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Universitätsklinikum Jena
Klinik für Neurologie
Am Klinikum 1
07747 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07747 Jena
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A humanized mouse model to analyse the age-dependent impact of gut microbiota on microglial diversity in the brain
Frahm, Christiane
Kaleta, Christoph
Schmeer, Ph.D., Christian
Completed projects
Developmental significance of GABAergic depolarization for the functional maturation of the primary visual cortex
Holthoff, Knut
Hübner, Christian Andreas
Kiebel, Stefan
Kirmse, Knut
Mechanismen der Bcl-XL- und Erythropoietin-vermittelten Neuroprotektion und axonalen Regeneration
Isenmann, Stefan
Motor-cognitive dual task performance: a multidimensional approach
Bublak, Peter
Reaktionsformen der Mikroglia bei somatischer Gentherapie im Zentralnervensystem
Weller, Michael
Research Grants
Current projects
Cerebellar Surface Reconstruction (Cerecon)
Dahnke, Robert
Interaction of GABAA-receptor function and network activity in the developing hippocampus
Holthoff, Knut
Kirmse, Knut
Investigating humoral autoimmunity against the NMDA receptor GluN1 subunit by super-resolution fluorescence microscopy: effects on synapse integrity and function
Doose, Sören
Geis, Christian
Organ Dysfunction in Old Age: Perspectives for Young Clinician Scientists (OrganAge)
Witte, Otto Wilhelm
Role of tangential migration for cortical network maturation
Holthoff, Knut
Kirmse, Knut
Stumm, Ralf
Completed projects
A probabilistic fiber atlas of the human brainstem
Axer, Hubertus
Beteiligung von Connexin43 am Prozess der reaktiven Astrogliose nach fokaler zerebraler Ischämie
Frahm, Christiane
Biological significance of microgliae infiltration in malignant brain tumors
Weller, Michael
Cellular signalling mechanisms in the developing visual cortex
Holthoff, Knut
Epigenome-Microbiome crosstalk: A new way to maintain cognition at old age
Frahm, Christiane
Hoffmann, Steve
Kaleta, Christoph
Feature-specific BrainAGE profiles in middle and late adulthood: Investigating the relationships between individual body, brain, and cognitive aging
Franke, Katja
Impact of intracellular chloride-dependent modulation of radial glia-like stem cells on hippocampal neurogenesis and the associated cognitive function in the aging brain
Keiner, Silke
Pathomechanisms of autoantibody-induced autoimmunity to AMPA receptors
Geis, Christian
Prächirurgische Diagnostik extramesiotemporaler epileptischer Foci: bildgebende und neuropsychologische Prädiktoren für postoperative Hirnfunktionen
Ebner, Alois
Prächirurgische Diagnostik extramesiotemporaler epileptischer Foci: bildgebende und neuropsychologische Prädiktoren für postoperative Hirnfunktionen
Witte, Otto Wilhelm
Role of glial cell damage in onset and progression of neuronal degeneration after retinal ischemia and putative strategies for neuroprotection
Schmeer, Ph.D., Christian
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Geis, Christian
Direct and acute effects of human monoclonal anti-GluN1 autoantibodies on NMDA receptor channel function
Geis, Christian
Heckmann, Manfred
FOR 3004: Synaptic pathology in autoimmune encephalitis – SYNABS
Geis, Christian
Molecular mechanisms and in-vivo functional effects of antibodies in GABAB receptor autoimmune encephalitis
Geis, Christian
Kornau, Hans-Christian
Schmidt-Hieber, Christoph
Completed projects
FOR 2293: Active Perception
Müller, Hermann J.
Impact of heme and heme degradations products on cerebral vascular reactibility
Witte, Otto Wilhelm
Project C1. Aging and the effect of predictivity and utility on perception
Finke, Kathrin
Sorg, Christian
Störungen raum-zeitlicher Integrationsleistungen in visuellen Suchaufgaben bei Patienten mit fronto-parietalen Läsionen
Bublak, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mechanismen synaptischer Ca2+-Signale in zentralen Neuronen
(Project Heads
Holthoff, Knut
Konnerth, Arthur
Neuronale Dysfunktion und Hyperexcitabilität als Folge fokaler Hirnläsionen
(Project Heads
Witte, Otto Wilhelm
Zilles, Karl
Neurophysiologische Analyse kortikaler Aktivität bei normaler Funktion und läsionsinduzierter Störung des zentralen sensomotorischen Systems
(Project Heads
Freund, Hans-Joachim
Schnitzler, Alfons
Witte, Otto Wilhelm
Störungen der zerebralen zellulären Volumenregulation: Ursachen, funktionelle Konsequenzen und Bedeutung für die hepatische Enzephalopathie
(Project Head
Witte, Otto Wilhelm
Zelluläre und molekulare Grundlagen von Regenerationsvorgängen im ZNS
(Project Heads
Bähr, Matthias
Isenmann, Stefan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochfeld Kleintier MRT
Konfokales Laserscanning-Mikroskop
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Quantification of Gyrification of the Brain
Dahnke, Robert
Completed projects
Interaction of GABAA-receptor function and network activity in the developing hippocampus
(Project Heads
Holthoff, Knut
Kirmse, Knut
Investigating humoral autoimmunity against the NMDA-receptor NR1 subunit by super-resolution fluorescence microscopy: effects on synapse integrity and function
(Project Heads
Doose, Sören
Geis, Christian
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 320: Pathological Processes of the Nervous System: From Gene to Behavior
Reifenberger, Ph.D., Guido
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