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Klinikum der Universität München
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV
Ziemssenstraße 1
80336 München
This institution in GERiT
80336 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Anti-oxidative and immunoregulatory functions of uric acid in chronic kidney disease
Steiger, Stefanie
Cell type-specific functions of HMGB1 in necroinflammation of the kidney
Anders, Hans-Joachim
CKD combination therapy beyond dual RAS/SGLT2 inhibition
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis in primary aldosteronism
Reincke, Martin
Williams, Ph.D., Tracy Ann
Pathophysiology of hypercortisolism-associated myopathy
Halle, Martin
Reincke, Martin
Schoser, Benedikt
Regulatory RNases in acute kidney injury and AKI/CKD transition
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Role of steroid hormone differentiation during adolescence in metabolism and cardiometabolic health
Harris, Carla
Standl, Ph.D., Marie
Tubular regeneration and renal cell carcinoma following kidney transplantation - pathomechanisms
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Andrassy, Joachim
Completed projects
ACTH-Rezeptor-Expression und ACTH-Sensitivität: Charakterisierung der adrenalen Rezeptorregulation
Reincke, Martin
At the interface between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria: inhibition of SOAT1 as new treatment strategy against adrenocortical carcinoma
Fassnacht, Martin
Kroiß, Ph.D., Matthias
Bedeutung der TNF-Rezeptoren bei der Glomerulonephritis: Charakterisierung einer TNF-Rezeptor 2-Blockade als therapeutische Strategie bei Lupusnephritis
Vielhauer, Volker
Blocking regulatory T cell-attracting chemokines as therapeutic goal for the treatment of HCC
Anz, David
Bronchiale Kontraktion und Ca2+ -Signaling glatter Muskelzellen der Luftwege in Lungenschnitten
Bergner, Albrecht
Clinic and molekular defect in the hyper-IgE-Syndrome
Grimbacher, Bodo
Der thyreoide Natrium/Iodid-Symporter als neues therapeutisches Gen bei der Therapie des metastasierenden Prostatakarzinoms
Spitzweg, Christine
Die Rolle des chemokin-bindenden Proteins DARC bei Nierenerkrankungen
Segerer, Stephan
Funktionelle Charakterisierung neu identifizierter Gene mit Einfluss auf das Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron System
Reincke, Martin
GEnetic and mechanistic studies of primary Aldosteronism
Beuschlein, Felix
Reincke, Martin
Strom, Tim-Matthias
Hyperuricemia and crystal-induced nephropathies
Steiger, Stefanie
Immune-regulatory functions of atypical chemokine receptors in inflammatory renal diseases - Fibrosis-limiting role of ACKR2
Vielhauer, Volker
Inflammasome components NLRP3/ASC in epithelial cells and resident dendritic cells of the kidney
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Interleukin-1 Rezeptor-assoziierte Kinase (IRAK)-3 bei der Lupusnephritis
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Interleukin-22 in kidney regeneration
Anders, Hans-Joachim
MDM-2 in glomerular and interstitial kidney disease
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Thomasova, Ph.D., Dana
Molecular mechanisms of cholesterol embolism
Anders, Hans-Joachim
NALP3 Inflammasom bei renaler Entzündung
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Necroinflammation, kidney regeneration, and long term outcomes of acute tubular necrosis
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Pathophysiology Crystal-induced kidney injury
Anders, Hans-Joachim
PTX3 in renal Inflammation and Regeneration
Anders, Hans-Joachim
The role of CCL22 chemokine expression in the maintenance of immune homeostasis
Anz, David
Toll-like Rezeptoren bei infektiösen und nicht-infektiösen Nierenerkrankungen
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Typ I Interferon als Mediator der Glomerulonephritis
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Untersuchungen von immunologischen und viralen Faktoren, die zum Verlust der Kontrolle der Virämie durch CD8-T-Zellantworten in der chronischen HIV-Infektion führen
Draenert, Rika
Untersuchungen zum in vivo Stoffwechsel ungesättigter Fettsäuren mit stabilen Isotopen
Koletzko, Berthold V.
Zelluläre und molekulare Mechanismen des chronisch-auf-akuten Nierenversagens
Lech, Ph.D., Maciej
Zur immunstimulatorischen Funktion endogener Nukleinsäuren bei Initiation und Progression der Immunkomplex-Glomerulonephritis
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Adipose tissue type 2 immunity at perivascular niches
Sbierski-Kind, Julia
Double minute Chromosomen in der Krebstherapie: Die Mikronukleation von Resistenzgenen als Angriffspunkt für neue spezifische Therapiestrategien in der Behandlung solider Tumore
Astner, Sabrina
Pathogenetische Rolle von gamma, delta T-Lymphozyten bei Glomerulonephritis, interstitieller Nephritis und renaler Fibrose
Vielhauer, Volker
The role of granzymes in modulating target cell phagocytosis and immunogenicity
Hoves, Sabine
Untersuchung der humanen zellulären Immunantwort auf regulatorische und akzessorische HIV-1-Proteine während der akuten HIV-Infektion
Draenert, Rika
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2385: Facilitation of Diagnostic Competences in Simulation-Based Learning Environments in Higher Education
Fischer, Frank
HyperICU. Effect of muscle wasting on global metabolite release and glucose homeostasis in patients with sarcopenia and critical illness
Blobner, Manfred
Wackerhage, Henning
Completed projects
CoSiMed – Facilitating collaborative diagnostic competences in the collaboration of physicians: Effects of adapting scaffolds to the professional knowledge base of collaboration partners
Fischer, Martin R.
Fischer, Frank
Transgenic strategies to overcome cellular rejection of pig-to-primate xenografts
Seissler, Jochen
Wolf, Eckhard
Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit alternativer Radionuklide (211At, 188Re), im Vergleich zu 131I nach Natrium/Iodid-Symporter-Gentransfer in extrathyreoidale Tumorzellen
Spitzweg, Christine
Visit-Math 2 – Fostering diagnostic competencies of pre-service teachers: Individual learning potentials throughout their course of studies and adaptation effects of prompts as scaffolds
Seidel, Tina
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Inflammation and nephron loss
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Inflammation and nephron loss
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Einfluß der hochaktiven antiretroviralen Therapie auf die Regulation der Virusexpression im lymphatischen Gewebe
(Project Heads
Bogner, Johannes
Schatz, Octavian
Zietz, Christian
HIV-Enzephalopathie und Mikroangiopathie
(Project Head
Goebel, Frank-Detlef
Immunpathogenese der HIV-Infektion: pathogenetische Rolle von Aktivierungsmechanismen im lymphatischen Gewebe
(Project Head
Bogner, Johannes
Optimization and individualization of sodium iodide symporter (NIS)-based gene therapy in glioblastoma based on characterization of tumor heterogeneity and tumor micromilieus
(Project Head
Spitzweg, Christine
Pathogenese metabolischer Störungen als Folge der antiretroviralen Therapie
(Project Head
Goebel, Frank-Detlef
Regulation der Vermehrung von HIV über zelluläre Aktivierungsmechanismen im LTR
(Project Head
Bogner, Johannes
SFB 464: Pathogenese HIV-induzierter Erkrankungen
Goebel, Frank-Detlef
Zentrale Einrichtungen und Verwaltung
(Project Head
Goebel, Frank-Detlef
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Plasma membrane-mediated non-genomic effects of T4, T3 and thyroid hormone metabolite tetrac on different aspects of mesenchymal stem cell biology and their signaling pathways
Nelson, Peter Jon
Spitzweg, Christine
Current projects
Analytical platform
(Project Heads
Alves, Tiago
Bidlingmaier, Martin
Kurlbaum, Max
Peitzsch, Mirko
Walch, Axel Karl
Genetic and environmental contributors to vascular function in primary aldosteronism
(Project Heads
Fuß, Carmina Teresa
Hahner, Stefanie
Reincke, Martin
Schirbel, Andreas
Identification and functional characterisation of genetic contributors to primary aldosteronism
(Project Heads
Beuschlein, Felix
Gudermann, Thomas
Reincke, Martin
Schneider, Holger
Impact of CCR4 ligands on tissue Treg cells in islet autoimmunity
(Project Heads
Anz, David
Serr, Isabelle
Molecular pathology and treatment of Cushing’s disease
(Project Heads
Reincke, Martin
Theodoropoulou, Marily
Patient cohorts and biobanks
(Project Heads
Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme
Fassnacht, Martin
Pamporaki, Ph.D., Christina
Reincke, Martin
Soluble and crystalline metabolites as modulators of neutrophil function
(Project Heads
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Steiger, Stefanie
Steroid hormones and cancer immunity – learning from adrenocortical carcinoma
(Project Heads
Fassnacht, Martin
Kroiß, Ph.D., Matthias
Targeting ferroptosis in adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC): from basic mechanisms to novel treatments
(Project Heads
Friedmann Angeli, José Pedro
Kroiß, Ph.D., Matthias
Weigand, Isabel
Completed projects
Treatment of type 1 diabetes with porcine islet cells: transplantation of multi-transgenic islets expressing immunomodulatory molecules
(Project Heads
Seissler, Jochen
Wolf-van Bürck, Lelia
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 438: Vascular Biology in Medicine
Siess, Wolfgang
GRK 1202: Oligonucleotides in Cell Biology and Therapy
Endres, Stefan
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