Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Halbleiter- und Mikrosystemtechnik (IHM)
Nöthnitzer Straße 64
01187 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01187 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Controllable membrane system
Richter, Andreas
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Modulation-Acceptor Doping of SiO2 as Novel Doping Method for Silicon Nanowires (MADSiNano)
Hiller, Daniel
Mikolajick, Thomas
Polymer Networks as Carrier for Organo Catalysts within Continuously Driven Microfluidic Reactor Systems
Kuckling, Dirk
Wurtzite Solid Solutions as a New Material Class for Ferroelectric Microelectronics
Fichtner, Simon
Mikolajick, Thomas
Completed projects
3DFold - Programmed folding of mesoscopic 3D objects by viscoelastic reconfiguration
Kirchner, Robert
Elektrochemische Präparation von Diffusionsbarrieren für Mehrmetallschichten und ihr Verhalten bei der Fremdmetalldiffusion
Drescher, Kurt
Ferroelectric Hafnium Oxide Material Enhanced Reliability
Mikolajick, Thomas
Ferroelectric zirconium oxide for piezo- and pyroelectric devices (Zeppelin)
Böttger, Ulrich
Kersch, Alfred
Mikolajick, Thomas
Fun2D+ | 3D functional mesoscopic system based on 2D materials
Albert, Matthias
Kirchner, Robert
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Niobpentoxid-Schichten mit schaltbarer elektrischer Leitfähigkeit
Mikolajick, Thomas
Rafaja, David
Hydrogelbasierte Mikrofluidik-Prozessoren
Richter, Andreas
Impedanz- und elektroakustische Spektroskopie an keramischen Ultra- und Nanofiltrationsmembranen
Mikolajick, Thomas
Incipient ferroelectrics based on hafnium oxide
Böttger, Ulrich
Kersch, Alfred
Mikolajick, Thomas
Large-scale integrated microfluidic circuits based on intrinsically active polymers
Richter, Andreas
Locally active memristive data processing (LAMP)
Mikolajick, Thomas
Tetzlaff, Ronald
Low-Voltage High-Frequency Vertical Organic Transistors
Bartha, Johann-Wolfgang
Ellinger, Frank
Leo, Karl
MEMS LMIS Chips: Investigation of Wetting and Operational Stability of Liquid Metal Ion Sources based on Glass Substrates
Tajmar, Martin
New wide-gap semiconductor materials for opto-electronics and for fundamental research
Mikolajick, Thomas
Optoelektronische Ansteuerung für hochintegrierte MEMS auf Polymerbasis
Richter, Andreas
PARFAIT II: Power-aware AmbipolaR Fpga ArchITecture II
Becker, Jürgen
Hofmann, Klaus
Mikolajick, Thomas
PlasCode - Plasmonic Coding in Smart Mesoscopic Particles for Dynamic Detection in Fluid Flows
Kirchner, Robert
Zimmer, Klaus
Quantum-mechanical device concepts including ultra-thin functional ALD-films for terahertz applications
Bartha, Johann-Wolfgang
Wenger, Christian
Role of Carbon on the electrical, optical and structural properties of GaN
Mikolajick, Thomas
Sound sources based on dielectric elastomers
Altinsoy, Ercan
Richter, Andreas
Spin Orbit functionalized GRAPHene for resistive-magnetic MEMories
Blügel, Stefan
Mikolajick, Thomas
Research Units
Completed projects
Bauteilintegrierte Sensorik und Risserkennung in CF-PEEK-Hochleistungsrotoren
Pfeifer, Günther
Zentrale Organisation und Verwaltung
Hufenbach, Werner
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Biomimetic robots autonomously driven by dielectric elastomers (BROADCAST)
Kraus, Tobias
Marschner, Uwe
Vorrath, Ernst-Friedrich Markus
Cooperative elastomeric multi-actuator platform (CALMAR)
Maas, Jürgen
Marschner, Uwe
Richter, Andreas
Vorrath, Ernst-Friedrich Markus
Elastic couplings with integrated flexible dielectric elastomer sensors
Schlecht, Berthold
Vorrath, Ernst-Friedrich Markus
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Neurotransistor-based Memristive Crossbar Memcomputing (NeuroMCross)
Mikolajick, Thomas
Slesazeck, Stefan
Tetzlaff, Ronald
SecuReFET II: Secure Circuits through inherent Reconfigurable FET II
Kumar, Akash
Mikolajick, Thomas
Completed projects
Electrocaloric multilayer cooling device concepts
Gerlach, Gerald
Entwicklung organischer Feldeffekttransistoren auf flexiblen Schaltungsträgern auf Basis von Thiophenderivate
Fischer, Wolf-Joachim
Flexible Graphene-Base Heterojunction Transistor for Several Hundred Gigahertz Operation
Bartha, Johann-Wolfgang
Wenger, Christian
High-frequency modeling and characterization of printed organic crystalline transistors
Mannsfeld, Stefan
Schröter, Michael
Reconfigurable logic and Multi-bit in-memory processing with ferroelectric memristors -ReLoFeMris
Fey, Dietmar
Slesazeck, Stefan
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Polymere Mikrosysteme
Richter, Andreas
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Integrierte und hochintegrierte mikrotechnische Systeme
Richter, Andreas
M3SR: Mesoscopic 3D-structure formation via controlled viscous reconfiguration
Kirchner, Robert
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
M3SR: Mesoscopic 3D-structure formation via controlled viscous reconfiguration
Kirchner, Robert
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Adaption polymerer Schichten und Gele an Halbleiter- und Mikrostrukturen, Charakterisierung aktorischer und sensorischer Eigenschaften
(Project Head
Drescher, Kurt
Integrated wireless sensor networks
(Project Heads
Fischer, Wolf-Joachim
Starke, Eric
Phasen- und Strukturbildungsphänomene in Metall-Perowskit-Schichtsystemen
(Project Heads
Bartha, Johann-Wolfgang
Schönecker, Andreas
Polymere als Zwischenebenenisolatoren in Mehrebenenmetallisierungssystemen
(Project Heads
Meusel, Ekkehard
Wenzel, Christian
Reaktions- und Diffusions-Phänomene in Cu-WTi-SiO2-Schichtsystemen
(Project Head
Drescher, Kurt
Reaktive Schichten auf der Basis leitfähiger Polymere und deren Anwendung
(Project Heads
Dunsch, Lothar
Fischer, Wolf-Joachim
Plieth, Waldfried
Rammelt, Ursula
Reaktive Silane und Thiole zur Herstellung von Self-Assembly-Schichten, deren Strukturierung und Applikation in der Mikroelektronik und Mikrosystemtechnik
(Project Head
Drescher, Kurt
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Multifunctional dielectric elastomer electronics for next generation soft robotics
Vorrath, Ernst-Friedrich Markus
Current projects
3D Architecture Schemes and Processes
(Project Heads
Lemme, Max Christian
Mikolajick, Thomas
Central Tasks of the TRR
(Project Head
Mikolajick, Thomas
TRR 404: Next Generation Electronics with Active Devices in Three Dimensions (Active-3D)
Mikolajick, Thomas
Completed projects
High-volume production technologies for glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures with integrated piezoceramic sensor elements and adapted electronics
(Project Heads
Fischer, Wolf-Joachim
Gude, Maik
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2767: Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices
Fery, Andreas
Completed projects
GRK 51: Sensor Technology
Gerlach, Gerald
GRK 1401: Nano- and Biotechniques for Electronic Device Packaging
Gerlach, Gerald
GRK 1865: Hydrogel-based Microsystems
Gerlach, Gerald
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1056: Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfAED)
Fettweis, Gerhard P.