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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für Diagnostik
Institut für Immunologie
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering the pathomechanism of monogenic disorders associated with pathogenic variants in C20orf204, FBXW11 and WDHD1
Kutsche, Kerstin
Engineering the avidity of nanobody-based bispecific diabodies and heavy chain antibodies to specifically target myeloma cells that co-express two membrane proteins
Bannas, Peter
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
iDfellows: Hamburg Clinician Scientist Programme in Infectious Diseases
Lohse, Ansgar W.
Impact of calcium and adenine nucleotide signaling on education and functionality of NK cells
Altfeld, Marcus
Diercks, Bjoern-Philipp
Metabolic determinants of HIV-1-associated pathogenesis
Altfeld, Marcus
Bunders, Ph.D., Madeleine
Regulation of immune cell populations and immune pathways by sex hormones
Altfeld, Marcus
Role of the Monocyte-Macrophage System in Early Life Cytomegalovirus infection
Stahl, Ph.D., Felix
Completed projects
Checkpoints in the thymus for the control of autoimmunity: Antigen processing and regulatory T-cells
Tolosa, Eva
Die Bedeutung von Ektoenzymen und purinergen Rezeptoren für die Regulation intestinaler T-Lymphozyten in Homöostase und Entzündung
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Einsatz neuer Immunisierungsstrategien zur Produktion von Kameliden Schwereketten-Antikörpern als Enzyminhibitoren
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Evaluation of P2X7 as a therapeutic target in autoimmune encephalomyelitis and in tumor immunity
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Fetale Ursache immunologischer Erkrankungen: Einfluss von mütterlichem Mikrochimärismus während der Schwangerschaft und dessen Modulation durch Stressbelastung
Arck, Petra Clara
Modulation of TCR signaling and synapse formation by ectoenzymes and purinergic signals under physiological and pathological conditions
Martin, Roland
Molecular and functional analyses of CD25 as a target for ADP-ribosylation on CD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Molecular mechanisms and functional consequences of P2X7 purinoceptor activation
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Molecular mechanisms and function of P2X7 ion channel gating on T cells
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Tolosa, Eva
Molekulare Klonierung und Charakterisierung humaner und muriner mono ADP-Ribosyltransferasen (Cholera- und Diphtherietoxinhomologe)
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Molekulare Mechanismen der NAD-induzierten T-Zell Apoptose und der funktionellen Regulation vom Membranproteinen durch ADP-Ribosylierung
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Nanobody-assisted structural and functional studies of the human ADP-ribosyltransferase ARTD4
Löw, Christian
Production of camelid heavy-chain antibodies as specific enzyme inhibitors using new immunization strategies
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
The role of Interferon Regulatory Factor 4 in the regulation of T-cell memory
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Raczkowski, Friederike
The role of the nucleotide-gated cation channels P2X7 and TRPM2 for TCR signalling
Guse, Andreas H.
Haag, Friedrich
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Exploring the cross-talk between bone and the immune system in early-onset low BMD disorders
Tolosa, Eva
KFO 5029: Precision Medicine for Early-Onset Low Bone Mineral Density Disorders
Amling, Michael
Completed projects
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection: identification of factors determining vertical transmission and clinical outcome of infected neonates
Brune, Wolfram
Stahl, Ph.D., Felix
Coordination Funds
Arck, Petra Clara
Coordination of the prospective pregnancy cohort PRINCE (Prenatal Identification of Children’s Health)
Diemert, Anke
Fehse, Boris
Hecher, Kurt
Muntau, Ania Carolina
Singer, Dominique
Stock, Philippe
Tolosa, Eva
Zapf, Antonia
Etablierung eines Maus-Infektionsmodells für das Bakterium Tropheryma whippelii
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Hormonal modulation of the Type I Interferon response during pregnancy: implications for maternal health and disease
Altfeld, Marcus
Influenza during pregnancy: The emergence of highly virulent H1N1 influenza virus strains and consequences for maternal and offspring’s health
Arck, Petra Clara
Gabriel, Gülsah
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Innate immune cells in the pathogenesis of PSC
Altfeld, Marcus
Herkel, Johannes
KFO 296: Feto-maternal immune cross talk: Consequences for maternal and offspring's health
Arck, Petra Clara
KFO 306: Primär Sklerosierende Cholangitis
Lohse, Ansgar W.
Mechanisms of prenatal glucocorticoid-induced changes on the offspring's immune system
Tolosa, Eva
Role of T cell subsets in anti-glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Consequences of CTL-mediated immune pressure for HIV-1 capsid stability and innate sensing
Altfeld, Marcus
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Altfeld, Marcus
Developmental origin and plasticity of sex-specific immunity against pathogens
Arck, Petra Clara
Stahl, Ph.D., Felix
FOR 2879: ImmunoStroke: From immune cells to stroke recovery
Liesz, Arthur
FOR 5068: Sex differences in immunity
Altfeld, Marcus
ImmunoStroke: From Immune Cells to Stroke Recovery Linking functional immune profiles and ischemic lesion characteristics in human stroke
Klotz, Luisa
Thomalla, Götz
Tolosa, Eva
Wiendl, Heinz
ImmunoStroke: From Immune Cells to Stroke Recovery The role of gasdermin D in ischemic stroke
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Magnus, Tim
Type I IFN-mediated sex differences in immune responses to HIV-1
Altfeld, Marcus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adenine nucleotide-modulated T cell differentiation and effector functions
(Project Heads
Huber, Samuel
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Antibodies and nanobodies for adenine nucleotide research
(Project Heads
Haag, Friedrich
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Rissiek, Bjoern
Dissecting the cross talks between tissue resident memory T cells and kidney tissue
(Project Heads
Gagliani, Ph.D., Nicola
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Dissecting the role of ATP and adenosine receptor signaling for immune adaptation of intestinal Th17 cells
(Project Heads
Gagliani, Ph.D., Nicola
Tolosa, Eva
Humanizing purinergic signaling at the murine blood-brain barrier in
(Project Heads
Körbelin, Jakob
Magnus, Tim
Tolosa, Eva
Modulating immunity and inflammation via adenine nucleotides
(Project Heads
Gee, Ph.D., Christine Elizabeth
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Tolosa, Eva
Purinergic receptors in adipose tissue inflammation and adaptive thermogenesis
(Project Heads
Heeren, Jörg
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Role of the ectonucleotidases CD39 and CD73 in immune responses to human viral infections
(Project Heads
Haag, Friedrich
Schulze zur Wiesch, Julian
Completed projects
Antigen-Präsentation im Thymus und Thymom: Pathogenetische Beziehungen zur Myastenia gravis
(Project Heads
Melms, Arthur
Tolosa, Eva
Bedeutung von Mono-ADP-Ribosyltransferasen für die Signalübermittlung im Immunsystem und die Pathogenese von Autoimmunerkrankungen
(Project Head
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Checkpoints in the thymus for the control of autoimmunity: Antigen proc-essing and regulatory T cells
(Project Heads
Melms, Arthur
Tolosa, Eva
HCV infection: Mechanisms of NK-cell-mediated control
(Project Head
Altfeld, Marcus
Mechanisms underlying and consequences of hepatic and intestinal manifestations of COVID-19
(Project Heads
Altfeld, Marcus
Huber, Samuel
Molecular mechanisms and functional consequences of ADAM protease activation induced by extracellular NAD or ATP
(Project Head
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Mukosale antigen-spezifische T-Lymphozytenantwort im Verlauf einer bakteriellen Infektion
(Project Heads
Kaufmann, Stefan H.E.
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Regulation of antibacterial immune responses in the liver
(Project Head
Mittrücker, Hans-Willi
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchungen zur Rolle der natürlichen Killerzellen (NK) in der HIV-1 Infektion: Unterschiede in der NK Zellzahl, des Phänotyps und der Funktion in verschiedenen Stadien der Erkrankung sowie die Modulation der NK Zellfunktion durch Stimulation von Toll-like Rezeptoren
Meier, Angela
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 794: Cellular Mechanisms of Immune-Associated Processes
Rammensee, Hans-Georg
Additional Information
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