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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
Dorotheenstraße 24
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Berlinisch heute
Reiher, Ruth
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Wiese, Heike
Corpus linguistic methods
Lüdeling, Anke
Shadrova, Anna
Dynamics of discourse organisation in language contact
Allen, Shanley
Schroeder, Christoph
Wiese, Heike
Dynamics of information structure in language contact
Allen, Shanley
Bunk, Oliver
Zerbian, Sabine
FOR 2537: Emerging grammars in language contact situations: A comparative approach
Wiese, Heike
The heritage speaker lexicon: dynamics and interfaces
Keller, Mareike
Lüdeling, Anke
Tracy, Rosemarie
Completed projects
Die Entwicklung der Sprachverarbeitung bei normal sprechenden und spracherwerbsgestörten Kindern
Weissenborn, Jürgen
Die Entwicklung der Sprachverarbeitung bei normal sprechenden und spracherwerbsgestörten Kindern
Höhle, Barbara
Early language development and specific developmental language disorders
Weissenborn, Jürgen
FOR 381: Frühkindliche Sprachentwicklung und spezifische Sprachentwicklungsstörungen
Weissenborn, Jürgen
P6: Noncanonical constituent linearisation in German across heritage speakers
Wiese, Heike
Pd: “Emerging Grammars”: a cross-linguistic corpus of comparative data in heritage and majority language use
Lüdeling, Anke
Wiese, Heike
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Die artikulatorische Sprachproduktion unter Berücksichtigung der regulären Modifikation standarddeutscher Wörter bei fließender Rede
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd
Focus and thematic role assignment: A comparison of Hungarian and German in Child Language Comprehension
Knoeferle, Pia
Skopeteas, Stavros
The emergence of cognitive vowel systems from articulatory-acoustic and perceptual vowel spaces.
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd
Research Grants
Current projects
Boolean connectives: probing the interplay between Language & Logic
Alexiadou, Artemis
Heinze, Aiso
Sauerland, Uli
Critical edition of Old Lithuanian shorter texts from the beginning of written transmission to 1700
Feulner, Anna Helene
Hock, Wolfgang
Effects of lifetime and fact knowledge in language comprehension
Knoeferle, Pia
Scalarity at the syntax-semantics interface (SYSSI)
Hole, Daniel
Socio-economic transformations, communicative practices and indigenous grammars: understanding current developments in Yucatec Maya
Skopeteas, Stavros
Verhoeven, Elisabeth
The dynamics of German in the multilingual context of Southern Africa
Simon, Horst
Zimmer, Christian
Completed projects
Acquisition of morphology and syntax
Weissenborn, Jürgen
ADAPTIVE: ADAptation targets of PerTurbed fricatIVes
Brunner, Jana
Akustische Kompensation und artikulomotorische Reorganisation bei künstlich veränderten Gaumenformen
Hoole, Philip
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd
Crosslingual Language Varieties: A Multifaceted Investigation
Lüdeling, Anke
Die Nutzung prosodischer und vokalharmonischer Hinweisreize bei der Wortsegmentierung durch deutsche und türkische Kinder im ersten Lebensjahr
Höhle, Barbara
Ergativity and Information Structure: Comparing Chibchan languages
Skopeteas, Stavros
Verhoeven, Elisabeth
Etymologisches Wörterbuch des altlitauischen Erb- und Lehnwortschatzes vom Überlieferungsbeginn bis 1700
Hock, Wolfgang
Experiencers across languages: On the typology of the psych-alternation in morphology, syntax, and discourse
Verhoeven, Elisabeth
Grammatische Morpheme im frühen Spracherwerb
Höhle, Barbara
Implementation of an HPSG grammar of Persian and creation of a machine readable lexicon of Persian
Müller, Stefan
Intrinsic direction-dependent velocities of articulators
Birkholz, Peter
Linguistic Web Characterization and Web Corpus Construction
Schäfer, Roland
Long-distance Dependencies in French: Comparative Analyses (HPSG and the Minimalist Program)
Mensching, Guido
Müller, Stefan
Projekt: Berliner Stadtsprache und das Berlinische im umgebenden Land Brandenburg
Reiher, Ruth
Referenzkorpus Altdeutsch (750-1050)
Donhauser, Karin
Gippert, Jost
Lühr, Rosemarie
Regularitäten der Bestimmung nicht strukturell determinierter Kasus
Donhauser, Karin
Syntax and semantics of idiomatic verbal phraseologisms (idioms) in a compositional grammar framework
Römer, Christine
Syntax of Hessian Dialects (SyHD)
Fleischer, Jürg
The Diachrony of Agreement Systems: Welsh - Breton - German (and other Germanic languages)
Fleischer, Jürg
The linguistic position of Western Yiddish between Eastern Yiddish and German
Fleischer, Jürg
Theorie und Implementation einer Analyse der Informationsstruktur im Deutschen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der linken Satzperipherie.
Müller, Stefan
Theorie und Implementation einer Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar für das Chinesische unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Argumentstrukturkonstruktionen und Konstituentenstellung
Müller, Stefan
Theorie und Implementation einer Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar für das Dänische
Müller, Stefan
What's hard in German? - Corpus-based analysis of structural learner difficulties in German as a foreign language
Lüdeling, Anke
Yucatec Maya: Variation in Space and Time
Skopeteas, Stavros
Verhoeven, Elisabeth
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Building register into the architecture of language - an HPSG account
(Project Heads
Machicao y Priemer, Antonio
Müller, Stefan
Data management, modeling and exploration
(Project Heads
Dreyer, Malte
Krause, Thomas
Lüdeling, Anke
Doubling and register variation
(Project Heads
Alexiadou, Artemis
Schmitt, Viola
Emergence and transfer of register patterns: Situational-functional parameters of intra-individual variation in the writings of Martin Luther and Johannes Bretke
(Project Heads
Donhauser, Karin
Feulner, Anna Helene
Fleischer, Jürg
Norde, Muriel
Zeige, Lars Erik
Evidentiality, Modality and Speaker’s Stance as Register Features in Galen’s Medical Discourse
(Project Head
Roth, Theresa
Information Density in English Scientific Writing: A Diachronic Perspective
(Project Heads
Degaetano-Ortlieb, Ph.D., Stefania
Kermes, Hannah
Ordan, Ph.D., Noam
Teich, Elke
Modeling register variation across languages
(Project Heads
Adli, Aria
Vander Klok, Jozina
Verhoeven, Elisabeth
Real-time register comprehension in adolescent heritage speakers’ languages
(Project Heads
Gagarina, Natalia
Knoeferle, Pia
Maquate, Katja
Seemingly free (morpho)phonetic variation
(Project Heads
Belz, Malte
Lüdeling, Anke
Mooshammer, Christine
SFB 1412: Register: Language-Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation
Lüdeling, Anke
Szucsich, Luka
The impact of language ideologies on register distinctions in multilingual contexts
(Project Heads
Bunk, Oliver
Sauermann, Antje
Wiese, Heike
Young adults’ specialized register knowledge: Modeling late linguistic development in L1 and L2
(Project Heads
Lüdeling, Anke
Lütke, Beate
Schumacher, Nicole
Completed projects
A constraint-based analysis of information structure in German, Spanish and French
(Project Head
Müller, Stefan
A constraint-based analysis of information structure in German, Spanish and French
(Project Head
Müller, Stefan
Communicating emotions
(Project Heads
Knoeferle, Pia
Stenneken, Prisca
Wrede, Britta
Education modules for language variation in urban areas: dialects, multilingualism and the question of 'proper German'
(Project Head
Wiese, Heike
Emergence and change of registers: The case of Lithuanian and Latvian
(Project Heads
Feulner, Anna Helene
Hock, Wolfgang
Integration of linguistic resources in highly diverse urban settings: Stretching the limits of variability
(Project Heads
Freywald, Ulrike
Wiese, Heike
Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg
(Project Heads
Wiese, Heike
Zimmermann, Malte
Linguistic database for information structure
(Project Heads
Lüdeling, Anke
Stede, Manfred
Modelling partners
(Project Heads
Knoeferle, Pia
Wachsmuth, Ipke
Register knowledge in advanced learner language
(Project Head
Lüdeling, Anke
Signalparametrische Ausprägung von Hervorhebung und Gliederung lautsprachlicher Äußerungen im Sprachvergleich
(Project Head
Pompino-Marschall, Bernd
The Kiezdeutschkorpus. Analyses at the Periphery
(Project Head
Wiese, Heike
The role of information structure in language change
(Project Heads
Donhauser, Karin
Petrova, Svetlana
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Analysis and Modeling of Event-Related Brain Activity During Language Processing
beim Graben, Peter
Research data and software
Current projects
Daidalos Project - Development of an Infrastructure for the Use of Natural Language Processing for Researchers in Classical Philology
Beyer, Andrea
Dreyer, Malte
Lüdeling, Anke
TextPloring: Research Data Exploration in the Humanities with the LAUDATIO Repository
Dreyer, Malte
Hiltmann, Torsten
Lüdeling, Anke
Completed projects
A minimal infrastructure for the sustainable provision of extensible multi-layer annotation software for linguistic corpora
Gast, Volker
Lüdeling, Anke
Ausbau des "Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten" (KIM) und Ausweitung der nationalen und internationalen Zusammenarbeit mit Standardisierungsorganisationen
Romary, Laurent
CALLIDUS - Computer-Aided Language Learning: Corpus-Based Lexical Acquisition for Latin
Dreyer, Malte
Kipf, Stefan
Lüdeling, Anke
LangBank: Digital Infrastructure to Support the Study of Latin and Historical German
Lüdeling, Anke
Meurers, Detmar
Dreyer, Malte
Lüdeling, Anke
Himmelmann, Nikolaus
Kölligan, Daniel
Neuefeind, Claes
Sahle, Patrick
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Language Science Publications: A publication model for open-access books in linguistics
Haspelmath, Martin
Müller, Stefan
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Developing a cross-methodlogical processing account of situated language comprehension
Knoeferle, Pia
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
e-Humanity Infrastruktur
Lossau, Norbert
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2700: Dynamics and stability of linguistic representations Neurolinguistics – Acquisition & Intervention – Variation & Change
Scharinger, Ph.D., Mathias
GRK 2844: Staging of religious atmosphere in ancient cultures
Heeßel, Nils
Completed projects
GRK 275: Economy and Complexity in Language
Donhauser, Karin
Staudacher, Peter
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 277: Cognitive Interaction Technology
Ritter, Helge
Additional Information
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