Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
Institut für Klinische Neurobiologie
Versbacher Straße 5
97078 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97078 Würzburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Axonal mRNP alterations in spinal muscular atrophy
Briese, Michael
Sendtner, Michael A.
Differentielle Wirkung neurotropher Faktoren auf Überleben und Axonwachstum: Bedeutung für die Regeneration von axotomierten Motoneuronen
Sendtner, Michael A.
Störung des respiratorischen Netzwerks bei LIF-Rezeptordefizienz
Sendtner, Michael A.
Störung respiratorischer Interneurone und spinaler Motoneurone bei LIF-Rezeptordefizienz
Ballanyi, Klaus
The role of the non-coding RNAs Malat1 and 7SK in motoneuron disease
Briese, Michael
Sendtner, Michael A.
Research Grants
Current projects
Analysis of affected cellular targets causing cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous disease mechanisms in a mouse model for spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1 (SMARD1).
Jablonka, Sibylle
Axonal 7SK functions in motoneuron development and disease
Briese, Michael
Sesquiterpenes und sesquiterpenoid derivatives in food aromas: physiological derivatives and structure-activity relationships in the modulation of GABAA and glycine receptors
Büttner, Andrea
Villmann, Carmen
Completed projects
Analysis of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Jablonka, Sibylle
Sendtner, Michael A.
Autoantibodies and glycinergic dysfunction: Pathophysiology of associated motor disorders
Sommer, Claudia
Villmann, Carmen
Characterization of periaqueductal grey circuits for top-down motor/autonomic control and bottom-up cardiac interoception in fear and anxiety.
Tovote, Philip
Dynamics of local presynaptic protein synthesis of active zone components in spinal motoneurons
Sauer, Markus
Sendtner, Michael A.
Identification of affected cellular targets, mechanisms and signalling pathways in mouse and cell models for spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1 (SMARD1).
Jablonka, Sibylle
Neurotransmitter Rezeptor assoziierte Funktionsstörungen: Molekulare Mechanismen und therapeuthische Möglichkeiten
Villmann, Carmen
Regulation of synaptic autophagy in motoneurons and its implication in motoneuron disease
Lüningschrör, Patrick
Role of differential phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal domain in degenerative and regenerative actions of c-jun in the nervous system
Musti, Anna Maria
Untersuchung von Krankheitsmechanismen an Motoneuronen eines Mausmodells für spinale Muskelatrophie mit Ateminsuffizienz (SMARD)
Jablonka, Sibylle
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Regulation of fear and anxiety through midbrain circuits for interoception
Tovote, Philip
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Regulation of fear and anxiety by midbrain networks for interoception
Tovote, Philip
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Brain stem circuits for pain regulation and resolution
Hein, Grit
Tovote, Philip
Clinical relevance of axonal NGF signalling for pain resolution after median laparotomy
Briese, Michael
Wagner, Nana-Maria
KFO 5001: Peripheral mechanisms of pain and their resolution
Sommer, Claudia
Molecular and cellular functions of Trk receptors in axonal induction and resolution of nociceptor excitability
Briese, Michael
Sendtner, Michael A.
Neuropathic pain induced by anti-Caspr2 autoantibodies: pathogenesis and resolution
Doppler, Kathrin
Villmann, Carmen
Neuropathic pain induced by anti Caspr2 autoantibodies: pathogenesis and resolution
Doppler, Kathrin
Villmann, Carmen
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Analyse der physiologischen Wirkung neurotropher Faktoren bei der Differenzierung von neuralen Verläuferzellen
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
Die Rolle neurotropher Faktoren bei der Pathogenese von Motoneuronerkrankungen: Untersuchungen an Gen-Knockout Mäusen
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
Konfokale Mikroskopie
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
Pathogenese der spinalen Muskelatrophie (SMA): Charakterisierung der spezifischen Rolle des SMN Proteins in Tiermodellen und Motoneuron-Zellkulturen
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
Proteininteraktion an Rezeptoren für Neurotrophe Faktoren
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
Proteininteraktionen an Rezeptoren für neurotrophe Faktoren
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
SFB 581: Molecular Models for Diseases of the Nervous System
Sendtner, Michael A.
Untersuchung von Krankheitsmechanismen an Motoneuronen eines Mausmodells für spinale Muskelatrophie mit Ateminsuffizienz (SMARD1)
(Project Head
Jablonka, Sibylle
Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Gerber, Bertram
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Inverses konfokales Mikroskop
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 3004: Synaptic pathology in autoimmune encephalitis – SYNABS
Geis, Christian
Glycine receptor autoantibodies and spinal disinhibition
Qualmann, Britta
Villmann, Carmen
Completed projects
Glycine receptor autoantibodies and spinal disinhibition
Sommer, Claudia
Villmann, Carmen
Current projects
Contribution of brainstem circuit mechanisms to (patho)state dynamics in mouse models of Parkinson’s disease
(Project Head
Tovote, Philip
Developing standards, infrastructure and workflows for computational analyses in neuromodulation research
(Project Heads
Muthuraman, Ph.D., Muthuraman
Neumann, Wolf-Julian
Ritter, Petra
Tovote, Philip
Influence of anisotropic fiber-reinforcement on cell behavior and printability of bioinks
(Project Heads
Lang, Gregor
Schubert, Dirk W.
Schäfer, Natascha
| Retuning pathway-specific neuronal population dynamics for movement initiation
(Project Heads
Neumann, Wolf-Julian
Peng, Yangfan
Tovote, Philip
Ultraweak hydrogels for molecular and biological functional analyses of cell-matrix and cell-cell 3D networks in neuronal cell culture systems
(Project Heads
Dalton, Paul
Strick, Reiner
Villmann, Carmen
Completed projects
Role of BDNF signaling for striatal plasticity and motor learning
(Project Head
Sendtner, Michael A.
Role of hippocampal BDNF signaling in contextual fear learning, fear generalization and context discrimination
(Project Heads
Blum, Robert
Sendtner, Michael A.
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2660: Neural mechanisms of (mal)adaptive approach and avoidance behaviour
Gamer, Matthias
Completed projects
GRK 1048: Molecular Basis of Organ Development in Vertebrates
Schartl, Ph.D., Manfred
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1156: From synaptic plasticity to behavioural modulation in genetic model organisms
Sendtner, Michael A.
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Zentrale Verwaltung
(Project Head
Lohse, Martin J.
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 106: Graduate School for Life Sciences (GSLS)
Kisker, Caroline