Professorin Dr. Corinna Kleinert
Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe e.V. (LIfBi)
Wilhelmsplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
As Applicant
Current projects
Feasibility, acceptance, and data quality of new multimodal surveys (FACES)
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
ENTAILab - Research Infrastructure and Innovation Lab
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-)Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Life-Course Dynamics of Educational Tracking
(Research Grants)
Finding compromises and its consequences - path dependencies between occupational choice, educational decisions, and training pathways
(Research Grants)
Effects of the Corona pandemic on job-related learning in adult life
(Research Grants)
As Cooperation Partner
Completed projects
Stability and Change in Adult Competencies: Patterns and Predictors of Literacy and Numeracy Development
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Koordinationsprojekt zum Infrastruktur Schwerpunktprogramm "New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences (SPP 2431)
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)