Charité Universitätsklinikum
Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Julius Wolff Institut für Biomechanik
und Muskuloskeletale Regeneration (CVK)
Augustenburgerplatz 1
13353 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
13353 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Assessment of the in vivo dynamics of knee joint tissue deformations – A technological basis to identify and understand structural and compositional changes in early onset osteoarthritis after injury
Brisson, Ph.D., Nicholas
Krämer, Martin
Influence of uterotomy closure technique on uterine wall stability in subsequent pregnancies
Braun, Thorsten
Paping, Alexander
Laying the foundations towards understanding physiological kinematics after Total Knee Arthroplasty
Ehrig, Rainald
Moewis, Ph.D., Philippe
Morpho-functional Modelling for patientspecific planning in total hip arthroplasty
Damm, Philipp
Radermacher, Klaus
Scaffold-guided bone defect regeneration: Effect of chronological ageing
Poh, Ph.D., Su Ping Patrina
"The friction acting in vivo in the artificial hip joint - what are the tribologically relevant influencing parameters in vivo?"
Damm, Philipp
Kretzer, Jan Philippe
The Host Defense Peptide LL37 in the Treatment and Prevention of Osteoradionecrosis of the Jaws
Koerdt, Steffen
Timing matters - The impact of the circadian clock on fracture healing
Jahn, Denise
Towards mechanobiological optimized mandible reconstructions with a fibula free flap
Checa Esteban, Ph.D., Sara
Rendenbach, Carsten
Completed projects
Beanspruchungsgerechte Osteosyntheseplanung komplexer, gelenkinvolvierender Frakturen der proximalen Tibia
Duda, Georg
Belastung von Hüftendoprothesen
Bergmann, Georg
Belastung von Knieendoprothesen
Bergmann, Georg
Determination of the in vivo loads of the sheep spineIs the sheep a suitable model to study new treatment strategies for the intervertebral disc?
Schmidt, Hendrik
Development of instrumented shoulder implant for load measurements
Bergmann, Georg
Development of MR-based procedures and technologies for non-invasive in-vivo assessment of mechanical loading of tissues: Movement and straining of soft tissue structures using the knee joint as example system
Duda, Georg
Reichenbach, Jürgen R.
Zachow, Stefan
Druck und Kinematik im stabilen und instabilen Patellofemoralgelenk unter muskuloskeletaler Belastung
Duda, Georg
Endoscopic treatment of injuries of the anterior pelvic ring: biomechanical comparison of five different endoscopic stabilization techniques
Küper, Markus
Entwicklung und Testung eines biomechanischen Modells für das Schafsbein zur Reduzierung und Optimierung von Tierversuchen zur Frakturheilung
Claes, Lutz
Entwicklung und Testung eines biomechanischen Modells für das Schafsbein zur Reduzierung und Optimierung von Tierversuchen zur Frakturheilung
Duda, Georg
Immunologische Charakterisierung der initialen Phase des Frakturhämatoms beim Menschen
Buttgereit, Frank
Influence of biological factors on the mechanical regulation of tissue differentiation processes during large bone-defect healing.
Duda, Georg
Influence of the sagittal balance on the segmental load and the success of the surgical treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine
Putzier, Michael
Initiale Phase der Knochenheilung: Inflammation und Organisation
Perka, Carsten
In situ control of mesenchymal stem cell behavior using programmable biomaterials
Mehta, Manav
Interaction of biological and mechanical stimuli during bone defect healing: Identify the role of early inflammation as a key regulator of mechanically induced tissue regeneration
Duda, Georg
Investigation of the mechanical regulation of lumbar inter-corporeal spinal fusion
Schmidt, Hendrik
In vivo knee joint loading and kinematics – the interplay between movement and loading at the patello-femoral and tibio-femoral joints.
Trepczynski, Adam
In vivo Messung der Schultergelenksbelastung
Bergmann, Georg
Loading of the knee and hip joint during swimming and water gymnastics
Kutzner, Ines
Load measurement in patients using an instrumented vertebral body replacement
Rohlmann, Antonius
Messung der Belastung eines Wirbelkörperersatzes bei Patienten
Rohlmann, Antonius
Osteochondrale Defektheilung - Mechanobiologische und molekularbiologische Mechanismen der Regeneration
Duda, Georg
Quantifizierung des Einflusses von Gelenkersatz und Umstellungsosteotomien auf die muskuloskeletale Beanspruchung des Oberschenkels
Duda, Georg
Quantifizierung des Einflusses von Gelenkersatz und Umstellungsosteotomien auf die muskuloskeletale Beanspruchung des Oberschenkels
Claes, Lutz
Rechnerische Analyse des Einflusses bewegungserhaltender Implantate im LWS-Bereich auf das mechanische Verhalten der Wirbelsäule
Rohlmann, Antonius
Rechnerische Simulation von Operationsverfahren zur Stabilisierung der Lendenwirbelsäule
Rohlmann, Antonius
Regeneration of tissue interfaces: Biomaterial controlled morphogen gradients for tissue patterning in regeneration
Duda, Georg
Resolution of inflammation in tendon disease: how is the bursa involved?
Klatte-Schulz, Franka
Strukturmechanische Simulation von degenerativer Spondylolisthese und degenerativer Skoliose zur Ermittlung möglicher Entstehungsursachen
Rohlmann, Antonius
The structural and mechanical recovery of soft tissues define joint-level function after acute injury: The healing of Achilles tendon rupture as a model system
Agres, Alison
Guo, Jing
Towards understanding long-term cartilage degeneration: The role of passive joint laxity and active joint instability in pathological knee kinematics
Duda, Georg
Ehrig, Rainald
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Beanspruchungsgerechte Osteosyntheseplanung komplexer Frakturen und Umstellungen der Tibia
Duda, Georg
Die sezernierten Phosphatonine FGF23 und sFRP4 - ihre Bedeutung bei der osteogenen Differenzierung, im Phosphatstoffwechsel und ihr therapeutisches Potential für das Tissue Engineering
Jakob, Franz
Einfluss mechanischer und biologischer Stimulation auf Osteoklasten, Osteoblasten und deren Co-Kultur in vitro
Schmidmaier, Gerhard
Entwicklung eines Implantats zur telemetrischen Messung der Knochenbelastung beim Schaf
Bergmann, Georg
KFO 102: Biomechanics and Biology of Bone Healing: Individual, Load Adapted Osteosynthesis
Haas, Norbert P.
Korrelation von in vivo interfragmentärer Bewegung und Beanspruchung mit dem klinischen Heilungsergebnis
Raschke, Michael J.
Mittelung stark streuender Belastungsdaten
Bergmann, Georg
Muskuloskelettale Belastung und biologische Antwort im validierten Schafsmodell
Duda, Georg
Prognose der Frakturheilung anhand knochenspezifischer Parameter unter Berücksichtigung der mechanischen Rahmenbedingungen in vivo
Bail, Hermann Josef
Service Biomechanik und Histomorphometrie
Duda, Georg
Research Units
Current projects
Articulated, statistical 3D shape and bone density model of the human spine for research in clinical biomechanics as well as for individualized diagnosis and therapy planning in orthopaedics
Zachow, Stefan
Coordination Funds
Schmidt, Hendrik
Correlation between lumbar spinal performance and clinical outcomes after spine treatment in LBP patients
Arampatzis, Ph.D., Adamantios
Dynamics of posture, shape, and motion of asymptomatic subjects and LBP patients in daily life activities
Pumberger, Matthias
Schmidt, Hendrik
FOR 5177: The Dynamics of the Spine: Mechanics, Morphology and Motion towards a comprehensive Diagnosis of Low Back Pain
Schmidt, Hendrik
Influence of local tissue injuries, repair and degeneration on spinal Morphology, Mechanics and Motion in a large animal model
Checa Esteban, Ph.D., Sara
Reitmaier, Sandra
In vivo mechanical loading and tissue adaptation in vertebrae: Inflammation, pain and opioid effects
Celik, Ph.D., Melih Özgür
Duda, Georg
Musculoskeletal simulations towards a subject-specific spino-pelvic load transfer prediction
Schmidt, Hendrik
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Duda, Georg
FOR 2165: Regeneration in Aged Individuals: Using Bone Healing as a Model System to Characterise Regeneration under Compromised Conditions
Duda, Georg
Mechano-dependency of early bone healing, angiogenesis, and their interplay across ages
Duda, Georg
Gerhardt, Holger
Nutrition, aging and marrow adipose tissue in bone maintenance and regeneration
Schmidt-Bleek, Katharina
Schulz, Tim J.
Physical activity and psychosocial characteristics of asymptomatic subjects and low back pain patients in real life
Fleig, Lena
Understand and reshape the impact of “aged” adaptive immunity and type 2 diabetes/obesity on fracture healing
Schmidt-Bleek, Katharina
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bone marrow adipose tissue: Harnessing metabolic regulation to shape bone maintenance and regeneration
(Project Heads
Schmidt-Bleek, Katharina
Schulz, Tim J.
Central Administrative Project ‐ Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Duda, Georg
Decoding and harnessing the impact of immune‐experience on the spatio‐temporal cellular interaction networks underlying bone healing
(Project Heads
Haas, Simon
Schmidt-Bleek, Katharina
Volk, Hans-Dieter
From prediction to validation: Mechanical factors of impaired fracture healing in humans
(Project Heads
Trepczynski, Adam
Zachow, Stefan
Impact of the central nervous system on metabolic and immunological responses, particularly focusing on adrenergic signaling and circadian rhythm in bone and fracture following trauma
(Project Heads
Jahn, Denise
Pumberger, Matthias
Tsitsilonis, Ph.D., Serafeim
Mechano‐dependency of early bone healing, angiogenesis, and inflammation
(Project Heads
Duda, Georg
Gerhardt, Holger
SFB 1444: Directed Cellular Self-Organization to Advance Bone Regeneration
Duda, Georg
Spatiotemporal regulation of sprouting angiogenesis through combined mechanical and geometrical cues
(Project Heads
Checa, Sara
Petersen, Ansgar
Understand and shape bone regeneration by cellular metabolic adaptation in immune and stromal cells
(Project Heads
Duda, Georg
Sawitzki, Birgit
Completed projects
Analyses of in vivo data of loads in the human body
(Project Head
Bergmann, Georg
Biology of musculoskeletal regeneration and evaluation of guided tissue formation
(Project Heads
Bail, Hermann Josef
Lienau, Jasmin
Biomechanical characterisation of bone healing and regeneration in small and large animals
(Project Heads
Duda, Georg
Schell, Hanna
Hydrogels with spatial patterning of biophysical and biochemical properties to guide osteogenesis
(Project Heads
Cipitria, Ph.D., Amaia
Duda, Georg
Mechano-biology of bone healing and regeneration
(Project Heads
Duda, Georg
Weinkamer, Richard
Organisation and structural integration
(Project Heads
Duda, Georg
Haas, Norbert P.
SFB 760: Biomechanics and Biology of Musculoskeletal Regeneration - From Functional Assessment to Guided Tissue Formation
Duda, Georg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Efficient Uncertainty Modeling for Additively Manufactured Polymer Scaffolds in Bone Tissue Engineering
Dondl, Patrick
Neukamm, Stefan
Identification of Stresses in Heterogeneous Contact Models
Duda, Georg
Weiser, Martin
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Completed projects
Vom lebenden Material lernen, technische Materialien für die Geweberegeneration und für medizinische Implantate entwickeln (Nachwuchsakademie Medizintechnik 2010)
Duda, Georg
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 203: Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)
Duda, Georg