Project Details
Professor Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb (IWF)
Fachgebiet Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik
Pascalstraße 8-9
10587 Berlin
As Applicant
Current projects
Ultraprecision cutting of graphite with monocrystalline diamond tools (Research Grants)
Tool-Workpiece Interaction in Ultrasonic-assisted Grinding (Research Grants)
Centrifugal Disc Finishing of Additive Manufactured Workpieces (Research Grants)
Completed projects
Duktiles Planschleifen einkristalliner Siliziumsubstratscheiben (Research Grants)
Funkenerosives Feinbohren keramischer Werkstoffe (Research Grants)
Verfahrensgrundlagen und Technologie des Strömungsschleifens (Research Grants)
Entwicklung eines funkenerosiven Bearbeitungszentrums für die Mikrotechnik (Priority Programmes)
Pulsed magnetic hot forming of aluminium (Priority Programmes)
Magnetic fluids as lubricants under boundary lubrication conditions (Priority Programmes)
Development of a new machine tool with a rope driven parallel kinematics (Priority Programmes)
Micro cutting of metallic composites (Priority Programmes)
Zerteilen von Feinblechen durch Impulsmagnetfelder (Research Grants)
Impulsmagnetische Warmumformung (IMWU) von Magnesiumblechen (Priority Programmes)
Abrasive flow machining of ceramics (Research Grants)
Entwicklung eines Prognosetools zur Identifizierung von stabilen Fräsprozessen (Priority Programmes)
Adaptronische Kompensation von Winkelverlagerungen an Werkzeugmaschinen-Hauptspindeln (Priority Programmes)
Strömungsschleifen keramischer Werkstoffe (Research Grants)
Entwicklung eines Prognosetools zur Identifizierung von stabilen Fräsprozessen (Priority Programmes)
Ressourceneffiziente Inline-Reinigungsprozesse (Research Grants)
Holistic optimisation of sculptured surfaces manufacturing (Research Grants)
Zerspanung von Polymerbeton mit geometrisch bestimmter Schneide (Research Grants)
Modul for Micro Electrical Discharge Machining using Gaseous Dielectric Media (Priority Programmes)
Ultra-precision machining with polycrystalline binderless-cBN (Research Grants)
Fundamentals of Mass Finishing (Research Grants)
Diamond-Silicon carbide-coatings for cutting tools (Research Grants)
Blasting with solid CO2 as a pre-treatment process for electroplating (Research Grants)
Manufacturing of CVD diamond coated tools with high process stability (Research Grants)
Liquid CO2 as a blasting media for cutting process (Research Grants)
Investigation of the combined process chain based on SLM and LMD (Research Grants)
Concepts for energy self-sufficient cooling of direct linear drives (Research Grants)
Micro Milling Process Optimization (Micro-O) (Research Grants)
Defined cutting edge preparation by 3D form grinding (Research Grants)
Electro-discharge ultra-fine drilling with carbon fiber electrodes (Research Grants)
In situ diffraction during Selective Laser Melting (Research Grants)
Current projects
- As Spokesperson
As Project Head
Completed projects
Realisierung eines Pilot-Demontagesystems (Collaborative Research Centres)
Trennen unlösbarer Verbindungen (Collaborative Research Centres)
Flexible Spanntechnik (Collaborative Research Centres)
Arbeitsschutz, Sicherheitstechnik und flexible Reinigungstechnologie (Collaborative Research Centres)
Hybridreinigung mittels Trockeneisstrahlen und Laser (CRC/Transfer Units)
Schleuderradstrahlen mit Trockeneis als Strahlmittel (CRC/Transfer Units)
Wasserabrasivschneidkopf zur Verbundmaterialbearbeitung (CRC/Transfer Units)
Hybrides Cryo-Zerteil-Demontagewerkzeug (CRC/Transfer Units)
Energy efficient cleaning and dry machining (Collaborative Research Centres)
Development of microsystem enhanced machine tool structures for lightweight and accuracy optimised (LEG2O) frames (Collaborative Research Centres)
Design of Accuracy Increasing Systems for Simple Machine Tools (Collaborative Research Centres)
Intelligent IPS² operation through inference-based service discovery (CRC/Transregios)
Central tasks of the collaborative research center (CRC/Transregios)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements (Priority Programmes)
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
- As Cooperation Partner