Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Philologie
Germanistisches Institut
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
This institution in GERiT
44801 Bochum
Research Units
Current projects
Alterity and Disorder in Psychiatry and Literature since the 1970s
Borck, Cornelius
Schäfer, Armin
Collection Fomats: Practices of Reprinting between the Anthologisation of the Periodic and the Periodicisation of the Anthology
Ramtke, Nora
FOR 3033: The dimensions of techne in the fine arts (manifestations / systems / narratives)
Bushart, Magdalena
Handling and Instruction in Early Modern How-to Books and Artists’ Manuals
Lechtermann, Christina
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Kaminski, Nicola
Dokumente des Wahns: Fabulieren und Querulieren in Literatur und Psychiatrie
Borck, Cornelius
Schäfer, Armin
FOR 2288: Journal Literature: Rules of Format, Visual Design, and Cultures of Reception
Kaminski, Nicola
Framing Experiments. Visual Narratives in Humorous and Satirical German Periodicals and American Newspaper Comic Strips around 1900
Schmitz-Emans, Monika
Imagination und Kultur
Behrens, Rudolf
Narrative des Wahnsinns im großstädtischen Raum, 1900-1930
Schäfer, Armin
New Times. Tempo, Acceleration, and the Pluralisation of Temporal Dimensions in Humorous Picture Stories, Cartoons, and Comics between 1900 and 1930
Schmitz-Emans, Monika
Optical Appearances - mise en page in Journal Literature and Book Literature
Kaminski, Nicola
Mergenthaler, Volker
"Phantasie an die Macht" - Literatur und Popkultur um 1968
Plumpe, Gerhard
Räume der Imagination - Imagination der Räume (im Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts in Frankreich)
Behrens, Rudolf
Recursiveness: Mnemopoetics of Journal Literature 1813 – 1863 – 1913
Kaminski, Nicola
Mergenthaler, Volker
Schema with Variations: International Layout Standards and Local Text/Image Idioms in Illustrated Journals between 1850 and 1880
Beck, Andreas
Text and Image in 'Konkurrenz': Illustrations in Journal Text(ure)s
Beck, Andreas
Time-Writing: The 'Chronopoetics' of Journal Literature and the Genesis of Literariness
Kaminski, Nicola
Mergenthaler, Volker
"Vernünftige Ärzte". Hallesche Psychomediziner und Ästhetiker in der anthropologischen Wende der Aufklärung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des erfahrunswissenschaftlichen Werks von Johann Gottlob Krüger (1715-1759)
Zelle, Carsten
Zur Syntax von w-Elementen in freien Relativsätzen
Grewendorf, Günther
Research Grants
Current projects
Online Repertory of German Translations of Classical Antiquity 1501-1620
Bastert, Bernd
Kipf, Johannes Klaus
w-connectors: theory and diachrony of subordinating w-elements in German
Coniglio, Marco
Fuß, Eric
Willehalm in Context (WiK digital): Digital edition of Willehalm and its supplementary poems in their contexts of transmission
Apel, Jochen
Bastert, Bernd
Herz, Lina
Completed projects
Auditory spaces of literature. The sonorous performance of literary work in postwar Germany between 1947 and 1967
Binczek, Natalie
Autobiographisches Narrativ und politische Weltanschauung in NS-Schriften der 1920er Jahre
Dabag, Mihran
Classics in Context: Late Medieval and Early Modern Translations of Latin Classics in Medial Transfer (until 1600)
Bastert, Bernd
Eikelmann, Manfred
Communication as institution in natural law (17th.-18th.- century) and in theory of communication (20th. century)
Schneider, Manfred
Department Store Literature and Consumer Culture between 1880 and 1930
Lindemann, Uwe
Edition, commentary and companion: >Huge Scheppel< and >Königin Sibille< (composed in the environment of Elisabeth of Lorraine and Nassau-Saarbrücken)
Bastert, Bernd
von Bloh-Völker, Ute
Effects and interaction of linguistic and subject-specific requirements in school-related assessment tasks
Ehmke, Timo
Heine, Lena
Höttecke, Dietmar
Leiss, Dominik
Schwippert, Knut
‚Flos unde Blankeflos‘. Edition, Commentary and Translation of an European Narrative in the Low German region (with an Appendix Containing the Fragments of the 'Trier [Rheno-Mosan] Floyris' and the Ripuarian fragment of 'Flors inde Blanzeflors').
Bastert, Bernd
"Geometria Deutsch". Printed Books on Practical Geometry up to around 1600
Lechtermann, Christina
Geständnismotivierung. Zur Wirksamkeit des Geständnisdispositivs im Strafprozeß seit 1780
Schneider, Manfred
History of German teaching at secondary school level in Germany between 1945 and 1989
Müller-Michaels, Harro
Kommentar und Erschließung des 'Herzog Herpin' und des 'Loher und Maller', entstanden im Umkreis der Elisabeth von Lothringen und Nassau-Saarbrücken
Bastert, Bernd
von Bloh-Völker, Ute
Literarisch-ästhetische Experimente mit der Gestalt des Buchs unter wissenspoetologischen, darstellungsreflexiven und medienästhetischen Aspekten.
Schmitz-Emans, Monika
Literarische Kleinstformen pragmatischer Schriftlichkeit: Sentenzverwendung im mittelhochdeutschen höfischen Roman des 12. und 13. Jahrhundert
Eikelmann, Manfred
Literature as a Risk
Schmitz-Emans, Monika
Poetik und Medialität des Diktats. Phono-graphische Diktat-Szenen in der Literatur seit dem 18. Jahrhundert
Binczek, Natalie
'Selbstbildung' and history. Ways of studying the humanities and philologies from the 1950s to the 1980s
Susteck, Sebastian
Syntaktische Dislozierung: Motivation und formale Implementierung in der minimalistischen Syntax
Grewendorf, Günther
The Artist's Book as Aesthetic Experiment: History and Poetics of a Hybrid Genre
Ernst, Ulrich
Schmitz-Emans, Monika
The effect of text cohesion on reading comprehension: Under which conditions do temporal cohesion markers have an impact on comprehension?
Gräsel, Cornelia
Rothstein, Björn
Wissen und Form - diskursive Darstellungsformen anthropologischen Wissens im Epochenumbruch der Goethezeit (1770/1830)
Zelle, Carsten
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Wüste. Terra incognita - Erlebnis - Symbol. Eine Genealogie der abendländischen Wüstenvorstellungen in der Literatur von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
Lindemann, Uwe
Helden als Heilige. Chanson de geste-Rezeption im deutschsprachigen Raum
Bastert, Bernd
Im Medium der Schrift, zum dekonstruktiven Anteil in Niklas Luhmanns Kommunikations- und Medientheorie
Binczek, Natalie
Strong ties / Weak ties. Freundschaftssemantik und Netzwerktheorie
Stanitzek, Georg
The order of promise. Natural law-institution-speech act.
Schneider, Manfred
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft und Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
Brandes, Peter
Neuere deutsche Literatur
Kaminski, Nicola
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Semantics and Pragmatics of Emojis in Digital Communication
Grosz, Patrick Georg
Scheffler, Tatjana
Completed projects
Kognitiver Wandel durch Nutzung von Computer und Internet
Rupp, Gerhard
Literarisches Lesen und Medienkonsum in der produktiven Selbstreflexion durch Schüler/innen im Unterricht
Rupp, Gerhard
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Multicontexts – Towards a more adequate notion of contexts in formal semantics and pragmatics
Gutzmann, Daniel
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
The thresholds of political asylum. A literary and cultural history
Breyer, Till
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Service Project: Methods and Didactics
(Project Heads
Aßmann, Sandra
Rothöhler, Simon
Schäfer, Armin
Sprenger, Florian
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Georgi, Doreen
Scheffler, Tatjana
Metaphor and social positioning in religious online forums
(Project Heads
Elwert, Frederik
Scheffler, Tatjana
Possible Worlds: Virtuality in the Novel of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries
(Project Heads
Binczek, Natalie
Schäfer, Armin
Transforming text across media
(Project Heads
Scheffler, Tatjana
Stede, Manfred
Virtual Common Ground: Language and Virtual Identity
(Project Head
Scheffler, Tatjana
Virtuality in Contemporary German-Language Literature: Quantity and Connectivity
(Project Heads
Binczek, Natalie
Schäfer, Armin
Virtual Texts: The Making of ‚Text‘ as Object of Knowledge in Literary Studies
(Project Head
Lechtermann, Christina
Completed projects
Discourse Strategies across Social Media: Variability in Individuals, Groups, and Channels
(Project Heads
Scheffler, Tatjana
Stede, Manfred
Scientific Networks
Current projects
content-related functions of linguistic signs in the context of language awareness
Rothstein, Björn
Margins of the Modern: Converging Conceptions of the Subject between Pre- and Postmodernity.
Béreiziat-Lang, Stephanie
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Open-Access for German Didactics. A model for publishing in didactics.
Beißwenger, Michael
Gailberger, Steffen
Morek, Miriam
Rothstein, Björn
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2132: Documentary Practices. Excess and Privation
Balke, Friedrich
GRK 2945: Knowing – Believing – Asserting: Production and Enforement of Truth in the Premodern Period
Lechtermann, Christina