Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Psychologie
Rudower Chaussee 18
12489 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12489 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
A computational implementation of the Swinging Lexical Network model of language production
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Günther, Fritz
Age Differences in the Context-Sensitivity of Emotion Regulation Strategies.
Gerstorf, Denis
Kunzmann, Ute
Nestler, Steffen
Daily Affect Dynamics in Very Old Age Across Time: The Role of Vulnerabilities But Also Strengths
Gerstorf, Denis
Schilling, Oliver Karl
Wahl, Hans-Werner
Wettstein, Ph.D., Markus
Definition and estimation of causal effects in latent state trait models (CaST)
Koch, Ph.D., Tobias
Voelkle, Manuel
The Elements of Causal Perception
Ohl, Sven
The function of (spatio-)temporal context in visual working memory
Heuer, Anna
Rolfs, Martin
The Nature and Long-Term Predictors of Short-Term Within-Context and Across-Context Variability in Four Major Life Domains – A Multi-Domain Extension of the EMIL Project
Gerstorf, Denis
Kunzmann, Ute
Schilling, Oliver Karl
Wrzus, Cornelia
The neurocognition of social-emotional (mis)information
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Baum, Julia
Completed projects
Action-based updating of visual short-term memory
Ohl, Sven
Rolfs, Martin
Action control in patientes with schizophrenia or obsessive-Compulsive disorder
Reuter, Benedikt
Alterations and training-induced changes in neurocognitive adaptivity in patients with obessive-compulsive disorder
Grützmann, Rosa
Heinzel, Stephan
Attention and sensory integration in active vision of moving objects
Rolfs, Martin
Development of intra-subject variability of processing speed
Beauducel, André
Klein, Christoph
Voelkle, Manuel
Disentangling timing and conditions: Trajectories of micro- and macro-processes of self-esteem change across the adult lifespan
Wagner, Jenny
Distanzregulation in Partnerschaften
Asendorpf, Jens B.
Neyer, Franz Josef
Dynamic and flexible aspects of language production
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Dynamics of Adaptation in Very Old Age: Within-Person and Across-Partner Processes in the Daily Lives of Couples
Gerstorf, Denis
Dynamics of oculomotor adaptation and its interaction with perception
Rolfs, Martin
Dynamic transaction
Neyer, Franz Josef
Dynamische Wechselwirkung zwischen Persönlichkeit, sozialen Beziehungen und Lebensformen
Neyer, Franz Josef
Effects of age and language proficiency in the processing of morphologically complex words
Lorenz, Antje
Einfluss der Tiefen Hirnstimulation des Nucleus subthalamicus auf die Verarbeitung von Belohnungsreizen bei Patienten mit idiopathischen Parkinsonsyndrom
Lüken, Ulrike
Schläpfer, Thomas Eduard
Emotion regulation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Endrass, Tanja
Simon, Daniela
Empathic reactions to the emotional facial expressions of the elderly
Asendorpf, Jens B.
Hess, Ursula
Werheid, Katja
Environmental Factors that Regulate Terminal Decline: Late-Life as a Natural Experiment
Gerstorf, Denis
Implizite Diagnostik
Asendorpf, Jens B.
Implizite und explizite Soziosexualität
Asendorpf, Jens B.
Insight: Neuroscientific investigations of knowledge effects on visual perception and awareness
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Intentional inhibition and self-control in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Münchau, Alexander
Konstruktion von Ereignismodellen: Einfluss von Aufmerksamkeit und Arbeitsgedächtnisressourcen
van der Meer, Elke
Language production in shared task settings
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Kuhlen, Ph.D., Anna Katharina
Mechanismen der Informationsreduktion beim kognitiven Fertigkeitserwerb
Frensch, Peter A.
Haider, Hilde
Narcissism facets and popularity in developing peer groups: The functional role of facial mimicry
Hess, Ursula
Ziegler, Matthias
Navigationsunterstützung, Transparenz und Medienkompatibilität in Intranets für virtuelle Seminare
Wandke, Hartmut
Negative priming in obsessive-compulsive patients: comparison of identity and location-based inhibition, and specification of processes using event-related potentials
Kathmann, Norbert
Neurobiological correlates and mechanisms of the augmentation of psychotherapy with endurance exercise in mild to moderate depression
Fydrich, Thomas
Heinzel, Stephan
Ströhle, Andreas
Neurocognition of action monitoring: Interaction of person- and task-related determinants
Kathmann, Norbert
Neurocognitive dysfunctions of co-morbid OCD+CTD
Kloft, Lisa
Neurocognitive endophenotypes of obsessive compulsive disorder and their brain correlates
Kathmann, Norbert
Wagner, Ph.D., Michael
On the structure of arithmetic facts in memory and its interaction with numerical magnitude representation
Didino, Ph.D., Daniele
Optimierung von Aufgabenkoordination in Doppelaufgaben: Allgemein- und entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte der Gedächnishypothese
Schubert, Torsten
Ordnungsstrukturen in vertrauten Ereignisfolgen und ihre flexible Nutzung: Behaviorale und pupillometrische Evidenz
van der Meer, Elke
Perceiving a stable world through the predictive allocation of attention
Deubel, Heiner
Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik durch implizite Assoziationstests
Asendorpf, Jens B.
Reciprocal and dynamic relationships of teachers' personal resources, work engagement, and instructional quality: A resource-oriented approach
Hoppe, Annekatrin
Nitz, Sandra
Reiz- und effekt-basierte Handlungssteuerung
Frensch, Peter A.
Rekodierung von Aufgabenkontrollstrukturen durch Lernen
Wenke, Dorit
Semantische Expertise in der Gesichtererkennung und Sprachproduktion: Vergleichende kognitionspsychologische und neurowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Sleep and memory formation in infants and toddlers
Friedrich, Manuela
Spezifikation fronto-striataler und limbischer Hirnaktivität während Symptomprovokation bei Patienten mit Zwangsstörungen
Simon, Daniela
Strategiegenerierung beim kognitiven Fertigkeitserwerb
Frensch, Peter A.
Strategiegenerierung beim kognitiven Fertigkeitserwerb
Haider, Hilde
Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen im menschlichen Frontalhirn bei der Verarbeitung von Aufgabenrepräsentationen
Amunts, Katrin
Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen im menschlichen Frontalhirn bei der Verarbeitung von Aufgabenrepräsentationen
Brass, Marcel
Systematically evaluating the psychological validity of computer-vision models for vision-based conceptual representations
Günther, Fritz
The beginnings of episodic memory formation and the impact of language on the type of transformation during sleep
Friedrich, Manuela
The development of the personality trait intellect at the transition from school to vocation
Mussel, Patrick
The Role of Affective Flexibility in Human Development and its Contribution to Long-Term Developmental Adaptation
Riediger, Michaela
Voelkle, Manuel
Wagner, Gert G.
The role of group composition, perspective-taking, and metacognition for the development of transactive memory
Brauner, Elisabeth
Training cognitive control over emotional material in working memory: effects on the frequency of using rumination and its impact on daily mood in depressed patients
Zetsche, Ulrike
Using masked priming to investigate the cognitive principles that govern unconscious processing and their effect on arithmetic fact retrieval
Didino, Ph.D., Daniele
Verarbeitung pragmatischer und prosodischer Information in transaktionalen Diskursen bei Kindern und Erwachsenen: Untersuchungen mit Ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen und Pupillometrie
van der Meer, Elke
Wie entstehen und verlaufen Soziale Phobien bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen und welche Prädiktoren und Korrelate können dafür identifiziert werden?
Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich
Wie erwerben Kinder abstrakte Konzepte im mathematischen Bereich?
Frensch, Peter A.
Haider, Hilde
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Adaptive Lernunterstützung zur interaktiven Systemnutzung für ältere Benutzer
Wandke, Hartmut
Cognitive and neural practice-related changes in the ability to coordinate two tasks
Frensch, Peter A.
Dissociating components of executive control in schizophrenic and brain-injured patients and healthy controls using saccade tasks
Kathmann, Norbert
Research Units
Current projects
Brain-electrical and cardiovascular indicators of emotion regulation as predictors of treatment (non)-response to CBT in internalizing disorders
Kathmann, Norbert
Coordination Funds
Lüken, Ulrike
Dynamic belief updating in the anxiety phenotype: developmental aspects and salience context
Asbrand, Julia
Bruckner, Rasmus
Lüken, Ulrike
FOR 5187: Towards precision psychotherapy for non-respondent patients: From signatures to predictions to clinical utility
Lüken, Ulrike
FOR 5389: Contextual influences on dynamic belief updating in volatile environments: Basic mechanisms and clinical implications
Lincoln, Ph.D., Tania Marie
FOR 5434: Information Abstraction During Sleep
Born, Jan
Sleep-dependent memory consolidation in infants – The impact of language on the type of transformation
Friedrich, Manuela
SP1: Single-case prediction of treatment (non-) response to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in the outpatient sector: a prospective-longitudinal observational study
Fehm, Lydia Birgit
Jacobi, Frank
Kathmann, Norbert
Lüken, Ulrike
Renneberg, Babette
SP9: Generalizing predictive patterns of treatment (non-) response: from specific phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder to the anxiety spectrum
Kathmann, Norbert
Lüken, Ulrike
Ritter, Kerstin
Completed projects
Bindung (binding). Funktionale Architektur, neuronale Korrelate und Ontogenese
Mecklinger, Axel
Der Erwerb von Handlungs-Effekt-Bindungen und ihre Funktion bei der Handlungs-Regulation
Frensch, Peter A.
FOR 778: Conflicts as Signals in Cognitive Systems
Frensch, Peter A.
Konflikte als Auslöser von Strategieoptiminierung
Frensch, Peter A.
Neurokognition der Handlungsüberwachung: Funktionelle und räumliche Dissoziation von Komponenten des (gestörten) Monitorings richtiger und falscher Reaktionen
Endrass, Tanja
Frensch, Peter A.
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Experimental Psychology: Active perception and cognition
Rolfs, Martin
Kognitive Neurologie
Brass, Marcel
Semantische Einflussgrößen zwischen visueller Wahrnehmung, Gedächtnisabruf und Sprachproduktion: Neurowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Active perception and cognition
Rolfs, Martin
Semantische Einflussgrößen zwischen visueller Wahrnehmung, Gedächtnisabruf und Sprachproduktion: Neurowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen
Abdel Rahman, Rasha
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Adaptive Cortical Organization for Distributed Working Memory Storage
Christophel, Thomas
What’s in a name? Computational modeling and experimental investigations on the non-arbitrariness of word label choices
Günther, Fritz
Completed projects
Adaptation to major life events: a learning opportunity for some and a route to de-pression for others?
Brose, Annette
The Architecture of Attentional Processes in Active Vision
Rolfs, Martin
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Vision and memory in action
Ohl, Sven
Completed projects
Active Perception and Cognition
Rolfs, Martin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Application of adaptive attentional bias modification training to reduce symptoms of anxiety and neural error signals
Klawohn, Julia
CAOSS and Transcendence – On the Representation and Processing of Noun Compounds
Günther, Fritz
Heterogeneity and Differential Development Across the Lifespan: Conceptual and Methodological Promises and Challenges
Gerstorf, Denis
The interplay between short-term affective and cognitive dynamics and relationships with well-being and maladjustment
Brose, Annette
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Fronto-striatal dysregulation of motivational and cognitive flexibility
(Project Heads
Lüken, Ulrike
Riedel, Oliver
Storch, Alexander
Completed projects
Exposure treatment in anxiety disorders: proof of principle for an a priori response prediction approach
(Project Heads
Dannlowski, Udo
Lüken, Ulrike
Gene-environment interactions, neural circuits and generalization in dimensional endophenotypes of fear and anxiety in adults and children: development and reversibility
(Project Heads
Dannlowski, Udo
Deckert, Jürgen
Domschke, Ph.D., Katharina
Lonsdorf, Tina Barbara
Lüken, Ulrike
Pauli, Paul
Romanos, Marcel
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 423: Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience
Marx, Peter
Sommer, Werner
GRK 429: Neuropsychiatry and Psychology: Psychic Potentials and Limits in Old Age
Heuser, Isabella
GRK 780: Perspectives on Urban Ecology - the Example of the European Metropolis of Berlin
Endlicher, Wilfried
GRK 1013: Prospective Engineering of Human Technology Interaction
Manzey, Dietrich
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2002: Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)
Brock, Oliver
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 86: Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Pauen, Michael
Villringer, Arno
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1027: Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory
Bredekamp, Horst
Schäffner, Wolfgang