Universität Potsdam
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14476 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
Advanced time–series analysis to provide a spatiotemporal framework for the evolution, expansion and technological innovation of Homo sapiens
Trauth, Martin
Developing time-lapse ground-penetrating radar methods for spatio-temporal monitoring of subsurface flow processes
Tronicke, Jens
From 3D GPR facies and structures toward 3D petrophysical parameter models
Tronicke, Jens
Geomorphic and tectonic controls on the location of eruptive centers in the Andean magmatic arc of southern Chile
Bookhagen, Ph.D., Bodo
Glaciers, lakes, and outburst floods: Changing hazards in the NW Pacific Coastal Mountains (REACT)
Dufresne, Ph.D., Anja
Veh, Georg
Hidden water and landscape erosion
Dietze, Michael
Hovius, Niels
How is topography maintained in the western Himalayan and where is plate convergence accommodated?
Thiede, Rasmus C.
Investigating asperity activity during multiple earthquake cycles
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
IP1: Reconstructing ISM and westerlies influence on Holocene hydrology, productivity and regime shifts in NW Himalaya.
Prasad, Ph.D., Sushma
LEAP: Linking structural Evolution with QuAternary landscape evolution and deformation in the western Himalaya: structural segmentation and implications for seismogenesis in Pakistan
Ghani, Humaad
Ligth water, heavy water, and sodium chloride aqueous solutions under extreme conditions to shed light on water anomalies and structural properties
Sternemann, Christian
Wilke, Max
MoLiCarb - Impacts of mosses and lichens on permafrost soil carbon dynamics since the last glacial
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Porada, Philipp
Monitoring Carbon (MoCa)
Daskalopoulou, Kyriaki
MUSE: Magmatic Underplating and Swarm Earthquakes
Dahm, Torsten
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Petrogenesis, age and origin of (ultra)mafic, magmatic and metamorphic rocks of the Makran Accretionary Wedge, Southern Makran Zone, SE Iran
Timmerman, Martin Jan
Quantifying the Influence of SnowmelT on RIVEr Hydrology in High Mountain Asia (STRIVE)
Smith, Taylor
Resolving the pre-erosive extent and volume of the Deccan Large Igneous Province with low-temperature thermochronology: Implications for Earth’s long-term carbon cycle
Colleps, Cody
Slip budgeT in subduction zones illuminated by geodetic measuRements and earthquake cycle defOrmation modelliNG – STRONG project
Peña, Carlos
Testing the Big Mantle Wedge Hypothesis to Explain Intra-Continental Volcanism
Marzotto, Ph.D., Enrico
Unraveling the history of Quaternary faults in an active orogen: Paleoseismology and neotectonics of the Subandean foreland fold-and-thrust belt in southern Bolivia
Patyniak, Ph.D., Magda
Unraveling the timing and style of the India-Asia collision and temporal evolution of the western Himalayan fold and thrust belt, Pakistan
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Completed projects
Active intraplate deformation in central Europe: paleoseismology of the Lower Rhine Embayment
Friedrich, Ph.D., Anke
A long-term climate record from lacustrine sediments of the Zada Basin, SW-Tibet
Kempf, Oliver
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Alpine metamorphism of the Pan-African gneiss basement in the Menderes Massif, SW-Turkey. New constraints from Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd garnet geochronology.
Schmidt, Alexander
Annual to millennial landslide inventories and hillslope erosion in NW Argentine Andes
Bookhagen, Ph.D., Bodo
Behaviour of argon during high pressure metamorphic fluid-rock interaction
Konrad-Schmolke, Matthias
Bestimmung der quartären Deformationsraten und des Deformationsregimes im orogenen Vorland des Qilian-Shan, NW-China
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Bewertung der Fumarolentemperatur und ihrer meteorologischen Beeinflussung als Aktivitätsgröße von Vulkanen
Wassermann, Joachim
Bodenbildung, Bodenverbreitung und Bodenzustand im mongolischen Teil des Uvs-Nuur-Beckens
Knothe, Dieter
Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure in the Central Andes
Uba, Cornelius Eji
Changes in paleo-erosion rates, and interactions between erosion, deposition and deformation in the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyzstan
Gilder, Stuart Alan
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Changing patterns of shortening and lateral extension, Exhumation of the Eastern Alpine orogenic core, Strain partitioning during orogenic indentation
Handy, Mark R.
Continental plateaus and tectonics-climate interactions (VAMP)
Echtler, Helmut
Mulch, Andreas
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Coupled climatic/tectonic forcing of European topography revealed through thermochronometry (Thermo-Europe)
Oncken, Onno
Spiegel, Cornelia
DARE: Dense ARray for seismic site effect Estimation
Cotton, Fabrice
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Dating of low-grade high-pressure Metamorphism in the Afyon Zone; W-Anatolia
Oberhänsli, Roland
Dating the prograde metamorphism of high-pressure oceanic rocks with combined lawsonite and garnet 176Lu-176Hf geochronology: A feasibility study (Halilbagi Unit, Central Anatolia)
Pourteau, Amaury
Defining floodplain boundaries considering hydraulic and ecologic aspects as basis for the development of an integrated approach to quantify ecosystem services of floodplains on the landscape scale
Natho, Stephanie
Deformation patterns associated with the seismic cycle of the 27 February Maule earthquake segment at various spatiotemporal scales
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Der Einfluss der Koordination von Spurenelementen in Silikatschmelzen auf Elementverteilungsprozesse in magmatischen Systemen
Wilke, Max
Der globale Ca-Kreislauf und die Temperaturabhängigkeit des Ca-Isotopenverhältnisses in marinen Systemen
Eisenhauer, Anton
Detecting the Legacy of Catastrophic Lake Outbursts in the Nepal Himalaya
Korup, Oliver
Did the Pamir slab form by intracontinental subduction or lithospheric delamination? Clues from the deformation and thermal history
Kley, Jonas
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Die Abhängigkeit der Strontiumisotopenfraktionierung (delta88Sr) bei der temperaturkontrollierten Präzipitation von Calciumcarbonat
Eisenhauer, Anton
Die bodenhydrologische Reaktion auf Wiederbewaldung in den feuchten Tropen
Elsenbeer, Helmut
Die niedrigtemperierte Hochdruckmetamorphose in Teilen der Lykischen Decken: Verteilung und geodynamische Implikationen und der Vergleich mit dem Dodekanes
Oberhänsli, Roland
Differentiating between tectonics and eustatic controls in coarse-grained, syn-rift sedimentary basins: Baja California Sur, Mexico
Mortimer, Ph.D., Estelle
Diffusive fractionation of lithium and boron isotopes in silicate melts: a tool to study degassing in ascending magmas
Wilke, Max
Drought Forecast and Water Management System for the semi-arid region of the state of Ceara, Brazil
Bronstert, Axel
Early Tertiary orogenic evolution of the southern Central Andes as reflected by the detrital record preserved in the Puna Plateau and Eastern Cordillera of NW Argentina
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Effective moisture changes and landscape development on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 50 ka inferred from Lake Donggi Cona lake sediments
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Effects of climate warming on debris flow activity and sediment supply in high mountain regions.
Bookhagen, Ph.D., Bodo
Einfluß von Reaktionsgeschichte auf geochronologische Systeme (Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Pb) von schnell-exhumierten Ultrahochtemperatur (UHT)-Gesteinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Forschungsbohrungen Tirschheim 1/63 und Schweikershain 1/63
Oberhänsli, Roland
Establishing of the tectonic affinity and pre- Variscan evolution of the Brunovistulian microcontinent (Czech Republic) by U-Pb and Ar-Ar mineral dating of granitoid basement and cover sediments
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Establishment of a community-wide 252Cf source for enhancing production of confined track-lengths for apatite fission track thermochronology
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Estimating and modeling interception in a gradient of forest complexity
Elsenbeer, Helmut
Evolution des Nordrandes des Nordostdeutschen Beckens
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Evolution of normal faults within the Higher Himalaya - local phenomenon or regional trend?
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Exploring the archive data of low grade - high pressure metamorphic sedimentary successions
Immenhauser, Adrian
Oberhänsli, Roland
Fault interactons on different time and length scales: the North-Tehran-Thrust (NTT) and the Mosha-Fasham-Fault (MFF), Alborz mountains, Nothern Iran
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Fe spin transition in the Earth's mantle: insight from X-ray Raman scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
McCammon, Catherine
Sternemann, Christian
Wilke, Max
Field and laboratory investigations of deformational and metamorphic processes related to Tertiary indenter tectonics and the exhumation of high pressure metamorphic rocks in the Western Alps
Handy, Mark R.
Gemeinsame Inversion geophysikalischer Datensätze: Strukturelle Verknüpfung mittels fuzzy c-means Clusteranalyse
Paasche, Hendrik
Geodynamics of central Tibet
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Geophysical and Geodetic Search for Transients in the Northern Chile Coupling Zone
Asch, Günter
Kind, Rainer
Scherbaum, Frank
Has late Cenozoic climate change lead to enhanced erosion in the Kyrgyz and Chinese Tien Shan?
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Highly Siderophile Elements: A Window to Earth’s Accretion
Wilke, Max
High-resolution 3-D dielectric property models of the shallow subsurface: Integrating direct-push and georadar data
Dietrich, Peter
Tronicke, Jens
Holocene Environment of far-east Siberia
Diekmann, Bernhard
Nazarova, Larisa
Identifying Dansgaard/Oeschger Cycles during the Penultimate Glacial
Fohlmeister, Jens
Imaging of small-scale structures and time-dependent changes in the rupture area of the 2010 Maule earthquake
Tilmann, Frederik
Improving the imaging capabilities of modern portable loop-loop electromagnetic induction (EMI) systems using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data
Guillemoteau, Ph.D., Julien
In situ determination of sulfur speciation in fluids at high temperature and pressure at controlled redox conditions: implications for magma degassing and formation of magmatic ore deposits
Behrens, Harald
Schmidt, Christian
In situ, high spatial resolution 40Ar/39Ar laser probe dating of microstructures in very low-grade metasediments from the Variscan foreland, southern Ireland
Timmerman, Martin Jan
Insolation forcing of climate and hydrology in the Naivasha Basin, Kenya
Trauth, Martin
Integrating land use planning and water governance in Amazonia: towards improved freshwater security in the agricultural frontier of Mato Grosso
Elsenbeer, Helmut
Inversion von Momententensoren in anisotropen Medien mit Anwendung auf Schwarmereignisse in der Vogtland Region
Krüger, Frank
Investigation of the radiative energy balance of Venus based on improved models of the middle and lower atmosphere
Haus, Rainer
Kinematische Herdparameter für globale und regionale Erdbeben
Krüger, Frank
Klimatisch-tektonische Wechselwirkungen bei der Entwicklung des Himalaya-Orogens am Beispiel des Sutlej-Tals, NW-Himalaya, Indien
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
KNIPAS - Knipovich Ridge passive seismic experiment Studying active mid-ocean ridge spreading processes and lithospheric structure on segment scale
Krüger, Frank
Schlindwein, Vera
Late Glacial-Early Holocene climate evolution on the Tibetan Plateau: a trigger or a response to Northern Hemisphere climate change?
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Linking biocalcification to the global carbon cycle: carbonate systems during the Paleogene
Mutti, Maria
Löslichkeit von HFSE-Mineralen und Speziation von HFS-Elementen in wässrigen Fluiden bei hohen Temperaturen und Drücken
Wilke, Max
Lokalisierung, Klassifizierung und Parametrisierung seismischer Quellen vulkanischen Ursprungs am Hochrisikovulkan Merapi, Indonesien
Wassermann, Joachim
Magnetostratigraphie des Buntsandsteins in Deutschland
Szurlies, Michael
Metamorphic Map of the Eastern Mediterranean Realm
Oberhänsli, Roland
"Missing Links" zwischen Dabie und Su-Lu, die Bedeutung der Tan-Lu Störung und ein vereinendes Modell für die Exhumierung der Ultrahochdruckkruste im Qinling-Dabie-Su-Lu Orogen
Oberhänsli, Roland
Modeling and analysis of earthquake swarms
Scherbaum, Frank
Möglichkeiten der Attributanalyse beim Georadarverfahren: Detaillierte strukturelle und parameterbezogene Charakterisierung des oberflächennahen Untergrundes durch gezielte Extraktion und Kombination verschiedener Datenattribute aus 2-D und 3-D Georadardaten
Tronicke, Jens
Monsoon and earthquake controls on sediment flux in an arid bedrock landscape, Zanskar, India
Korup, Oliver
Multi-spectrum retrieval of surface properties of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko based on Rosetta/VIRTIS measurements
Kappel, David
Nanogranites in migmatites: deciphering the chemical differentiation in the continental crust
O' Brien, Patrick J.
Neogene to Quaternary tectono-geomorphic evolution and paleo-hydrology of the South Central Andes, NW Argentina
Mulch, Andreas
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Neogene transitional carbonates: the link between the tropical and the temperate carbonate province
Mutti, Maria
Numerische Modellierung von metamorphen Reaktionsentwicklungen entlang vorgegebener P-T-Pfade: der Einfluss von Fraktionierung und Devolatisation
O' Brien, Patrick J.
Optical and X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the pressure-induced spin transition of Fe2+ in natural phosphates of the triphylite-lithiophilite series, Li (Fex2+Mn1-x2+)[PO4]
Koch-Müller, Monika
Wilke, Max
Organic components of cometary nuclei and the effects of opaque phases on spectral detectability of cometary organics and minerals.
Moroz, Liubov
Palaeoecology and evolution of Pliocene-Pleistocene Turkana Basin molluscs: Implications for basin formation and the evolution of hominins in East Africa
Glaubrecht, Matthias
Plant diversity changes at the southeastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 21 ka and its drivers
Kruse, Stefan
Polarisations- und Slowness-Untersuchungen mit dem Dreikomponenten-Gräfenberg-Array
Meier, Thomas
Polygons in tundra wetlands: state and dynamics under climate variability in Polar Regions (POLYGON)
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Joosten, Hans
Kutzbach, Lars
PRISM - Probabilistic Inference of Source Mechanisms
Stähler, Simon
Quantification of element transport processes in metamorphic rocks - simulating garnet porphyroblast growth in a three dimensional composition-space-time system.
Konrad-Schmolke, Matthias
Quantifying Tectonic and Glacial Controls on Topography: Patagonia, South America
Ehlers, Todd Alan
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Quantitative reconstructions of Holocene and Late Pleistocene palaeotemperatures in Yakutia, North-Eastern Russia using regional Chironnomid inference model
Nazarova, Larisa
Quaternary climate change in the most continental part of Central Asia
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Mischke, Steffen
Riedel, Frank
Raum-zeitliche Erosionsmuster in einem ungestörten tropischen Regenwald
Elsenbeer, Helmut
Raumzeitliche Seismizitätsmodelle für Gebiete niedriger Erdbebenaktivität
Scherbaum, Frank
Recurrence plot analysis of regime changes in dynamical Systems
Marwan, Norbert
Relikte eklogit- und granulitfazieller Überprägung im Menderes Kristallin; ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des Massivs
Oberhänsli, Roland
Response of East African climate to orbital forcing during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles: The Lake Naivasha Coring Project
Trauth, Martin
Seamless Hydrological prediction of east Indian summer monsoon and Variance Analysis of its meteorological and hydrological uncertainty (SHIVA)
Bronstert, Axel
Sediment export and its controls during secondary forest succession
Elsenbeer, Helmut
Seismic Tomography of the Oman Ophiolite
Weidle, Christian
Seismische Erkundung des oberen Erdmantels im Übergang zwischen dem phanerozoisch konsolidierten Mitteleuropa und dem osteuropäischen Kraton über die Tornquist-Teisseyre-Zone
Kind, Rainer
Krüger, Frank
Seismische Erkundung des oberen Erdmantels in der Übergangszone zwischen dem Phanerozoisch konsolidierten Mitteleuropa und dem Osteuropäischen Kraton mittels PASSEQ-Daten
Kind, Rainer
Krüger, Frank
Meier, Thomas
Seismological array experiment in the deep ocean west of Portugal to test the theoretical improvements in deep structure imaging and phase identification
Dahm, Torsten
Krüger, Frank
Seismotectonic investigation of the Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran, by means of an innovative algorithm for seismic moment tensor retrieval
Krüger, Frank
Shallow-water carbonate response to climatic events: sedimentological, paleoecological and chemostratigraphic approaches to foraminiferal biocalcification during the Paleogene in the Thetyan realm (Dinarids and Oman)
Mutti, Maria
Slip rate of the Qilian Shan frontal thrust, China, as derived from surface exposure dating
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Source mechanics and seismotectonics of swarm earthquakes in the region Vogtland/NW Bohemia
Seidl, Dieter
Staubsturm-Archiv im nördlichen saharischen Grenzraum für die letzten 15.000 Jahre - Machbarkeitsstudie
Pachur, Hans-Joachim
Structural and geomorphic origin of anomalous topographic culminations in the Chinese Pamir: Muztagh Ata and Kongur Shan
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Structural evolution of the Namche Barwa Syntaxis and Nyang River Shear Zone, SE-Tibet
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Strukturelle und zeitliche Entwicklung von archaischen Hochdruck-Granuliten in Nordchina
Kröner, Alfred
Szenarien hydrologischer Extreme - Zweidimensionales Downscaling von Klimamodellen auf tägliche Niederschläge mit Anwendungen in der Hydrologie
Bürger, Gerd
The role of fluid-induced partial melting in magmatic crystal mush in the origin of stratiform chromite deposits of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
Veksler, Ph.D., Ilya
Wilke, Max
The structural and environmental history of the Suguta Valley, Northern Kenya Rift
Trauth, Martin
Tipping elements and thresholds for extreme climate events in the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) realm (TISUR) IP3: Ecological regime shifts in response to monsoon dynamics and anthropogenic activities
Stebich, Martina
Topographic relief and climate-tectonics-erosion interactions in the Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan
Stübner, Konstanze
Toward a data-driven framework for hydrogeological uncertainty characterization
Hesse, Falk
Towards the inversion of tectonic signals from deep-marine archives: Competing tectonic signal propagation from across the Alps into the marine sink
Bernhardt, Anne
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Untersuchung/Charakterisierung mittel- und nordatlantischer seismischer Quellen mittlerer Magnitude mit 3-Komponenten Arrays
Dahm, Torsten
Krüger, Frank
Untersuchung der Struktur des tiefen Erdinnern (Erdkern) mit Daten des Deutschen Regionalen Seismologischen Netzes (GRSN)
Schlittenhardt, Jörg
Untersuchung der Struktur von Hoch- und Niedriggeschwindigkeitsregionen in der D"-Schicht mit kombinierten Arrays von Stationen und Erdbeben
Krüger, Frank
Untersuchungen zu PGE-Mobilisationen in "Alaskan-type" mafisch-ultramafischen Komplexen am Beispiel des Nizhni Tagil Massivs, Mittlerer Ural
Oberhänsli, Roland
Untersuchungen zur Elliptizität (H/V-Verhältnis) von Rayleighwellen
Malischewsky, Peter
U-Pb and Ar-Ar dating of minerals from metamorphic and syn-orogenic sedimentary rocks as a key to understanding architecture and evolution of collisional orogens
Oberhänsli, Roland
Vegetation changes during the last 400 years in norhern Yakutia, Arctic Russia: Evidence from pollen analysis and vegetation modeling
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Wechselwirkungen zwischen wässrigen Fluiden und silikatischen Schmelzen - Verteilung von Spurenelementen
Wilke, Max
Weitergehende Untersuchungen zur Theorie der H/V-Methode
Scherbaum, Frank
Zur Geomorphologie des Karakorum: Paraglaziale Sedimentationsformen im Umfeld ausgewählter Gletscher im Hispar- und Muztagh-Karakorum
Iturrizaga, Lasafam
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Eisrandtäler im Karakorum
Iturrizaga, Lasafam
Die Schuttkörper in Hochasien - Eine geomorphologische Bestandsaufnahme und Typologie postglazialer Hochgebirgsschuttkörper im Hindukusch, Karakorum und Himalaya
Iturrizaga, Lasafam
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
A tropical perspective on ice-age cycles: Evidence for rapid climate transitions from East African paleolake records
Bergner, Andreas
Discerning connectivity features and scaling behaviour of spatial random fields through the Method of Anchored Distributions (MAD).
Hesse, Falk
Georadar-Verfahren zur Charakterisierung von Lockergesteinsaquiferen: Bewertung der Unschärfen bei der hydrogeologischen Parameterinterpretation
Tronicke, Jens
Gletscherseeausbrüche im Karambar-/Chapursan-Tal (Karakorum): Geomorphologische Untersuchungen zum diluvialen Sedimentformenschatz
Iturrizaga, Lasafam
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Non-double-couple moment tensor components and their relation to fluid flow in the West-Bohemia/Vogtland region
Donner, Stefanie
Krüger, Frank
The Burning Question: How did fire shape Eastern Africa’s paleo-ecosystem?
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Tarasov, Pavel
Completed projects
39Ar/40Ar in situ determination on local equilibrium domains: Exhumation history of UHP rock from the Chineese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) drill hole in Donghai, China
Oberhänsli, Roland
Boreal forest bi-stability around Lake El’gygytgyn (NE Russia) during interglacial of the last 2.15 Million years
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Carbonate systems response to changes in continental weathering, oceanography and sea-level fluctuations: an integrated approach
Mutti, Maria
Chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical proxy data for aeolian input into the Lake Baikal system during the last 150 ka
Oberhänsli, Roland
Continental drilling through the shallow Alpine fault, New Zealand
Kopf, Achim
Oberhänsli, Roland
Deciphering climate information from authigenic mineral transformations in the Chew Bahir sediment cores: Towards a continuous half-million year climate record from the Southern Ethiopian Rift
Foerster, Verena
Deciphering the evolution of ultrahigh temperature granulites, Prydz Bay, Antarctica: reaction textures, reaction history and the relationships between lower crustal and mantle processes during continent formation and destruction
Oberhänsli, Roland
Digitizing drill logs and geophysical data from Issyk Kul
Oberhänsli, Roland
DNA-Metabarcoding of phyto- and zooplankton in East African lake sediments as proxies for past environmental perturbation
Hofreiter, Michael
Tiedemann, Ph.D., Ralph
Trauth, Martin
Dynamics of fluid flow in Westbohemia/ Vogtland: Imaging and Detection (Bohemian FluID)
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Evaluation of cored carbonates (COREF): a transect in the tropical to subtropical realm in the Ryukyu Islands (Japan)
Mutti, Maria
High-resolution Imaging of Swarm Systems through seismological re-processing of earthquakeswarm episodes employing full waveform double-difference methods [HISS]
Alexandrakis-Zieger, Ph.D., Catherine
Cesca, Simone
Ohrnberger, Matthias
ICEquakes: Identification, Classification and Evaluation of cryogenic events in seismological overservatory data
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Schlindwein, Vera
Lake Issyk Kul: Neotectonic deformation of (paleo-) shorelines and their link with intermontane basin closure and lake-level fluctuations
Landgraf, Angela
Lake Van Drilling Project "PALEOVAN", a long continental record in eastern Turkey: Geochronology, palynostratigraphy and environmental response on volcanic events
Litt, Thomas
Oberhänsli, Roland
Locating Scattered Energy in Vogtland's Earthquake Swarm Source Area through Double 3D-Array Beamforming and Inter-Event Coda Correlation Imaging (D3D)
Dahm, Torsten
Krüger, Frank
Ohrnberger, Matthias
Metabarcoding of ancient eukaryotic DNA from Chew Bahir, Ethiopia: Reconstruction of past biodiversity responses to drastic environmental change
Hofreiter, Michael
Tiedemann, Ph.D., Ralph
Mikrostrukturell unterstützte Isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen im Dabie Shan und an der Tiefbohrung Sulu: Datierung der Exhumierung und retrograden Metamorphose
Oberhänsli, Roland
Pliocene Arctic vegetation and its feedbacks with climate: combining Lake El´gygytgyn pollen data and vegetation modelling
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Melles, Martin
Seismologisches Tiefenlabor in den KTB/ICDP-Bohrungen
Borm, Günter
Seismologisches Tiefenobservatorium in den KTB/ICDP-Bohrungen
Weber, Michael
Siberian fire regime shifts during interglacials of the last 3.6 Myrs inferred from sedimentary records of Lake El’gygytgyn (NE Asia)
Dietze, Elisabeth
Tectonics and climate in a low-latitude rift: rift-shoulder denudation and sedimentation processes in northern Lake Malawi
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
The Chew Bahir Coring Project: Climate-vegetation feedbacks during the African Humid Period in the southern Ethiopian Rift
Schäbitz, Frank
Trauth, Martin
The Chew Bahir Drilling Project: A Half-Million Year Climate Record from the Southern Ethiopian Rift, Crucible of Human Evolution
Schäbitz, Frank
Trauth, Martin
Thermomechanische und strukturgeologische Erkundung entlang der N-S Geotraverse im Dabie Shan und Erfassung petrophysikalischer Grunddaten für tomographische Experimente
Oberhänsli, Roland
Thermomechanische und strukturgeologische Erkundung entlang der N-S Geotraverse im Dabie Shan und Erfassung petrophysikalischer Grunddaten für tomographische Experimente
Ratschbacher, Lothar
Thermomechanische und strukturgeologische Erkundung entlang der N-S Geotraverse im Dabie Shan und Erfassung petrophysikalischer Grunddaten für tomographische Experimente
Klemd, Reiner
Trends, rhythms and events in East African climate: statistical analysis of the paleoclimare records of the long sediment cores of the Chew Bahir basin
Trauth, Martin
Research Units
Completed projects
Electronic structure of Fe/Mg carbonates at conditions of the Earth's lower mantle: Implications for the formation of tetrahedrally coordinated carbon
Sternemann, Christian
Wilke, Max
Feedbacks between soils, biota, land management and hydrological processes at different spatiotemporal scales
van Schaik, Loes
Schröder-Esselbach, Boris
FOR 1380: Himalaya: Modern and Past Climates (HIMPAC)
Prasad, Ph.D., Sushma
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
FOR 2125: "Structures, properties and reactions of carbonates at high temperatures and pressures"
Winkler, Björn
Hydrological connectivity and its controls on hillslope and catchment scale stream flow generation
Blume, Theresa
Weiler, Markus
Hydrologische Prozessaufklärung bei einer Großhangbewegung sowie kontinuierliche, prozess-differenzierte hydrologische Modellierung in Kombination mit Strukturaufklärung und Ermittlung kritischer Parameterfelder mit schwach invasiven Methoden
Tronicke, Jens
Zehe, Erwin
Impact of Holocene climate variability on palaeoproductivity changes recorded in lake sediments
Prasad, Ph.D., Sushma
Non-invasive geophysical and remote sensing methods to map and characterize relevant structures and processes
Hinz, Stefan
Tronicke, Jens
Raum-zeitliche Muster der Wasserleitfähigkeit in Störungsgradienten
Elsenbeer, Helmut
Reconstructing Holocene climatic oscillations in the Indian monsoon system using cores from Himalayan (Manasbal, Tso Moiri) and central Indian (Lonar) lakes
Gaye, Birgit
Riedel, Frank
Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena
Stebich, Martina
Research Unit Coordination
Prasad, Ph.D., Sushma
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Seasonality and variations in moisture-supply on different timescales (1-104 yrs) and their relation to surface processes in the NW Himalaya
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Stable isotopes from peat profiles from the western Himalayas (India as indicators of westerlies and monsoon variability during the Holocene
Lücke, Andreas
Prasad, Ph.D., Sushma
X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of element redistribution processes between carbonates and mantle phases at lower mantle conditions
Appel, Karen
Wilke, Max
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Monsoon and earthquake controls on sediment flux in an arid bedrock landscape, Zanskar, India
Korup, Oliver
Quaternary environmental and climate history in the arid and alpine regions of the Old World
Mischke, Steffen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Wilke, Max
Experimental determination of boron isotope fractionation between silicate melts and aqueous fluids, with application to understanding magmatic-hydrothermal ore genesis
Jahn, Sandro
Trumbull, Robert
Wilke, Max
Wunder, Bernd
Natural and experimental constraints on the behaviour of Re in the Earth’s crust: Part B - hydrothermal transport of Re and Mo-Re fractionation
Jahn, Sandro
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Wilke, Max
Properties of Fe-bearing geomaterials at conditions close to the core-mantle boundary
Appel, Karen
Sieber, Ph.D., Melanie
Sternemann, Christian
SPP 2238: Dynamics of Ore-Metals Enrichment - DOME
Wilke, Max
Transpression and transtension in the Eastern Alps (TATEA): Kinematics and age of a sinistral wrench zone
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Completed projects
Density and fate of silicate melts in the early Earth s mantle
Petitgirard, Sylvain
Determination of single-crystal elastic properties of olivine and serpentine as a function of chemical composition at conditions of subduction zones up to GPa, 1000°C
Speziale, Sergio
Experimental studies on Mo mobility in high-pressure high-temperature fluids of complex compositions
Klemme, Ph.D., Stephan
Schmidt, Christian
Wilke, Max
Fingerprints analysis of extreme events caused by stratospheric sulfur injections (FASSI)
Cubasch, Ulrich
Koordinationschemie von Eisen in silikatischen Gläsern und Schmelzen - eine XAFS Studie
Wilke, Max
Signal Dynamik im Waveletphasenraum: die Wavelet Deformationsalgebra und ihre Anwendung bei der Analyse seismischer Signale
Holschneider, Matthias
Vegetation-based climate reconstruction for the Tibetan Plateau: integrating vegetation modelling and pollen data reanalyses
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Jeltsch, Florian
Vegetation, Climate, Man - Holocene Variability in monsoonal Central Asia (HOLOCENE CV)
Claußen, Martin
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Walvis Ridge Passive-Source Seismic Experiment - Seismic structures and seismotectonics in the passive continental margin of NW Namibia
Scherbaum, Frank
Yuan, Xiaohui
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Ar/Ar Gasmassenspektrometer mit UV Laserablationssystem
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Fluid-Gesteinsinteraktion und Deformation um Intrusiva
(Project Heads
Baumgartner, Lukas P.
Oberhänsli, Roland
Klimatische Kontrolle und Magnitude rezenter und vergangener Erosionsregimes
(Project Heads
Haselton, Kirk
Trauth, Martin
Klima und Tektonik
(Project Head
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Plateau formation recorded by tectonic and climatic signals in intramontane basins in NW Arbentina
(Project Heads
Blisniuk, Ph.D., Peter Michael
Oncken, Onno
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Trauth, Martin
Strukturanalyse und Exhumierung der östlichen Puna bei 24 Grad S
(Project Heads
Oncken, Onno
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Tektonisch aktive orographische Barrieren und ihr Einfluß auf Klima- und Sedimentationssysteme
(Project Heads
Blisniuk, Ph.D., Peter Michael
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Deciphering the duration of fluid-rock interaction
John, Timm
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Bridging Geodesy and Seismology for improved and automated estimation of faulting events
Sudhaus, Henriette
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1364: Shaping the Earth's Surface in a Variable Environment: Interactions between Tectonics, Climate and Biosphere in the African-Asian Monsoonal Region
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
GRK 2043: Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World (NatRisk-Change)
Thieken, Annegret
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2018: SuRfAce processes, TEctonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina (StRaTEGy)
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred