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Universität Leipzig
Medizinische Fakultät
Carl-Ludwig-Institut für Physiologie
Liebigstraße 27
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Hallermann, Stefan
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Research Grants
Current projects
Area-specific differences in cortical presynaptic coupling distances
Schmidt, Hartmut
Function of Thy-1 (CD90) in the neuron – astrocyte communication
Saalbach, Anja
Mechanisms of cerebellar pathology in spinal muscular atrophy
Simon, Christian
Mechanisms of p53-mediated motor neuron death in spinal muscular atrophy
Simon, Christian
The role of Ighmbp2 during motor circuit pathology in movement disorders
Simon, Christian
Use dependent regulation of the coupling distance between Ca2+ channels and release sensor as a mechanism of long-term plasticity
Schmidt, Hartmut
Completed projects
Developmental changes in Ca2+ influx release coupling at the active zone of excitatory cortical synapses
Schmidt, Hartmut
Die Bedeutung und Entwicklung von Neuronen mit Co-Transmission von GABA und Glyzin im respiratorischen Netzwerk
Hirrlinger, Ph.D., Johannes
Hülsmann, Swen
Dynamic morphology: in vivo microscopy of cortical reorganization
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Function of axonal hyperpolarization activated currents
Hallermann, Stefan
Funktionelle zell- und molekularbiologische Studien über die experimentelle Hypertrophie des rechten Herzens
Zimmer, Heinz-Gerd
Immobilisierung endogener Ca2+-Puffer als Determinate der Paarpulsplastizität an einer kortikalen Synapse
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Mechanismen der STIM2-vermittelten Calciumsignalgebung und ischämischen Zellschädigung in Neuronen
Kraft, Robert
Mechanisms of motor unit pathology in motor neuron diseases
Simon, Christian
Molecular mechanisms of high-frequency transmission at a central synapse
Hallermann, Stefan
Neuronal signal integration: micropharmacological analysis using two-photon uncaging
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Presynaptic active zone proteins and spatial working memory in Drosophila melanogaster
Neuser, Kirsa
Presynaptic ATP dynamics
Hallermann, Stefan
Pruning at the cerebellar climbing fibre synapse: synaptic efficacy and glial involvement
Bechmann, Ingo
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Quantifying the synaptic Ca2+-binding kinetics of Synaptotagmin-1, the Ca2+ sensor for transmitter release in the forebrain
Schmidt, Hartmut
The pathophysiology of new microcephaly causing mutations in amino acid metabolism provides novel insights in physiological neurotransmitter recycling
Hirrlinger, Ph.D., Johannes
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Metabolic heterogeneity of astrocytes in grey and white matter of the brain
Hirrlinger, Ph.D., Johannes
Targeting astroglial metabolism in vivo: Consequences for astrocytes, neurons and synapses
Hirrlinger, Ph.D., Johannes
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Molecular mechanisms of high-frequency transmission at a central synapse
Hallermann, Stefan
Research Units
Current projects
Antibody neutralization for treatment of autoimmune encephalitis
Hallermann, Stefan
Hust, Michael
FOR 3004: Synaptic pathology in autoimmune encephalitis – SYNABS
Geis, Christian
LGI1 antibody induced pathophysiology at axon initial segments and presynaptic nerve terminals
Hallermann, Stefan
Sauer, Markus
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Dendritische Signalintegration in Purkinje Neuronen des Kleinhirns
(Project Heads
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Konnerth, Arthur
Dynamische Morphologie: in vivo-Mikroskopie kortikaler Neurone während Reorganisation sensorischer Karten
(Project Head
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Innervation of Adipose Tissue: Identifying Players and Their Functions
(Project Heads
Bechmann, Ingo
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 3102: Molecular tuning of neuronal communication - NeuroTune
Kittel, Robert J.
Completed projects
GRK 361: Neural Plasticity: Molecules, Structures, Functions
Zimmermann, Herbert
GRK 1097: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Cellular Neurosciences (InterNeuro)
Reichenbach, Andreas
Additional Information
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