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Sex-specific differences in immunity and infection: an integrative approach

Subject Area Immunology
Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 429191104
A growing amount of evidence suggests that common as well as specialised biological pathways regulating immune cell function are involved in sex-specific differences in immunity to self (autoimmune diseases and malignancies) or to foreign (pathogens, vaccines). In this project we aim to elucidate common and distinct X- and sex-hormone-linked changes in the immune system across disease, organs, and immune cell types using state-of-the-art data integration and computational analysis approaches. Current research into sex-differences is usually restricted to specific organs, diseases, or pathways. In the first funding period we have established a semantic integration platform that allows for interactive querying, visualisation, and analysis of sex-specific immune differences across organs, cell types, diseases, and organisms. In objective 1 of this proposal we will maintain and extend this data integration platform to make novel insights into pathophysiology easily accessible to RU and external researchers. A fundamental assumption of objective 2 is that the integrative analysis of sex differences across our trans men and women cohorts will yield fundamental insights into common and distinct central sex-specific regulatory mechanisms of the immune system, providing insights into actionable molecules, pathways, and cell types. In objective 3 we will support the consortium with computational data analysis and statistical expertise, while objective 4 is centred on the development and extension of novel algorithms for drug repurposing and escape from X inactivation analysis. In summary, this project will use computational data analysis and algorithmic developments to deepen our understanding of sex-specific changes of the immune system to self and foreign perturbation.
DFG Programme Research Units

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