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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Medizinische Fakultät
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53127 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Disease-predisposing or resilience-promoting? Decoding the systems biology and behavioural predictors and determinants of the tipping point of stress
Gassen, Nils
Müller, Marianne
Dissecting commonalities and differences of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia
Bey, Katharina
Krug, Axel
Philipsen, Alexandra
Dissecting the brain-cognition relationship in schizophrenia and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Krug, Axel
Philipsen, Alexandra
Radbruch, Alexander
Effects of ghrelin administration on dopamine and effort
Kroemer, Nils
Reimold, Matthias
Walter, Martin
Exome sequencing in the National Pandemic Cohort Network (NAPKON) to decipher COVID-19 host genetics
Illig, Thomas
Ludwig, Kerstin
Schulte, Eva-Christina
In search of reward: Are prediction errors metabolically scaled in women and men?
Derntl, Birgit
Kroemer, Nils
Keeping mind and body in sync: Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation as a tool to modulate stomach-brain coupling in depression
Hallschmid, Manfred
Kroemer, Nils
Modulation of Autophagy via Camelid Nanobodies Targeting Transmembranous Atg9a to Selectively Shape Stress Resilience
Gassen, Nils
Schmidt, Ph.D., Mathias V.
Neuro-aCSis – Bonn Neuroscience Clinician Scientist Program
Petzold, Gabor
Neurobiology of the Major Psychoses – Transdiagnostic and longitudinal characterisation of schizophrenia and affective disorders
Dannlowski, Udo
Kircher, Tilo
Nenadic, Igor
Neuroimaging of NMDA-sensitive Biomarkers in the Schizophrenia Spectrum
Ettinger, Ulrich
Kambeitz, Joseph
Philipsen, Alexandra
Profiling the glucocorticoid receptor activation during SARS-CoV-2 infection (ProGReS)
Gassen, Nils
Müller, Marcel
Role of astrocyte mitochondrial metabolism in chronic stress.
Gassen, Nils
Schmidt, Ph.D., Mathias V.
The stress-responsive psychiatric risk factor FKBP51 as a novel central regulator of metabolic (dys)function
Gassen, Nils
Schmidt, Ph.D., Mathias V.
Completed projects
Brain imaging correlates of molecular genetic risk types for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Krug, Axel
Clinical heterogeneity and familiarity of OCD
Falkai, Peter
Endophenotypes of schizophrenia, neuropsychological and psychopathological deviations in parents of schizophrenic patients
Wagner, Ph.D., Michael
Identification of host genetic variation predisposing to severe COVID-19 by genetics, transcriptomics and functional analyses
Gagneur, Julien
Pichlmair, Andreas
Schulte, Eva-Christina
Klinische Heterogenität und Familiarität von Zwangsstörungen
Grabe, Hans Jörgen
Klinische Heterogenität und Familiarität von Zwangsstörungen
Döpfner, Manfred
Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen bei Patienten mit klinisch diagnostizierter subkortikaler vaskulärer Demenz
Kölsch, Heike
Neuronale, physiologische und Verhaltenskorrelate emotionalen Lernens bei Erwachsenen mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit/Hyperaktivitätsstörung
Tebartz van Elst, Ph.D., Ludger
Neuropsychologische und familiengenetische Korrelate des Verlaufs der Schizophrenie und des schizotypen Verhaltens
Wagner, Ph.D., Michael
Success-dependent cerebral activation during verbal learning and retrieval in Alzheimer´s patients and controls
Heun, Reinhard
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Identifizierung neuer konformationsspezifischer Interaktionspartner des pro-apoptotischen Proteins Par-4
Vetterkind, Susanne
The fruits of your labor: Neuromodulatory effects of effort and endocrine signals on food reward
Kroemer, Nils
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Nicotine effects on endophenotypes of schizophrenia
Wagner, Ph.D., Michael
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Structural Neuroimaging in ADHD – Brain Development from Childhood to Adulthood
Mehren, Aylin
Clinical Trials
Current projects
A mechanism-based group-psychotherapy approach to aggressive behavior (MAAP) in borderline personality disorder (BPD): a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial
Herpertz, Sabine C.
Physical exercise in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - Effects of a 12-week training in adolescents and young adults
Philipsen, Alexandra
Completed projects
Secondary Prevention of Schizophrenia. A randomized controlled trial
Klosterkötter, Joachim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Identifizierung von schizophrenie-assoziierten Genen
(Project Heads
Maier, Wolfgang
Propping, Peter
Rekrutierung und phänotypische Charakterisierung von genetisch informativen Familien
(Project Heads
Maier, Wolfgang
Rietschel, Marcella
Rolle von Reelin für Migrationsstörungen bei Schizophrenie und Affektiven Psychosen
(Project Heads
Falkai, Peter
Maier, Wolfgang
Research Units
Completed projects
Central Project 2 - Management and Administration
Dannlowski, Udo
Kircher, Tilo
Krug, Axel
Dissecting the neurobiology in the course of affective disorders - the Marburg/Münster affective disorders cohort study (MACS)
Dannlowski, Udo
Kircher, Tilo
Nenadic, Igor
FOR 2107: Neurobiology of Affective Disorders: A Translational Perspective on Brain Structure and Function
Kircher, Tilo
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2804: Women's mental health across the reproductive years
Derntl, Birgit
Additional Information
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