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Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie
Röntgenring 11
97070 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97070 Würzburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Affective evaluation of self-produced action-effect episodes
Wirth, Robert
Comprehension of Socioscientific Controversies Through Multiple Documents: Language as Credibility Cue
Richter, Tobias
ContextualEYEze: The interplay of gaze and context information in person perception, social understanding, and decision-making
Böckler-Raettig, Anne
Critical Information Processing: Promoting 21st Century Thinking Skills in Children
Richter, Tobias
Tiffin-Richards, Simon
Feedback control of aggression
Eder, Andreas B.
Perception in the dark: a window to domain general mechanisms of perception
Händel, Barbara
Phenotypes of pathological attention during fear and anxiety
Reutter, Mario
Representation and Strategic Validation of Conflicting Information in Multi-Source, Multi-Modal, and Multi-Language Literacy Contexts
Karimi, Ph.D., Mohammad Nabi
Resting state EEG measurements: Trait and state variance influence personality trait relations: Methodological considerations.
Arnau, Stefan
Hildebrandt, Andrea
Kübler, Andrea
Paul, Katharina
Rodrigues, Johannes
Stahl, Jutta
Strobel, Alexander
Ziereis, Annika
Stories and Social Understanding: The Roles of Narrativity, Fictionality, and Literariness
Appel, Markus
Richter, Tobias
Completed projects
Approach-Avoidance Training: Processes and Applications
Eder, Andreas B.
Cognitive bias during associative threat and safety learning: Neurophysiological markers and possible interventions
Wiemer, Julian
Deciphering cognitive and affective neural correlates of prosocial decision making in adult development
Kanske, Philipp
Li, Ph.D., Shu-Chen
Reiter, Andrea
Der Erwerb medialer Zeichenkompetenz im Vorschul- und Grundschulalter: Grundlagen und Förderung
Ohler, Peter
Schneider, Wolfgang
Development and relationship of motor performance, executive functions, and scholastic achievement in children at risk for developmental coordination disorders
Schneider, Wolfgang
Die funktionale Rolle der Amygdala in gesunden und beeinträchtigten sozialen Beurteilungsprozessen
Gamer, Matthias
Effekte der frühen Förderung mathematischer Kompetenzen
Nieding, Gerhild
Efficacy of a multicomponent psychological intervention for children with insomnia - randomized con-trolled trial including 3 months follow-up
Kübler, Andrea
Schlarb, Angelika
Emotionale Modulation von Gedächtnisenkodierung und -abruf im Kontext des Tatwissentests
Gamer, Matthias
Epistemologische Verarbeitungsprozesse beim Sprach- und Textverstehen
Groeben, Norbert
Influences of eating on emotional reactions
Macht, Michael
Kognitive und emotionale Prozesse der Persuasion durch Narrationen
Richter, Tobias
Mechanisms of affective action control
Eder, Andreas B.
The development of cognitive processing of film
Nieding, Gerhild
The role of emotional shifts and event-congruent emotions in narrative persuasion
Appel, Markus
Richter, Tobias
Training of media sign literacy in preschool children
Nieding, Gerhild
Ohler, Peter
Verbesserung interaktiven Lernens von Mensch und Maschine zur Überwindung der Unfähigkeit eine Gehirn-Computer Schnittstelle zu steuern
Kübler, Andrea
Müller, Klaus-Robert
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Effects of Communication with Experts on the Evaluation of Ambiguous Scientific Evidence: Cognitive Tuning and Social Tuning
Echterhoff, Gerald
Epistemic processing of multiple science texts on the Internet
Richter, Tobias
Knowledge construction with conflicting information from internet-based texts and pictures
Horz, Holger
Richter, Tobias
Lernprozesse bei der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Suchtverhalten
Mucha, Ronald Francis
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Richter, Tobias
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Richter, Tobias
FOR 5254: Lastig Learning: Cognitive mechanisms and effective instructional implementation
Richter, Tobias
Interleaved learning with verbal materials
Richter, Tobias
Completed projects
Die motivationale Wirkung rauchassoziierter Hinweisreize aus funktioneller und lerntheoretischer Perspektive
Pauli, Paul
Stark, Rudolf Maria
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Schematicity and compasitionality in experiential theories of language comprehension
Richter, Tobias
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Emotional-motivational deficits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Pauli, Paul
Completed projects
Interaction of attentional and learning processes during acquisition, generalization and loss of fear
(Project Head
Gamer, Matthias
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
The impact of efficiency-flexibility trade-offs on learning strategies across the lifespan
(Project Heads
Eppinger, Benjamin
Kiebel, Stefan
Reiter, Andrea
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
More than meets the eye: Integration, influences and impairments of direct gaze processing
Böckler-Raettig, Anne
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2660: Neural mechanisms of (mal)adaptive approach and avoidance behaviour
Gamer, Matthias
Completed projects
GRK 1253: Processing of Affective Stimuli: From the Molecular Basis to the Emotional Experience
Pauli, Paul
Additional Information
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