Project Details
SFB 871: Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods
Subject Area
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
from 2010 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 119193472
The CRC 871 “Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods” develops the scientific basics for maintaining complex capital goods. The objective is to maintain or to restore as many components as possible of the over-all system, so that functional characteristics of the capital goods will be “regenerated”, or even be improved.In the first funding period of the CRC 871, commercial turbofan jet engines were chosen as an application example, due to their high complexity. The engineering disciplines involved are pushed to their current limits in physical knowledge and design methods for these complex machines. On the one hand, this comprises the computational verification of the functionality of the regenerated components, as well as the determination of the effect of the regeneration on the technical and economical objectives (in terms of specific fuel consumption or life time of the components). On the other hand, there are also regeneration-specific challenges in material sciences and production engineering. The innovative approach of the CRC 871 goes beyond current technical and scientific standards. In addition to the improvement of individual regeneration processes, all possible courses of action are considered for rule-based decisions. Depending on the component’s condition, the decision includes whether the component is reusable without repair, has to be replaced, or in case of a repair, the choice of the best repair method. This requires model-based evaluations of the resulting functional properties, as well as the expenses of the different repair options. In order to show this, the high-pressure turbine blade (1st funding period) and the compressor blisk (2nd funding period) were chosen in the CRC 871, as the regeneration of both components is technically relevant and scientifically challenging. The effect of regeneration on the overall system, as well as the optimization of the developed regeneration processes will come to fore in the third funding period.The transfer of the gained scientific basics to other capital goods has already been demonstrated for electric transformers, gas turbines for power plants and wind turbines. This is done in the framework of DFG-funded transfer projects, as well as CRC-related projects with funding from the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs or with funding direct from industry.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
- T06 - Hybrid Process Planning for Turbine Blade Repair (Project Head Denkena, Berend )
- T07 - Controlling the Microstructure of Titanium Grade 5 by Adding Inoculant and Flux While Controlling the Cooling Rate in Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (Project Heads Hassel, Thomas ; Maier, Hans Jürgen )
- T08 - Consideration of Regeneration-Induced Aeroelastic Changes in Jet Engine Turbines During the Design Process (Project Head Seume, Jörg )
- T09 - Nonlinear Aeroelasticity and Transient Multi-Resonances (Project Heads Panning-von Scheidt, Lars ; Seume, Jörg ; Wallaschek, Jörg )
- T11 - Logistics-Oriented Spare Parts Management for Aircraft Engine Regeneration (Project Head Nyhuis, Peter )
- T12 - Simulation of Complex Surfaces with Non-Body-Fitted Discretisation (Project Head Seume, Jörg )
- T13 - Compensation of Path Errors During Dynamic Movements in Machine Tools Using Electromagnetic Linear Guide (Project Head Denkena, Berend )
- T14 - 3D-Endoscopy and Defect Detection in Confined Spaces (Project Heads Kästner, Markus ; Reithmeier, Eduard )
- T16 - Strategies for Piezo-Actuated Assisted Disassembly of Bolted Joints (Project Head Raatz, Annika )
- T19 - Intelligent Life Cycle Support (Project Heads Friedrichs, Jens ; Seume, Jörg )
- T20 - Material-Based Process Design for 5-Axis Milling of Complex Capital Goods (Project Head Denkena, Berend )
- T21 - Hybrid Gas Path Analysis Using Physical and Probabilistic Models for Considering Aerosols (Project Head Friedrichs, Jens )
- T22 - Non-Destructive Characterisation of Coatings and Material Conditions of Highly Stressed Calender Rolls (Project Head Maier, Hans Jürgen )
- T23 - Multiscale Crack Regeneration – Application of Selective Single Crystal Repair Welding on High Pressure Turbine Blades (Project Heads Kaierle, Stefan ; Wesling, Volker )
Completed projects
- A01 - Non-Destructive Characterization of Coating and Material Conditions of Severely Stressed Turbine Components (Project Head Maier, Hans Jürgen )
- A02 - Multiscale Measurement of Blade Geometries with Robot-Supported, Laser-Positioned Multi-Sensor-Techniques (Project Heads Kästner, Markus ; Reithmeier, Eduard )
- A03 - Evaluation of the Condition of a Jet Engine through Exhaust Jet Analysis (Project Head Seume, Jörg )
- A04 - Influence of Combustion Chamber Defects on the Exhaust Jet (Project Head Dinkelacker, Friedrich )
- A05 - Adaptable and Component-Protecting Disassembly in the Regeneration Path (Project Head Raatz, Annika )
- A06 - Impact of Mixing on the Signature of Combustor Defects (Project Head Dinkelacker, Friedrich )
- B01 - Near Net Shape Turbine Blade Repair Using a Joining and Coating Hybrid Process (Project Heads Maier, Hans Jürgen ; Möhwald, Kai )
- B02 - Dexterous Regeneration Cell (Project Head Denkena, Berend )
- B03 - Influence of Complex Surface Structures on the Aerodynamic Loss Behavior of Blades (Project Heads Herbst, Florian ; Mulleners, Karen ; Seume, Jörg )
- B04 - Dynamical Behavior and Strength of Structural Elements with Regeneration Induced Imperfections and Residual Stresses (Project Head Rolfes, Raimund )
- B05 - Single Crystal Laser Welding (Project Heads Kaierle, Stefan ; Wesling, Volker )
- B06 - Arc Welding Processes for Repair of High-Performance Titanium-Alloy Components (Project Heads Hassel, Thomas ; Maier, Hans Jürgen )
- C01 - Simulation Based Planning of Recontouring Metal Cutting Processes (Project Heads Böß, Volker ; Denkena, Berend )
- C02 - Fast Measurement of Complex Geometries using inverse Fringe Projection (Project Heads Pösch, Andreas ; Reithmeier, Eduard )
- C03 - Influence of Regeneration-induced Mistuning on the Dynamics of Coupled Structures (Project Heads Panning-von Scheidt, Lars ; Wallaschek, Jörg )
- C04 - Regeneration-induced Variance of Aeroelastic Properties of Turbine Blades (Project Head Seume, Jörg )
- C05 - Prediction of crack growth and fatigue strength of repaired components (Project Heads Löhnert, Stefan ; Wriggers, Peter )
- C06 - Influence of Regeneration-induced Mistuning on the Aeroelasticity of Multi-Stage Axial Compressors (Project Heads Panning-von Scheidt, Lars ; Seume, Jörg ; Wallaschek, Jörg )
- D01 - Modeling Regeneration Supply Chains (Project Head Nyhuis, Peter )
- D03 - Selection of Efficient Modes of Regeneration for Different Customer Business Models (Project Heads Helber, Stefan ; Kellenbrink, Carolin )
- D04 - Aerodynamic influence of coupled geometric variances (Project Head Friedrichs, Jens )
- D05 - Resilience Based Decision Criteria for Optimal Regeneration (Project Heads Beer, Michael ; Broggi, Matteo )
- D06 - Interaction of combined module variances and influence on the overall system behavior (Project Head Friedrichs, Jens )
- S - System Demonstrator for the Virtual and Real Regeneration Process (Project Heads Denkena, Berend ; Seume, Jörg )
- T01 - Magnetisch gelagerte Rundachse zum Einsatz in der Produktregeneration (Project Head Denkena, Berend )
- T03 - Capacity planning and offer calculation with data mining within the regeneration of transformers (Project Head Nyhuis, Peter )
- T04 - Automated re-contouring of fan blades (Project Head Denkena, Berend )
- T05 - Application of single-crystal repair cladding on high pressure blades and vanes (Project Heads Kaierle, Stefan ; Wesling, Volker )
- T17 - Increasing the Service Life of the Outer Air Seal Coating in the High-Pressure Turbine by Developing a New Adhesion Bond Coat and its Application by Thermal Spraying (Project Head Maier, Hans Jürgen )
- Z - Administration (Project Heads Denkena, Berend ; Seume, Jörg )
- Ö - Target Group Oriented Public Relations (Project Head Seume, Jörg )
Applicant Institution
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Participating University
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Participating Institution
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH)
Professor Dr.-Ing. Jörg Seume