Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Arbeitsgruppe Funktionalanalysis
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal
This institution in GERiT
42119 Wuppertal
Research Grants
Current projects
AEI-DFG - Operator theory on free Banach lattices
Glueck, Jochen
Eventually positive operator semigroups and their application to evolution equations
Glueck, Jochen
Completed projects
Compactness and decompositions in ergodic and operator theory
Farkas, Balint
Control of Partial Differential Equations: A port-Hamiltonian approach
Jacob, Birgit
Energy-based analysis of evolution equations
Jacob, Birgit
Evolution equations: input functions & stability
Jacob, Birgit
Schwenninger, Felix
Functional analytic methods for evolution equations
Jacob, Birgit
Schnaubelt, Roland
Input-to-state stability and stabilization of distributed parameter systems
Dashkovskiy, Sergey
Jacob, Birgit
Wirth, Fabian
Interconnected infinite-dimensional systems for heterogeneous media
Jacob, Birgit
Lohmann, Boris
Meurer, Thomas
Non-autonomous multiplicative perturbations of well-posed linear systems
Laasri, Hafida
WBP Position
Current projects
System theoretic properties of linear infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems
Hastir, Anthony
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Positivity and monotonicity methods in infinite-dimensional systems theory
Arora, Sahiba
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Jacob, Birgit
Generalized passivity-based control of bilinear port-Hamiltonian systems
(Project Heads
Gernandt, Hannes
Reis, Timo
Infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems
(Project Heads
Jacob, Birgit
Reis, Timo
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Ehrhardt, Matthias
Frommer, Andreas
Glueck, Jochen
Operator splitting for infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems
(Project Heads
Farkas, Balint
Jacob, Birgit
Port-Hamiltonian interacting particle systems: mean-field limit and control
(Project Heads
Jacob, Birgit
Totzeck, Claudia
Port-Hamiltonian methods for optimal control of large-scale systems
(Project Heads
Gernandt, Hannes
Schaller, Manuel
Port-Hamiltonian Systems for dynamic nonlinear network flow problems
(Project Heads
Klamroth, Kathrin
Totzeck, Claudia
SFB 1701: Port-Hamiltonian Systems
Jacob, Birgit
Structural analysis of infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems with resistive ports
(Project Heads
Glueck, Jochen
Jacob, Birgit