Universität Münster
Fachbereich 09 - Philologie
Germanistisches Institut
Schlossplatz 34
48143 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48143 Münster
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Germanistische Linguistik
Günthner, Susanne
Research Grants
Current projects
Linguistic practices of coal mining communities in the post-industrial era: variation, documentation, representation, regeneration
Pecht, Nantke
Ziegler, Evelyn
Completed projects
Äußerungsstruktur im Kontext: Sprache und Kognition während des Erwerbs unter sprachvergleichender Perspektive
Dimroth, Christine
von Stutterheim, Christiane
Atlas frühmittelniederdeutscher Schreibsprachen (Untersuchung regionaler Schreibsprachen im mittelniederdeutschen Sprachraum)
Peters, Robert
Atlas frühmittelniederdeutscher Schreibsprachen (Untersuchung regionaler Schreibsprachen im mittelniederdeutschen Sprachraum)
Rösler, Irmtraud
“For Your speech betrays you …” Language and Denomination 500 Years after the Reformation
Balbach, Anna-Maria
Grammatik in der Interaktion: Zur Realisierung fragementarischer und komplexer Konstruktionen im gesprochenen Deutsch.
Günthner, Susanne
Grammatik und Dialogizität: Retraktive und projektive Konstruktionen im interaktionalen Gebrauch
Günthner, Susanne
Interactional Grammar: Appositions and apposition-like constructions in spoken German as instances situated between interactional practices and syntactic patterns
Ziegler, Evelyn
Reference Corpus Middle Low German / Low Rhenish (1200 - 1650)
Peters, Robert
Schröder, Ingrid
's Bachmanns Anna und de Schmidte Karl' Grammar and Sociopragmatics of Unofficial Personal Names in German Dialects
Dammel, Antje
The acquisition of reference in a bilingual child (German - Polish). A longitudinal study on the interaction pragmatic conditions and morpho-syntactic factors
Dimroth, Christine
The age factor in the acquisition of German as a second language: Comparative longitudinal study of the untutored acquisition of German as a second language by two Russian learners before and after the beginning of puberty.
Stephany, Ursula
Varieties of Initial Learners in Language Acquisition: Controlled classroom input and elementary forms of linguistic organisation
Dimroth, Christine
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Atlas spätmittelalterlicher Schreibsprachen des niederdeutschen Altlandes und angrenzender Gebiete
Peters, Robert
Karl Philipp Moritz, Complete works. Critical and annotated edition, vol. 3; Theoretical writings on art and literature
Disselkamp, Martin
Research Units
Current projects
Changing referential practice: The German pronoun 'man' from a diachronic perspective
Dammel, Antje
FOR 5317: Practices for referring to persons: usage-based approaches to personal, indefinite and demonstrative pronouns
Imo, Wolfgang
Practices of referring to persons: Uses of pronouns in oncological medical interactions
Günthner, Susanne
Imo, Wolfgang
Pronouns as a constructional network: usage-based analysis of practices of referring to persons in spoken interactions
Lanwer, Jens Philipp
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
The multilingual hospital. The Production of Migration through Language as Communicative and Social Infrastructure
(Project Head
Dimroth, Christine
Completed projects
Ästhetische Phänomene in mündlichen kommunikativen Formen und Gattungen: Von Rahmung zu Performance
(Project Heads
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth
Günthner, Susanne
Kotthoff, Helga
Luckmann, Thomas
Censorship and Restitution in the Light of State, Semi-State and Private Claims
(Project Heads
Achermann, Eric
Gutmann, Thomas
Wittreck, Fabian
How and Why Do Law Courts Quote? Quotations and References in Verdicts of the Bundesverfassungsgericht und the Supreme Court of Canada
(Project Heads
Korten, Lars
Petersen, Niels
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Achermann, Eric
Pohlmann, Petra
Reuvekamp, Silvia
Stierstorfer, Klaus
Wittreck, Fabian
Kausale, konditionale und konzessive Verknüpfungen: Vatiation und Entwicklung im englischen und deutschen Lexikon
(Project Heads
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth
Günthner, Susanne
Praktiken der mündlichen Kommunikation: Zur Wechselwirkung zwischen Sprach- und Interaktionsstrukturen
(Project Heads
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth
Günthner, Susanne
The Contested Ego. The Pitaval and the Evolution of Personal Rights (1730 to 1900)
(Project Heads
Achermann, Eric
Oestmann, Peter
The Staging of the Invisible. Negotiating Climate Change in Court and in the Theatre
(Project Heads
Arnold, Stefan
Wilhelms, Kerstin