Project Details
TRR 326: Geometry and Arithmetic of Uniformized Structures (GAUS)
Subject Area
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 444845124
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Current projects
- A01 - Teichmüller geometry of the moduli space (Project Head Möller, Martin )
- A02 - Non-archimedean and tropical geometry of moduli spaces (Project Heads Möller, Martin ; Ulirsch, Ph.D., Martin ; Werner, Annette )
- A03 - Non-archimedean skeletons and Newton–Okounkov bodies (Project Heads Küronya, Alex ; Ulirsch, Ph.D., Martin )
- A04 - Green currents on Shimura varieties (Project Head Bruinier, Jan Hendrik )
- A05 - Expansion and rationality of theta integrals (Project Head Li, Ph.D., Yingkun )
- A06 - Automorphic forms and vertex operator algebras (Project Head Scheithauer, Nils R. )
- A07 - Cusp forms on Drinfeld period domains (Project Head Böckle, Gebhard )
- A08 - Geodesic cycles and modular forms (Project Heads Bruinier, Jan Hendrik ; Möller, Martin )
- A09 - Effective global generation for uniformized varieties (Project Heads Küronya, Alex ; Stix, Jakob )
- B01 - Higher dimensional anabelian geometry (Project Heads Schmidt, Alexander ; Stix, Jakob )
- B02 - Galois representations in anabelian geometry (Project Head Stix, Jakob )
- B03 - Motivic local systems of Calabi–Yau-type (Project Head van Straten, Duco )
- B04 - Images of Galois representations and deformations (Project Head Böckle, Gebhard )
- B05 - Iwasawa cohomology of Galois representations (Project Head Venjakob, Otmar )
- B06 - L-packets of p-adic automorphic forms (Project Head Ludwig, Judith )
- B07 - Motives and the Langlands programme (Project Head Richarz, Timo )
- C01 - Tame cohomology of schemes and adic spaces (Project Heads Hübner, Katharina ; Schmidt, Alexander )
- C02 - Duality with Frobenius and Fp-étale ccohomology (Project Heads Blickle, Ph.D., Manuel ; Böckle, Gebhard )
- C03 - Derived and prismatic F-Zips (Project Heads Blickle, Ph.D., Manuel ; Wedhorn, Torsten )
- C04 - Motives for shtukas and Shimura varieties (Project Heads Richarz, Timo ; Viehmann, Eva ; Wedhorn, Torsten )
- C05 - Strata and tautological classes for compactifications of Shimura varieties (Project Head Wedhorn, Torsten )
- C06 - P-adic degeneration of vector bundles (Project Head Werner, Annette )
- MGK - Integrated Research Training Group (Project Head Wedhorn, Torsten )
- Z - Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre (Project Head Stix, Jakob )
Applicant Institution
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Co-Applicant Institution
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; Technische Universität Darmstadt
Professor Dr. Jakob Stix