Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
30625 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30625 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
Cognitive and Depressive Status of Younger and Older Hearing Impaired Adults, before and after Cochlear Implantation
Illg, Angelika
Development of long-termed implants: In vivo and in vitro characterisation of the interactions of inner ear cells with platinum corrosion products in the context of cochlear implant stimulation
Durisin, Martin
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Wissel, Kirsten
Modification of the surface of stimulating electrodes by electrospinning
Glasmacher, Birgit
Paasche, Gerrit
Music4u: Personalized Objective Deep Learning Models to Make Music More Accessible for Cochlear Implant Users
Nogueira, Waldo
ReBiHear: Restoring Binaural Hearing through Individualized Wireless Sound Coding Strategies for Cochlear Implant Users
Nogueira, Waldo
Ostermann, Jörn
Synergistic EEG and machine learning enhanced low-dose PET for objective diagnostics of speech comprehension in cochlear implant users
Berding, Georg
Büchner, Andreas
Büther, Florian
Lücke, Jörg
Sandmann, Pascale
Trauma-Reducing Alginate Cochlear-Implant COating (TRACO)
Rau, Thomas Stephan
Scheper, Verena
Completed projects
Characterization and Modelling of the Electrode-Nerve Interface for Electro-Acoustic Stimulation in Cochlear Implant Users
Nogueira, Waldo
Charakterisierung von Rattenmutanten mit spontanem Drehverhalten
Löscher, Wolfgang
Cochlea-Implantation: Evaluation of the dissolution of platinum-electrodes and development of stable electrodes-parameter for neural stimulation
Durisin, Martin
Lenarz, Thomas
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Development and characterization of bumetanide derivatives with selective effect on the neuronal cation-chloride cotransporter NKCC1 for studies on the role of NKCC1 in ictogenesis and epileptogenesis
Löscher, Wolfgang
Development of an implant-linked alginate matrix for cell-mediated neuronal protection
Hoffmann, Andrea
Scheper, Verena
Zimmermann, Heiko
Einsatz der OCT-Bildgebung zur medizinischen Nahfeldnavigation
Majdani, Omid
Ortmaier, Tobias Johannes
Reithmeier, Eduard
Electrode optimization for neuroprostheses
Chichkov, Boris
Hoffmann, Andrea
Ngezahayo, Anaclet
Exzellenzakademie Medizintechnik - Intelligente Implantate in der Medizin
Lenarz, Thomas
Influence of the electrical stimulation on cochlear morphology and cell survival in the presence and absence of oto- and neuroprotective agents: in vitro study of novel strategies for the protection of residual hearing in patients with electric acoustic implants.
Warnecke, Athanasia
Innenohrmikrowandler zur Anregung der Perilymphe bei Schwerhörigkeit
Lenarz, Thomas
Rissing, Lutz
Investigation of methods and materials for individually mouldable micro-stereotactic frame
Rau, Thomas Stephan
Salcher, Rolf Benedikt
Mechanismen der Pharmakoresistenz von Epilepsien: Untersuchungen in Tiermodellen für Temporallappenepilepsie und In-vitro-Modellen der Blut-Hirnschranke
Löscher, Wolfgang
Mechanismen der Pharmakoresistenz von Temporallappenepilepsien: Untersuchungen in Tiermodellen
Löscher, Wolfgang
Mechatronic Assistance System for High-Precision Cranial Surgery
Majdani, Omid
Ortmaier, Tobias Johannes
Pharmacological prevention of noise induced hearing loss
Scheper, Verena
Postoperativ adaptierbare Hörimplantate für die Mittelohrchirurgie
Lenarz, Thomas
Lüth, Tim C.
Regulatory mechanisms of P-glycoprotein in brain endothelial cells of different species and novel in vivo approaches for the translation of in vitro findings
Löscher, Wolfgang
Tumorpromotions-relevante Wirkungen niedrigfrequenter Magnetfelder
Löscher, Wolfgang
Untersuchung von Oberflächenmaterialien zur Transplantatmaskierung und Optimierung der Nerven-Elektroden-Interaktion bei Cochlea Implantaten
Scheper, Verena
Verbesserung der Nerven-Elektroden-Interaktion bei auditorischen Prothesen unter Einsatz magnetischer Partikel
Warnecke, Athanasia
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Development of electrode-arrays for optimised electrode-nerv-interaction
(Project Heads
Chichkov, Boris
Lenarz, Thomas
Menzel, Henning
Functionalized Middle Ear Prostheses
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Jacob, Hans-Georg
Lenarz, Thomas
Müller, Peter Paul
Stieve, Martin
Magnesium Degradation
(Project Heads
Bach, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Bormann, Dirk
Kietzmann, Manfred
Lenarz, Thomas
Nano-functionalized cochlear implants for optimized electrode nerve interaction
(Project Heads
Chichkov, Boris
Lenarz, Thomas
Paasche, Gerrit
SFB 599: Sustainable Bioresorbable and Permanent Implants of Metallic and Ceramic Materials
Lenarz, Thomas
Verwaltung / Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs
(Project Head
Lenarz, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Rasterkraftmikroskop für Lifescience
Research Units
Completed projects
Neuromodulation, Entzündungshemmung und Neuroprotektion als Strategien zur Epilepsieprävention
Löscher, Wolfgang
Zelltransplantation und intrazerebrale Substanzapplikation bei traumatischen Rückenmarkserkrankungen und Epilepsien
Gernert, Manuela
Radtke, Christine
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Roboterassistierte und optisch kontrollierte Insertion einer Cochlear Implant Elektrode
Bokemeyer, Martin
Heimann, Bodo
Majdani, Omid
Current projects
Detection of cell occupation on cochlear implants and implant position for atraumatic insertion and long-term monitoring of stimulation efficiency
(Project Heads
Maier, Ph.D., Hannes
Zimmermann, Stefan
Sensory cochlea electrode: Sensory safety through detection of critical processes at the electrode-nerve interface
(Project Heads
Lenarz, Thomas
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Surrogate-modelling for monitoring of implants
(Project Heads
Budde, Stefan
Nackenhorst, Udo
Nogueira, Waldo
Completed projects
Nanoparticle-Silicone-Composite Implants
(Project Heads
Paasche, Gerrit
Sajti, Csaba Laszlo
Schmitz, Klaus-Peter
Optisch induzierte Anregung der Cochlea. Entwicklung eines optoakustischen Aktors für die Cochlea mit Nanosekundenauflösung.
(Project Heads
Ertmer, Wolfgang
Lenarz, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 705: Characterization of Pathophysiological Animal Models ? Functional and Genetic Analyses
Hedrich, Hans-Jürgen
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1077: Hearing for All: Models, Technology and Solutions for Diagnostics, Restoration and Support of Hearing
Kollmeier, Birger
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2177: Hearing4all
Kollmeier, Birger
Lenarz, Thomas