Project Details
Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Arno Behrens
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Produktionstechnisches Zentrum
Institut für Umformtechnik und Umformmaschinen
An der Universität 2
30823 Garbsen
As Applicant
Current projects
Method for Model-driven Design of Deep Drawing Tools (Research Grants)
Forging of steel encased titanium workpieces (Research Grants)
Completed projects
Simulation des Walzprozesses von Ringen mit profiliertem Querschnitt (Research Grants)
Bewertung von Schmiedeprozessen anhand technischer Merkmale (Research Grants)
Aluminiumschmieden von Langteilen mit genauer Massevorverteilung (Research Grants)
FEM-Simulation des Aluminium-Sinterschmiedeprozesses (Research Grants)
Modellierung von Größeneinflüssen bei Massivumformprozessen (Priority Programmes)
Untersuchungen zum kombinierten Umformen und Lochen (Research Grants)
Scherschneiden dünner Bleche unter Einsatz adaptiver Magnetaktorik (Research Grants)
Numerische Ermittlung und Vermeidung von Schmiedefalten (Research Grants)
Einfluss des Materialflusses auf die Verdichtung beim Sinterschmieden (Research Grants)
Online-Monitoring of Die Forging Processes by Means of Acoustic Emission (Research Grants)
Performance analyses of eroded and nitrided forging dies (Research Grants)
Component Optimization by Forging of Composite Aluminum Extrusions (Research Grants)
Acoustic Emission Analysis for Online Monitoring in Sheet Metal Forming (Research Grants)
AI-based prediction of the results of bulk forming simulations (Research Grants)
Hot Forging of partially particle-reinforced sintered components (Research Grants)
Investigation of mechanical properties of forged iron-aluminium alloys (Research Grants)
Investigations of the shear behaviour of aluminium alloys (Research Grants)
Compound forging of hybrid powder-solid-parts made of steel and aluminum (Research Grants)
Precision Forging of Cast Preforms (Research Grants)
Recycling of metal chips by sintering and forging (Research Grants)
Selective thermally oxidized tool surfaces for dry deep drawing (Priority Programmes)
Dry lubrication of rolling contacts by self-regenerating molybdenum-oxide coatings (Priority Programmes)
Deep drawing with additional force transmission (Research Grants)
Current projects
As Leader
Completed projects
Servomotorisch direkt angetriebene Umformmaschine mit integriertem Transfersystem und Bandanlage (Major Research Instrumentation)
Thermo-mechanisches System zur physikalischen Simulation von Umformprozessen (Major Research Instrumentation)
Hydraulische Tiefziehpresse (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
As Spokesperson
Current projects
SFB 1153: Process Chain for Manufacturing of Hybrid High Performance Components by Tailored Forming (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects
As Participating Researcher
Current projects
EXC 2122: PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
Completed projects
GRK 1378: Manufacture, Machining and Qualification of Hybrid Material Systems (Research Training Groups)
GRK 1627: Virtual Materials and Structures and their Validation (International Research Training Groups)
Current projects
As Project Head
Current projects
High-temperature-resistant tool edge layer by applying the Tailored Forming technology to hot forging tools (Collaborative Research Centres)
Influence of the local microstructure on the workability of extruded composite materials (Collaborative Research Centres)
Die forging of coaxially arranged hybrid semi-finished parts (Collaborative Research Centres)
Experimental-numerical method to predict damage and failure of interphases in hybrid workpieces during forming (Collaborative Research Centres)
Central Task (Collaborative Research Centres)
Flexible process chain for the resource-efficient production of tailored forming components (Collaborative Research Centres)
Novel process combination for the production of components based on titanium aluminide in an oxygen-free atmosphere (Collaborative Research Centres)
New diagnostic methods to detect loosened hip arthroplasties (CRC/Transregios)
Completed projects
Erhöhung der Prozessstabilität von Feinblechen eines Umformprozesses durch die in-Prozess Stoffflussmessung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Auslegung und Entwicklung einer Werkzeug- und Sprühtechnologie für das Präzisionsschmieden auf schnelllaufenden Kurbelprozessen (Collaborative Research Centres)
Erhöhung der Prozessstabilität von Feinblechen eines Umformprozesses durch die In-Prozess Stoffflussmessung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Werkstoffe für das Präzisionsschmieden (Collaborative Research Centres)
Erweiterte Simulationsmodelle für das Präzisionsschmieden (Collaborative Research Centres)
Prozessauslegung und Prozessführung beim Präzisionsschmieden (Collaborative Research Centres)
Innovative Maschinen- und Werkzeugtechnologien zum Präzisionsschmieden (Collaborative Research Centres)
Metal-forming manufacture of mechanical load sensors by inserting local strains (Collaborative Research Centres)
Umformtechnische Strukturierung von Blechbauteilen zur lokalen Verstärkung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Local strain hardening of sheet metal components by martensite generation (Collaborative Research Centres)
Production of complex local strain hardened bulk metal components by means of superimposed hydrostatic pressure (Collaborative Research Centres)
Numerical simulation on stress-compatible design of total prosthetic joint replacements and implants (Collaborative Research Centres)
Gesteuerte Abkühlung von Karosseriebauteilen mittels Zweiphasen-Sprühkühlung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Beschichtungen als Verschleißschutz für Werkzeuge der Warmmassivumformung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Sintering Gentelligent Parts from Metal Powder (Collaborative Research Centres)
Forming of a Functionally Tailored Hybrid Pinion Gear (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Gratloses Schmieden von Metall-Matrix-Kompositen auf Aluminiumbasis (Research Grants)
Hybrid-Forging: Combined Forming and Joining of Sheet and Bulk Metal (Research Grants)
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Transparent AI-Based Process Modelling in Die Forging (Priority Programmes)
AI based setup assistance system for multi-stage presses (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Linear driven hybrid actuator for the production of complex workpieces (Research Grants)
Current projects