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Universität Münster
Institut für Physikalische Chemie
Corrensstraße 28/30
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Correlating eIF4A conformational dynamics with eIF4A-, eIF4B-, and eIF4G-dependence and translation efficiencies of yeast mRNAs
Klostermeier, Dagmar
Lithium ion transport in self-assembled zwitterionic nanochannels containing ionic liquids
Schönhoff, Monika
NSF-DFG MISSION: In Operando Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy at Solid/Liquid Interfaces: Driving Surface Wettability with Light and Electric Field Gradients
Braunschweig, Björn
Ravoo, Bart Jan
Particle Size Effects on Surface Charge and Charge Regulation in O/W Nanoemulsions
Braunschweig, Björn
Quantification of Dynamic Ion Correlations in Highly Concentrated Liquid Electrolytes and of their Implications for Charge and Mass Transport
Roling, Bernhard
Schönhoff, Monika
Regulation of human eIF4A activity in health and disease: Mechanisms of canonical and aberrant translation initiation
Klostermeier, Dagmar
Solid State NMR of Acid Sites in Non-Classical Zeolites
Koller, Hubert
Structure, dynamics and electrochemical stability of concentrated electrolytes in confined spaces
Winter, Martin
Completed projects
Assembly of layers in 3D with guiding frames
Heuer, Andreas
Conformational changes in DNA gyrase and their coordination in DNA supercoiling
Klostermeier, Dagmar
Darstellung und Charakterisierung schaltbarer Kapselsysteme zur Anwendung als Wirkstoffträgersysteme
Schönhoff, Monika
Dynamische supramolekulare Aggregationen
Eckert, Hellmut
Scheer, Manfred
Electrocatalytic Activation of CO2 in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids
Braunschweig, Björn
Entwicklung und Anwendung moderner Festkörper-NMR- Strategien zur strukturellen und dynamischen Charakterisierung von Elektroden- und Elektrolytmaterialien
Eckert, Hellmut
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung neuer Flüssigelektrolyte für Lithium- Hochleistungsbatterien
Winter, Martin
Entwicklung von Elektrolytkomponenten und Additiven insbesondere zur Filmbildung an der Kathode von wieder aufladbaren Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
Röschenthaler, Gerd-Volker
Winter, Martin
Functional characterization of sensor DDX41 and mediator STING involved in the innate immune response to cytosolic DNA and cyclic dinucleotides
Andreou, Alexandra-Zoi
Functional nanostructures and chemical systems by confined self-assembly: Construction principles and molecular transport processes
Schönhoff, Monika
Fundamental Studies on Lithium -Ion Batteries with High Specific Energy Density
Li, Jie
Winter, Martin
Herstellung von nichtsilicatischen Oxidgläsern mittels Sol-Gel-Verfahren und kernmagnetische Verfolgung von Kinetik und Strukturbildung von der molekularen Lösung bis zum Material
Eckert, Hellmut
Heteroaromatic redox polymers for lithium/organic batteries (HALO)
Esser, Birgit
Winter, Martin
Interactions of Bio-Polymers and Lipids in Layered Structures
Möhwald, Helmuth
Kationentransportmechanismen und Anionen-Rotationsfehlordnung in plastischen Kristallen
Wilmer, Dirk
Winter, Martin
Mechanism and regulation of RNA unwinding by DEAD-box RNA helicases
Klostermeier, Dagmar
Mechanism of ATP-dependent DNA supercoiling, relaxation and decatenation by type IIA DNA topoisomerases
Klostermeier, Dagmar
Molekulare Charakterisierung der 3-Hydroxyacyl-ACP:CoA Transacylase PhaG aus Pseudomonas putida: Ein neuer Stoffwechselweg zur Polyhydroxyfettsäure-Synthese
Rehm, Bernd
Neue Anoden- und Elektrolyt-Materialien für Lithium-Hochleistungsbatterien, Einfluss auf die SEI, elektrochemische Charakterisierung und Transportvorgänge
Eckert, Hellmut
Pöttgen, Rainer
Wiemhöfer, Hans-Dieter
New Optical Materials based on Rare Earth Doped Oxyfluoride Glasses and Ceramics: Structural Studies by Magnetic Resonance Methods
Eckert, Hellmut
Hansen, Michael Ryan
van Wüllen, Leo
Polyelectrolyte Multilayer-Coated Colloids: Hydration, Internal Properties and Interactions
Schönhoff, Monika
Solution structure of 3-Hydroxyacyl-ACP:CoA transacylase PhaG from Pseudomonas putida
Görlach, Matthias
Strukturelle Untersuchungen an anorganischen Fluoridgläsern mit Hilfe von NMR-Methoden
Eckert, Hellmut
Thermodynamik von Metallionen-Proteinwechselwirkung: Ca2+- und Cu2+-bindende Proteine
Hinz, Hans-Jürgen
Tin-nanoparticle as anode material in lithium-ion batteries - Influence of morphological and surface properties on the electrochemical performance
Kolny-Olesiak, Joanna
Winter, Martin
Wechselwirkung und Dynamik in mikroporösen Materialien - Untersuchungen mittels moderner Methoden der Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie
Koller, Hubert
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Conformational dynamics during the catalytic cycle of RNA helicases studied by time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and single molecule FRET
Klostermeier, Dagmar
Research Units
Completed projects
Nonlinear response from the perspective of energy landscapes
Heuer, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Designing polymer-based organic thin-film batteries towards IoT applications.
Brunklaus, Gunther
Eichel, Rüdiger-A.
Heuer, Andreas
Structure-Property Relations and Wetting Dynamics of Organic Thin Films with Photo-Switches
Braunschweig, Björn
Completed projects
45Sc, 89Y, 139La und 175Lu Festkörper-NMR - eine komplementäre Sonde zur Röntgenstrukturaufklärung intermetallischer Seltenerdverbindungen
Eckert, Hellmut
Pöttgen, Rainer
Hochauflösende Festkörper-NMR zur Untersuchung von Struktur und Dynamik in der Silicium-Chemie
Sebald, Angelika
Hochauflösende Festkörper-NMR zur Untersuchung von Struktur und Dynamik in der Silicium-Chemie
Eckert, Hellmut
Liquids on switchable pre-structured substrates - from microscopic to mesoscopic models
Gurevich, Svetlana
Heuer, Andreas
Thermodynamics and kinetics for stabilization of conversion-type electrodes for LIB based on nano 3d transition metal oxide composites
Ehrenberg, Helmut
Rafaja, David
Seifert, Hans Jürgen
Winter, Martin
Thermodynamics and kinetics of lithiation and delithiation of high capacity anode materials at elevated temperatures
Eckert, Hellmut
Schmitz, Guido
Winter, Martin
Unraveling Degradation Mechanisms in Polymer-Based Dual-Ion Batteries and Development of Countermeasures for Performance Optimization
Placke, Tobias
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Interfacing self-assembly and multiple stimuli to create adaptive behaviour
(Project Heads
Fernandez-Huertas, Gustavo
Hansen, Michael Ryan
Neugebauer, Johannes
Light-controlled anion-binding adaptive supramolecular systems
(Project Heads
Garcia Mancheno, Olga
Schönhoff, Monika
Molecular control of adaptive interfaces and hierarchical soft matter
(Project Heads
Braunschweig, Björn
Heuer, Andreas
Self-assembly of hybrid nanostructures for brain-inspired electronics
(Project Heads
Heuer, Andreas
Ravoo, Bart Jan
van der Wiel, Wilfred
Self-regulating soft materials: Feedback mechanisms for coupling photochemical reactivity and thermoresponsive properties
(Project Heads
Braunschweig, Björn
Muradi geboren Næsborg, Line Dahl
The role of protein-lipid interactions for protein segregation in the yeast plasma membrane
(Project Heads
Heuer, Andreas
Wedlich-Söldner, Roland
Towards intelligent light-propelled nano- and microsystems
(Project Heads
Denz, Cornelia
Rey, Marcel
Wittkowski, Raphael
Completed projects
Compounds Consisting of Group 13 Lewis Acids and Nitrogen based Lewis Bases for Bifunctional Activation
(Project Heads
Eckert, Hellmut
Uhl, Werner
Computational Chemistry (Theory and Modeling of Cooperativity in Chemical Systems)
(Project Heads
Doltsinis, Nikos L.
Heuer, Andreas
Mück-Lichtenfeld, Christian
Neugebauer, Johannes
Waller, Mark P.
Cooperative Reactions of "non quenching" Lewis-Acid/-Base Pairs with unsaturated Substrates
(Project Heads
Eckert, Hellmut
Erker, Gerhard
Cooperativity in Organic Spin Materials and their Hybrid Systems: Steering of Magnetic Properties by Orientation of Radicals
(Project Heads
Eckert, Hellmut
Studer, Armido
Cooperativity of Membrane Lipid Domain Organization Mediated by Peripherally Associated Proteins: Principles and Visualization
(Project Heads
Galla, Hans Joachim
Gerke, Volker
Glorius, Frank
Heuer, Andreas
Das "MIGRATION concept" zur Beschreibung der Ionenbewegung in Materialien mit ungeordneten Strukturen
(Project Head
Funke, Klaus
Disentangling the Cooperative Effects of Multiple Non-Covalent Interactions in BODIPY-based Self-Assembled Structures
(Project Heads
Fernandez-Huertas, Gustavo
Hansen, Michael Ryan
Entwicklung ionenleitender Polyelektrolyt-Multischichten und -Komplexe
(Project Head
Schönhoff, Monika
Gepulste Feldgradienten- NMR und Spinrelaxationsstudien der Ionenmobilität in polymeren Elektrolyten
(Project Heads
Eckert, Hellmut
Schönhoff, Monika
Wiemhöfer, Hans-Dieter
Großgeräte zur gemeinschaftlichen Nutzung
(Project Head
Funke, Klaus
Ionendynamik in Polyelektrolytmultischichten und dreidimensionalen Polyelektrolytkomplexen variabler Zusammensetzung
(Project Head
Cramer, Cornelia
Kurzzeitdynamik in kristallinen und polymeren Ionenleitern
(Project Head
Wilmer, Dirk
Local Strain and Motion in Zeolites
(Project Head
Koller, Hubert
Mikroskopisches Verständnis der nichtlinearen Leitfähigkeit in ungeordneten Ionenleitern
(Project Heads
Friedrich, Rudolf
Heuer, Andreas
Molecular Basis for the Cooperative Action of the Reverse Gyrase Helicase and Topoisomerase Domains in Positive DNA Supercoiling
(Project Head
Klostermeier, Dagmar
Segment- und Ionendynamik in Polymeren Elektrolyten
(Project Heads
Funke, Klaus
Richter, Dieter
Zorn, Reiner
SFB 458: Ionic-Motion in Materials with Disordered Structures - From Elementary Steps to Macroscopic Transport -
Funke, Klaus
Strukturelles und dynamisches Umfeld von Kationen in Glas
(Project Head
Eckert, Hellmut
Thermodynamic and Dynamic Equillibrium of Fluid-Fluid-Phases in Membrane Lipids
(Project Head
Heuer, Andreas
Von der lokalen Relaxation zum langreichweitigen Transport: eine Computerstudie an anorganischen und polymeren Ionenleitern
(Project Head
Heuer, Andreas
Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs
(Project Head
Funke, Klaus
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Struktur und Dynamik in amorphen Festkörpern studiert mit Hilfe von kernmagnetischer Resonanzspektroskopie und molekulardynamischen Simulationen
Vogel, Michael
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
400 MHz FT-NMR-Spektrometer mit MAS-, Diffusions- und Imagingzubehör
Digitale 500 MHz 4-Kanal NMR-Austauschkonsole
Digitale Fourier-Spektrometer-Konsole
Konfokales Einzelmolekül-Mikroskop
Laserspektrometer für die Summenfrequenz-Schwingungsspektroskopie (SFG) an Grenzflächen
NMR Spectrometer console for 400 MHz spectrometer with pulsed field gradient NMR
NMR spectrometer for studies of molecular transport
Replacement procurement: 200 MHz Solid-State NMR Spectrometer
Completed projects
Assembly of layers in 3D with guiding frames
(Project Heads
Heuer, Andreas
Liu, Dongsheng
Molecular imprinting in polyelectrolyte multilayers and complexes
(Project Heads
Schönhoff, Monika
Vapour deposition of molecules on pre-structured substrates - from microscopic to mesoscopic models
(Project Heads
Gurevich, Svetlana
Heuer, Andreas
Thiele, Uwe
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1143: Complex Functional Systems in Chemistry: Design, Development and Applications
Erker, Gerhard
GRK 1444: Generation of Supramolecular Functional Cavities - Container Molecules, Macrocycles and Related Compounds
Uhl, Werner
GRK 2027: New Trends in Molecular Activation and Catalysis
Hahn, F. Ekkehardt
Additional Information
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