Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Mathematisches Institut
Arbeitsbereich Geometrie
Auf der Morgenstelle 10 / Geb. C
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Arithmetic counts of bitangents to plane quartics by means of tropical geometry
Markwig, Hannah
Positivity on K-trivial varieties
Agostini, Daniele
Küronya, Alex
Lazic, Vladimir
Lehn, Christian
Completed projects
Constant mean curvature surfaces of higher genus
Heller, Sebastian
Schmitt, Nicholas
Real Hurwitz numbers
Markwig, Hannah
Rau, Johannes
Tropical Hurwitz loci
Markwig, Hannah
Tropicalizations of moduli spaces of curves and covers
Markwig, Hannah
Tropical Singularities
Markwig, Hannah
WBP Position
Current projects
Real, combinatorial and tropical aspects of the non-primitive combinatorial patchworking
Demory, Aloïs
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Algorithmic tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces
Gathmann, Andreas
Markwig, Hannah
Surface Geometry and Integrable Systems: Theory and Experiment
Pedit, Franz
Current projects
Computations in tropical combinatorics
(Project Heads
Joswig, Michael
Markwig, Hannah
Nebe, Gabriele
Effective Torelli Theorems
(Project Heads
Agostini, Daniele
Brandhorst, Simon
Linear degenerate flag varieties and their tropical counterparts
(Project Heads
Fang, Xin
Fourier, Ghislain
Markwig, Hannah
Nebe, Gabriele
Plane Hurwitz numbers
(Project Heads
Agostini, Daniele
Böhm, Janko
Markwig, Hannah