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Max-Planck-Institut für Stoffwechselforschung
Gleueler Straße 50
50931 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50931 Köln
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5424: Modulation of olfaction: how recurrent circuits govern state-dependent behaviour
Egger, Veronica
Investigating the role of centrifugal hypothalamic projections to the olfactory system in feeding behaviour
Steculorum, Ph.D., Sophie
Research Grants
Current projects
Brain network dependent propagation of tau-pathology in Alzheimer disease
Drzezga, Alexander
Novel Central Actions of Thyroid Hormone in the Control of Body Temperature
Backes, Heiko
Mittag, Jens
Completed projects
Bildgesteuerte Behandlung rezidivierender maligner Gliome: Prospektive klinische Phase I/II Studie zur intratumoralen Infusion (Convection Enhanced Delivery) von Gemcitabin
Voges, Jürgen
Molecular imaging of neural stem cell differentiation - a novel quantitative and noninvasive approach using imaging reporters
Aswendt, Markus
Non-invasive imaging of cell type-specific gene activation using HSV-tk as positron emission tomography reporter gene in combination with the SLC43A3 nucleobase transporter
Backes, Heiko
Neumaier, Bernd
Synthese und Radiopharmakologie von Substraten der HSV-1 Thymidinkinase für den nicht-invasiven in vivo Nachweis von Genexpression
Jacobs, Andreas H.
Zerebrale Acetylcholinesterase-Verteilung (AChE) bei Patienten mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTSD)
Herholz, Karl
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bi-directional regulation of liver/brain interaction via hepatic mitochondrial fission
(Project Heads
Brüning, Jens Claus
Horvath, Tamas
Circuit mechanisms interfacing adaptive motivation and motor control — Depression as a model of reversible motor control impairment
(Project Heads
Jessen, Frank
Tittgemeyer, Marc
Identification and characterization of molecular vulnerabilities in SCLC
(Project Heads
Beleggia, Filippo
Reinhardt, Christian
Wunderlich, Frank Thomas
SFB 1218: Mitochondrial regulation of cellular function
Langer, Thomas
Rugarli, Elena Irene
SFB 1451: Key mechanisms of motor control in health and disease
Fink, Gereon Rudolf
SFB 1454: Metaflammation and Cellular Programming
Latz, Eicke
Wachten, Dagmar
SFB 1607: Towards immunomodulatory and anti(lymph)angiogenic therapies for age-related blinding eye diseases
Cursiefen, Claus
The impact of IL-1R1 expressing liver macrophages in the development of hepatic IL-6 resistance and its complications
(Project Head
Wunderlich, Frank Thomas
Tumor-microenvironmental alterations during pathogenesis and therapy of conjunctival melanoma
(Project Heads
Schlereth, Simona
Wunderlich, Frank Thomas
Completed projects
IL-6 type cytokines originated from the tumor microenvironment affecting NK-T cells in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in vivo
(Project Head
Wunderlich, Frank Thomas
Molecular imaging of interactions between the tumor environment and tumor growth
(Project Heads
Neumaier, Bernd
Persigehl, Thorsten
Ullrich, Roland Tillmann
Rezirkulationsstörungen nach fokaler zerebraler Ischämie
(Project Heads
Hoehn, Mathias
Hossmann, Konstantin-Alexander
SFB 829: Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skin Homeostasis
Krieg, Thomas
Niessen, Carien
SFB 832: Molecular Basis and Modulation of Cellular Interactions in the Tumour Microenvironment
Hallek, Michael
Validating therapeutic anti-angiogenic targets by a combined chemical genetics and imaging approach
(Project Heads
Thomas, Roman
Ullrich, Roland Tillmann
Wolf, Jürgen
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Elucidation of the PI3K/AKT pathway in the transformation and progression of CLL
Pallasch, Christian Philipp
Wunderlich, Frank Thomas
Kernspintomographische und modell-basierte Differenzierung von Subtypen des Morbus Parkinson unter besonderer Brücksichtigung der Basalganglien-Konnektivität
Tittgemeyer, Marc
KFO 286: Exploiting Defects in the DNA Damage Response for the Treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Hallek, Michael
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Discovery of gene deletions and duplications associated with severe obesity
Hanssen, Ruth
WBP Return Grant
Current projects
Mittenbühler, Melanie
Completed projects
Brain systems involved in food intake - a neuroimaging approach
(Project Heads
Münte, Thomas F.
Schweiger, Ulrich
Tittgemeyer, Marc
Defining insulin targets in control of feeding-associated reward behaviour
(Project Head
Brüning, Jens Claus
Generation of a reference cohort with extreme eating behaviour
(Project Heads
Brabant, Georg
Brüning, Jens Claus
Kasten, Meike
Klein, Christine
Krämer, Ulrike M.
Inflammatory signalling in the hedonic regulation of feeding
(Project Heads
Schwaninger, Markus
Wunderlich, Frank Thomas
Role of orexin signalling in energy homeostasis and reward processing
(Project Heads
Hausen, Anne Christine
Jöhren, Olaf
TRR 134: Ingestive Behaviour: Homeostasis and Reward
Lehnert, Hendrik
Untersuchungen zur hormonellen Modulation dopaminerger Mechanismen von impulsivem Verhalten
(Project Heads
Stephan, Ph.D., Klaas Enno
Tittgemeyer, Marc
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2407: Inflammatory and cellular stress signaling: Switches to vascular dysfunction
Baldus, Stephan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2030: CECAD - Excellent in Aging Research
Benzing, Thomas
Hoppe, Thorsten
Niessen, Carien
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 229: Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases
Brüning, Jens Claus
Abteilung für Neurologie (aufgelöst)
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