation (Project Heads Beling, Antje ; Knobeloch, Klaus-Peter )
- INFZ01 - Bioinformatics and Modelling core (Project Heads Backofen, Rolf ; Binder, Harald ; Börries, Melanie ; Gjorgjieva, Ph.D., Julijana )
- MGK - Integrated Research Training Group 'NeuroMac School' (Project Head Priller, Josef )
- Z02 - Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre (Project Heads Priller, Josef ; Prinz, Marco )
Completed projects
- A04 - Impact of proteostasis and the ubiquitin proteasome system on myeloid cell function in the CNS (Project Head Krüger, Elke Beate )
- A06 - The sequential phases of apoptotic cell clearance by microglia and macrophages (Project Heads Lämmermann, Ph.D., Tim ; Rambold, Angelika )
- A08 - The NLRP3 inflammasome in CNS homeostasis and disease (Project Head Groß, Olaf )
- A10 - Importance of microglial tissue surveillance for neural development and function (Project Head Madry, Christian )
- B01 - Crosstalk of myeloid cells and neural stem cells during regeneration after stroke (Project Heads Fernández-Klett, Francisco ; Schachtrup, Ph.D., Christian )
- B02 - Myeloid cells in the development of choroidal neovascularisation in the eye (Project Heads Hilgendorf, Ingo ; Lange, Ph.D., Clemens A.K. )
- B09 - Probing myeloid effector functions in Alzheimer's disease and immunotherapy (Project Head Heppner, Frank )
- B10 - Microglial control of obesity and diabetes (Project Head Pospisilik, Ph.D., John Andrew )
- B11 - Function of C/EBPs in monocytes, macrophages and microglia (Project Heads Leutz, Achim ; Schönheit, Jörg )
- B17 - Adrenergic regulation of myeloid cells in chronic inflammation and neurodegeneration (Project Head Klose, Christoph Siegfried Niki )
- B18 - Regulation of CNS Lupus by brain macrophages (Project Head Triantafyllopoulou, Antigoni )
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Co-Applicant Institution
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Freie Universität Berlin; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Participating University
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Biomedizinisches Centrum München
Institut für Klinische Neuroimmunologie; Weizmann Institute of Science
Biomedizinisches Centrum München
Institut für Klinische Neuroimmunologie; Weizmann Institute of Science
Professor Dr. Josef Priller, since 1/2025; Professor Dr. Marco Prinz, until 12/2024