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Universitätsklinikum Erlangen AöR
Medizinische Klinik 3 - Rheumatologie und Immunologie
Internistisches Zentrum (INZ)
Ulmenweg 18
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
B cells regulate bone remodeling in an AP-1 dependent manner
Grötsch, Bettina
Characterization of the pro-resolving eosinophil subset in human arthritis and its regulation by anti-rheumatic treatment
Bozec, Aline
Schett, Georg
Engrailed 1 mediates fibroblast activation and tissue fibrosis
Matei, Alexandru-Emil
Glucocorticoid-mediated immune-metabolic reprogramming of macrophages
Krönke, Gerhard
Heterogeneity of neutrophil states in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus
Grieshaber-Bouyer, Ricardo
Interleukin 9-induced tissue repair mechanisms in chronic inflammatory arthritis
Ramming, Andreas
Investigating the immunomodulatory abilities of Prevotella spp. promoting the development of rheumatoid arthritis
Strowig, Till
Zaiss, Mario M.
Molecular Assessment of the Acute Damage-Response in Stromal Resident Tissue Macrophages.
Uderhardt, Stefan
Mutual amplification of Hedgehog and Activator Protein 1 (AP1)-signaling in Systemic Sclerosis - potential therapeutic and prognostic implications
Bergmann, Christina
Networks of tissue responses in inflammatory diseases and cancer
Ramming, Andreas
Regulation of chromatin remodeling by Notch1 in fibrotic disorders
Dees, Clara
Role of Btn2a2 in central tolerance induction mechanisms
Sarter-Zaiss, Kerstin
Zaiss, Mario M.
Role of peroxidase deficiencies and elucidation of further disease genes in rare psoriatic subtypes affecting skin and skeleton
Hüffmeier, Ulrike
Steffen, Ulrike
Role of popliteal lymph node stromal cells during the onset of rheumatoid arthritis
Zaiss, Mario M.
The biphasic spatiotemporal role of serotonin in RA progression
Bader, Michael
Zaiss, Mario M.
The role of extracellular DNA traps in the development of sialadenitis and primary Sjögren´s Syndrome
Munoz, Ph.D., Luis
Completed projects
Analyse der Interaktion der HIV-1-spezifischen Immunantwort mit der Entwicklung von Resistenzen gegen die antiretrovirale Therapie
Harrer, Thomas
AP-1 transcription factors roles in the control of macrophage polarization
Bozec, Aline
Evaluation of ATF3 in systemic sclerosis and fibrotic diseases
Ramming, Andreas
Humane Autoantikörper gegen C-reaktives-Protein aus SLE-Patienten: Isolierung, Charakterisierung und Klärung ihrer Bedeutung für das Krankheitsgeschehen
Herrmann, Martin
Induktion von Hitzeschockprotein 90 durch Transforming Growth Factor ß als neuer pro-fibrotischer Signalweg in der systemischen Sklerose
Schett, Georg
Neutrophil extracellular traps form the nidus of human gall stones
Schauer, Ph.D., Christine
Nuclear Receptor 4a1 (Nr4a1) als negativer Rückkopplungsmechanismus bei fibrotischen Erkankungen
Akhmetshina-Distler, Ph.D., Alfiya
Pharmacological Blockade of Canonical Wnt Signaling for the Treatment of Systemic Sclerosis and Other Fibrotic Diseases
Beyer, Christian
Role of C-type lectin molecules in bone homeostasis
Bozec, Aline
Targeting Dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP4) in systemic sclerosis and related fibrotic diseases
Ramming, Alina
The function of eosinophils in bone remodelling
Schett, Georg
The role of caspase activation in the regulation of osteoclast fusion and bone homeostasis
Scherbel, Carina
The role of PARP1 in the pathogenesis of fibrotic disorders
Dees, Clara
The role of Siglec-9/ Siglec-E in osteoclastogenesis
Steffen, Ulrike
The role of SOCS3 in the pathogenesis of fibrotic disorders
Dees, Clara
The role of the cartilage protein Ucma in degenerative and inflammatory arthritis
Stock, Michael
The role of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) in Systemic Sclerosis and other fibrosing disorders
Bergmann, Christina
Untersuchung der Rolle der 12/15-Lipoxygenase in der Pathogenese der rheumatoiden Arthritis
Schett, Georg
Wnt5a activates fibroblasts and induces fibrosis via the planar cell polarity pathway
Distler, Jörg Hans Wilhelm
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2886: PANDORA - Pathways triggering AutoimmuNity and Defining Onset of early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Krönke, Gerhard
FOR 5775: Macrophage Niche Network Dynamics - Defining macrophages as choreographers of tissue development and function
Mass, Elvira
Machine learning-based in vivo assessment of the role of the synovial microenvironment in the pathogenesis of inflammatory arthritis
Breininger, Katharina
Uderhardt, Stefan
Understanding the role of macrophage-fibroblast networks in extracellular matrix turnover and recycling.
Uderhardt, Stefan
Completed projects
Bildgebende Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung der Vaskulogenese bei Arthritis
Schett, Georg
Impact of IgA and IgG ACPA on the immune system and disease onset
Steffen, Ulrike
Intestinal epithelial cell death as modulator of intestinal dysbiosis, systemic autoimmunity and the onset of Arthritis
Bozec, Aline
Günther, Claudia
Mechanisms of intestinal immune activation in RA – consequences for clinical onset
Rothhammer, Veit
Zaiss, Mario M.
Plasmazellen als therapeutischer Ansatzpunkt bei Antikörper-vermittelten Autoimmunerkrankungen
Voll, Reinhard
Sodium as factor controlling the threshold of autoimmune arthritis
Herrmann, Martin
The influence of mitochondrial lymphocyte metabolism on the onset of RA
Mielenz, Dirk
Schett, Georg
Translational Arthritis Database, crosslinking clinical and basic Research.
Pachowsky, Milena
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Crosstalk between inflammation, bone destruction and new bone formation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Syrbe, Uta
Dissecting the osteoimmunological role of dickkopf-1 in arthritis and glucocorticoidinduced bone loss
Hofbauer, Lorenz C.
Rauner, Martina
Evaluation of the nuclear receptor Retinoid Acid Receptor related Receptor alpha (RORalpha) as a novel regulator of osteoclastogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis
Distler, Jörg Hans Wilhelm
How Fra/AP-1 transcription factors control the bone niche
Bozec, Aline
Mielenz, Dirk
Innate Lymphoid Cells induce a fibrotic phenotype of fibroblasts in fibrotic diseases
Ramming, Andreas
Management and Dissemination of Priority Program SPP 1468 "Osteoimmunology - IMMUNOBONE - A Programm to Unravel Mutual lnteractions between the Immune System and Bone"
Schett, Georg
Relevance of osteal macrophages in bone remodeling
Amling, Michael
Schinke, Ph.D., Thorsten
SPP 1468: Osteoimmunology - IMMUNOBONE - A Programme to Unravel the Mutual Interactions between the Immune System and Bone
Schett, Georg
The impact of ACPA on bone loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Schett, Georg
The role of adipocytes in the bone tumor micro-environment
Bozec, Aline
Bäuerle, Tobias
The role of CXCR2-ligands for neutrophil mobilization from the bone marrow to peripheral sites
Gunzer, Matthias
Waisman, Ari
The role of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the modulation of Arthritis by intestinal helminthes
Zaiss, Mario M.
The role of MAPK-activated protein kinase-2 and -3 in bone homeostasis and inflammatory bone destruction
Schett, Georg
The role of the oxidative burst in bone remodeling during chronic inflammation
Herrmann, Martin
Hoffmann, Markus
The Role of the Wnt antagonist Wif-1 in bone remodelling during arthritis
Schett, Georg
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Organ cross-talk controlled by transcription factors, nutrients and cytokines: bone homeostasis and cancer
Bozec, Aline
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Assessing tissue-protective functions of macrophages through integrative and functional tissue-level biology.
Uderhardt, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Hand Motion Patterns Derived from Empathokinaesthetic Sensor Data as a Diagnostic Parameter for Disease Activity in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases
(Project Heads
Kleyer, Arnd
Liphardt, Anna-Maria
Schett, Georg
Completed projects
Amplification of NET formation and neutrophil aggregation for the resolution of inflammation
(Project Heads
Herrmann, Martin
Hoffmann, Markus
Analyse der HIV-spezifischen zytotoxischen T-Zellantwort: Analyse viraler Fluchtmechanismen und Entwicklung von medikamentösen und immunologischen Therapiestrategien
(Project Head
Harrer, Thomas
Bedeutung von anti-dsDNA-Antikörpern für die Pathogenese der Lupusnephritis
(Project Heads
Kalden, Joachim R.
Winkler, Thomas
Central tasks of the CRC1181
(Project Head
Schett, Georg
Characterization of the pro-resolving eosinophil subset in human arthritis and its regulation by anti-rheumatic treatment
(Project Heads
Bozec, Aline
Schett, Georg
Determining the molecular pathways of the effects of regulatory T cells on monocytes/osteoclasts
(Project Head
Schett, Georg
Genese des löslichen Transferrinrezeptors und seine Bedeutung für die Regulation der Aktivierung entzündlicher Effektorzellen
(Project Head
Manger, Bernhard
Immune modulation by ligands of dead and dying cells
(Project Head
Herrmann, Martin
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Koop, Kristina
Zaiss, Mario M.
Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
(Project Heads
Herrmann, Martin
Schleicher, Ulrike
Interaktionen zwischen Synovialen Zellen und Gelenkknorpel - Untersuchung zellulärer und molekularer Grundlagen der Knorpelzerstörung bei der Rheumatoiden Arthritis (RA)
(Project Head
Geiler, Thomas
Mechanismen der Transduktion stimulatorischer und inhibitorischer Signale über die akzessorischen Moleküle CD28 und CTLA-4 auf T-Lymphozythen
(Project Heads
Manger, Bernhard
Nagel, Thomas
Microbial-derived histamine induces resolution of synovial inflammation via the CNS
(Project Heads
Rothhammer, Veit
Zaiss, Mario M.
Modification of cytokines by myeloperoxidase activity and (un)known mediators in resolution of psoriatic disease
(Project Heads
Frey, Silke
Hüffmeier, Ulrike
Steffen, Ulrike
Molekularbiologische Charakterisierung von Nukleinsaeuren aus dem Plasma von Patienten mit SLE
(Project Head
Krapf, F. E.
Remutation von klonalen anti-dsDNA Antikörpern
(Project Head
Kalden, Joachim R.
SFB 1181: Checkpoints for Resolution of Inflammation
Schett, Georg
The role of p38MAPKá in rapid progressive crescentic glomerulonephritis
(Project Heads
Schett, Georg
Zwerina, Jochen
The role of Siglecs and sialic acids in the resolution of inflammation
(Project Heads
Nitschke, Lars
Steffen, Ulrike
The spatial transcriptomic landscape of resolution of inflammation in arthritis
(Project Heads
Ramming, Andreas
Rauber, Simon
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Investigations on antigen-dependent and -independent functions of distinct myeloid subsets of phagocytes in host defence and maintenance of self-tolerance during infection and inflammation
Uderhardt, Stefan
Relationship of bone quality, muscle performance and body composition in osteopenic women, high performance athletes and young adults with eating disorders & changes in bone quality measured with 3D HR-pQCTafter vibration training in osteopenic women
Liphardt, Anna-Maria
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 5024: Immune checkpoints of gut to brain communication in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases (GB.Com)
Winner, Beate
Studying in situ tissue schematics using advanced volumetric imaging and machine learning for image analysis.
Breininger, Katharina
Uderhardt, Stefan
Completed projects
Neutrophil extracellular traps orchestrate the immune response in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Herrmann, Martin
Leppkes, Moritz
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Influence of the short-chain fatty acid propionate as a metabolite of the human intestinal microbiome in the context of arthritic diseases.
Zaiss, Mario M.
Current projects
Arginine supplementation as new therapeutic option against inflammatory bone loss
(Project Heads
Bozec, Aline
Schleicher, Ulrike
Central Management Project
(Project Head
Bozec, Aline
Comprehensive characterization of patients with inflammatory bone disease with serological profiling and imaging
(Project Heads
Hofbauer, Lorenz C.
Mirtschink, Peter
Schett, Georg
Tsourdi, Elena
Cross talk between skin and joints impairs bone homeostasis in psoriatic arthritis
(Project Heads
Günther, Claudia
Ramming, Andreas
Emergency barriers in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases- Neutrophil-epithelial interplay shapes epithelial restitution in the ulcer microenvironment
(Project Heads
Herrmann, Martin
Koop, Kristina
Leppkes, Moritz
Inflammation-induced intestinal epithelial regulated necrosis as a novel modulator of bone resorption
(Project Heads
Bozec, Aline
Günther, Claudia
Kidney imaging and ultrastructure
(Project Heads
Uderhardt, Stefan
Warth, Richard
Witzgall, Ralph
Regulatory mechanisms linking chronic gut inflammation and bone loss
(Project Heads
Wielockx, Ph.D., Ben
Zaiss, Mario M.
Resolving glomerular to tubular crosstalk through miR-containing exosomes
(Project Heads
Müller-Deile, Janina
Uderhardt, Stefan
Role for the c-type lectin receptor Dectin-1 (Clec7a) in inflammatory bone disease
(Project Heads
Grötsch, Bettina
Weber, Manuel
Role of type I interferon in inflammatory bone disease
(Project Heads
Lee-Kirsch, Min Ae
Schett, Georg
The impact of neutrophils and NET formation on osteoclastogenesis and bone homeostasis during inflammation
(Project Head
Steffen, Ulrike
The role of the iron regulator transferrin receptor 2 in infection and bone
(Project Heads
Baschant, Ulrike
Scholtysek, Carina
Tissue-level definition of the inflammatory osteoclastogenic niche
(Project Heads
Gölz, Lina
Uderhardt, Stefan
TRR 369: DIONE Degeneration of bone induced by inflammation
Bozec, Aline
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2504: Novel antiviral approaches: from small molecules to immune intervention
Überla, Klaus
GRK 2599: FAIR - Fine-Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Zaiss, Mario M.
GRK 2740: Immunomicrotope: Microenvironmental, Metabolic and Microbial Signals Regulating Immune Cell-Pathogen Interactions
Bogdan, Christian
Completed projects
GRK 592: Lymphocytes: Differentiation, Activation and Deviation
Jäck, Hans-Martin
GRK 1071: Viruses of the Immune System
Fleckenstein, Bernhard
GRK 1660: Key Signals of Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
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