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Technische Universität Chemnitz
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Professur Werkstoff- und Oberflächentechnik
09107 Chemnitz
This institution in GERiT
09107 Chemnitz
Research Grants
Current projects
Dynamic nitriding zone development during plasma nitriding for the prediction of mechanical surface properties (DynP²)
Biermann, Horst
Lampke, Thomas
Experimental and numerical technology design for twin-roll casting of highly particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composite (AMC) strips for deep-drawing applications
Grund, Thomas
Hoyer, Kay-Peter
Formation of ZTA-composite ceramic coatings with high fracture toughness and fatigue-resistance on aluminium substrates by plasmaelectrolytic oxidation
Lampke, Thomas
Fractal interface design for defined adjustment of the interlaminar strength of metal-thermoplastic-composites
Lampke, Thomas
Schubert, Andreas
Generally modelling of material behavior and surface modifications for FEM analysis of die forging of carbon steels
Behrens, Bernd-Arno
Graf, Marcel
Influence of near-surface microstructural elements and their geometrical properties on the fatigue strength
Lampke, Thomas
Winter, Lisa
Influence of twinning effects and grain size distribution on the crack propagation behavior of medium-entropy alloy CrCoNi through severe plastic deformation and heat treatment
Lampke, Thomas
Localized plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminum by focusing the discharges in the electrolytic free jet process (Jet-PEO)
Lampke, Thomas
Schubert, Andreas
Method and model development for the simulation of layer thickness distributions on complexly shaped components in galvanic layer deposition processes
Lampke, Thomas
Modeling the interaction between surface condition and diffusion characteristics for diffusion bonding of nickel alloys
Lampke, Thomas
Mayr, Peter
Schubert, Andreas
Research on material- and process-related interactions in thermally sprayed multicomponent coating materials using a ternary oxide coating system as an example
Berger, Lutz-Michael
Lampke, Thomas
Residual stress-controlled incremental sheet forming of high-strength sheet metal components
Lampke, Thomas
Tekkaya, A. Erman
Short-time TMT - Thermomechanical short-time treatment of high-alloy martensitic stainless steels (MSS) for improved energy efficiency in steel sheet processing
Grund, Thomas
Kunke, Andreas
Structuring and passivation of high-strength steels through plasma electrolytic oxidation for the application in material compounds
Lampke, Thomas
Completed projects
Additive manufacturing and processing by forming of Al-Ti metallic composites
Awiszus, Birgit
Drehmann, Rico
Adhesion optimization of DLC thin films through conditioning of steel surfaces by plasma nitriding
Bräuer, Günter
Lampke, Thomas
Chemical and electrical interaction mechanisms during the plasma electrolytic (PEO) mixed oxide formation on magnesium
Lampke, Thomas
Chemisch und galvanisch abgeschiedene Nanokomposite für die Mikrosystemtechnik
Lampke, Thomas
Coating materials made of high-entropy alloys for tribologically highly stressed surfaces
Lampke, Thomas
Contribution to clarify the adhesion mechanisms of cold gas dynamic sprayed coatings
Rafaja, David
Wielage, Bernhard
Control of scale effects in the localized anodic oxidation of aluminium based materials – lokO
Lampke, Thomas
Schubert, Andreas
Development of a macromechanical model for determination of the corrosion susceptibility of formed parts
Awiszus, Birgit
Lampke, Thomas
Entwicklung und komplexe Betrachtung neuartiger Silberbasis-Kontaktwerkstoffe
Lampke, Thomas
Entwicklung von Abscheidungsprozessen für Edelmetall-Kontaktmaterialien aus ionischen Flüssigkeiten
Lampke, Thomas
Zielonka, Andreas
Entwicklung von Verschleißschutzwerkstoffen auf der Basis amorph erstarrender Legierungen mit Partikelverstärkung
Lampke, Thomas
Entwicklung von Werkstoffsystemen mit eingestellter anisotroper Wärmeleitung für Maschinenkonstruktionen
Wielage, Bernhard
Fatigue behaviour of aluminium alloys after anodic and plasma-electrolytic oxidation
Lampke, Thomas
Functional surface design by complementarily matched thermal spray and cutting processes
Lampke, Thomas
Schubert, Andreas
Generation and Preconditioning of Aluminium Matrix Composite Friction Surfaces of Braking Discs
Lampke, Thomas
Schubert, Andreas
Graded plasma-anodised oxide coatings for wear and corrosion protection on titanium aluminides
Lampke, Thomas
Wielage, Bernhard
Herstellung funktioneller Schichten auf Aluminiumlegierungen durch Kombination von Hartandosieren und chemischem Vernickeln
Lampke, Thomas
Layer formation mechanisms during plasma-anodising of magnesium in dependence of the electrolyte composition
Lampke, Thomas
Macromechanical model for predicting the susceptibility to acid corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic thin sheet metals and foils manufactured by complex forming technologies
Awiszus, Birgit
Mehner, Thomas
Mechanisms of the plasma electrolytic oxidation of light-metal-based material compounds
Lampke, Thomas
Plant–microbe interactions in deep time: A multidisciplinary study of Permian microorganisms associated with tree ferns, and their responses to climate change
Krings, Michael
Rößler, Ronny
Plasmaanodisieren von Aluminiumschichten für Leichtbaukonzepte
Wielage, Bernhard
Plasma-electrolytic oxidation of thermally sprayed aluminium coatings for high-temperature wear applications under particle-loaded hot-gas jets
Lampke, Thomas
Prediction of the residual strength of corroded high-strength aluminum alloys under uniaxial loading by numerical simulations
Lampke, Thomas
Nickel, Daniela
Thermomechanical Treatment of High-alloyed Martensitic Stainless Steels for Complex Parts
Lampke, Thomas
Meza García, Enrique
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Lampke, Thomas
FOR 5380: Functional surfaces through adiabatic high-speed processes: Microstructure, mechanisms and model development - FUNDAM³ENT
Lampke, Thomas
TP1: Wear, corrosion and fatigue behaviour of functional surfaces produced by high-speed blanking
Drehmann, Rico
Lampke, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Laboratory devise for the production of metallic and intermediate powders by ultrasonic atomisation
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Improvement of product properties by selective induction of residual stresses in incremental sheet metal forming
Lampke, Thomas
Tekkaya, A. Erman
Soft sensor technology for the process-integrated influence of the structural fatigue strength by turning of aluminium
Lampke, Thomas
Schubert, Andreas
Completed projects
Intrinsic hybrid composites for crash-relevant structural parts processed by forming
Drossel, Welf-Guntram
Ihlemann, Jörn
Lampke, Thomas
Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Corrosion resistant conversion coatings for Al-based materials
(Project Heads
Lampke, Thomas
Nickel, Daniela
Development and implementation of a shape forming SPD process
(Project Heads
Lampke, Thomas
Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver
Energieeffiziente anodische Oxidation von hochfestem Aluminium durch dynamische Prozessführung
(Project Head
Lampke, Thomas
Integration of effective heat treatment strategies into the production process of high-strength aluminum screws
(Project Heads
Hockauf, Kristin
Lampke, Thomas
Joining concepts for bulk and sheet metal structures of high-strength lightweight materials
(Project Heads
Grund, Thomas
Mayr, Peter
Weis, Sebastian
Joining of high-strength composites
(Project Heads
Grund, Thomas
Hoyer, Ina
Wielage, Bernhard
Oberflächenveredlung aluminiumbasierter Schrauben
(Project Head
Lampke, Thomas
Surface-Engineering of Forming Tools
(Project Heads
Lampke, Thomas
Rupprecht, Christian
Schmidt, Gerhard
Current projects
Electromagnetic alignment of reinforcement elements
(Project Heads
Lampke, Thomas
Winkler, Anja
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1075: Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures - MERGE
Kroll, Lothar
Additional Information
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