Project Details
SFB 1436: Neural resources of cognition
Subject Area
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 425899996
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
- A01 - NMDA receptor-dependent prefrontal circuits critical for cognitive flexibility (Project Heads Dieterich, Daniela C. ; Fendt, Markus ; Nickl-Jockschat, Thomas )
- A02 - Shaping neuronal engram ensembles through excitation-transcription coupling (Project Heads Grochowska, Katarzyna ; Karpova, Ph.D., Anna ; Kreutz, Michael R. )
- A03 - Unraveling Theta: Decoding Inhibitory Circuits in Alzheimer's Mouse-Human Research (Project Heads Dürschmid, Stefan ; Remy, Stefan )
- A04 - Cognitive enhancement by the anti-aging protein Klotho – From molecular mechanisms to interventions (Project Heads Andres-Alonso, Maria ; Düzel, Emrah ; Kreutz, Michael R. )
- A05 - Extracellular matrix integrity as neural resource of memory precision and cognitive flexibility (Project Heads Dityatev, Ph.D., Alexander ; Schott, Björn Hendrik ; Seidenbecher, Constanze )
- A07 - Mobilising cognitive resource through orexinergic modulation of hippocampal circuits (Project Heads Albrecht, Anne ; Stork, Oliver )
- A09 - Mnemonic resources of the mammillary body (Project Heads Barnstedt, Oliver ; Petzold, Anne )
- B02 - Mobilizing reserve in episodic memory in individuals with Alzheimer`s disease pathology (Project Heads Cichy, Radoslaw Martin ; Düzel, Emrah )
- B03 - From Alzheimer’s Disease to SuperAgeing: A Cross-Species Study on Grid Cells as a central resource for Memory and Navigation (Project Heads Allen, Kevin ; Monyer, Hannah ; Segen, Vladislava ; Shine, Ph.D., Jonathan ; Wolbers, Thomas )
- B04 - Synaptic density, MTL circuit function and microvascular plasticity in aging and SuperAging (Project Heads Barthel, Henryk ; Kühn, Ph.D., Esther ; Maass, Anne ; Schreiber, Stefanie )
- B05 - Mobilisation of attentional resources in multiple object and feature tracking: training and perturbation of circuits (Project Heads Hopf, Jens-Max ; Schoenfeld, Mircea Ariel )
- B06 - Deployment of neural resources for temporal attention across the senses (Project Heads Budinger, Ph.D., Eike ; Noesselt, Tömme ; Pakan, Janelle )
- B07 - Circuit-specific improvements of mnemonic discrimination in the rodent and human entorhino-hippocampal subnetworks (Project Heads Angenstein, Frank ; Ciliberti, Ph.D., Davide ; Sauvage, Magdalena )
- C01 - Embodied cognitive reserve in the cortico-subcortical premotor network (Project Heads Lehmann, Nico ; Taubert, Ph.D., Marco ; Ziegler, Ph.D., Gabriel )
- C03 - Parallel planning as a resource for human skill learning and memory (Project Heads Azañon, Elena ; Stenner, Max-Philipp )
- C04 - Restoring neural resources perturbed by sleep deprivation (Project Heads Tegelbeckers, Jana ; Ullsperger, Markus )
- C05 - Wavelike dynamics in neocortical networks for cognitive control (Project Heads Krug, Kristine ; Ritter, Petra )
- MGK - Integrated Research Training Group (Project Heads Albrecht, Anne ; Noesselt, Tömme ; Stork, Oliver )
- Z - Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre (Project Head Düzel, Emrah )
- Z01 - Functional neural circuit analysis of the rodent brain (Project Heads Angenstein, Frank ; Kreutz, Michael R. ; Nickl-Jockschat, Thomas ; Stork, Oliver )
- Z02 - Mesoscopic imaging of human brain structure, function and neurofluids (Project Heads Berron, David ; Hanke, Michael ; Kühn, Ph.D., Esther ; Mattern, Hendrik ; Speck, Oliver )
- Z03 - Human molecular imaging ageing and SuperAgeing cohort (Project Heads Düzel, Emrah ; Kreissl, Michael ; Maass, Anne )
Completed projects
- A06 - Neural resource mediated by BDNF-dependent neuroplasticity of cortico-hippocampal interactions (Project Heads Leßmann, Volkmar ; Ohl, Frank W. )
- A08 - The noradrenergic system´s contribution to neural resource in aging (Project Heads Betts, Ph.D., Matthew ; Hämmerer, Dorothea )
- B01 - Medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex connectivity as a neural resource for recognition memory (Project Heads Prigge, Ph.D., Matthias ; Sauvage, Magdalena )
- C02 - Exploratory attentional resource allocation by the anterior prefrontal cortex (Project Heads Happel, Max Fabian ; Pollmann, Stefan )
Applicant Institution
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Participating University
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Freie Universität Berlin; Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; Universität Leipzig
Participating Institution
Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie (LIN); Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE)
Standort Magdeburg
Standort Magdeburg
Professor Dr. Emrah Düzel