SFB 880:
Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
from 2011 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 133733460
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The analysis of today's performance and requirements of commercial aircraft indicates a future need for
high-lift systems that cannot be met by industrial development processes. This is particularly true in the
areas of noise reduction and the scalability of high-lift systems deployed during take-off and landing.
The pursuit of these research lines shall lead in the long term to the technological basis for a new segment of civil low-noise commercial aircraft for short runways, which will enable seamless integration into
metropolitan regions. The realization of this vision for these new transportation means requires skills
that go far beyond the current state of the art in aeroacoustics, aerodynamics and flight dynamics. New
perspectives for the required active high-lift systems are also motivated by the increasing electrification
of commercial aircraft.
During the first funding phase of the Collaborative Research Centre, the fundamental mechanisms for
the aeroacoustic noise reduction around wings were investigated, the aerodynamic and structural-technological fundamentals for the design of wings with active flow control were elaborated, and initial nu-
merical models for flight-mechanical and aeroelastic analyses of the entire aircraft were developed. In
the second funding phase and in the phase-out financing phase, the CRC has extended numerical models and simulation capabilities of graded and anisotropically porous materials for aeroacoustic noise
reduction applications, and has produced graded materials and investigated them in wind tunnel tests.
Since aeroacoustic shielding of propeller engines in commercial aircraft is not economical, noise reduction potentials for fan engines with an extremely high bypass ratio through integration around the wing
trailing edge, and the aerodynamic integration in cruise flight and high lift could be shown. In the research
work on active high-lift, the efficiency of dynamic actuation was demonstrated for the first time in water
and wind tunnel experiments. Furthermore, comprehensive analysis of shape-adaptive leading edge
concepts was conducted and verified through an experimental model. A technological challenge are the
onboard compressors. An integrated design methodology for the drive, power electronics and compressor stage has been achieved, and the CRC has for the first time constructed and tested a full demonstrator. Simulations of the aeroelastic behaviour of wings with non-linear lift behaviour now enable flutter
analysis including the propulsion system with large propulsors. The flight mechanical analyses showed
the special characteristics of flight with very large lift coefficients and propeller engine. Based on in-depth analyses of longitudinal and lateral flight movements and in the event of one engine failure, the
first designs of flight control systems underlined the great importance of flight control.
“Turbulent jet computations based on MRT and Cascaded Lattice Boltzmann models,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, volume 65, issue 12, pp. 1956–1966 (2013)
S. Geller, S. Uphoff, M. Krafczyk
“Modeling of flow-induced sound in porous materials,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 98 (1), pp. 44-58, 2014
S.C. Beck, S. Langer
“SFB 880: aeroacoustic research for low noise take-off and landing”, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 5 (4), Seiten 403-417. Springer
Delfs, J.; Faßmann, B.; Lippitz, N.; Mößner, M.; Müller, L.; Rurkowska, K.; Uphoff, S.
"Methods for the uncertainty quantification of aircraft simulation models." Journal of Aircraft 52.4 (2015): 1247-1255
Rosić, Bojana V., and Jobst H. Diekmann
"Robustness Analysis of an Aircraft Design for Short Takeoff and Landing," Journal of Aircraft 52.4 (2015): 1235-1246
Krosche, Martin, and Wolfgang Heinze
“Buckling of multiple discrete composite bundles in the elastomeric foundation of a curvature-morphing skin,” Comp. Struct., 134, pp. 1014-1023, 2015
Schmitz, A., Horst, P.
“Design con-siderations for the components of electrically powered active high-lift systems in civil aircraft,” CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2015
Teichel, S.; Dörbaum, M.; Misir, O.; Merkert, A.; Mertens, A.; Seume, J.; Ponick, B.
“Modelling of turbulent flow over porous media using a volume averaging approach and a Reynolds stress model”, Computers & Fluids, Vol. 108, 2015, pp. 25-42
Mößner, M., and Radespiel, R.
“Numerical Investigation of Engine Effects on a Transport Aircraft with Circulation Control,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 52 No. 2, pp. 421-438, 2015, ISSN: 0021-8669
Keller, D., and Rudnik, R.
“The cumulant lattice Boltzmann equation in three dimensions: Theory and validation,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 70, Issue 4, pp. 507-547, ISSN 0898-1221 (2015)
M. Geier, M. Schönherr, A. Pasquali, M. Krafczyk
“Active flow control for high lift with steady blowing”. The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 120, pp. 171-200, 2016
Radespiel, R., Burnazzi, M., Casper, M., and Scholz, P.
“Design Considerations for an Electrical Machine Propelling a Direct Driven Turbo Compressor for Use in Active High-Lift Systems,” In Proceedings: ESARS itec 2016,Toulouse, France, 2016
Narjes, G.; Müller, J.; Kauth, F.; Seume, J.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.
“Identification of Material Parameters for the Simulation of Acoustic Absorption of Fouled Sintered Fiber Felts,” Materials, 9, 709, 2016
Lippitz, N.; Blech, C.; Langer, S.; Rösler, J.
“Investigation of Aeroelastic Effects of a Circulation Controlled Wing,” Journal of Aircraft, Volume 53, Number 6, Pages 1746-1756, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016
Sommerwerk, K.; Krukow, I.; Haupt, M. C. & Dinkler, D.
“Numerical Investigations of Aerodynamic Properties of a Propeller Blown Circulation Control System on a High Wing Aircraft,” CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 441-454, 2016, Springer-Verlag
Keller, D., and Rudnik, R.
“Reduced-order modelling of the flow around a high-lift configuration with unsteady Coanda blowing”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 800, pp. 72-110, 2016
Semaan, R., Kumar, P., Burnazzi, M., Tissot, G., Cordier, L., and Noack, B. R.
“Structural integrated sensor and actuator systems for active flow control,” SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health, 2016
Behr, C., Schwerter, M., Leester-Schädel, M., Wierach, P., Dietzel, A., and Sinapius M.
“Surface-Passive Pressure Sensor by Femtosecond Laser Glass Structuring for Flip-Chip-in-Foil Integration,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 517–523, 2016
Schwerter, M.; Gräbner, D.; Hecht, L.; Vierheller, A.; Leester-Schädel, M.; Dietzel, A.
“Extremely Deformable Morphing Leading Edge: Optimization, Design and Structural Testing,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29, 5 (2017)
Rudenko, A., Hannig, A., Monner, H.P., Horst, P
“Flow Simulations over Porous Media – Comparisons with Experiments”, Computers & Fluids, Volume 154, 2017, pp. 358-370
Mößner, M., and Radespiel, R.
“Structural Dynamic Influence of an UHBR Engine on a Coanda Wing,” International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics - IFASD, Como, Italy, 2017
Müller, T.S. and Hennigs, H.
“Wake characterization methods of a circulation control wing”. Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 58, 2017
El Sayed M. Y., Semaan, R., Sattler, S., and Radespiel, R.
“Waterproof sensor system for simultaneous pressure and hot-film flow measurements,” Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 257, pp. 237–244, 2017
Schwerter, M.; Leester-Schädel, M.; Dietzel, A.
"An optimal configuration of an aircraft with high lift configuration using surrogate models and optimization under uncertainities,” Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Schumacher, A., Vietor, Th., Fiebig, S., Bletzinger, K.-U, Maute, K. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 375-389
Rang, J. and Heinze, W.
“Adaptive Nonlinear Flight Control of STOL-Aircraft Based on Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion,” AIAA Paper 2018-3257, 2018
Beyer, Y., Kuzolap, A., Steen, M., Diekmann, J. H., Fezans, N.
“Bayesian Calibration of Volume Averaged RANS Model Parameters for Turbulent Flow Simulations Over Porous Materials,” In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI (pp. 479-488). Springer, Cham, 2018
Kumar, P., Friedman, N., Zander, E., & Radespiel, R.
“Engine Airframe Integration Sensitivities for a STOL commercial Aircraft Concept with Over-the-Wing Mounted UHBR-Turbofans”, GPPS-2018-109, Global Power and Propulsion Society Forum 2018, May 7-9, 2018
Heykena, C., Savoni, L., Friedrichs, J., and Rudnik, R.
“Evaluation of Ultra-High Bypass Ratio Engines for an Over-Wing Aircraft Configuration”, JGPPS-00035-2017-02, Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 2018
Giesecke, D., Lehmler, M., Friedrichs, J., Blinstrub, J., Bertsch, L., and Heinze, W.
“Influence of engine modeling on structural sizing and approach aerodynamics of a circulation controlled wing,” CEAS Aeronaut J, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 219-233, 2018
Sommerwerk, K.; Michels, B.; Haupt, M. C. & Horst, P.
“Investigation of VRANS-model for flow over a porous flat plate with experiments and LES-data, Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 471-482, 2018
Kumar, P., Kutscher, K., Mößner, M., Radespiel, R., Krafczyk, M., and Geier, M.
“Modification of Porous Aluminum by Cold Rolling for Low- Noise Trailing Edge Applications,” Metals, 8, 598, 2018
Tychsen, J.; Lippitz, N.; Rösler, J.
“Novel Method for the Determination of Eddy Current Losses in the Permanent Magnets of a High-Speed Synchronous Machine,” IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018) Alexandropolis, Greece, 2018
Narjes, G.; Ponick, B.
“Three-dimensional Design of a Large-displacement Morphing Wing Droop Nose Device,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29, 16, pp. 3222{3241 (2018)
Vasista, S., Nolte, F., Monner, H. P., Horst, P., Burnazzi, M.
”Aircraft Noise Assessment - From Single Components to Large Scenarios”. Energies, 11(2) (429), Seiten 1-25
Delfs, J.W.; Bertsch, L.; Zellmann, Chr.; Rossian, L.; Kian Far, E.; Ring, T.; Langer, S.
"System noise assessment of a tube-and-wing aircraft with geared turbofan engines", Journal of Aircraft Vol. 56, No. 4, 2019, pp.1577-1596
Bertsch, L., Wolters, F., Heinze, W., Pott-Pollenske and Blinstrub, J.
“A Zonal Noise Prediction Method for Trailing-Edge Noise with a Porous Model,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 80, 108469, (2019)
P. Bernicke, R.A.D. Akkermans, V.B. Ananthan, R. Ewert, J. Dierke, L. Rossian
“Aerodynamic Comparison between Circumferential and Wing- Embedded Inlet Distortion for an Ultra-High Bypass Ratio Fan Stage,” ASME Turbo Expo 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, June 17-21, 2019, Paper No. GT2019-90425
Giesecke, D.; Friedrichs, J.
“Multiscale Simulation of Turbulent Flow interacting with Porous Media based on a massively parallel implementation of the Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Method,” Computers & Fluids, Volume 193
K. Kutscher, M. Geier, M. Krafczyk
“Numerical prediction of passenger cabin noise due to jet noise by an ultra–high–bypass ratio engine,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 464 (1), 2019
C. Blech, C. K. Appel, R. Ewert, J. W. Delfs, S. C. Langer
“Design and experimental characterization of an actuation system for flow control of an internally blown Coanda flap,” Aerospace, 7(3), 29
Wierach, P., Petersen, J. and Sinapius, M.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Simulation of airframe noise generation and reduction with porous materials for high lift systems
(Project Heads
Delfs, Jan Werner
Ewert, Roland
A03 - Aerodynamic and aero acoustic investigation of embedded engines
(Project Heads
Delfs, Jan Werner
Friedrichs, Jens
Hepperle, Martin
Kozulovic, Dragan
Rudnik, Ralf
A04 - Production and characterization of porous materials with tailored acoustic and mechanical properties
(Project Head
Rösler, Joachim
A05 - Numerical modeling of pore scale flow and acoustics in and around porous materials for high Reynolds numbers and validation
(Project Head
Krafczyk, Manfred
A06 - Origin and prediction of cabin noise due to structure-borne sound
(Project Heads
Delfs, Jan Werner
Langer, Sabine C.
Sinapius, Michael
A08 - Scale-resolving simulations of aeroacoustic sound from Coanda flaps
(Project Heads
Akkermans, Rinie Adrianus Dejan
Ewert, Roland
B01 - Aerodynamic analysis of conditioned Coanda-jets for lift control
(Project Heads
Radespiel, Rolf
Semaan, Richard
B02 - Adaptive systems for flow sensing and control
(Project Heads
Büttgenbach, Stephanus
Dietzel, Andreas
Leester-Schädel, Monika
Sinapius, Michael
Wierach, Peter
B03 - Structural analysis for the design and realization of a flexible, gap and stepless wing leading edge device for high lift applications
(Project Heads
Horst, Peter
Monner, Hans Peter
B04 - Compact dynamic compressors for active flow control in autonomous high lift configurations
(Project Heads
Mertens, Axel
Ponick, Bernd
Seume, Jörg
B05 - Numerical modelling of flows over porous surfaces at high Reynolds numbers and validation
(Project Head
Radespiel, Rolf
B06 - Investigation of intake and propulsion system for high-lift aircraft
(Project Heads
Friedrichs, Jens
Hennings, Holger
Wulff, Detlev
C01 - Dynamics of lift generation
(Project Heads
Rossow, Cord-Christian
Rudnik, Ralf
C02 - Concepts and strategies for control of aircraft with highly cross-coupled characteristics of propulsion and high-lift systems
(Project Head
Hahn, Klaus-Uwe
C03 - Structural design and aeroelasticity of wings with active high lift systems
(Project Heads
Dinkler, Dieter
Haupt, Matthias
Zilian, Andreas
C04 - Uncertainties quantification in models for high-lift simulations
(Project Head
Matthies, Hermann Georg
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Head
Langer, Sabine C.
V - Central Administration and duties of SFB
(Project Head
Radespiel, Rolf
Z - Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Technology Assessment
(Project Heads
Bertsch, Lothar
Heinze, Wolfgang
Radespiel, Rolf