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Massively parallel single-cell CRISPR screen for development of novel microglia targeting immunotherapies in Alzheimer's Disease (A03)

Subject Area Molecular Biology and Physiology of Neurons and Glial Cells
Term since 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 259373024
Differentiation from microglia into disease-associated microglia (DAM) involves multiple sensory receptors, transcriptional circuits, and effector genes. DAM have been implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). However, the functional role of DAM pathways and checkpoints remains unclear. We aim to develop a microglia-specific massively parallel single-cell genomic technology coupled with CRISPR pooled screens (mi-CRISPR-seq), to screen relevant genes and regulators in Cas9-expressing AD mice. We aim to discover novel targets that activate or dampen the DAM activity and restore protective immune activity in AD brains.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios
International Connection Israel
Project Heads Professor Ido Amit, Ph.D.; Dr. Hadas Keren-Shaul, since 1/2021

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