Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institut für Klassische Archäologie
Schloß Hohentübingen
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72070 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Protogeometric and Geometric fine-ware pottery from the sanctuary at Kalapodi: chronology, ritual features, and connectivity of an Early Iron Age cult site in Phokis
von Miller, Alexandra
Completed projects
Archäologische Grabung auf Pantelleria
Schäfer, Thomas
Archäologische Grabung auf Pantelleria
Schäfer, Thomas
Die antike Stadt Sigeion in der Troas - Survey, Grabung, Publikation
Schäfer, Thomas
Pantelleria - Bridgehead of Carthage and outpost of Rome. From the Punic base to the Roman town: archaeological research on the fortification and the public place
Schäfer, Thomas
Surveys und Ausgrabungen in der etruskischen Siedlung von Castellina del Marangone, Comune di Santa Marinella (Prov. Rom/Italien)
Prayon, Friedhelm
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Fürstengräber Etruriens, der Magna Graecia und des West-Hallstattraums der ersten Hälfte des 1. Jtsds. v.Chr.
Schweizer, Beat
Painted South Russisan Grave Stelai
Posamentir, Richard
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Coining Aesthetics. Money in Syria-Palestine between Hellenistic-Roman Influence and Jewish Tradition
(Project Heads
Krmnicek, Stefan
Tilly, Michael
Colonisation? Imperialism? Provincialisation? – Resources between conflicts and integration in the Phoenician-Punic West in the 1st Millennium BC
(Project Head
Schäfer, Thomas
Resources and the formation of societies, settlement areas and cultural identities of the Italian peninsula in the 1st millennium BC
(Project Head
Schäfer, Thomas
The Aesthetics of Office: Representations of a Late Roman Imperial Elite (4th–6th c. AD)
(Project Heads
Murer, Cristina
Posamentir, Richard
Schmidt-Hofner, Sebastian
The quest for resources as a trigger of colonization? Research into the causes of fragmented or modern colonisation phenomena
(Project Heads
Lipps, Johannes
Mehler, Natascha
Posamentir, Richard
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Island Studies Network: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Island Exchanges, Environments, and Perceptions
Dierksmeier, Laura
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 442: Anatolia and Its Neighbours. Cultural Reciprocal Actions and the Development of Civilizations from the Neolithic to the Roman Imperial Periods
Pfälzner, Peter