Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charité Campus Mitte
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
A targeted global online intervention for pandemic-related mental health problems (COPE).
Adorjan, Kristina
Schumann, Gunter
Craving across the escalating impulsive/compulsive spectrum– a transdiagnostic approach
Schlagenhauf, Florian
Dissecting the function of c-Rel in pancreatic cancer and its therapeutic implications
Algül, Hana
Examining the neural network dynamics underlying the temporal integration window of crossmodal perception
Senkowski, Daniel
Fostering restoration of corticospinal tract integrity in chronic stroke using a brain/neural hand exoskeleton (B/NHE) and closed-loop transcranial alternating current stimulation (cl-tACS)
Soekadar, Surjo R.
Mental health among sex workers: A cross-sectional survey
Rössler, Wulf
Schouler-Ocak, Meryam
Neural signatures of contextual memory in post-traumatic stress disorder
Moran, James
Preventing mental disorders in young adults with low self-efficacy: A randomized controlled trial
Asselmann, Eva
The influence of maternal childhood maltreatment on the neural and endocrinological determinants of maternal caregiving
Bermpohl, Felix
Buß, Ph.D., Claudia
Meyer, Kristina
Working memory dysfunction in schizophrenia: an investigation of multivariate activation pattern and neural synchrony
Senkowski, Daniel
Completed projects
Antipsychotic Withdrawal - Individual Patient Data Analysis of the Placebo Groups in Randomized Controlled Trials
Gutwinski, Stefan
Leucht, Stefan
Berlin Research Initiative for Diagnostics, Genetics and Environmental Factors in Schizophrenia (BRIDGE-S)
Ripke, Stephan
Confidence-based learning: establishing a novel form of learning without feedback
Rothkirch, Marcus
Delusions - Etiology, Frequency & Neural Correlates
Walter, Henrik
Dopaminerge Mechanismen des reizabhängigen Alkoholverlangens - Dysfunktion des Belohnungssystems
Heinz, Andreas
Dopaminergic mechanisms of reinforcement learning and working memory deficits in schizophrenia patients
Schlagenhauf, Florian
ENIGMA goes functional – exploring the neurogenetic architecture of brain (dys)function
Erk, Susanne
Walter, Henrik
Genetic regulation of emotion regulation
Walter, Henrik
Identification of factors in peripheral sensory neurons that contribute to the axonal targeting and functional coupling of G protein-coupled receptors such as opioid receptors
Mousa, Ph.D., Shaaban
Schäfer, Michael
Implication of BDNF in treatment and pathophysiology of depression
Lang, Undine Emmi
Influence of value on unconscious sensory information sampling
Rothkirch, Marcus
Lack of empathy in chronic depressive patients after emotional activation
Köhler, Stephan
Multisensory processing of pain: An investigation of neural binding mechanismus in electrophysiological and hemodynamic brain responses
Senkowski, Daniel
Neural and behavioral markers for motivational negative symptoms of schizophrenia: a longitudinal approach
Schlagenhauf, Florian
Neural mechanisms and predictors of affect regulation improvement induced by psychotherapy
Schnell, Knut
Walter, Henrik
Neural signatures of intersensensory attention: investigating the role of neural synchrony and functional network properties
Senkowski, Daniel
Neurobehavioral mechanisms of goal-directed instrumental control
Doñamayor Alonso, Nuria
Neurobehavioural predictors of depression relapse
Walter, Henrik
Neurobiological correlates and mechanisms of the augmentation of psychotherapy with endurance exercise in mild to moderate depression
Fydrich, Thomas
Heinzel, Stephan
Ströhle, Andreas
Neurobiology of Dissociation
Walter, Henrik
Neutrophin-Regulation in Depressionsmodellen der Maus vor und nach antidepressiver Behandlung
Gass, Peter
Hellweg, Rainer
Persönlichkeitsveränderungen durch Gehirneingriffe - Eine neuroethische und neurophilosophische Studie zur Neurochirurgie
Müller, Sabine
Pre- and peri-reproduction challenges as risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders
Hadar, Ravit
Predicting the multisensory future: Role of neuronal connectivity for integrative information processing across modalities
Keil, Julian Maximilian Felix
Preventive strategies in schizophrenia: a preclinical study
Winter, Christine
Reorganisation hippokampaler Netzwerke bei Temporallappen-Epilepsie
Behr, Joachim
Role of aberrant neural oscillations for multisensory processing deficits in schizophrenia
Senkowski, Daniel
Serotonergic mechanisms and therapeutic relevance of neuron (re)generation in the adult brain
Klempin, Friederike C.
The effects of motivation on unconscious visual processing
Rothkirch, Marcus
Tiefe Hirnstimulation im Rattenmodell der Alkoholabhängigkeit
Spanagel, Rainer
Winter, Christine
Zelluläre Mechanismen synaptischer Plastizität an CA1-Subikulum Synapsen
Behr, Joachim
Research Units
Current projects
Anterior cingulate cortex-based biomarker development for cognitive-behavioral ther-apy (CBT) response prediction in internalizing disorders
Hilbert, Kevin
Walter, Henrik
Dynamic causal modelling of emotion regulation as predictors of treatment (non-) response to CBT in internalizing disorders
Erk, Susanne
Heinzel, Stephan
FOR 5187: Towards precision psychotherapy for non-respondent patients: From signatures to predictions to clinical utility
Lüken, Ulrike
SP3: Neuroimaging backbone and large-scale data harmonization
Blankenburg, Felix
Walter, Henrik
Completed projects
Dysfunctional interaction of dopamine and glutamate as a predictor for the development of alcohol use disorders (AUD)
Bermpohl, Felix
Imaging genetics and epigenetics in alcohol use disorder
Friedel, Eva
Walter, Henrik
Neuronal effects of stress and modulation of extinction learning in alcohol use disorder (NeuroModel)
Schlagenhauf, Florian
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Reinforcement learning dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders
Schlagenhauf, Florian
Transdiagnostic Genomics for Precision Medicine in Psychiatry
Ripke, Stephan
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Reinforcement learning dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders
Schlagenhauf, Florian
Transdiagnostic Genomics for Precision Medicine in Psychiatry
Ripke, Stephan
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
The neurocomputational basis of mood-reward dynamics
Michely, Jochen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Dopaminergic modulation of neural mechanisms underlying dynamical cost-benefit valuations and (dysfunctional) motivational processes
Michely, Jochen
Entwicklung und Pilotevaluation von Risikokriterien für bipolare Erkrankungen
Bechdolf, Andreas
Model-free and model-based learning in healthy and pathological cognition
Doñamayor Alonso, Nuria
Understanding the neurobiology of relapse to cocaine addiction and in related psychopathologies
Amato, Ph.D., Davide
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Establishing a Core Unit for Research and Treatment for patients with antibody-mediated neurological diseases
Prüß, Harald
Radbruch, Helena
Ripke, Stephan
KFO 5023: BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosing, Understanding and Treating Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases
Endres, Matthias
Completed projects
Projektübergreifende Multicenter-Therapiestudie zur Kombination von Schmerz-Extinktions-Training und Cannabinoid-unterstützter Verhaltenstherapie bei Patienten mit Fibromyalgie und chronischen Rückenschmerzen
Schmelz, Martin
Tiefe Hirnstimulation bei affektiven Störungen und deren Modellen
Winter, Christine
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Efficacy and feasibility of a transdiagnostic augmentation therapy for improving interpersonal skills using the Kiesler Circle Training (KCT)
Guhn, Anne
Enhancing educational and vocational recovery in adolescents and young adults with early psychosis through supported employment and education (SEE): A randomized controlled trial. Acronym: SEEearly
Bechdolf, Andreas
Completed projects
Secondary Prevention of Schizophrenia. A randomized controlled trial
Klosterkötter, Joachim
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Targeted Personality Development: Changing people in a changing world
Asselmann, Eva
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mechanisms of self-control: The role of anticipated emotions and future thinking in reward regulation
(Project Heads
Goschke, Thomas
Korb, Franziska
Walter, Henrik
Wolfensteller, Uta
Current projects
Components and modulators of inflexible control in human addiction
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Endrass, Tanja
Schlagenhauf, Florian
Dissociable behavioral and physiological correlates of cognitive behavioral therapy and high intensity interval training in cannabis use disorder
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Bermpohl, Felix
Montag, Christiane
Ströhle, Andreas
From cross-tissue multi-omics toward brain-region-specific mechanisms within the addiction neurocircuitry: a translational approach
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Bernardi, Rick
Oliveira, Ana M. M.
Ripke, Stephan
Witt, Stephanie
Neuromodulation and mindfulness as therapeutic treatment in detoxified patients with AUD
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Beck, Anne
Romanczuk-Seiferth, Nina
Soekadar, Surjo R.
Neuronal and glial footprints of cocaine- vs alcohol-induced reward memories in the reduced-complexity 3R model Drosophila
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Owald, David
Priller, Josef
Winter, Christine
Relating control of alcohol use to functional brain connectomics: Integrating information from multiple studies
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Marxen, Ph.D., Michael
Walter, Henrik
Role of Pavlovian mechanisms for control over substance use
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Friedel, Eva
Heinz, Andreas
Pilhatsch, Maximilian
Smolka, Michael
Towards causal real-life insights into mechanisms of risk and resilience for substance use: Incorporating experimental interventions in everyday life
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Liu, Shuyan
Reichert, Markus
Completed projects
Central recruitment, imaging and biobanking
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Hermann, Derik
Lenz, Bernd
Marxen, Ph.D., Michael
Rietschel, Marcella
Walter, Henrik
Crosstalk of myeloid cells and neural stem cells during regeneration after stroke
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Fernández-Klett, Francisco
Schachtrup, Ph.D., Christian
Gating of hippocampal output in temporal lobe epilepsy
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Behr, Joachim
Lehmann, Thomas-Nicolas
Prefrontal control of emotion regulation and alternative reward in tobacco use disorder
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Walter, Henrik
Winterer, Georg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Differential behavioral and neural effects of physical and mental fatigue on modality-specific task interference in cognitive-postural dual-task situations in young and old adults
Granacher, Ph.D., Urs
Heinzel, Stephan
Rapp, Michael
Stelzel, Christine
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 429: Neuropsychiatry and Psychology: Psychic Potentials and Limits in Old Age
Heuser, Isabella
GRK 1123: Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory Consolidation in the Hippocampal Formation
Schmitz, Dietmar
GRK 2386: Extrospection. External Acces to Higher Cognitive Processes.
Pauen, Michael
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2706: Transformative Religion: Religion as Situated Knowledge in Processes of Social Transformation
Meireis, Torsten
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 86: Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Pauen, Michael
Villringer, Arno