Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Medizinische Klinik, Innere Medizin III
Klinik für Kardiologie, Angiologie und Pulmologie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Causal modelling and adaptive experimental design for single-cell perturbation screens
Mall, Moritz
Meder, Benjamin
Steinmetz, Ph.D., Lars
circtools - a bioinformatics toolbox for circular RNA analysis
Dieterich, Christoph
Cohort Modeling of the Human Atria for in silico Trials
Loewe, Axel
Deciphering RNA modification patterns along single molecules: Modification crosstalk suppressing innate immunity
Altmüller, Janine
Dieterich, Christoph
Deciphering the 5ꞌ cap epitranscriptome by nanopore sequencing via chemo-enzymatic modification (DeCapNanoChem)
Dieterich, Christoph
Rentmeister, Andrea
Immunotherapy in cardiovascular disease
Jarr, Kai-Uwe
m6A metabolism in cardiomyozytes
Völkers, Mirko
Molecular Characterization of Tripartite Motif-containing (TRIM) E3 Ubiquitin Ligases in the Heart
Rangrez, Ph.D., Ashraf
Role of Cand2 in cardiac pathophysiology
Völkers, Mirko
Role of gut dysbiosis and microbial metabolites in the pathogenesis and progression of heart failure
Frey, Norbert
Rangrez, Ph.D., Ashraf
The metabolically-induced epigenetic memory as a Regulator of myocardial stress response
Lehmann, Lorenz
The serine biosynthetic pathway as a novel therapeutic target for familial dilated cardiomyopathy.
Seeger, Timon
The transcription factor Zeb1 in the heart
Kmietczyk, Vivien
Transcriptional control of cardiac function and bioenergetics regulatory circuits by type I interferon signaling
Kumari, Manju
Rangrez, Ph.D., Ashraf
Completed projects
Bedeutung des neuen Sarkomerproteins Calsarcin-2 in der Pathogenese von Skelettmuskelerkankungen
Frey, Norbert
Bedeutung von microRNAs in der Regulation streßbedingter kardialer Apoptose
Frank, Derk
Bedeutung von Tetrahydrobiopterin für die endothelvermittelte Regulation koronarer Widerstandsgefäße bei Arteriosklerose
Tiefenbacher, Christiane
Cardiac myosin light chain 1 dependent regulatory mechanisms in dilated cardiomyopathy
Meder, Benjamin
Charakterisierung des neuen kardialen Sarkomerproteins Calsarcin-1 im "knock-out"-Modell der Maus in vivo
Frey, Norbert
Charakterisierung von Myomasp, einem neuen M-Band-Protein
Eden, Matthias
Computer-based Quantification of Reconstructive Mitral Valve Surgery
De Simone, Ph.D., Raffaele
Engelhardt, Sandy
Deciphering the functions of human exon junction complexes
Dieterich, Christoph
Gehring, Niels H.
Die Bedeutung von HMGB1 in der Pathogenese der Herzmuskelentzündung und der dilatativen Kardiomyopathie
Andrassy, Martin
Die Rolle der myokardialen Angiogenese bei adaptiver und pathologischer Myokardhypertrophie
Chorianopoulos, Emmanuel K.
Frey, Norbert
Einfluss des proinflammatorischen Transkriptionsfaktors Egr-1 auf die atherosklerotische Genexpression in vitro und in vivo
Bea, Florian
Einfluß reaktiver Sauerstoffverbindungen auf den zellulären Phänotyp
Kreuzer, Jörg
Endotheliale Vorläuferzellen bei Organtransplantation - Autologe und allogene T-Zell-Aktivierung, Immunmodulation und therapeutischer Einsatz zur Gefäßprotektion
Dengler, Thomas J.
Entwicklung eines neuen adenoviralen Vektorsystems zur Herzmuskel-spezifischen Angiogenese bei ischämischer Kardiomyopathie
Franz, Wolfgang-M.
Entwicklung eines neuen adenoviralen Vektorsystems zur Herzmuskel-spezifischen Angiogenese bei ischämischer Kardiomyopathie
Zimmermann, René
Evaluating the efficacy of a miR-10 therapy after myocardial infarction
Hassel, David
Frequency-modulated magnetoelectric sensor systems for the measurement of broadband, low-frequency biomagnetic fields
Frey, Norbert
Höft, Michael
Stephani, Ulrich
Wagner, Bernhard
From channel protein to body surface ECG: Investigating electrocardiographic effects of ion channel mutations using computational heart models
Ley, Sebastian
Scholz, Eberhard
Seemann, Gunnar
Funktionelle Untersuchungen zur Beteiligung von Komplement/Komplementrezeptoren in der Pathogenese der Myokarditis
Kaya, Ziya
Funktion und Fehlfunktion des Intermediärfilamentproteins Desmin in Kardiomyozyten
Bär, Harald
Funktion von Syntaxin-1 in der regulierten Exozytose
Gerber, Stefan Horst
Gentherapie supraventrikulärer Arrhythmien
Bauer, Alexander
Hereditary sick sinus syndrome – phenotypic spectrum, genetic basis, cellular dysfunction and implications for therapy
Schweizer, Patrick A.
Thomas, Dierk
Identifizierung der für die Induktion von Herzmuskelentzündung verantwortlichen Epitope des kardialen Troponins I und Toleranzinduktion als Therapieansatz
Kaya, Ziya
Influence of extracellular matrix on physiological cardiac hypertrophy
Konstandin, Mathias
Inhibition der kardialen Hypertrophie durch die dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1 A (DYRK1A)
Kuhn, Christian
Inhibition of Cardiac Hypertrophy by Modulation Calcineurin-dependent Signal Transduction
Frey, Norbert
Inhibition of monocyte production using siRNA against CD115 and M-CSF in autoimmune myocarditis
Leuschner, Florian
Inhibition of Wnt signaling in monocytes and its possible role for healing in acute myocardial infarction.
Leuschner, Florian
Inhibitors of Histone Deacetylases; evaluation and target identification of a cardioprotective combination therapy for cancer
Lehmann, Lorenz
Interleukin-10 mRNA-Transfektion von Makrophagen zur antiinflammatorischen Therapie - proof of principle am Myokarditis- Modell der Maus
Kaya, Ziya
Zimmermann, Oliver
Investigations on the structural and functional basis of desminopathy
Bär, Harald
Mechanisms of K2P3.1 K+ channel and action potential regulation in atrial fibrillation and heart failure - implications for personalized antiarrhythmic therapy
Schmidt, Constanze
Thomas, Dierk
MIEdeep - Medical Information Extraction for German Medical Texts using Deep Learning Methods
Dieterich, Christoph
Geis, Nicolas
Molecular analysis of the regulation of cardiac IK1 current by protein kinase A and protein kinase C
Zitron, Edgar
Molecular and therapeutic aspects of proteolytic machineries in immune cells for cardiac inflammation.
Beling, Antje
Kaya, Ziya
Molecular characterization of Myoscape, a novel L-type Calcium channel binding protein involved in cardiac Calcium cycling, contractility and pathological hypertrophy
Eden, Matthias
Molecular genetic features in benign meningiomas in recurrence and progression
Ludwig, Nicole
Molecular mechnisms and signaling underlying S100A1 function in diseased myocardium
Pleger, Sven T.
MR-Tomographie an Patienten mit Herzschrittmachern
Dössel, Olaf
Katus, Hugo Albert
Negative Regulatoren der linksventrikulären Hypertrophie in vivo
Hardt, Stefan
Pro-inflammatory interleukin-17A: a modulator of atherogenesis
Erbel, Christian
Regulation and maintenance of cardiac function by the microRNA, miR-19
Hassel, David
Regulation endothelialer Aquaporin-1 Kanäle durch Proteinkinase C und Glucose- Degradationsprodukte: Bedeutung für die Peritonealdialyse
Schwenger, Vedat
Regulation repolarizing potanium channels by protein kinases and the role of ß-adrenergic stimulation in arrhythmogenesis
Kiehn, Johann
Role of microRNA-582 in cardiac signal transduction, hypertrophy and heart failure
Frey, Norbert
Role of mRNA Modifications in Cardiac Remodeling
Völkers, Mirko
Role of regulatory B-cells in pathogenesis and progression of autoimmune myocarditis
Kaya, Ziya
Tretter, Ph.D., Theresa
Significance of differentially expressed microRNAs and their target proteins in the development of autoimmune myocarditis in mouse model and patients
Kaya, Ziya
Müller, Oliver J.
The relevance of the oncoprotein HIF-1 for targeted therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma
Cramer, Thorsten
The role of the glucose-sensitive G protein-coupled orphan receptor GPRC5B in atherogenesis
Hippe, Hans-Jörg
Untersuchungen zu den genetischen Ursachen verkalkender Myokardnekrosen
Ivandic, Boris Tomislav
Untersuchungen zur Induktion einer Autoimmunreaktion auf zirkulierendes kardiales Troponin nach Myokardinfarkt und ihre klinische Bedeutung
Kaya, Ziya
Untersuchungen zur Kopplung des kardialen Inward-Rectifier Kaliumkanals HIRK (Kir2.1) an Second-messenger Systeme, Proteinkinase C und alpha-adrenerge Rezeptoren
Karle, Christoph
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Charakterisierung abnormer Kaliumströme in insuffizienten Herzen mittels rekombinanter adenoviraler Transfektion
Bauer, Alexander
Die Rolle von miR-138 im molekularen Patterning der atrioventrikulären-Region sowie in der Herzvorläuferzelldetermination während der Herzentwicklung in der Maus und im Zebrafisch
Hassel, David
Induction of specific mutations for dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cells to model disease and to elucidate molecular and signaling pathways
Seeger, Timon
Influence of extracellular matrix components on cardiac progenitor cell-mediated myocardial regeneration
Konstandin, Mathias
Kardialer S100A1 Gentransfer: Analyse zur Wirksamkeit eines neuen Kandidatenproteins zur somatischen Gentherapie der Herzinsuffizienz
Most, Patrick
Modulating fatty acid metabolism in pathological cardiac hypertrophy
Ritterhoff, Julia
Molekulare Mechanismen der Myokardhypertrophie und Herzinsuffizienz. Rolle des kardialen Transkriptionsfaktors MEF2
Frey, Norbert
S100A1 promotes myocardial wound healing after infarction by regulating monocyte function
Rohde, David
S100A4: Evaluation eines neuen Kandidatenproteins für die Prävention kardialen Zelltods und Steigerung der Regenerationsfähigkeit im ischämischen Myokard
Völkers, Mirko
'Theranostic' Trojan Horse Approach For Atherosclerosis.
Jarr, Kai-Uwe
Research Units
Completed projects
Modulation of myocardial remodeling by Wnt-signaling
Hardt, Stefan
Role of CEFIP, a Novel Z-disc Protein, in Cardiac Hypertrophy and Cardiomyopathy
Frey, Norbert
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
mTOR dependent growth control in the myocardium
Völkers, Mirko
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Leuschner, Florian
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Leuschner, Florian
mRNA metabolism and translational control in cardiomyocytes
Völkers, Mirko
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Modulation der Zwei-Porendomänen-Kaliumkanäle KCNKO und KCNK2 durch bioaktive Phospholipide, freie Fettsäuren und mechanische Dehnungsreize
Thomas, Dierk
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Circular RNAs: novel regulators of dendritic protein synthesis during mammalian synapse development
Dieterich, Christoph
Schratt, Ph.D., Gerhard Martin
Deciphering human nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD)
Dieterich, Christoph
Gehring, Niels H.
Molecular mechanisms of m6A mRNA modification in Drosophila neurogenesis
Dieterich, Christoph
Roignant, Jean-Yves
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
BOne marrOw transfer to enhance ST-elevation infarct regeneration-2
Drexler, Helmut
Effect of platelet inhibition and / or Lipid lowering in non-ACS-patients with acute chest pain, and high-sensitivity troponin values above the 99th percentile (GRAY-ZONE)
Karakas, Mahir
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 329: Disease pathways in podocyte injury – from molecular mechanisms to individualized treatment options
Benzing, Thomas
Podocyte lncRNAs – a novel player in focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis
Dieterich, Christoph
Müller, Roman-Ulrich
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Cardiocrine signaling as a regulator of cardiac homeostasis and fibrosis
(Project Head
Leuschner, Florian
Cell-specific activation of Wnt signaling in healing after myocardial infarction
(Project Head
Leuschner, Florian
Control of cardiac homeostasis and cardiocrine signaling by protein arginine methyltransferases
(Project Heads
Backs, Johannes
Dieterich, Christoph
Deciphering molecular circuits of cardiac remodeling and dysfunction via an integrative reverse approach
(Project Heads
Frey, Norbert
Saez-Rodriguez, Julio
Disease modeling
(Project Heads
Dewenter, Matthias
Seeger, Timon
Dysregulation of mRNA decay in MYBPC3 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
(Project Heads
Seeger, Timon
Stoecklin, Georg
INFrastructure for Biobanking, Data Management and Bioinformatics
(Project Heads
Dieterich, Christoph
Saez-Rodriguez, Julio
Weis, Tanja
Magnetoelectric sensor systems for cardiologic applications
(Project Heads
Frey, Norbert
Schmidt, Gerhard
Role of ETV transcription factors in atrial cardiomyopathy
(Project Head
Schmidt, Constanze
STAR family function and interaction with RBM20 for intervening alternative splicing
(Project Head
Meder, Benjamin
Targeting autophagy in cardiac remodeling via FYCO1
(Project Head
Frey, Norbert
The role of unconventional RNA-Binding proteins in the failing heart
(Project Heads
Hentze, Matthias
Völkers, Mirko
Type 2 immunity in cardiac injury and fibrosis
(Project Head
Leuschner, Florian
Completed projects
Applying quantitative profiling and imaging methods to explore the proteolytic plasticity of protein N-termini and protein misfolding processest
(Project Heads
Doroudgar, Ph.D., Shirin
Knop, Michael
Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Tissue Lesions: Dynamics of Functional and Structural Remodelling, and Their Reversibility
(Project Head
Schmidt, Constanze
Modellierung und Lokalisation magnetokardiographischer Quellen
(Project Heads
Frey, Norbert
Klinkenbusch, Ludger
Wieckhorst, Arne
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with moderate aortic valve regurgitation using deep learning
Gomes Botelho Quintas, Bruna Filipa
Current projects
SCI-MODOM – Integration and Management of RNA modification data
(Project Heads
Dieterich, Christoph
Hildebrandt, Andreas
The mechanistic and functional impact of RNA modifications on alternative splicing
(Project Heads
Dieterich, Christoph
König, Ph.D., Julian
Roignant, Jean-Yves
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2727: Innate Immune Checkpoints in Cancer and Tissue Damage (InCheck)
Cerwenka, Adelheid