Universitätsklinikum Münster
Klinik für Neurologie
mit Institut für Translationale Neurologie
Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Charakterisierung residenter endoneuronaler Makrophagen in vivo im Vergleich mit Mikroglia und perivaskulären Zellen des Gehirns
Kiefer, Reinhard
Research Grants
Current projects
AntibodyOMICs in CASPR2 Encephalitis
Lünemann, Jan
Autophagy in Microglia-mediated De- and Re-myelination
Lünemann, Jan
Clinician Scientist CareerS Münster
Schäfers, Michael
Next-generation immunological analysis of a cohort of monozygotic twins discordant for Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis.
Klotz, Luisa
Schwab, Ph.D., Nicholas
Origin, fate, and function of meningeal mature and progenitor B cells.
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Completed projects
Influence of environmental factors on the interplay of transcriptome and proteome in newly diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis patients
Schwab, Ph.D., Nicholas
Wiendl, Heinz
Kortikale DC Stimulation zur Therapie der schlaganfallbedingten Dysphagie - eine MEG-basierte Pilotstudie
Teismann, Inga Kristina
Mechanisms of nuclear receptor-mediated control of TH17 differntiation
Klotz, Luisa
Neurogene Dysphagie - Kortikale Reorganisation im Krankheitsverlauf und als Folge therapeutischer Interventionen
Pantev, Christo
Neurostimulation for the treatment of disturbed pharyngeal sensitivity as a major cause of neurogenic dysphagia
Dziewas, Rainer
Suntrup-Krüger, Sonja
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Positional cloning of the genetic defect causing Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotrophy (HNA)
Kuhlenbäumer, Ph.D., Gregor
Rapid and deterministic generation of microglia from human pluripotent stem cells - an in vitro platform for disease progression in neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation
Pawlowski, Matthias
Single cell-based ultra high-resolution characterization of intrathecal immunity in Autoimmune Encephalitis
Leypoldt, Frank
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Stress signaling in the interaction between innate and adaptive immunity in Multiple Sclerosis
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Roth, Johannes
Susac syndrome (SuS) as a paradigm of a CD8 T-cell mediated endotheliopathy
Groß, Catharina C.
The role of NADPH oxidases in Multiple Sclerosis and its animal model, the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Göbel, Kerstin
Meuth, Sven G.
The role of natural killer cells (NK) in the immunoregulation of multiple sclerosis (MS)
Groß, Catharina C.
The role of NOX4 and its interaction with mitochondria and Nrf2 in hyperexcitability-induced neurodegeneration
Kovac, Ph.D., Stjepana
The role of the nuclear receptor NR4A1 in acute ischemic stroke: pathophysiology, therapeutic evaluation and human translation
Klotz, Luisa
Minnerup, Jens
The role of the two pore-domain potassium channel TASK1 in oligodendroglial maturation and myelin regeneration
Albrecht, Stefanie
Hundehege, Petra
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Understanding lymphocytes in nervous system border-associated compartments
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Autophagy-mediated antigen presentation for CD1d-restricted NKT cell recognition
Keller, Christian
Freisetzung von Neuromodulatoren nach Transfektion mit lentiviralen Vektoren zur Behandlung fokaler therapierefraktärer Epilepsien des Neokortex: Untersuchungen am Tetanustoxin-Modell der Ratte
Kovac, Ph.D., Stjepana
Induction of oligodendrocyte lineage cells by direct cellular reprogramming.
Pawlowski, Matthias
Mechanism of interleukin-27 mediated inhibition of Th17 cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Optimierung der Vakzinierungstherapie mit Tumorantigen-beladenen Dendritischen Zellen beim malignen Gliom
Grauer, Oliver
Wirkungsmechanismus der Interleukin-2 Rezeptor Alpha-Blockade in der Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose
Lünemann, Jan
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 342: Organ Dysfuncion During Systemic Inflammation
Zarbock, Alexander
Completed projects
Immune System variables in healthy subjects and during systemic inflammation
Klotz, Luisa
Rossaint, Jan
Roth, Johannes
Local control of inflammation neuronal damage by Peroxisome-profilator-activated receptory (PPARy) in EAE
Klotz, Luisa
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mechanisms and consequences of immune-cell interactions with endothelial cells and pericytes at the blood-brain-barrier
(Project Heads
Klotz, Luisa
Wiendl, Heinz
Mechanisms of nuclear receptor-mediated control of TH17 cell differentiation
(Project Head
Klotz, Luisa
Current projects
Dissecting the contribution of immune cell activation dependent neuronal connectivity changes to disease trajectories in depression
(Project Heads
Forstner, Andreas J.
Klotz, Luisa
Ziller, Michael J.
Neutrophil modulation during cerebral ischemia by the nuclear receptor NR4A1
(Project Heads
Klotz, Luisa
Minnerup, Jens
Completed projects
Analysis and therapeutic modifications of innate immune regulatory networks in controlling T-cell activation in MS
(Project Heads
Groß, Catharina C.
Wiendl, Heinz
Clinical translational Unit
(Project Heads
Fleischer, Vinzenz
Gold, Ralf
Hemmer, Bernhard
Hohlfeld, Reinhard
Klotz, Luisa
Kuhlmann, Tanja
Kümpfel, Tania
Lehmann-Horn, Klaus
Lüssi, Felix
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Wiendl, Heinz
Zipp, Frauke
Immune regulation at the CNS barriers and in the CNS: role of immune cell trafficking
(Project Heads
Schwab, Ph.D., Nicholas
Zarbock, Alexander
Impact of diet and intestinal microbiota on the gut-CNS-axis – implications for CNS autoimmunity
(Project Heads
Klotz, Luisa
Schuppan, Detlef
MOG Antibody-Induced CNS Demyelination: from Specificity to Function
(Project Heads
Lünemann, Jan
Meinl, Edgar
Molecular mechanisms and sites of action of the gelatinases in autoimmune CNS inflammation: do MMP-2/-9 contribute to meningeal inflammation and secondary cortical damage?
(Project Heads
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Schäfers, Michael
Sorokin, Lydia
Temporal lobe epilepsy and advenced white matter fractional anisotropy analysis
(Project Heads
Deppe, Michael
Elger, Christian E.
Weber, Bernd
The role of the kallikrein-kinin system to functional and structural impairment of network activity in multiple sclerosis
(Project Heads
Budde, Thomas
Göbel, Kerstin
Meuth, Sven G.
Pape, Hans-Christian
Research Units
Current projects
Chronic inflammasome activation in post-stroke recovery
Hornung, Veit
Liesz, Arthur
Schmidt-Pogoda, Antje
FOR 2879: ImmunoStroke: From immune cells to stroke recovery
Liesz, Arthur
ImmunoStroke: From Immune Cells to Stroke Recovery Linking functional immune profiles and ischemic lesion characteristics in human stroke
Klotz, Luisa
Thomalla, Götz
Tolosa, Eva
Wiendl, Heinz
Meningeal immune cell priming for stroke recovery
Benakis, Corinne
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Minnerup, Jens
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2515: Chemical Biology of Ion Channels (Chembion)
Wünsch, Bernhard
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
National Research Data Infrastructure for Immunology
Busse, Christian