Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Institut Biochemie II
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
60596 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterizing the function of SUMO-targeted ubiquitin networks in coordinating nuclear and cytosolic protein quality control pathways
Müller, Stefan
Development of 3Cs fixed-pair for pooled DNA excisions with single-cell transcriptomic read outs.
Kaulich, Ph.D., Manuel
Looso, Mario
Directional dependencies of chemo-resistant lung cancer.
Kaulich, Ph.D., Manuel
Looso, Mario
SUMOylation in Lymphoma: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targeting of the SENP6-RNF4 Axis
Keller, Ulrich
Müller, Stefan
Ubiquitin pathway modulation to enhance prime editing efficiencies.
Husnjak, Ph.D., Koraljka
Kaulich, Ph.D., Manuel
Completed projects
Acetylation of SUMO paralogs as a determinant of SUMO-mediated protein networks
Müller, Stefan
Characterisation of PIAS proteins as E3-like SUMO-ligases of p53 and c-Jun
Müller, Stefan
ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD): The machinery for recognition, retro-translocation and degradation of misfolded proteins of the ER
Stolz, Alexandra
Functional analysis of the adaptor protein CIN85 and its isoforms in vivo
Dikic, Ivan
Functional analysis of ubiquitin-binding proteins in vivo
Dikic, Ivan
Functional role of SUMO modification in the retinoflastoma tumour suppressor pathway
Müller, Stefan
The vital interplay of acyl-carrier proteins and LYR proteins (ACPM-LYRM) in mitochondria
Angerer, Heike
Ubiquitin and Ub-like interactomes in regulation of cellular functions
Dikic, Ivan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Function of the UBZ-containing ATPase Wrnip1 in DNA replication and damage response
Dikic, Ivan
Protein networks involved in biogenesis of the Salmonella proliferative niche
Dikic, Ivan
Regulatory functions of the SUMO system in ribosome biogenesis and mitosis
Müller, Stefan
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Novel physiological roles for atypical K11-linked ubiquitin chains
Bremm, Anja
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2625: Mechanisms of Lysosomal Homeostasis
Braulke, Thomas
Ubiquitination in regulation of lysosome functions
Bremm, Anja
Dikic, Ivan
Completed projects
Caveolin-associated proteins and endothelial signalling
Müller-Esterl, Werner
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Structural and functional analysis of K11-linked ubiquitin chains and the deubiquitinase Cezanne in the HIF signaling pathway and the cellular adaptation to hypoxia.
Bremm, Anja
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
4-laser cell sorter
Confocal Laser Scanning microscope
High Resolution Screening Microscope
Quantitative high-throughput spinning-disk confocal microscope
Spinning disk confocal microscope
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bacterial evasion of selective autophagy pathways
(Project Heads
Dikic, Ivan
Dötsch, Volker
Central tasks of the CRC
(Project Head
Dikic, Ivan
Imaging and phenotypical screening platform
(Project Heads
Eimer, Stefan
Heilemann, Mike
Pohl, Christian
Stolz, Alexandra
Wilfling, Florian
Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
(Project Heads
Behl, Christian
Bremm, Anja
Dötsch, Volker
Pohl, Christian
Molecular principles guiding lipid structure and function of autophagosomes
(Project Heads
Bhaskara, Ph.D., Ramachandra M.
Kern, Andreas
Pohl, Christian
Pexophagy and mitophagy in cellular homeostasis, aging and disease
(Project Heads
Bremm, Anja
Eimer, Stefan
Quantitative proteomics and integrated systems biology
(Project Heads
Behrends, Ph.D., Christian
Beli, Petra
Bhaskara, Ph.D., Ramachandra M.
Dikic, Ivan
Hummer, Gerhard
Münch, Christian
Regulation of aggrephagy by co-chaperones and assisting proteins
(Project Heads
Behl, Christian
Heilemann, Mike
Kaulich, Ph.D., Manuel
Regulation of autophagy by microproteins and RNA modifications
(Project Heads
Dikic, Ivan
Kaiser, Stefanie
Regulatory mechanisms and dynamics of ER-phagy receptors clustering
(Project Heads
Heilemann, Mike
Stolz, Alexandra
Role of SPRTN in resolution of DNA protein crosslinks and replication stress
(Project Head
Dikic, Ivan
SFB 1177: Molecular and Functional Characterization of Selective Autophagy
Dikic, Ivan
Vascular damage control by deubiquitinases
(Project Heads
Dikic, Ivan
Potente, Michael
Completed projects
Autophagy in ribosome biogenesis and quality control
(Project Head
Müller, Stefan
Chemical and genomic screening
(Project Heads
Kaulich, Ph.D., Manuel
Stolz, Alexandra
Deubiquitinating enzymes in selective autophagy
(Project Heads
Beli, Petra
Bremm, Anja
Functional Characterization of AML-associated Mutants of Nucleophosmin
(Project Head
Müller, Stefan
Function and regulation of the SUMO system during hypoxia
(Project Head
Müller, Stefan
Molecular principles of ER-phagy pathways
(Project Heads
Dikic, Ivan
Hummer, Gerhard
Molekulare Mechanismen der NO-vermittelten Hemmung der Thrombozytenaggregation
(Project Head
Smolenski, Albert
Regulation der löslichen Guanylylcylase durch posttranslationale Modifikationen und akzessorische Proteine
(Project Head
Gross, Steffen
Regulatory interplay between autophagosomal and endosomal pathways
(Project Head
Dikic, Ivan
Serine ubiquitination and regulation of autophagy upon Legionella
(Project Heads
Dikic, Ivan
Heilemann, Mike
DIP Programme
Current projects
Understanding and targeting degradation-resistant cancers
Brik, Ph.D., Ashraf
Dikic, Ivan
Current projects
Discovery and targeting of ubiquitin-dependent synthetic vulnerabilities in NSCLC
(Project Heads
Kaulich, Ph.D., Manuel
Rad, Roland
Function and targeting of membrane-bound E3 ligases in AML
(Project Heads
Dikic, Ivan
Krause, Daniela
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Bremm, Anja
Büchel, Gabriele
Reprogramming of the E3 ligase/DUB network during oncogenic transformation
(Project Heads
Diefenbacher, Markus Elmar
Dikic, Ivan
Target and compound profiling
(Project Heads
Schülein-Völk, Christina
Stolz, Alexandra
Wilhelm, Stephanie
Targeting E3 ligase functions in AML
(Project Heads
Knapp, Stefan
Müller, Stefan
Targeting the oxidative stress response of non-small cell lung cancers
(Project Head
Bremm, Anja
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 115: Macromolecular Complexes
Dötsch, Volker
Schwalbe, Harald
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2026: Cardio-Pulmonary Institute (CPI)
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Seeger, Werner