Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Hauptstraße 5
79104 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79104 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Association of structural and functional retinal and cerebral brain alterations in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia – Are there common transdiagnostic or differentiating markers?
Ebert, Dieter
Maier, Simon Julian
Nickel, Kathrin
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Changes of central neuronal activity in individuals with single-sided deafness after cochlear implantation
Speck, Iva
Epigenetic risk markers as well as predictors and mechanisms of psychotherapy in acrophobia: Spotlighting the BDNF system
Domschke, Ph.D., Katharina
Schiele, Miriam
Neural correlates of visual ambiguity and meta-perceptual confidence rating
Kornmeier, Jürgen
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Neurobiological mechanisms of the environment-plasticity-behavior interaction
Normann, Claus
Retinal ganglion cell function as objective biomarker for subgroups of depressive disorders
Heinrich, Sven
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
The role of Homer1a-mediated regulation of glutamatergic signalling in the antidepressant therapy
Normann, Claus
Completed projects
Controlled study of the effectiveness of Interpersonal Psychotherapy and its efficacy factors in depressed impatients
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Der Stellenwert von Persönlichkeit und Stressfaktoren für die Entwicklung einer affektiven Störung
Hecht, Heidemarie
Efficacy of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy in patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Külz, Anne Katrin
Moritz, Steffen
Einfluss des Schlafverhaltens auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit bei Jugendlichen
Voderholzer, Ulrich
Einfluss eines Gesprächsführungskurses auf das empathische Verhalten von Medizinstudierenden
Voderholzer, Ulrich
Emotionale Modulation von Impulsivität: eine fMRI-Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Emotion Ärger bei Patientinnen mit Borderline-Störung
Jacob, Gitta
Emotion Regulation in Insomnia Disorder
Baglioni, Ph.D., Chiara
Frequency of cerebral energy-metabolic anomalies in autism spectrum disorder - a tool for subgroup definition?
Maier, Simon Julian
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Internet therapy for obsessive-compusive disorder - acceptance and effectiveness
Külz, Anne Katrin
Interpersonelle Psychotherapie plus Medikation bei schwerer Depression: 5-Jahres Follow-up unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses früher Traumatisierung
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Klinische Studien in der Allgemeinmedizin - Förderung eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes
Bleidorn, Jutta
Kognitiv-behaviorale Therapie vs. Interpersonelle Psychotherapie bei Sozialer Phobie: Vergleich von Effektivität und Prozess
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Stangier, Ulrich
Kognitiv-behaviorale Therapie vs. Interpersonelle Psychotherapie bei Sozialer Phobie: Vergleich von Effektivität und Prozess
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Modulation of synaptic plasticity - a novel pathophysiological correlate of affective disorders
Normann, Claus
Neural processing of sensory ambiguity in healthy subjects and patients with Asperger Autism
Kornmeier, Jürgen
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Neurobiological substrates of fear conditioning and intimacy in anorexia nervosa
Joos, Andreas
Neurochemical Imaging and Mapping of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurometabolites in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lange, Thomas
Perlov, Evgeniy
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Neuronale, physiologische und Verhaltenskorrelate emotionalen Lernens bei Erwachsenen mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit/Hyperaktivitätsstörung
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Pathophysiological relevance of EEG slowing: An EEG/fMRI/MR-spectroscopy study in patients with borderline personality disorder and autoimmune psychosis
Endres, Dominique
Feige, Bernd
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Perception of sleep in patients with insomnia - part 3: how to change it - 2nd revised version
Riemann, Dieter
Regulation der Substanz-P-Rezeptor-Expression und Analyse Substanz-P-Rezeptor-vermittelter Genexpression und Signaltransduktionsprozesse in Neuronen und Astrozyten
Lieb, Klaus
Regulation of expression, signal transduction and function of adenosine receptors in the central nervous system
van Calker, Dietrich
Rolle von Myo-Inositol in der Pathophysiologie und Therapie bipolarer affektiver Erkrankungen
van Calker, Dietrich
The impact of sleep and waking on memory consolidation in adolescents
Voderholzer, Ulrich
The influence of time between learning and sleep on memory consolidation in adolescents
Voderholzer, Ulrich
Clinical Trials
Current projects
An interpersonal group program for depression and work stress (IPT-Work) versus supportive psychotherapy: a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Investigating non-inferiority and additional benefits of internet-delivered versus face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I): a randomised controlled trial
Spiegelhalder, Kai
Three-arm, randomized controlled study to assess the effects of FASTER and SCOTT trainings for adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Completed projects
A modular add-on approach for patients with comorbid depression and a history of childhood maltreatment
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Longterm effects of the Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) compared to Supportive Psychotherapy: 1- and 2-years follow up
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
WBP Position
Current projects
DNA Methylation signatures of alcohol use disorder - a large-scale meta-analysis
Zillich, Lea
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Toward personalizing psychotherapy with transdiagnostic procedures
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Noradrenalinfreisetzung in der NK1 knockout (NK1-/-) Maus: Verhaltens- und pharmakologische Untersuchungen
Herpfer, Inga
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Nicotine cessation and withdrawal: alterations in neuroendocrine and sleep-polysomnographic parameters as predictors of relapse
Riemann, Dieter
Rodenbeck, Andrea
Completed projects
Gene-environment interactions, neural circuits and generalization in dimensional endophenotypes of fear and anxiety in adults and children: development and reversibility
(Project Heads
Dannlowski, Udo
Deckert, Jürgen
Domschke, Ph.D., Katharina
Lonsdorf, Tina Barbara
Lüken, Ulrike
Pauli, Paul
Romanos, Marcel
Targetable (Epi)Genetic, Physiological and Neuroimaging Risk Markers of Anxiety Sensitivity: A Developmental, Cross-Disorder Prevention Study of Separation Anxiety and Panic Disorder
(Project Heads
Domschke, Ph.D., Katharina
Neufang, Susanne
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Uncertainty and heterogeneity in network meta-analysis with small subgroups and few studies
(Project Heads
Nikolakopoulou, Adriani
Schramm, Ph.D., Elisabeth
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1253: Processing of Affective Stimuli: From the Molecular Basis to the Emotional Experience
Pauli, Paul