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Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. (TROPOS)
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04318 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
Aerosol particles over the Bay of Bengal – characteristic, variability and sources – a comprehensive measurement and analysis approach during the BIOCAT-IIOE2 (Aerosol-BIOCAT)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Aerosols and fog in southern Africa: processes and impact on biogeochemistry (AEROFOG)
Cermak, Jan
Fomba, Khanneh Wadinga
Aerosol variability and interaction with ambient conditions based on small-scale vertical and horizontal distribution of Arctic measurements (AIDA)
Lampert, Astrid
Wehner, Birgit
Coupling and mitigation of atmospheric ozone and PM in the Chinese Yangtze River Delta (PMO3-YRD)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Developing an on-line parameterization approach for predicting the ambient organic aerosol hygroscopicity based on High- Resolution AMS measurements
Wehner, Birgit
Experimental Investigation of Open Ocean and Coastal Aerosol (EICA)
Bange, Jens
Lampert, Astrid
Wehner, Birgit
Exploring the atmospheric ORIGin of Amines within the Marine boundarY layer: A combined field modelling approach (ORIGAMY)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Influence of turbulence on ice crystal formation and diffusional growth by the example of stratiform mixed-phase clouds (TINIA)
Niedermeier, Dennis
Stratmann, Frank
New analytical techniques for time-resolved chemical analysis of organic matter in atmospheric aerosol particles
Herrmann, Hartmut
van Pinxteren, Dominik
OCEAN to atmosphere transfer and biogenic in-situ formation of atmospheric relevant orGanic matter in AnTarctic aErosol particles (OCEAN-GATE)
van Pinxteren, Manuela
Source apportionment of size-resolved atmospheric particulate matter and their oxidative potential in Córdoba, Argentina, and Leipzig, Germany (Acronym: Soporte)
van Pinxteren, Dominik
Towards an Advanced DMS oxidation mechaNISm (ADOniS)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Transition metal ion (TMI) organic complexes photochemistry in tropospheric aerosols and clouds
Herrmann, Hartmut
Transport and aging of primary and secondary aerosol constituents in high altitudes of the Arctic troposphere (TransArctic)
Zeppenfeld, Ph.D., Sebastian
Vertical Turbulent Aerosol Particle Transport above open Water and Ice in the central Arctic during Summertime (APAICA) - Aerosol particle sources and transformation in the Arctic marine boundary layer
Held, Andreas B.
Wehner, Birgit
Completed projects
Advanced Chemical process Modelling of aqSOA (ACoMa)
Tilgner, Andreas
Aerosol chamber studies to characterize the SARS-CoV-2 transmission through aerosol particles (AEROVIR)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Liebert, UG
Richnow, Hans Hermann
Aerosolkammer-Untersuchungen zur Ozonolyse von Terpenen und Isopren: Einfluss saurer Partikel auf Aerosolausbeute und Produkte
Herrmann, Hartmut
Aliphatic amines in the tropical marine environment: Sources, budgets and phase partitioning phase II
Herrmann, Hartmut
An Automated Aerosol Mass Spectrometer for the Regular Chemical Characterization of Aerosol Particles in the Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere(AMS-CARIBIC)
Borrmann, Stephan
Wiedensohler, Alfred
A new helicopter-borne measurement system for high resolution aerosol measurements in the lower atmosphere - Part 2, application to atmospheric measurements
Wehner, Birgit
ATMOCHEM - Modelling the multiphase evolution of organic carbon in the troposphere: Development of an expert system based on a self generating approach
Böge, Olaf
Bestimmung der Feuchtabhängigkeit der Partikelgrößenverteilung atmosphärischer Aerosole in der Abluftfahne des asiatischen Kontinents
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Bestimmung physikalischer Parameter atmosphärischer Aerosole aus spektral aufgelösten Lidar-Messungen mit Hilfe neuronaler Netze
Ansmann, Albert
Bestimmung polarer mittelflüchtiger organischer Substanzen aus größenaufgelöst gesammelten Aerosolpartikeln mittels Thermodesorption und Methylierung
Herrmann, Hartmut
Bestimmung spektraler Absorptions- und Streukoeffizienten von Aerosolpartikeln auf Partikelfiltern
Müller, Thomas
Biomass burning organic aerosol in Europe and Asia: Molecular composition and impact on air quality
Herrmann, Hartmut
van Pinxteren, Dominik
Characterization of European aerosol by regional modelling and lidar measurments
Tegen, Ina
Characterization of the number and chemical size distribution as well as hygroscopicity of fine and ultrafine particles in Beijing, China
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Characterization of Urban Grime Photochemistry as Sink or Source for Air Pollutants (GrimePaSS)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Classification of HULIS carbon from different atmospheric environments via a 2-D-Off-line chromatography
Herrmann, Hartmut
van Pinxteren, Dominik
Combined Active Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ice Nucleating Particles and Ice Crystal Flux (COARSEMIX)
Ansmann, Albert
Tegen, Ina
Daytime atmospheric chemistry of key compounds provoked by nighttime atmospheric chemistry (DARK KNIGHT).
Herrmann, Hartmut
Development of a mobile platform with scanner for determining absolsute humidity profiles in the atmosphere
Althausen, Dietrich
Dust-related ice formation in the troposphere (DRIFT)
Ansmann, Albert
Entrainment of aerosols and their activation in shallow cumulus clouds - Large-Eddy Simulations with an Embedded Lagrangian Particle Model
Raasch, Siegfried
Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Bestimmung von Feuchtewachstum und integralen Eigenschaften feuchter atmosphärischer Partikel im Durchmesserbereich 0.3-5 µm
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Fine-Scale Turbulence, Cloud Microphysics, and Radiative Cooling Rate Measurements in the Entrainment Interface Layer of Marine Stratocumulus
Siebert, Holger
Wendisch, Manfred
Functionalized Secondary Organic Particle Phase Products from Terpenes and Terpene Oxidation Products (FuProTer II)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Further specification of water-soluble brown carbon in aerosol particles (BranKo II)
van Pinxteren, Dominik
Health impact of improved air quality during the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing, China
Franck, Ulrich
Wichmann, Heinz-Erich
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Helicopter-borne measurements of small-scale processes in shallow cumulus convection over Barbados
Siebert, Holger
Wendisch, Manfred
Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia 2010 (HCCT-2010): A ground-based integrated study of chemical aerosol-cloud interaction
Herrmann, Hartmut
Integrating Cloud Observations from Ground and Space - a Way to Combine Time and Space Information (ICOS)
Crewell, Susanne
Fischer, Jürgen
Macke, Andreas
Investigating the Small-Scale Vertical and Horizontal Variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Aerosol using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Bange, Jens
Lampert, Astrid
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Investigation of aerosol particle hygroscopicity and their cloud forming potential in the supercooled temperature range
Henning, Silvia
Investigations of isoprene oxidation multiphase chemistry - Part II
Herrmann, Hartmut
Numerische Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen von unlöslichen Partikeln und troposphärischen Mischphasenwolken
Renner, Eberhard
Optische Bestimmung von streckenintegrierten Aerosolparametern in der urbanen Atmosphäre
Dubois, René
Optische Bestimmung von streckenintegrierten Partikelextinktionsspektren bei Umgebungsfeuchte in der urbanen Atmosphäre
Ansmann, Albert
Optische und mikrophysikalische Charakterisierung von urbanen Aerosolen im Hochfeuchtebereich (90% - 100% relative Feuchte)
Ansmann, Albert
Parallel coupling framework and advanced time integration methods for detailed cloud processes in atmospheric models
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Parallelisierung der numerischen Modelle ausgewählter meteorologischer und luftchemischer Prozesse für lose-gekoppelte Rechner-Architekturen
Tetzlaff, Gerd
Parallelisierung der numerischen Modelle ausgewählter meteorologischer und luftchemischer Prozesse für lose-gekoppelte Rechner-Architekturen
Renner, Eberhard
PHOsphorus Speciation in mineral Dust and Marine Aerosol Particles
Fomba, Khanneh Wadinga
Photosensitization: A novel pathway to SOA generation and property change in tropospheric particles
Herrmann, Hartmut
Production of Aerosol paRticle orgAnic Matter in ClOUds: chamber and laboratory studies, mechanisms, modelling and iNTegration
Herrmann, Hartmut
Quantification of functionalised carboxylic acids in size-resolved tropospheric particles and cloud water
Herrmann, Hartmut
Regular Mass Spectrometric Aerosol Particle Measurements in the Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere (AMS-CARIBIC 2)
Hermann, Markus
Seegangsbedingte Variabilität der Strahlungsregime im Ozean: Modellierung und biologische Wirkung von Unterwasserlichtfluktuationen
Macke, Andreas
The atmospheric multiphase oxidation of acetone
Herrmann, Hartmut
The regional aerosol in eastern central china and its cloud microphysical and optical properties of haze at high relative humidities
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Thermohygroscopic properties of biogenic particles from the sea-surface microlayer
Heintzenberg, Jost
Transformation of particular and gaseous car emissions near the source
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Transport and transformation of atmospheric aerosol across Central Europe with emphasis on anthropogenic sources
Herrmann, Hartmut
Up- and downdrafts and Drop and Ice Nucleation Experiment (UDINE): Lidar observations and modeling of tropical and mid-latitude altocumulus
Ansmann, Albert
Vertical Distribution Of Cloud Condensation Nuclei In Marine And Continental Air Masses Over Europe And Their Connection To The Cloud Droplet Number Distribution In Warm Clouds
Henning, Silvia
What controls marine boundary layer aerosols over the Atlantic Ocean?
Wehner, Birgit
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Entwicklung eines dynamischen, vertikal aufgelösten, europäischen Aerosolmodells aus EARLINET-Lidarmessungen
Mattis, Ina
Investigation of health-related properties of aerosol particles in the atmosphere
Birmili, Wolfram
Research Units
Current projects
3D field campaigns, HOPE + Lindenberg 2026 + new campaign with MTG
Macke, Andreas
Seckmeyer, Gunther
Wacker, Stefan
Biogeochemical processes and Air-sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer (BASS): Chemical and photochemical transformation of organic matter
Friedrichs, Gernot
Hartke, Bernd
Herrmann, Hartmut
Coordination Funds
Macke, Andreas
FOR 5267: Biogeochemical processes and Air-sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer (BASS)
Wurl, Ph.D., Oliver
FOR 5626: Cloud Structure & Climate - Closing the 3D Gap
Macke, Andreas
Completed projects
Composition analysis of ice particle residuals combining aerosol mass spectrometry and counterflow virtual impactor technique
Schneider, Johannes
Stratmann, Frank
FOR 539: Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment SAMUM
Ansmann, Albert
Modeling and observation of Sahara dust transport, modification and radiative impact
Macke, Andreas
Tegen, Ina
Wendisch, Manfred
Multiwavelength lidar profiling of Saharan dust/biomass-burning aerosol layers over the Cape Verde Islands
Ansmann, Albert
Wiegner, Matthias
Optical properties of mixed mineral, biomass burning and marine aerosols at dry and ambient conditions
Wiedensohler, Alfred
Regional Modeling of the Saharan Dust Cycle
Heintzenberg, Jost
Vertikal aufgelöste Charakterisierung von Sahara-Staub (mineralischem Aerosol) mit Hilfe von Lidar
Wiegner, Matthias
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Air quality parameters measured with a novel drone payload – Air-Q-Drone
Lampert, Astrid
Wehner, Birgit
Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations (PolarCAP)
Seifert, Patric
Senf, Fabian
Completed projects
Aerosol and vertical-velocity profiling and cloud glaciation observations during COPS
Ansmann, Albert
Modellierung und Approximation feuchter atmosphärischer Strömungen unter Berücksichtigung topographischer Effekte
Gaßmann, Almut
Helzel, Christiane
Knoth, Oswald
Wensch, Jörg
Satellite-based aerosol mapping over megacities: Development of methodology and application in health and climate related studies
Ansmann, Albert
Krämer, Alexander
Wendisch, Manfred
Spectral microphysics in forecast models with special emphasis on cloud droplet nucleation
Knoth, Oswald
The impact of turbulent entrainment and mixing on the fine-structure of cloud turbulence
Raasch, Siegfried
Schumacher, Jörg
Siebert, Holger
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
COALA – Continuous Observations of Aerosol-cLoud interaction in Antarctica
Seifert, Patric
Properties of cloud condensation nuclei, ice nucleating particles, and cloud particle residuals in and around clouds of the Southern Ocean (HALO 2024, HALO-South)
Stratmann, Frank
Completed projects
Developments concerning the physical and chemical characterization of ice nucleating aerosol particles with HALO: High volume flow aerosol particle sampling system, automated freezing array, and analytical methods
Herrmann, Hartmut
Stratmann, Frank
Hygroscopic Growth of Accumulation Mode Particles Measured with HALO (HyGroPart)
Hermann, Markus
Physical and chemical properties of cloud particle residuals and ice nucleating particles related to high latitude clouds from mixed phase to cirrus level (HALO 2020, CIRRUS-HL)
Herrmann, Hartmut
Stratmann, Frank
Study of cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleating particles during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE)
Stratmann, Frank
Variation of Antarctic Cloud Condensation (CCN) and ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations and properties at NEumayer Station compared to their values in the Arctic at Villum Research Station (VACCINE+)
Henning, Silvia
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Einfluß der thermohalinen Zirkulation auf die Atmosphäre über dem nördlichen Atlantik
(Project Heads
Macke, Andreas
Ruprecht, Eberhard
Current projects
Aerosol, clouds, and radiation characteristics from observations and Big Data analysis
(Project Heads
Macke, Andreas
Neggers, Roel
Balloon-borne observations and dedicated simulations of the transitions between typical states of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer
(Project Heads
Siebert, Holger
Wendisch, Manfred
Spatial distribution, sources, and cloud processing of aerosol particles
(Project Heads
Herber, Andreas
Herrmann, Hartmut
van Pinxteren, Manuela
Pöhlker, Mira
Stratmann, Frank
Transformation of Arctic mixed–phase clouds in cold air outbreaks characterized by airborne and satellite remote sensing
(Project Heads
Crewell, Susanne
Deneke, Hartwig
Ehrlich, André
Macke, Andreas
Trends, patterns, and climate effects of aerosol in the Arctic
(Project Heads
Heinold, Bernd
Kretzschmar, Jan
Quaas, Johannes
Tegen, Ina
TRR 172: ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)3
Wendisch, Manfred
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2939: Economics of Connected Natural Commons: Atmosphere and Biodiversity
Quaas, Martin F.
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Earth - NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences
Bernard, Lars
Abteilung Atmosphärische Mikrophysik
Abteilung Chemie der Atmosphäre
Abteilung Fernerkundung atmosphärischer Prozesse
Abteilung Modellierung atmosphärischer Prozesse
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