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Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Medizin
Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie
Aulweg 123
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Research Grants
Current projects
Bacterial urinary tract infections: Urethral cholinergic chemosensory cells (UCCC)
Deckmann, Klaus
Exploring the functions of coral-associated bacteria in the holobiont stress response with natural probiotics (MicroFun)
Ziegler, Maren
Paralysis of mucociliary clearance after cerebral ischemia by neurohumoral mechanisms
Kummer, Wolfgang
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Role of galectin 3 in the inflammatory response and fibrotic remodelling during chronic epididymo-orchitis
Fijak, Monika
The Cellular Landscape Underlying the Heterogeneity of Macrophages in Adult Testes During Normal and Diseased Conditions
Bhushan, Sudhanshu
Completed projects
Die Rolle von dendritischen Zellen, Testosteron und Galektin-1 in der Pathogenese der experimentellen Autoimmun-Orchitis
Meinhardt, Andreas
Effects of the gasotransmitter H2S on pulmonary ion transport processes
Althaus, Mike
Function of gall bladder cholinergic brush cells
Kummer, Wolfgang
Schütz, Burkhard
Mechanismen der Hyperreagibilität sensibler Neurone im allergischen Asthma bronchiale
Nassenstein, Ph.D., Christina
Mechanismen des Oozyten - und Embryonentransports im Eileiter: Regulation durch das epitheliale cholinerge System
Kölle, Sabine
Molekularer Wirkmechanismus des Migrations-Inhibitions-Faktors (MIF) im Hoden und Nebenhoden der Ratte
Meinhardt, Andreas
Origin of testicular macrophages and implication of testicular local microenvironment in metabolically shaping the immunosuppressive phenotype.
Bhushan, Sudhanshu
The impact of polysialic acid on the innate immune system of the female and male reproductive tract
Galuska, Sebastian P.
The role of iron in the course of bacterial infection of the testis
Meinhardt, Andreas
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Atherosclerosis-related disturbances of spermatogenesis: lessons from the ApoE'^VLDL receptor'^' knockout mouse model and prospective investigations in men
Linn, Thomas
Middendorff, Ralf
Weidner, Wolfgang
Impact of peroxisomal metabolism in germ and Leydig cells on overall testis functions and male fertility
Baumgart-Vogt, Eveline
Mechanism of impairment of testicular function by immune evasive mechanism of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC)
Chakraborty, Trinad
Meinhardt, Andreas
The peritubular lamina propria testis and male Infertility: Relevance of contractility and fibrosis
Middendorff, Ralf
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Meinhardt, Andreas
Deciphering the region-specific distribution and function of dendritic cell populations along the epididymis
Mayer, Johannes U.
Pleuger, Christiane
FOR 5644: The role of immune cells in the function of the normal and diseased testis and epididymis (‘INFINITE’)
Meinhardt, Andreas
Macrophage dependent inflammation in the ageing testis
Bhushan, Sudhanshu
Schulz, Christian
Macrophage-epithelial cell interactions in the epididymis during homeostasis and inflammation
Meinhardt, Andreas
Schlitzer, Andreas
The connection between the gut microbiome and testicular immune cells: implications for testicular diseases
Bhushan, Sudhanshu
Reinhardt, Christoph Ralf
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
ANP und partikuläre Guanylatcyclasen im kardiopulmonalen Gefäßsystem: Ihr Stellwert bei pulmonalen Gefäßerkrankungen
(Project Head
Middendorff, Ralf
Die Bedeutung des peroxisomalen Stoffwechsels in der Pathogenese hepatischer Entzündungsprozesse
(Project Heads
Baumgart-Vogt, Eveline
Fahimi, H. Dariush
Die Rolle von non-neuronalem Cholin und Cholinestern in der Regulation von Kontraktion und Proliferation in kardio-pulmonalen Gefäßen
(Project Heads
Haberberger, Rainer Viktor
Kummer, Wolfgang
Neue Synthesen von 2-Alkyliden-3-oxindolen und deren Anwendung bieim Aufbau von Naturstoffen
(Project Heads
Langer, Peter
Schreiner, Peter R.
Neuro-immun-endokrine Interaktionen bei der Pathogenese der experimentellen `sympathischen Auto-Immun-Orchitis`
(Project Heads
Aumüller, Gerhard
Meinhardt, Andreas
Rolle von Komplex II der mitochondrialen Atmungskette im Hypoxie-Sensor und - Signaltransduktionsmechanismus in pulmonalen Gefäßen und Kardiomyozyten
(Project Head
Kummer, Wolfgang
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
confocal laser-scanning microscope
Konfokales Laserscanning-Mikroskop mit inversem Mikroskopstativ
Completed projects
Pathogen recognition by taste and odorant receptors and coupling to BALT formation and epithelial remodeling
(Project Heads
Diefenbach, Andreas
Krasteva-Christ, Gabriela
Kummer, Wolfgang
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 336: Molecular Endocrinology - Molecular Metabolism
Seitz, Hans-Joachim
GRK 533: Cell-Cell Interaction in Reproduction
Hinsch, Elvira
GRK 534: Biological Basis of Vascular Medicine
Piper, Hans Michael
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1062: Signalling Mechanisms in Lung Physiology and Disease (SMLPD)
Seeger, Werner
GRK 1871: Molecular Pathogenesis of Male Reproductive Disorders
Meinhardt, Andreas
Additional Information
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